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Англо-русский биологический словарь - light


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Перевод с английского языка light на русский


1) свет; освещение; освещать; светлый

2) лёгкий

light of equal color temperatureactinic lightartificial lightcontinuous lightday lightdiffused lightdirect lightfar-red lightflash lightflashing lightincident lightinfrared lightintermittent lightmonochromatic lightnatural lightnonactinic lightplane-polarized lightpolarized lightreflected lightrefracted lightsaturated lightscattered lightshort-wave lightstray lighttransmitted lightultraviolet lightvisible light

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  I  1. noun  1) свет; освещение; дневной свет; to see the light -  а) увидеть свет, родиться;  б) выйти из печати;  в) обратиться (в какую-л. веру и т.п.);  г) понять; убедиться; to stand in smb. s light - заслонять свет; fig. мешать, стоять на дороге; to stand in ones own light - вредить самому себе  2) огонь; зажженная свеча, лампа, фонарь, фара, маяк и т.п. to strike a light - зажечь спичку; will you give me a light? - позвольте прикурить  3) просвет, окно  4) светило; знаменитость  5) pl.; coll. глаза, гляделки  6) pl. светофор; to stop for the lights - останавливаться у светофора; to cross (to drive) against the lights - переходить (проезжать) при красном сигнале; - green light - give the green light  7) usu. pl. сведения, информация; we need more light on the subject - нам нужны дополнительные сведения по этому вопросу  8) разъяснение; - bring to light - come to light - throw light upon - shed light upon  9) аспект; интерпретация; постановка вопроса; in the light of these facts - в свете этих данных; I cannot see it in that light - я не могу это рассматривать таким образом; to put smth. in a favourable light - представить что-л. в выгодном свете; to throw a new light upon smth. - представить что-л. в ином свете  10) pl. (умственные) способности; according to ones lights - в меру своих сил, возможностей  11) attr. световой; - light therapy by the light of nature - интуитивно  2. adj. светлый;...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. свет the light of the sun —- свет солнца northern (polars) lights —- северное сияние light bath —- мед. световая ванна light therapy —- мед. светолечение light gun (pen) —- комп. световое перо to stand in smb.'s light —- заслонять кому-л. свет 2. освещенность, видимость light line —- воен. граница затемненного района in a good light —- хорошо видный, хорошо освещенный; при хорошем освещении to read in poor light —- читать при плохом свете (при слабом освещении) there is enough light for reading —- для чтения здесь достаточно светло hang the picture in a good light —- повесьте картину так, чтобы она была хорошо освещена (видна) 3. (обыкн. the light) дневной свет, день, дневное время to rise with the light —- вставать с рассветом as soon as there was light —- как только рассвело the light began to fail —- надвигались сумерки before the light fails —- до того, как стемнеет, засветло 4. pl. иск. светлые части картины (также high lights) 5. источник света; огонь, лампа и т. п. to put out the light —- погасить свет lights were burning in every room —- во всех комнатах горел огонь lights out! —- отбой! (команда) 6. воен. прожектор 7. pl. светофор to stop for the lights —- останавливаться у светофора to cross against the lights —- переходить при красном сигнале 8. маяк floating light —- плавучий маяк 9. pl. театр. профес. рампа, огни рампы before the lights —- у рампы, на...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) свет; освещение; освещать; светлый 2) лёгкий – light of equal color temperature – actinic light – artificial light – continuous light – day light – diffused light – direct light – far-red light – flash light – incident light – infrared light – intermittent light – monochromatic light – natural light – nonactinic light – plane-polarized light – polarized light – reflected light – refracted light – saturated light – scattered light – short-wave light – stray light – transmitted light – ultraviolet light – visible light ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  световое излучение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) засвечивать 2) источник света 3) лампа 4) легкий 5) легковесный 6) маловязкий 7) огонь 8) освещать 9) освещение 10) поджигать 11) разъяснение 12) сведения 13) свет 14) светлоокрашенный 15) светлый 16) световой 17) свечение 18) слабый 19) текучий airway obstruction light — аэро огонь заградительный линейный anomalous light dispersion — аномальная дисперсия света approach threshold light — входной огонь ВПП artificial light source — источник света искусственный corpuscular nature of light — корпускулярная природа света corpuscular theory of light — корпускулярная теория света diffuse reflection of light — диффузное отражение света door light switch — дверной выключатель освещения dual nature of light — двойственная природа света electric light fishing — лов на электросвет examine in reflected light — рассматривать в отраженном свете examine in transmitted light — рассматривать в проходящем свете flashing light unit — ж.-д. головка проблесковая formation keeping light — кильватерный огонь frequency light modulator — частотный модулятор света gas-discharge light source — источник света газоразрядный interference of light waves — интерференция света landing direction light — аэро огонь посадочный аэродромный laser pumping light — свет накачки лазера light beam deflector — дефлектор световых пучков light blast furnace — разжигать домну light intensity curve —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) свет 2) (видимое) излучение, освещение 3) облегченный, минимальный 4) редкий – absorbed light – ambient light – automatic light – character light light – chopped light – code light – color-coded status-messages light – display light – indicator light – indicator green light – indicator red light – indicator yellow light – infrared light – navigation lights – power light – range lights – visible light – writing light ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  свет светильник, фонарь световой проём фрамуга, застеклённая створка (окна); форточка; окно; листовое стекло alarm light approach light area light barrel light barricade light borrow light ceiling light dome light emergency light fixed light garden light high-mast light hopper light indicating light lantern light natural light north light obstruction light opening light pilot light roof light runway center line lights runway edge lights runway end identifier lights street light taxiway center line lights taxiway edge lights transom light venetian light warning light ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) свет, видимое излучение; световое излучение 2) источник света светить 3) лампа 4) фонарь 5) фара 6) осветитель; светильник 7) освещение; подсветка освещать 8) огонь 9) световой проём; окно 10) стекло (в оконном переплёте) 11) маяк 12) мн. ч. светофор - achromatic light - actinic light - aeronautical ground light - after light - aircraft light - alarm light - alternating light - ambient light - anchor light - anode light - antidazzle light - antiskid failure light - approach light - arc light - artificial light - autopilot controller light - back light - background light - battery charging light - beacon lights - black light - blinker light - boom light - booster light - borrowed light - boundary lights - bow light - brake fluid warning light - cabin emergency light - camera light - cathode light - circularly polarized light - clear light - coherent light - cold light - collimated light - color light - color position light - concentrated sun light - continuous light - courtesy light - danger light - dark light - daylight running lights - dead light - dial light - direct light - diverging route light - dome light - door light - drop light - edge light - electric light - electronic monitoring system light - elliptically polarized light - emergency exit light - error light - fender light - fixed light - fixed distance lights - flambeau light - flare light - flashing light - flood light - floor light - fluorescent light - fluorescent ceiling light - fog light - gate-arm light - harbor light - head light - hopper light - horizon lights - identification lights - ignition warning light - impinging light - incoherent light - indicating light - indicator light - indicator red light - indirect light - individual reading light - infrared light - instrument light - instrument panel light - invisible light - key light - landing light - lantern light - leaded light - leading...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n., v., & adj. --n. 1 the natural agent (electromagnetic radiation of wavelength between about 390 and 740 mm) that stimulates sight and makes things visible. 2 the medium or condition of the space in which this is present. 3 an appearance of brightness (saw a distant light). 4 a a source of light, e.g. the sun, or a lamp, fire, etc. b (in pl.) illuminations. 5 (often in pl.) a traffic-light (went through a red light; stop at the lights). 6 a the amount or quality of illumination in a place (bad light stopped play). b one's fair or usual share of this (you are standing in my light). 7 a a flame or spark serving to ignite (struck a light). b a device producing this (have you got a light?). 8 the aspect in which a thing is regarded or considered (appeared in a new light). 9 a mental illumination; elucidation, enlightenment. b hope, happiness; a happy outcome. c spiritual illumination by divine truth. 10 vivacity, enthusiasm, or inspiration visible in a person's face, esp. in the eyes. 11 (in pl.) a person's mental powers or ability (according to one's lights). 12 an eminent person (a leading light). 13 a the bright part of a thing; a highlight. b the bright parts of a picture etc. esp. suggesting illumination (light and shade). 14 a a window or opening in a wall to let light in. b the perpendicular division of a mullioned window. c a pane of glass esp. in the side or roof of a greenhouse. 15 (in a crossword etc.) each of the items filling a space and to be deduced from the clues. 16 Law the light falling on windows, the obstruction of which by a neighbour is illegal. --v. (past lit; past part. lit or (attrib.) lighted) 1 tr. & intr. set burning or begin to burn; ignite. 2 tr. provide with light or lighting. 3 tr. show (a person) the way or surroundings with a light. 4 intr. (usu. foll. by up) (of the face or eyes) brighten with animation. --adj. 1 well provided with light; not dark. 2 (of a colour) pale (light blue; a light-blue ribbon). Phrases and idioms bring (or come) to light reveal or be revealed. festival of lights 1 =...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English leoht; akin to Old High German lioht ~, Latin luc-, lux ~, lucere to shine, Greek leukos white  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. something that makes vision possible  b. the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual receptors  c. electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength and traveling in a vacuum with a speed of about 186,281 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second; specifically such radiation that is visible to the human eye  2.  a. day~  b. dawn  3. a source of ~: as  a. a celestial body  b. candle  c. an electric ~  4. archaic sight 4a  5.  a. spiritual illumination  b. inner ~  c. en~enment  d. truth  6.  a. public knowledge facts brought to ~  b. a particular aspect or appearance presented to view saw the matter in a different ~  7. a particular illumination  8. something that en~ens or informs shed some ~ on the problem  9. a medium (as a window) through which ~ is admitted  10. plural a set of principles, standards, or opinions worship according to one's ~s — Adrienne Koch  11. a noteworthy person in a particular place or field a leading ~ among current writers  12. a particular expression of the eye  13.  a. ~house, beacon  b. traffic ~  14. the representation of ~ in art  15. a flame for ~ing something (as a cigarette)  II. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1. having ~ ; bright a ~ airy room  2.  a. not dark, intense, or swarthy in color or coloring ; pale  b. of colors medium in saturation and high in ~ness ~ blue  3. of coffee served with extra milk or cream  III. verb  (lit or ~ed; ~ing)  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to become ~ ; brighten — usually used with up her face lit up  2. to take fire  3. to ignite something (as a cigarette) — often used with up  transitive verb  1. to set fire to  2.  a. to conduct with a ~ ; guide  b. illuminate rockets ~ up the sky  c. animate, brighten a smile lit up her face  IV. adjective  Etymology:...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]BRIGHTNESS OR ILLUMINATION (lights, lighting, lit, lighted, lighter, lightest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The form 'lit' is the usual past tense and past participle, but the form 'lighted' is also used. Please look at category 17 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. Light is the brightness that lets you see things. Light comes from sources such as the sun, moon, lamps, and fire. Cracks of light filtered through the shutters... It was difficult to see in the dim light. ...ultraviolet light. ? darkness N-UNCOUNT: also the N 2. A light is something such as an electric lamp which produces light. The janitor comes round to turn the lights out... ...street lights. N-COUNT 3. You can use lights to refer to a set of traffic lights. ...the heavy city traffic with its endless delays at lights and crossings. N-PLURAL 4. If a place or object is lit by something, it has light shining on it. It was dark and a giant moon lit the road so brightly you could see the landscape clearly... The room was lit by only the one light... The low sun lit the fortress walls with yellow light. VERB: V n, V n, V n with n 5. If it is light, the sun is providing light at the beginning or end of the day. It was still light when we arrived at Lalong Creek... ...light summer evenings. ? dark ADJ 6. If a room or building is light, it has a lot of natural light in it, for example because it has large windows. It is a light room with tall windows... = bright ? dark ADJ • lightness The dark green spare bedroom is in total contrast to the lightness of the large main bedroom. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 7. If you light something such as a cigarette or fire, or if it lights, it starts burning. Stephen hunched down to light a cigarette... If the charcoal does fail to light, use a special liquid spray and light it with a long taper. ...a lighted candle. VERB: V n, V, V-ed 8. If someone asks...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »NATURAL/ARTIFICIAL LIGHT« a) the energy from the sun, a flame, a lamp etc that allows you to see things  (the morning light streaming in through the windows | We could see a tiny glimmer of light in the distance. | good/strong/bright light)  (The light isn't good enough to take a photograph. | poor/dim/fading light)  (In the fading light she could just make out the shape of a tractor. | by/in the light of (=using the light produced by something))  (She was trying to read by the light of a flickering candle. | in/into the light (=out of the shadows where there is light))  (Come into the light where I can see you. | soft/warm light)  (The valley was bathed in the soft light of dawn. | cold/harsh light)  (The cold blue light of the Arctic. | blinding/dazzling light (=extremely bright light))  (a sudden flash of blinding light. | a beam/ray of light (=a thin line of light))  (the beam of light from her flashlight) b) a particular type of light, with its own particular colour, level of brightness etc  (Monet painted a series of river views in different lights.)  (- see also Northern Lights, a trick of the light trick1 (10)) 2 the light the light produced by the sun during the day  (We worked for as long as the light lasted.) 3 first light literary the first light that appears in the morning sky; dawn1 (1)  (at first light)  (The search continued at first light next morning.) 4 »LAMP/ELECTRIC LIGHT ETC« a) an electric light  (the neon lights of the city | lights from the hotel shining on the wet sidewalk | turn/switch/put on the light)  (Please turn the light on. | turn/switch/put off the light also turn etc the light out)  (Alan switched the overhead light off. | the light is/comes/goes/on)  (The street lights are coming on now. | the light goes off/out)  (Suddenly all the lights in the house went out. | turn the lights down/dim the lights (=make lights less bright))  (Sarah turned the lights down low to add a touch of romance. | the house lights (=the lights in a cinema, theatre etc))  (- see also the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Living Intervention And Guidance For Healthier Teens religion abbr. Letting In Gods Holy Truth religion abbr. Living In Good Health Together ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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