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Англо-русский биологический словарь - life


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  support noun  1) жизнеобеспечение  2) реанимационная деятельность, поддержание жизнедеятельности (часто искусственное) LIFE sentence пожизненное заключение LIFE sciences noun; pl. науки о жизни (биология, медицина, антропология, социология и т.п.) LIFE noun; pl. lives  1) жизнь; существование; my life for it! - клянусь жизнью!, даю голову на отсечение; - enter upon life - for life - appointment for life - come to life - bring to life - take smb. s life  2) образ жизни; to lead a quiet life - вести спокойную жизнь; - stirring life - life of movement  3) натура; натуральная величина (тж. life size); to portray to the life - точно передавать сходство  4) энергия, живость, оживление; to sing with life - петь с воодушевлением; to put life into ones work - работать с душой  5) биография, жизнеописание  6) общество; общественная жизнь; - high life - see smth. of life  7) срок службы/работы (машины, учреждения); долговечность  8) attr. пожизненный; длящийся всю жизнь; - life imprisonment - life sentence my dear life - моя дорогая; мой дорогой such is life - такова жизнь, ничего не поделаешь while there is life there is hope prov. - пока человек жив, он надеется upon my life! - честное слово! for the life of me I cant do it - хоть убей, не могу этого сделать life and death struggle - борьба не на жизнь, a на смерть to run for dear life - бежать изо всех сил he was life and soul of the party - он был душой...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. жизнь, существование the origin of life —- происхождение жизни the struggle for life —- борьба за существование this life, natural life —- рел. земное бытие (существование) the other (eternal, future) life —- рел. загробная (вечная, будущая) жизнь for one's life —- для спасения (своей) жизни to seek smb.'s life —- покушаться на чью-л. жизнь to take smb.'s life —- убить кого-л. to take one's own life —- покончить с собой to pawn one's life —- ручаться жизнью (головой) to run for dear (for very) life, to flee (to run) for one's life —- бежать изо всех сил; спасаться бегством to fight for dear life —- драться (сражаться) не на живот, а на смерть 2. жизнедеятельность the noise of life —- шум жизни; звуки деятельности человека stirrings of life —- признаки жизни to come to life —- начать жизнь, появиться на свет; оживать, приходить в себя (после обморока и т. п.) a writer whose characters come to life —- писатель, создающий живые образы to bring to life —- вызывать к жизни; приводить в чувство (после обморока и т. п.) 3. живые существа, жизнь is there any life on Mars? —- есть ли жизнь (есть ли живые существа) на Марсе? 4. живое существо, человек a life for a life —- жизнь за жизнь three lives were saved by his brave act —- своим храбрым поступком он спас три жизни (спас троих) how many lives were lost? —- сколько людей погибло? the battle was won at great sacrifice of life —- битва...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (Life (Magazine)) "Лайф" Иллюстрированный журнал, посвященный различным областям общественной жизни, политики, экономики, науки. Считается образцом американской фотожурналистики. Первоначально, начиная с 1883, выходил как журнал социальной сатиры. В 1936 был приобретен Г. Люсом Luce, Henry Robinson, который превратил его в иллюстрированный. В числе ведущих фотографов журнала были такие знаменитости, как М. Берк-Уайт Bourke-White, Margaret, Р. Капа Capa, Robert, А. Эйзенштадт Eisenstaedt, Alfred и Ю. Смит Smith, W. Eugene. Журнал достиг рекордных тиражей в 60-е гг., затем постепенно стал терять популярность и прекратил издаваться в 1972, когда рекламодатели стали предпочитать телевидение. Успех отдельных специальных выпусков special issue, collector's issue позволил возобновить издание в 1978. Издается в г. Нью-Йорке корпорацией "Тайм мэгэзин" The Time, Inc. Magazine Co.. В 1994 тираж составлял свыше 1,6 млн. экземпляров. В 90-е годы также был некоторое время закрыт, сейчас выходят специальные выпуски. Редакция размещается в здании "Тайм энд Лайф" Time and Life Building Рокфеллеровского центра Rockefeller Center. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  жизнь – antenatal life – average life – extrauterine life – shelf life ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) продолжительность жизни 2) срок деятельности действия – life of a patent LIFE сущ. мн. lives 1) общ. жизнь, существование to restore smb. to life — возродить, вернуть кого-л. к жизни to give lay down, sacrifice one's life — отдать свою жизнь, пожертвовать жизнью See: "life insurance, "corporate owned life insurance 2) а) общ. жизнь, живые существа Is there any life on Mars? — Есть ли жизнь на Марсе? б) общ. живое существо How many lives were lost? — Сколько людей погибло? в) общ. мир живых организмов wild life — живая природа marine life — фауна и флора океана 3) а) общ. срок жизни at his time of life — в его возрасте for life — на всю жизнь, до конца жизни, до смерти; пожизненно to be elected appointed for life — быть избранным назначенным пожизненно See: "lifetime employment б) общ. срок службы работы (напр., оборудования) the useful life of a car of a building — срок полезного использования автомобиля здания See: economic life, "physical life, useful life в) эк. срок действия (договора и т. п.) life of an agreement a contract — срок действия соглашения договора, контракта г) фин. срок обращения ценной бумаги (общий или оставшийся до погашения) The coupon rate is the interest rate paid to investors during the life of the bond. — Купонная ставка — это ставка процента, выплачиваемая инвестору в течение срока обращения облигации. See: original maturity, current maturity 4) общ....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) быт 2) время 3) долговечность 4) жизнь 5) срок службы 6) существование average duration of life — средняя продолжительность жизни inflatable life raft — надувной спасательный плот inflatable life vest — надувная спасательная куртка life time modulation — модуляция времени жизни носителей rigid life raft — жесткий спасательный плот - expectation of life - guaranteed life - life assurance - life curve - life expectancy - life jacket - life line - life lines - life raft - life rocket - life table - life test - life time - operation life - overhaul life - rated life - service life - shelf life - tire life LIFE ASSURANCE страхование жизни ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  долговечность; срок службы; наработка; ресурс life of reservoir life of the structure application life battery life design life expected life fatigue life filter life operational life pot life service life shelf life working life ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) живые организмы, флора и фауна (данной среды или территории) 2) срок службы; долговечность; ресурс 3) стойкость; ресурс стойкости (инструмента) 4) кампания; продолжительность кампании (печи, реактора) 5) наработка (на отказ); усталостная долговечность 6) эл. количество циклов (переключения) 7) время жизни (носителей заряда, частицы) life between overhauls — наработка между капитальными ремонтами life of roof — стойкость свода (печи) life of structure — эксплуатационный срок службы сооружения - accuracy life - active life - aircraft safe life - aquatic life - average life - balanced life - battery cycle life - campaign life - car life - cold storage life - commercial life - corrosion fatigue life - creep life - creep-rupture life - cycle life - cylinder life - design life - designed useful life - designed life - electrode life - endurance life - extrapolated mean life - fatigue life - finite life - flex life - full-load life - furnace life - good tool life - guaranteed tire life - infinite life - in-orbit life - interrepair life - in-use life - joint life - ladle life - lining life - low-cycle fatigue life - mean life - mechanical life - mine life - mold life - no-failure life - nonskid life - observed mean life - operating life - orbital life - orbit life - original life - overhaul life - past life - pick life - plate life - pot life - potential service life - predicted mean life - process life - producing life of well - projected service life - rated life - refractory life - refrigerated storage life - regenerator life - reliable life - remaining tool life - robot life - roll life - rolling bearing fatigue life - rupture life - scheduling service life - service life - sewage life - shelf...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. lives) 1 the condition which distinguishes active animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. 2 a living things and their activity (insect life; is there life on Mars?). b human presence or activity (no sign of life). 3 a the period during which life lasts, or the period from birth to the present time or from the present time to death (have done it all my life; will regret it all my life; life membership). b the duration of a thing's existence or of its ability to function; validity, efficacy, etc. (the battery has a life of two years). 4 a a person's state of existence as a living individual (sacrificed their lives; took many lives). b a living person (many lives were lost). 5 a an individual's occupation, actions, or fortunes; the manner of one's existence (that would make life easy; start a new life). b a particular aspect of this (love-life; private life). 6 the active part of existence; the business and pleasures of the world (travel is the best way to see life). 7 man's earthly or supposed future existence. 8 a energy, liveliness, animation (full of life; put some life into it!). b an animating influence (was the life of the party). 9 the living, esp. nude, form or model (taken from the life). 10 a written account of a person's life; a biography. 11 colloq. a sentence of imprisonment for life (they were all serving life). 12 a chance; a fresh start (cats have nine lives; gave the player three lives). Phrases and idioms come to life 1 emerge from unconsciousness or inactivity; begin operating. 2 (of an inanimate object) assume an imaginary animation. for dear (or one's) life as if or in order to escape death; as a matter of extreme urgency (hanging on for dear life; run for your life). for life for the rest of one's life. for the life of (foll. by pers. pron.) even if (one's) life depended on it (cannot for the life of me remember). give one's life 1 (foll. by for) die; sacrifice oneself. 2 (foll. by to) dedicate oneself. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural lives)  Etymology: Middle English lif, from Old English lif; akin to Old English libban to live — more at live  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body  b. a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings  c. an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction  2.  a. the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual  b. one or more aspects of the process of living sex ~ of the frog  3. biography 1  4. spiritual existence transcending physical death  5.  a. the period from birth to death  b. a specific phase of earthly existence adult ~  c. the period from an event until death a judge appointed for ~  d. a sentence of imprisonment for the remainder of a convict's ~  6. a way or manner of living  7. livelihood  8. a vital or living being; specifically person many lives were lost in the disaster  9. an animating and shaping force or principle  10. spirit, animation saw no ~ in her dancing  11. the form or pattern of something existing in reality painted from ~  12. the period of duration, usefulness, or popularity of something the expected ~ of the batteries  13. the period of existence (as of a subatomic particle) — compare half-~  14. a property (as resilience or elasticity) of an inanimate substance or object resembling the animate quality of a living being  15. living beings (as of a particular kind or environment) forest ~  16.  a. human activities  b. animate activity and movement stirrings of ~  c. the activities of a given sphere, area, or time the political ~ of the country  17. one providing interest and vigor ~ of the party  18. an opportunity for continued viability gave the patient a new ~  19. capitalized, Christian Science god 1b  20. something resembling animate ~ a grant saved the project's ~  II. adjective...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (lives) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Life is the quality which people, animals, and plants have when they are not dead, and which objects and substances do not have. ...a baby’s first minutes of life... Amnesty International opposes the death penalty as a violation of the right to life. ...the earth’s supply of life-giving oxygen. N-UNCOUNT 2. You can use life to refer to things or groups of things which are alive. Is there life on Mars?... The book includes some useful facts about animal and plant life. N-UNCOUNT: with supp 3. If you refer to someone’s life, you mean their state of being alive, especially when there is a risk or danger of them dying. Your life is in danger... A nurse began to try to save his life... The intense fighting is reported to have claimed many lives. N-COUNT: usu poss N 4. Someone’s life is the period of time during which they are alive. He spent the last fourteen years of his life in retirement... For the first time in his life he regretted that he had no faith. N-COUNT: poss N 5. You can use life to refer to a period of someone’s life when they are in a particular situation or job. Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up to date with the latest trends... That was the beginning of my life in the television business. N-COUNT: with supp, usu poss N 6. You can use life to refer to particular activities which people regularly do during their lives. My personal life has had to take second place to my career... Most diabetics have a normal sex life. N-COUNT: supp N 7. You can use life to refer to the events and experiences that happen to people while they are alive. Life won’t be dull!... It’s the people with insecurities who make life difficult. N-UNCOUNT 8. If you know a lot about life, you have gained many varied experiences, for example by travelling a lot and meeting different kinds of people. I was 19 and too young to know much about life... I needed some time...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural lives »PERIOD OF LIVING« 1 the period between a person's birth and death during which they are alive  (Learning goes on throughout life. | You have your whole life ahead of you. | in your life)  (I'd never seen the woman before in my life. | spend your life)  (She spent her life moving from one town to another. | all your life (=for the whole of your life))  (I've lived in Mayo all my life. | early life (=the part of your life when you were young))  (We don't know much about the poet's early life. | in later life (=in the later part of your life))  (My grandfather was troubled with illness in later life. | late in life (=when you are older than the usual age))  (She had her children late in life. | for life (=not changing for the rest of your life))  (As far as I'm concerned, when you get married it's for life. | working life (=the part of your life when you are working))  (Norman had started his working life in the shipyards.) »HUMAN EXPERIENCES« 2 »A PERSON's EXPERIENCES« C usually singular the kind of experience that someone has during their life  (a life spent at sea | lead a happy/exciting/normal etc life)  (Maria led a full and happy life. | a hard life (=a life full of difficulty and trouble) | live a life of crime/sacrifice etc)  (Marc dreamed of getting rich and living a life of luxury.)  (- see also life story) 3 »TYPICAL EXPERIENCES« all the experiences and activities that are typical of a particular way of living  (army/city/country etc life)  (Isobel was bored with country life and longed for London. | the life of a soldier/film star etc)  (According to his book, the life of a rock star is not a happy one. | married life)  (after 25 years of married life) 4 private/social/sex etc life activities in your life that are private, done with friends, concerned with sex etc  (She enjoys a very active social life.) 5 »ALL HUMAN EXPERIENCE« all human existence considered as a variety of activities and experiences  (My Aunt Julia had very little experience of life. | life's rich pattern...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Learning Immune Function Enhancement U.S. gov. abbr. Liberty And Independence For Everyone mil. abbr. Liberty Independence Freedom And Equality funny abbr. Lasting Impressions For Everyone adult abbr. Loser Idiot Fuckup Equality educ. abbr. Leaders In Fitness Education educ. abbr. Literacy Intervention For Excellence educ. abbr. Learning In Family Environments educ. abbr. Literacy Is For Empowerment religion abbr. Love, Involvement, Fellowship, And Evangelism religion abbr. Love, Instruction, Fellowship, And Evangelism music abbr. Living It For Ever gen. bus. abbr. Leading, Influencing, Facilitating, And Enabling NASDAQ abbr. Lifeline Systems, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. life (dat. lif), from P.Gmc. *liba-. The Gmc. root has a sense of "body" that is preserved in lifeguard (1648). Much of the modern range of meaning was present in O.E. Lifestyle is from 1929, originally a specific term used by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler; broader sense is from 1961. Life of Riley is from 1919, perhaps from 1880s song about a man named O'Reilly and how he got rich and lived at ease. Lifer "prisoner serving a life sentence" is slang from 1830. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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