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Англо-русский биологический словарь - lay


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Перевод с английского языка lay на русский


1) откладывать (яйца)

2) метать (икру)

3) ставить (ловушку); устраивать (засаду)

to be in lay — нестись (о птице)

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См. в других словарях

  special emphasis придавать особое значение, особенно подчеркивать что-л. LAY waste опустошать LAY (laid)  1) класть, положить  2) возлагать  3) накрывать, стелить  4) past от lie LAY a bet on держать пари на что-л. LAY a fire разложить костер; развести огонь (в очаге, печи и т.п.) LAY a wager держать пари LAY an ambush устраивать засаду LAY bare раскрыть, обнаружить; разоблачить LAY by the heels арестовать, посадить в тюрьму LAY claim to предъявлять права на (что-л.) LAY down arms сложить оружие LAY figure  1) манекен (художника)  2) неправдоподобный персонаж; нереальный образ  3) ничтожество; человек, лишенный индивидуальности/значения LAY low  а) повалить, опрокинуть;  б) унизить;  в) похоронить LAY on the shelf сдавать в архив; класть под сукно LAY wait подстеречь кого-л.; устроить кому-л. засаду (for) LAY to heart серьезно отнестись (к совету, упреку) LAY to rest хоронить LAY under contribution налагать контрибуцию ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. положение, расположение (чего-л.) the lay of the land —- очертания и расположение страны; характер или рельеф местности 2. мор. спуск троса 3. сл. род занятий, профессия, работа to start a new lay —- вступить на новое поприще 4. план, намерение what's your lay tonight? —- какие у вас планы на сегодняшний вечер?; чем ты сегодня вечером собираешься заняться? 5. груб. любовница; любовник he is a good lay —- он хорош в постели 6. груб. совоокупление 7. мор. профес. доля в предприятии (особенно в китобойном промысле) 8. с-х. яйценоскость; яйцекладка to be in (full, good) lay —- хорошо нестись 9. класть, положить to lay on shelf —- положить на полку to lay one's hand on (upon) smb.'s shoulder —- положить руку кому-л. на плечо he laid his head on a pillow —- он положил голову на подушку 10. простореч. ложиться 11. класть определенным образом to lay bricks —- класть кирпичи to lay the foundation —- заложить фундамент; положить начало to lay linoleum —- настилать линолеум 12. устанавливать, разрабатывать to lay plans —- строить планы 13. прокладывать, закладывать to lay a submarine cable —- прокладывать подводный кабель to lay a minefield —- устанавливать минное поле, минировать 14. повалить, свалить to lay smb. low —- сбить кого-л. с ног to lay an opponent low with one punch —- свалить противника одним...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) откладывать (яйца) 2) метать (икру) 3) ставить (ловушку); устраивать (засаду) to be in lay — нестись (о птице) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  гл. 1) класть, положить 2) составлять (план) 3) амер. прекращать работу (предприятия) 4) увольнять рабочих (временно) 5) накладывать (штраф) 6) налагать (бремя) 7) выкладывать, тратить (деньги) • - lay a heavy tax on smth. - lay away - lay claim to smth. - lay down a plan - lay down an aim - lay down arms - lay down the law - lay hands on - lay hold of smth. - lay hold on smth. - lay in - lay off workers - lay out LAY прил. 1) а) общ. мирской, светский lay members of the vestry — члены церковного совета из мирян б) общ. не имеющий монашеского сана lay brother sister — послушник послушница 2) общ. непрофессиональный a lay opinion — мнение непрофессионала a book for the lay public — книга для неподготовленного читателя lay person — непрофессионал, неспециалист LAY – to lay a claim – to lay a claim to priority – to lay down – to lay over – to lay the application open to public inspection ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) возлагать 2) закладывать 3) класть 4) ложиться 5) настелить 6) настилать 7) откладывать 8) повив 9) положить 10) прокладывать 11) тофизонтальный 12) укладывать 13) укрутка groove of lay for reed — выемка для берда lay a cable in water — прокладывать кабель под водой lay brick on edge — класть кирпич на ребро lay brick on end — класть кирпич на торец lay down the rule — формулировать, устанавливать правило lay out a cable — раскатывать кабель lay out the course — прокладывать курс следования - lay a bet - lay along leather - lay asphalt - lay away - lay brick - lay card - lay cards - lay deck - lay down vessel - lay foundation - lay in stock - lay logroad - lay of case - lay of strand - lay off angle - lay off - lay on - lay out - lay pipes - lay ratio - lay road - lay shaft - lay sheet - lay the lines - lay the roof - lay tracks - lay up battery - lay up car - lay up ship - lay up vessel - left-hand lay - path of lay ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  свивка каната монтаж (аэроснимков) составлять, монтировать (аэроснимки) укладка; прокладка (напр. труб) (налагаемый) слой (напр. краски) to lay on plaster Lang lay left-hand lay ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) (рас)положение (по отношению к чему-л.) располагать, размещать 2) класть, укладывать (кирпичи, камни, плитку, рельсы, бетон, асфальт) 3) закладывать (шахту, фундамент) 4) прокладывать (трубопровод, кабель) 5) раскладывать (трубы по трассе трубопровода) 6) слой (штукатурного раствора, краски) наносить (накладывать, покрывать) ровным слоем 7) свивка (каната, кабеля) вить, свивать (канат, кабель) 8) скрутка (провода) скручивать (провод) 9) шаг свивки; угол свивки 10) направление свивки 11) шаг скрутки; 12) повив (кабеля) 13) прокладывать курс 14) мор. спуск троса спускать трос 15) текст. батан 16) швейн. слой материала; настил 17) полигр. раскладка (кассы) 18) полигр. упор накладного стола (печатной машины) to lay in — запасать; закладывать; to lay off — 1. отмерять, замерять (длину) 2. отходить на некоторое расстояние, отворачивать (от пирса или другого судна) 3. прокладывать (откладывать, вычерчивать) на карте (курс) 4. останавливать, прекращать работу (фабрики, завода) 5. временно увольнять (рабочих); to lay out — 1. разбивать; размечать; трассировать; провешивать (напр. поверхность) 2. размещать, раскладывать, компоновать 3. подготавливать схему (меж)соединений lay of strands —...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. (past and past part. laid) 1 tr. place on a surface, esp. horizontally or in the proper or specified place. 2 tr. put or bring into a certain or the required position or state (laid his hand on her arm; lay a carpet). 3 intr. dial. or erron. lie. Usage This use, incorrect in standard English, is probably partly encouraged by confusion with lay as the past of lie, as in the dog lay on the floor which is correct; the dog is laying on the floor is not correct. 4 tr. make by laying (lay the foundations). 5 tr. (often absol.) (of a hen bird) produce (an egg). 6 tr. a cause to subside or lie flat. b deal with to remove (a ghost, fear, etc.). 7 tr. place or present for consideration (a case, proposal, etc.). 8 tr. set down as a basis or starting-point. 9 tr. (usu. foll. by on) attribute or impute (blame etc.). 10 tr. locate (a scene etc.) in a certain place. 11 tr. prepare or make ready (a plan or a trap). 12 tr. prepare (a table) for a meal. 13 tr. place or arrange the material for (a fire). 14 tr. put down as a wager; stake. 15 tr. (foll. by with) coat or strew (a surface). 16 tr. sl. offens. have sexual intercourse with (esp. a woman). --n. 1 the way, position, or direction in which something lies. 2 sl. offens. a partner (esp. female) in sexual intercourse. 3 the direction or amount of twist in rope-strands. Phrases and idioms in lay (of a hen) laying eggs regularly. laid-back colloq. relaxed, unbothered, easygoing. laid paper paper with the surface marked in fine ribs. laid up confined to bed or the house. lay about one 1 hit out on all sides. 2 criticize indiscriminately. lay aside 1 put to one side. 2 cease to practise or consider. 3 save (money etc.) for future needs. lay at the door of see DOOR. lay back cause to slope back from the vertical. lay bare expose, reveal. lay a charge make an accusation. lay claim to claim as one's own. lay down 1 put on the ground. 2 relinquish; give up (an office). 3 formulate (a rule or principle). 4 pay or wager (money). 5 begin to construct (a ship or railway). 6 store...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (laid; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English leyen, from Old English lecgan; akin to Old English licgan to lie — more at lie  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to beat or strike down with force  2.  a. to put or set down ~ your books on the table  b. to place for rest or sleep; especially bury  3. to bring forth and deposit (an egg)  4. calm, al~ ~ the dust  5. bet, wager  6. to press down giving a smooth and even surface  7.  a. to dispose or spread over or on a surface ~ track ~ plaster  b. to set in order or position ~ a table for dinner ~ brick  c. to put (strands) in place and twist to form a rope, hawser, or cable; also to make by so doing ~ up rope  8.  a. to impose as a duty, burden, or punishment ~ a tax  b. to put as a burden of reproach laid the blame on her  c. to advance as an accusation ; impute the disaster was laid to faulty inspection  9. to place (something immaterial) on something ~ stress on grammar  10. prepare, contrive a well-laid plan  11.  a. to bring against or into contact with something ; apply laid the watch to his ear  b. to prepare or position for action or operation ~ a fire in the fireplace; also to adjust (a gun) to the proper direction and elevation  12. to bring to a specified condition ~ waste the land  13.  a. assert, allege ~ claim to an estate  b. to submit for examination and judgment laid her case before the commission  14. often vulgar to copulate with  intransitive verb  1. to produce and deposit eggs  2. nonstandard lie I  3. wager, bet  4. dialect plan, prepare  5.  a. to apply oneself vigorously laid to his oars  b. to proceed to a specified place or position on a ship ~ aloft Usage:  ~ has been used intransitively in the sense of “lie” since the 14th century. The practice was unremarked until around 1770; attempts to correct it have been a fixture of schoolbooks ever since. Generations of teachers and critics have succeeded in taming most literary and learned writing, but...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]VERB AND NOUN USES (lays, laying, laid) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: In standard English, the form 'lay' is also the past tense of the verb 'lie' in some meanings. In informal English, people sometimes use the word 'lay' instead of 'lie' in those meanings. Please look at category 9 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. If you lay something somewhere, you put it there in a careful, gentle, or neat way. Lay a sheet of newspaper on the floor... My father’s working bench was covered with a cloth and his coffin was laid there... Mothers routinely lay babies on their backs to sleep. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n prep/adv, V n prep/adv 2. If you lay the table or lay the places at a table, you arrange the knives, forks, and other things that people need on the table before a meal. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use set) The butler always laid the table. VERB: V n 3. If you lay something such as carpets, cables, or foundations, you put them into their permanent position. A man came to lay the saloon carpet... Public utilities dig up roads to lay pipes. VERB: V n, V n 4. To lay a trap means to prepare it in order to catch someone or something. They were laying a trap for the kidnapper. VERB: V n 5. When a female bird lays an egg, it produces an egg by pushing it out of its body. My canary has laid an egg... Freezing weather in spring hampered the hens’ ability to lay. VERB: V n, V 6. Lay is used with some nouns to talk about making official preparations for something. For example, if you lay the basis for something or lay plans for it, you prepare it carefully. Diplomats meeting in Chile have laid the groundwork for far-reaching environmental regulations... The organisers meet in March to lay plans. VERB: V n, V n 7. Lay is used with some nouns in expressions about accusing or blaming someone. For example, if you lay the blame for a mistake on someone, you say it is their fault, or if the police...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v the past tense of lie1 ~2 v past tense and past participle laid 1 »PUT SB/STH DOWN« T always + adv/prep to put someone or something down carefully into a flat position  (lay sth in/on/under etc)  (Laying my coat carefully on the bed, I crept towards the door. | The bodies were laid under the trees to await burial. | Sharon laid her hand on my arm.) 2 lay bricks/carpet/concrete/cables etc to put or fix bricks, a carpet etc in the correct place, especially on the ground or floor  (The man's coming to lay the carpet on Saturday. | laying an oil pipeline across the desert) 3 »EGGS« if a bird, insect etc lays eggs, it produces them from its body  (The flies lay their eggs on decaying meat.) 4 »RISK MONEY« to risk an amount of money on the result of a race, sports game etc; bet2 (1)  (lay -5/$10 etc on)  (She laid -5 on the favourite, Golden Boy.) 5 lay the blame on to blame someone for something that has happened  (Then both sides start trying to lay the blame on each other!) 6 lay a charge/proposal etc formal to make a statement, suggestion etc in an official or public way  (Your employer has laid a serious charge against you. | Several proposals have been laid before the committee.) 7 lay sth open/bare to remove what covers, hides, or shelters something 8 lay sth waste to destroy or damage everything in a place, especially in a war 9 lay stress/emphasis on to emphasize something because you regard it as very important  (a political philosophy that lays great stress on individual responsibility) 10 lay plans/a trap etc to carefully prepare something, especially something that will harm someone else 11 lay the table to put the cloth, plates, knives, forks etc on a table, ready for a meal 12 »HAVE SEX« slang to have sex with someone  (get laid (=find someone to have sex with)) 13 lay sb/sth flat to hit someone or something and knock them down  (Laid him flat with a single punch!) 14 lay yourself open to blame/criticism/ridicule etc to do something that makes it possible that you will be blamed, criticized etc  (I...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  airport code Ladysmith, South Africa file ext. abbr. Word chart layout (APPLAUSE) ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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