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Англо-русский биологический словарь - land


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Перевод с английского языка land на русский


1) земля

2) угодье

3) местность

4) страна

abandoned landarable landbarren landcut-over landdegraded landsforest landgrazing landheathy landidle landlogged landvirgin land

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  • верхняя грань• делать посадку• скошенная кромка ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
   1. noun  1) земля, суша travel by land - путешествовать по суше - dry land - on land - make the land  2) страна; государство  3) почва - fat land - go on the land - work on the land  4) земельная собственность; pl. поместья  5) tech. узкая фаска  6) mil. поле нареза  7) attr. сухопутный; наземный - land plants - land ice  8) attr. земельный - land rent to see how the land lies - выяснить, как обстоят дела the land of the Rose - Англия (роза - национальная эмблема Англии) the land of the golden fleece - Австралия - see land - land of Nod - land of cakes - land of the thistle  2. v.  1) высаживать(ся) (на берег); приставать к берегу, причаливать  2) вытащить на берег (рыбу)  3) coll. поймать to land a criminal - поймать преступника  4) aeron. приземляться, делать посадку (at; in) The airport was closed because of the snow, so we had to land at the neighbouring one. Pilots in training have to learn to land in a field.  5) прибывать (куда-л.); достигать (какого-л. места) (in; at) We took the wrong turning and landed at a small village in the middle of nowhere. We took the wrong turning and landed in this strange town by mistake.  6) приводить (к чему-л.); ставить в то, или иное положение to land smb. in difficulty/trouble - поставить кого-л. в затруднительное положение to be nicely landed iron. - быть в затруднительном положении  7) попасть, угодить to land a blow on the ear, on the nose, etc. - ударить по уху, по носу и т.п.  8) добиться (чего-л.); выиграть to land a prize - получить приз - land...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. земля, суша on land —- на суше by land —- по суше carriage by land —- сухопутные войска land plants —- наземные растения land form —- форма земной поверхности; топ. род местности land return —- рад. сигнал, отраженный от земной поверхности to travel by land —- путешествовать по суше, ехать поездом, автомобилем; пользоваться наземным транспортом to come in sight of land, to spy land —- увидеть землю the land came in sight —- показалась земля to reach land —- пристать к берегу; выйти на сушу; закончить морское путешествие to come to land —- войти в гавань to make the land —- мор. подходить к берегу; открыть берег 2. страна; территория (one's) native land —- родина, отчизна to visit distant lands —- побывать в дальних странах 3. царство; предел(ы) land of dreams —- царство грез in the land of the living —- на этом свете, в живых land of the dead —- загробные пределы, тот свет 4. почва, земля rich land —- плодородная почва cultivated land —- обрабатываемая земля arable land —- пахотная земля stony land —- каменистая почва good wheat land —- хорошая почва для пшеницы land in crop, cropped land —- земля под культурой land out of crop —- незасеваемая земля land under cultivation —- посевные площади to work the land —- обрабатывать землю to go of the land —- стать фермером или сельскохозяйственным рабочим 5. земельный участок;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) земля 2) угодье 3) местность 4) страна – abandoned land – arable land – barren land – cut-over land – degraded lands – forest land – grazing land – heathy land – idle land – logged land – virgin land ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) земля 2) земельный участок 3) земельная собственность, земельные владения • - Bureau of Land Management - agricultural land - alloted land - allotted land - arable land - arid land - back lands - bad lands - common land - cultivate the land - cultivated land - development of land - exchange of land - fertile land - go on the land - homestead land - land cadastre - land sown to wheat - land use - marginal land - own land - timber land - virgin land - virgin lands - work on the land ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ленточка (напр. сверла) 2) ширина зуба (по задней поверхности) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) высадить 2) высаживать 3) десантировать 4) земель 5) земельный 6) земля 7) материковый 8) наземный 9) почва 10) приземляться 11) сухопутный develop virgin land — осваивать целину land airplane downwind — сажать самолет по ветру land airplane long — сажать самолет с перелетом land surface visibility — видимость в приземном слое - land airdrome - land airplane - land axle - land cadastre - land ice - land leveller - land line - land measure - land smother ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  земля; земельный фонд территория, участок скошенная кромка, фаска land acquired for public purposes bottom land building land cut-over land derelict land drained land flowage land improved land nonresidential land planted land sacrificial land unusable land virgin land waste land white land ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) земля; территория; участок 2) почвогрунт 3) сварка фаска, скошенная кромка, притупление кромки 4) отжимной край, отжимной рант (пресс-формы) 5) режущая кромка (сверла) 6) машиностр. направляющая ленточка; направляющая фаска 7) верхняя грань зуба 8) электрон. контактная площадка 9) совершать посадку, приземляться (о воздушном судне) 10) высаживать(ся) на берег 11) выгружать(ся) на берег - bottom land - commercial forest land - contact land - cut-over land - cylinder land - derelict land - die land - drained land - logged land - noncommercial forest land - overflow land - project land - restocking forest land - spool land - stepped land - stumpy land - terminal land - virgin land ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the solid part of the earth's surface (opp. SEA, WATER, AIR). 2 a an expanse of country; ground; soil. b such land in relation to its use, quality, etc., or (often prec. by the) as a basis for agriculture (building land; this is good land; works on the land). 3 a country, nation, or State (land of hope and glory). 4 a landed property. b (in pl.) estates. 5 the space between the rifling-grooves in a gun. 6 Sc. a building containing several dwellings. 7 S.Afr. ground fenced off for tillage. 8 a strip of plough or pasture land parted from others by drain-furrows. --v. 1 a tr. & intr. set or go ashore. b intr. (often foll. by at) disembark (landed at the harbour). 2 tr. bring (an aircraft, its passengers, etc.) to the ground or the surface of water. 3 intr. (of an aircraft, bird, parachutist, etc.) alight on the ground or water. 4 tr. bring (a fish) to land. 5 tr. & intr. (also refl.; often foll. by up) colloq. bring to, reach, or find oneself in a certain situation, place, or state (landed himself in jail; landed up in France; landed her in trouble; landed up penniless). 6 tr. colloq. a deal (a person etc.) a blow etc. (landed him one in the eye). b (foll. by with) present (a person) with (a problem, job, etc.). 7 tr. set down (a person, cargo, etc.) from a vehicle, ship, etc. 8 tr. colloq. win or obtain (a prize, job, etc.) esp. against strong competition. Phrases and idioms how the land lies what is the state of affairs. in the land of the living joc. still alive. land-agency 1 the stewardship of an estate. 2 an agency for the sale etc. of estates. land-agent 1 the steward of an estate. 2 an agent for the sale of estates. land-bank a bank issuing banknotes on the securities of landed property. land breeze a breeze blowing towards the sea from the land, esp. at night. land-bridge a neck of land joining two large land masses. land-crab a crab, Cardisoma guanhumi, that lives in burrows inland and migrates in large numbers to the sea to breed. land force (or forces) armies, not naval or air forces. land-form a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name Edwin Herbert 1909-1991 American inventor & industrialist LAND  I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German lant ~, Middle Irish lann  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the solid part of the surface of the earth; also a corresponding part of a celestial body (as the moon)  b. ground or soil of a specified situation, nature, or quality dry ~  c. the surface of the earth and all its natural resources  2. a portion of the earth's solid surface distinguishable by boundaries or ownership bought ~ in the country: as  a. country the finest cheese in all the ~  b. a rural area characterized by farming or ranching; also farming or ranching as a way of life wanted to move back to the ~  3. realm, domain in the ~ of dreams — sometimes used in combination TV-~  4. the people of a country the ~ rose in rebellion  5. an area of a partly machined surface (as the inside of a gun barrel) that is left without machining  • ~less adjective  • ~lessness noun  II. verb  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to set or put on shore from a ship ; disembark  2.  a. to set down after conveying  b. to cause to reach or come to rest in a particular place never ~ed a punch  c. to bring to a specified condition his wit ~ed him in trouble  d. to bring (as an airplane) to a ~ing  e. to complete successfully by ~ing the skater ~ed all her jumps  3.  a. to catch and bring in (as a fish)  b. gain, secure ~ a job ~ed the leading role  intransitive verb  1.  a. to go ashore from a ship ; disembark  b. of a ship or boat to touch at a place on shore  2.  a. to come to the end of a course or to a stage in a journey ; arrive took a wrong turn and ~ed on a dead-end street  b. to come to be in a condition or situation ~ed in jail  c. to strike or meet a surface (as after a fall) ~ed on my head  d. to alight on a surface ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »NOT SEA« the solid dry part of the Earth's surface  (After 21 days at sea we sighted land. | by land)  (It's quicker by land than sea. | on land)  (The crocodile lays its eggs on land.) 2 »GROUND« ground, especially when used for farming or building on  (the use and management of land | fertile land | high land prices.) 3 »COUNTRY« especially literary a country  (people of many lands | native land (=the land where you were born))  (She returned at last to her native land.) 4 »NOT CITY« the land the countryside thought of as a place that is quiet and peaceful, or as a place where people grow food  (We want to leave London and get back to the land. | live off the land (=grow or catch all the food you need)) 5 »PROPERTY« also lands plural the area of land that someone owns  (Get off my land! | The Duke's lands lay south of the mountains.) 6 see/find out how the land lies to try to discover what the situation really is before you make a decision 7 in the land of the living spoken humorous awake  (Now you're back in the land of the living you can put the kettle on.) 8 land of milk and honey an imaginary place where life is easy and pleasant 9 the land of nod old-fashioned an expression meaning sleep, used especially when talking to children  (- see also be/live in cloud-cuckoo-land cloud1 (6), dry land, the lie of the land lie3 (3))  ( USAGE NOTE: LAND WORD CHOICE world, earth, land, ground, floor, soil, country When you are talking about the world as a whole, compared with other planets, you often call it the Earth (or the earth) From space, the earth looks like a shining blue ball. But in some phrases the is not usually used Billions of people live on earth (NOT usually on the earth and definitely NOT in the earth). The hard surface of the world, when it is compared with the area covered by sea, is called land , but when you are comparing it with the air you say the ground or, on a larger scale, (the) earth After a week adrift at sea, we spotted land. | The horse fell to the ground. | I won't relax until...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Landscape And Nature Department educ. abbr. Learning And Nurturing Development NASDAQ abbr. Landair Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. land, lond, from P.Gmc. *landan, originally, "definite portion of the earth's surface, home region of a person or a people," but early extended to "solid surface of the earth," which had been the sense of the root of Mod.Eng. earth. Original sense of land in Eng. is now mostly found under country. The verb is from O.E. lendan. Landing for boats is from 1609; of stairs, first attested 1789. Landlocked first attested 1622; landmark is O.E. landmearc; landfall "sighting of land" (1627) is from fall in the sense of "happen." To land a punch, etc., is altered from lend, in a playful sense. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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