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Англо-русский биологический словарь - king


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Перевод с английского языка king на русский


1) главный стебель (растения)

2) царь (у термитов)

3) чавыча (Onchorhynchus tschawytscha)

king of the breamsking of the herringsking of the mackerelsking of the mulletsking of the salmonscomplemental kingdevil kingergatoid kinggulf kingreef kingsea kingsilver kingsubstitute king

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См. в других словарях

  1. король the K. of England —- английский король lawful king —- законный король K.'s speech —- тронная речь короля (при открытии и закрытии парламентской сессии) to crown king —- короновать to proclaim king —- провозглашать королем 2. монарх, царь K. of Kings —- царь царей K. David —- библ. царь Давид K. of Heaven —- рел. царь небесный 3. царь, властелин, властитель, повелитель king of beasts —- царь зверей, лев king of birds —- царь птиц, орел K. of Terrors —- смерть Voltaire, the uncrowned king of his age —- Вольтер, властитель дум своего времени 4. глава, руководитель (в какой-л. области) a king of painters —- глава художников 5. король, магнат 6. шахм. карт. король king's pawn —- королевская пешка check to the king! —- шах (королю)! to check the king, to put the king in check —- объявлять шах королю to chckmate the king —- сделать мат королю the king of clubs —- король треф 7. дамка (в шашках) 8. бот. главный стебель 9. редк. тост за здоровье короля 10. редк. лучший, высший сорт (чего-л) 11. (K.) герольдмейстер 12. стр. средняя стропильная стойка 13. мор. центральный трюмный пиллерс; грузовая полумачта Id: K. Baby —- кумир (всей) семьи, семейный божок (о ребенке) Id: K.'s messenger —- дипломатический курьер Id: king's pictures —- простореч. почтовые марки Id: king's shilling —- ист. вознаграждение, выплачиваемое...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (The King) "Король" Популярное прозвище киноактера К. Гейбла Gable, Clark; певца Э. Пресли Presley, Elvis Aaron; автогонщика Р. Петти Petty, Richard ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) главный стебель (растения) 2) царь (у термитов) 3) чавыча (Onchorhynchus tschawytscha) – king of the breams – king of the herrings – king of the mackerels – king of the mullets – king of the saemons – complemental king – devil king – ergatoid king – gulf king – reef king – sea king – silver king – substitute king ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. король, монарх; магнат, властелин - oil king - railway king - steel king ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 (as a title usu. King) a male sovereign, esp. the hereditary ruler of an independent State. 2 a person or thing pre-eminent in a specified field or class (railway king). 3 a large (or the largest) kind of plant, animal, etc. (king penguin). 4 Chess the piece on each side which the opposing side has to checkmate to win. 5 a piece in draughts with extra capacity of moving, made by crowning an ordinary piece that has reached the opponent's baseline. 6 a court-card bearing a representation of a king and usu. ranking next below an ace. 7 (the King) (in the UK) the national anthem when there is a male sovereign. 8 (Kings or Books of Kings) two Old Testament books dealing with history, esp. of the kingdom of Judah. --v.tr. make (a person) king. Phrases and idioms King Charles spaniel a spaniel of a small black and tan breed. king cobra a large and venomous hooded Indian snake, Ophiophagus hannah. king-crab 1 = horseshoe crab. 2 US any of various large edible spider crabs. king-fish any of various large fish, esp. the opah or mulloway. king it 1 play or act the king. 2 (usu. foll. by over) govern, control. King James Bible (or Version) = Authorized Version (see AUTHORIZE). King of Arms Heraldry (in the UK) a chief herald (at the College of Arms: Garter, Clarenceux, and Norroy and Ulster; in Scotland: Lyon). king of beasts the lion. king of birds the eagle. King of the Castle a children's game consisting of trying to displace a rival from a mound. King of Kings 1 God. 2 the title assumed by many eastern kings. king-post an upright post from the tie-beam of a roof to the apex of a truss. King's Bench see BENCH. king's bishop, knight , etc. Chess (of pieces which exist in pairs) the piece starting on the king's side of the board. King's bounty see BOUNTY. King's colour see COLOUR. King's Counsel see COUNSEL. King's English see ENGLISH. King's evidence see EVIDENCE. king's evil hist. scrofula, formerly held to be curable by the royal touch. King's Guide see GUIDE. King's highway see HIGHWAY. king-size (or -sized)...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cyning; akin to Old High German kuning ~, Old English cynn kin  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a male monarch of a major territorial unit; especially one whose position is hereditary and who rules for life  b. a paramount chief  2. capitalized god, Christ  3. one that holds a preeminent position; especially a chief among competitors  4. the principal piece of each color in chess having the power to move ordinarily one square in any direction and to capture opposing pieces but being obliged never to enter or remain in check  5. a playing card marked with a stylized figure of a ~  6. a checker that has been crowned  7. chinook salmon KING  I. biographical name Ernest Joseph 1878-1956 American admiral  II. biographical name Martin Luther, Jr. 1929-1968 American clergyman & civil rights leader  III. biographical name Rufus 1755-1827 American politician & diplomat  IV. biographical name Stephen Edwin 1947- American writer  V. biographical name William Lyon Mackenzie 1874-1950 Canadian statesman; prime minister (1921-26; 1926-30; 1935-48)  VI. biographical name William Rufus de Vane 1786-1853 American politician; vice president of the United States (1853) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (kings) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A king is a man who is the most important member of the royal family of his country, and who is considered to be the Head of State of that country. ...the king and queen of Spain... In 1154, Henry II became King of England. N-TITLE; N-COUNT: oft the N of n 2. If you describe a man as the king of something, you mean that he is the most important person doing that thing or he is the best at doing it. He’s the king of unlicensed boxing... N-COUNT: the N of n 3. A king is a playing card with a picture of a king on it. ...the king of diamonds. N-COUNT: oft N of n 4. In chess, the king is the most important piece. When you are in a position to capture your opponent’s king, you win the game. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »RULER« a man who is ruler of a country because he is from a royal family  (He became king on the death of his father.) + of  (Henry VIII, King of England) 2 »THE BEST« a) someone that you think does a particular thing the best + of  (the King of Rock `n' Roll) b) something that is the best of its type + of  (the king of Swiss cheeses) 3 »CHESS« the most important piece in a game of chess 4 »CARDS« a playing card with a picture of a king on it 5 »IMPORTANT« be king if something is king at a particular time, it has a big influence on people  (back in the days when jazz was king) 6 king of the jungle/of beasts the most important male animal  (The lion is king of the jungle.) 7 a king's ransom an extremely large amount of money 8 live like a king to have a very good quality of life  (- see also queen1) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. cyning, from P.Gmc. *kuninggaz. Possibly related to O.E. cynn "family, race" (see kin), making a king originally a "leader of the people;" or from a related root suggesting "noble birth," making a king originally "one who descended from noble birth." The sociological and ideological implications make this a topic of much debate. Applied in nature to species deemed remarkably big or dominant. Kingfisher (1440) was originally king's fisher, for obscure reasons; king's evil "scrofula" (M.E.) translates M.L. regius morbus; so called because it was supposedly cured by royal touch. KINK - 1678, nautical term, from Du. kink "twist in a rope." Figurative sense of "odd notion, mental twist" first recorded in Amer.Eng. 1803; kinky "sexually perverted" first recorded 1959, about a century after it began to be used with meaning "eccentric." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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