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Англо-русский биологический словарь - joint


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Перевод с английского языка joint на русский


соединение; сочленение; сустав; артроз; энт. членик; соединять; сочленять

ankle jointarthrodial jointatlantoaxial jointatlantooccipital jointatloidoaxoid jointball-and-socket jointcochlear jointcoffin jointcomposite jointcompound jointcostosternal jointcoxofemoral jointcup-and-ball jointelbow jointellipsoidal jointenarthrodial jointfalse jointginglymoid jointglenohumeral jointgliding jointhinge jointhip jointinterphalangeal jointknee jointligamentous jointmortis jointpatellofemoral jointpivot jointplane jointradioulnar jointring jointrotatory jointsacroiliac jointsaddle jointscrew jointshoulder jointsimple jointspheroidal jointspiral jointstifle jointsutural jointthigh jointtrochlear jointwrist joint

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  Chiefs of Staff amer. объединенный комитет начальников штабов JOINT committee  а) объединенный комитет  б) комиссия из представителей разных организаций JOINT authors соавторы JOINT  1. noun  1) место соединения; соединение; стык  2) anat. сустав, сочленение to put a bone into joint again - вправить вывих out of joint - вывихнутый; fig. пришедший в расстройство; не в порядке  3) часть разрубленной туши: нога, лопатка и т.п. dinner from the joint - мясной обед  4) amer.; coll. место, помещение (eating) joint - закусочная, столовая  5) amer.; coll. притон  6) amer.; sl. сигарета с марихуаной  7) bot. узел (у растения)  8) geol. трещина, отдельность, линия кливажа  9) tech. соединение; паз, шов, шарнир - angle joint  10) tech.; constr. узел фермы  2. adj.  1) объединенный, общий, совместный to take joint actions - действовать сообща joint efforts - общие усилия - joint authors - joint committee - joint possession - joint responsibility - joint heir - Joint Staff - Joint Chiefs of Staff - joint stock - joint resolution  2) комбинированный - joint traffic Syn: see mutual  3. v.  1) сочленять; соединять при помощи вставных частей, колен  2) разнимать, расчленять  3) constr. расшивать швы кирпичной кладки JOINT traffic комбинированное движение по рельсовым и безрельсовым путям JOINT possession совместное владение, совладение JOINT resolution amer. совместное...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. место соединения; соединение; стык 2. анат. сустав, сочленение out of joint —- вывихнутый to put a bone into joint again —- вправить вывих 3. часть разрубленной туши; окорок, нога, лопатка и т. п. dinner (cut) from the joint —- обед, на котором подается мясо, зажаренное накануне 4. ам. простореч. заведение (о притоне, кабаке, игорном или публичном доме и т. п.) hop joint —- курильня опиума, притон для курильщиков опиума 5. ам. простореч. дом, помещение eating joint —- закусочная 6. сл. сигарета с марихуаной 7. ам. сл. пистолет 8. ам. сл. шприц (для введения наркотика) 9. полигр. рубчик (переплета) 10. бот. узел 11. геол. трещина; отдельность; линия кливажа; контакт; спай 12. тех. соединение angle joint —- соединение под углом 13. тех. стык, шов, скрутка; паз 14. тех. прифуговка 15. тех. шарнир ball-and-socket joint —- шаровой шарнир knuckle joint —- шарнир universal joint —- гибкое соединение 16. тех. узел (фермы, конструкции и т. п.); замок (для канатов) 17. эл. разъем Id: to have one's nose out of joint —- потерпеть поражение (фиаско) Id: to put smb.'s nose out of joint —- подставить кому-л. ножку; расстроить чьи-л. планы; вытеснить кого-л. из чьего-л. сердца Id: the time is out of joint (Shakespeare) —- распалась связь времен, век расшатался Id: the joint in smb.'s armour —- чье-л. слабое место,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  соединение; сочленение; сустав; артроз; энт. членик; соединять; сочленять – ankle joint – arthrodial joint – atlantoaxial joint – atlantooccipital joint – atloidoaxoid joint – ball-and-socket joint – cochlear joint – coffin joint – composite joint – costosternal joint – coxofemoral joint – cup-and-ball joint – elbow joint – ellipsoidal joint – enarthrodial joint – false joint – ginglymoid joint – glenohumeral joint – gliding joint – hinge joint – hip joint – interphalangeal joint – knee joint – ligamentous joint – mortis joint – patellofemoral joint – pivot joint – plane joint – radioulnar joint – ring joint – rotatory joint – sacroiliac joint – saddle joint – screw joint – shoulder joint – simple joint – spheroidal joint – spiral joint – stifle joint – sutural joint – thigh joint – trochlear joint – wrist joint ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. соединенный, объединенный, общий, совместный, совокупный - Joint and several liability - joint account - joint and several - joint bonds - joint commission - joint committee - joint company - joint demand - joint efforts - joint management - joint operation - joint ordering - joint owner - joint ownership - joint report - joint representation - joint resolution - joint return - joint security - joint undertaking - joint venture - joint venture agreement - joint venture zone - joint ventures Syn: combined, collective, aggregate, cumulative JOINT 1) соединенный; объединенный; общий; совместный 2) соединение; узел ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) закрутка анаши 2) мастырка 3) муфта соединительная 4) общий 5) объединенный 6) планчик 7) прифуговка 8) пустошовка 9) разъем 10) сварной 11) связать 12) связывать 13) связь 14) смык 15) смыкание 16) смыкать 17) смычка 18) совместный 19) совмещенный 20) совокупный 21) соединение 22) соединенный 23) соединить 24) соединять 25) сочленение 26) сочленение 27) сочленить 28) сочленять 29) спай 30) машиностр. сросток 31) стык 32) стыковой 33) сустав 34) узел 35) уплотнительный 36) фуговать 37) шарнир 38) шлиф bellows expansion joint — сильфонный компенсатор butt rivet joint — заклепочный шов впритык caulk rivet joint — зачеканивать заклепочный шов cracks joint together — трещины сливаются double Hooke's joint — двойной карданный шарнир double-shear rivet joint — двухрезный заклепочный шов insulated rail joint — ж.-д. стык изолирующий joint confidence region — совместная доверительная область joint consistency theorem — теорема о совместной непротиворечивости joint correlation function — взаимная корреляционная функция joint density function — плотность совместного распределения joint maximal set — совместное максимальное множество joint spectral density — взаимная спектральная плотность joint spectral measure — взаимная спектральная мера multiple-shear rivet joint — многосрезный заклепочный шов one-end insulated joint...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) соединение, стык 2) муфта – bayonet joint – blind joint – butt joint – choke joint – connectivity joint – multifiber joint – shielded joint – testing joint – two-wire joint – waveguide rotary joint ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  соединение, шов; узел, стык разрыв, трещина (горных пород) joint between precast members joint fixed against rotation joints in buildings joint restrained by elastic members joint transmitting compression joint transmitting shears abutting joint adhesive joint angle joint angle half-lap joint articulated joint aseismic joint ball joint beam butt joint beam-column joint bed joint bell-and-spigot joint birdsmouth joint bolted joint box dovetail joint break joints brick joints bridle joint butt joint buttered joint cable joint capillary joint caulked joint cleat joint closely-spaced joints coax scarf joint cog scarf joint cold joint combed joint compression joint concave joint construction joint contraction joint convex joint corner joint cornerlock joint coursing joint crimped joint crimp upstand joint cross joint cross-lap joint curb joint cut joint dilatation joint dismountable joint double-shear joint double-S slip joint dovetail halving joint doweled contraction joint draw band joint duct flange joint dummy joint edge joint end joint end lap joint erection joint expansion joint face joint fail-safe joint false joint feather joint field joint finger joint fixed joint flanged joint flared joint flat joint flexible joint flexible ball joint floor joint floor-to-wall joint flush joint friction-type joint gland joint glued joint groove joint ground joint grouted joint half-lap joint halved joint head joint head contact joint head free joint Hercules pile joint hick joint high joint due to frost action hinge joint incompressible joint insulated flanged pipe joint insulated rail joint isolation joint joggle joint keyed joint keys scarf joint knuckle joint laminated joint lap joint lead joint lengthening joint lift joint lock joint longitudinal joint loose flange joint manipulative joint miter joint mortise joint movement joint nonmanipulative joint oblique joint oblique butt joint open joint overstrained joint packed joint pin joint pipe expansion joint plain-S slip joint ploughed-and-tongued joint...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) соединение соединять 2) сочленение 3) стык; спай; шов 4) эл. сросток; спайка 5) врубка 6) сварной шов 7) узел фермы; звено кинематической цепи; шарнир 8) муфта 9) плеть (трубопровода) 10) нефт. однотрубка, однотрубная свеча 11) метал. линия разъёма (формы) 12) полигр. скрепление (блока); прикрепление (вклейки) to break joints — располагать швы вразбежку; to gasket joints — уплотнять стыки прокладкой; to grout joints — заполнять (заливать) швы цементным раствором; омоноличивать швы цементным раствором; to lute joints — замазывать стыки; to make off joints — заделывать швы; to mortar joints — заполнять швы раствором; to pack joints — заделывать стыки; to point joints — расшивать швы; to seal joints — заделывать стыки; to set up joints — зачеканивать стыки (труб) свинцом; to strap joints — перекрывать стыки накладкой; to support joints — подпирать стыки (напр. при сварке или клёпке) - abutment joint - adhesive joint - all-glass joint - angle joint - annular rotary joint - arc-welded joint - articulated joint - axlebox cover joint - ball-and-socket joint - ball joint - bayonet joint - bead joint - bed joint - bell-and-plain-end joint - bell-and-spigot joint - bell butt joint - bellows joint - beveled joint - beveled single-lap joint - bevel-groove joint - Birfield joint - blind joint - block joint - blown joint - blow joint - bolted joint - bolt joint - bonded joint - box joint - box and pin joint - branch joint - brazed joint - breaking joints - brickwork joint - brick joint - bridge joint - bridle joint...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a a place at which two things are joined together. b a point at which, or a contrivance by which, two parts of an artificial structure are joined. 2 a structure in an animal body by which two bones are fitted together. 3 a any of the parts into which an animal carcass is divided for food. b any of the parts of which a body is made up. 4 sl. a place of meeting for drinking etc. 5 sl. a marijuana cigarette. 6 the part of a stem from which a leaf or branch grows. 7 a piece of flexible material forming the hinge of a book-cover. 8 Geol. a fissure in a mass of rock. --adj. 1 held or done by, or belonging to, two or more persons etc. in conjunction (a joint mortgage; joint action). 2 sharing with another in some action, state, etc. (joint author; joint favourite). --v.tr. 1 connect by joints. 2 divide (a body or member) at a joint or into joints. 3 fill up the joints of (masonry etc.) with mortar etc.; trim the surface of (a mortar joint). 4 prepare (a board etc.) for being joined to another by planing its edge. Phrases and idioms joint account a bank account held by more than one person, each of whom has the right to deposit and withdraw funds. joint and several (of a bond etc.) signed by more than one person, of whom each is liable for the whole sum. joint stock capital held jointly; a common fund. joint-stock company one formed on the basis of a joint stock. out of joint 1 (of a bone) dislocated. 2 out of order. Derivatives jointless adj. jointly adv. Etymology: ME f. OF, past part. of joindre JOIN ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from joindre  Date: 13th century  1.  a.  (1) the point of contact between elements of an animal skeleton with the parts that surround and support it  (2) node 5b  b. a part or space included between two articulations, knots, or nodes  c. a large piece of meat for roasting  2.  a. a place where two things or parts are joined  b. a space between the adjacent surfaces of two bodies joined and held together (as by cement or mortar)  c. a fracture or crack in rock not accompanied by dislocation  d. the flexing part of a cover along either spine edge of a book  e. the junction of two or more members of a framed structure  f. a union formed by two abutting rails in a track including the elements (as bars and bolts) necessary to hold the abutting rails together  g. an area at which two ends, surfaces, or edges are attached  3.  a. a shabby or disreputable place of entertainment  b. place, establishment  c. slang prison 2  4. a marijuana cigarette  • ~ed adjective  • ~edly adverb  • ~edness noun  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from past participle of joindre  Date: 14th century  1. united, combined the ~ influences of culture and climate  2. common to two or more: as  a.  (1) involving the united activity of two or more a ~ effort  (2) constituting an activity, operation, or organization in which elements of more than one armed service participate ~ maneuvers  (3) constituting an action or expression of two or more governments ~ peace talks  b. shared by or affecting two or more a ~ fine  3. united, joined, or sharing with another (as in a right or status) ~ heirs  4. being a function of or involving two or more variables and especially random variables  • ~ly adverb  III. verb  Etymology: 1~  Date: 1530  transitive verb  1. to separate the ~s of (as meat)  2.  a. to unite by a ~ ; fit together  b. to provide with a ~ ; articulate  c. to prepare (as a board) for joining...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (joints) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Joint means shared by or belonging to two or more people. She and Frank had never gotten around to opening a joint account... ADJ: ADJ n • jointly The Port Authority is an agency jointly run by New York and New Jersey. ADV: ADV with v 2. A joint is a part of your body such as your elbow or knee where two bones meet and are able to move together. Her joints ache if she exercises. N-COUNT 3. A joint is the place where two things are fastened or fixed together. N-COUNT see also dovetail joint 4. A joint is a fairly large piece of meat which is suitable for roasting. (BRIT; in AM, use roast) He carved the joint of beef. N-COUNT 5. You can refer to a cheap place where people go for some form of entertainment as a joint. (INFORMAL) ...a hamburger joint. N-COUNT: usu supp N 6. A joint is a cigarette which contains cannabis or marijuana. N-COUNT 7. If something puts someone’s nose out of joint, it upsets or offends them because it makes them feel less important or less valued. (INFORMAL) Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy’s aloof sophistication... PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj only before noun 1 shared, owned by, or involving two or more people or groups  (a joint bank account | joint first prize | joint army and airforce operations) 2 joint effort a situation in which two or more people work together  ("Who cooked the meal?" "Well it was a joint effort really.") 3 joint venture a business activity begun by two or more people or companies working together 4 joint resolution law a decision or law agreed by both houses of the US Congress and signed by the President - jointly adv  (tenants who are jointly responsible for their rent) ~2 n 1 a part of your body where two bones meet  (knee joint) 2 BrE a large piece of meat for cooking, usually containing a bone  (a joint of beef) 3 a place where two things or parts of an object are joined together  (Rain penetrates the joints between the concrete panels.) 4 out of joint a) if a bone in your body is out of joint, it has been pushed out of its correct position b) if a system, group etc is out of joint, it is not working properly  (Something is out of joint in our society.)  (- see also put sb's nose out of joint nose1 (18)) 5 informal a cheap bar, club, or restaurant  (a hamburger joint)  (- see also clip joint) 6 slang a cigarette containing cannabis  (- see also case the joint case2 (2)) ~3 v to cut meat into joints joint2 (2) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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