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Англо-русский биологический словарь - instrument


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Перевод с английского языка instrument на русский


sampling instrument

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  shed инвентарный сарай INSTRUMENT  1. noun  1) орудие; инструмент; прибор, аппарат  2) fig. орудие he is a mere instrument in their hands - он слепое орудие в их руках - instrument of aggression - economic instruments - financial instrument  3) музыкальный инструмент  4) leg. документ; акт - ratification instruments - instrument of surrender  5) attr. связанный с приборами - instrument board - instrument room - instrument shed - instrument flying Syn: see implement  2. v.  1) практически осуществлять, проводить в жизнь  2) mus. инструментовать  3) оборудовать приборами INSTRUMENT approach заход на посадку по приборам INSTRUMENT board tech. распределительная доска INSTRUMENT flying aeron. слепой полет, полет по приборам INSTRUMENT of aggression орудие агрессии INSTRUMENT of surrender акт о капитуляции INSTRUMENT room аппаратная, аппаратный зал (на телеграфе) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. орудие; инструмент; прибор; аппарат precision instruments —- точные приборы instrument board —- тех. распределительный щит; приборная доска instrument panel —- щит (пульт) управления instrument room —- аппаратная, аппаратный зал (на телеграфе) instrument flying —- ав. полет по приборам instrument landing —- ав. посадка по приборам 2. орудие, средство (для достижения цели) an instrument of fate —- орудие судьбы to be an instrument in smb.'s hands —- быть слепым орудием в чьих-л. руках to become smb.'s paid instrument —- стать чьим-л. наймитом (платным агентом) 3. музыкальный инструмент stringed instruments —- струнные инструменты to play (on) an instrument —- играть на (музыкальном) инструменте to tune an instrument —- настраивать (музыкальный) инструмент 4. юр. документ; акт; грамота instrument of ratification —- ратификационная грамота instrument of accession —- документ о присоединении (к договору) 5. муз. инструментовать, оркестровать 6. юр. составить договор, акт 7. юр. подавать прошение ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – sampling instrument ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) а) общ. инструмент, приспособление, средство б) общ. аппарат, механизм, прибор surgical instruments — хирургические инструменты blunt instrument — тупой инструмент delicate instrument — тонкий прибор The sewing-machine is the instrument of the tailor in the making of a coat. — Швейная машина — это инструмент, посредством которого портной изготовляет одежду. Syn: implement, tool, "device, gadget, "apparatus, "contrivance, "outfit, tackle 2) общ. музыкальный инструмент to play an instrument — играть на музыкальном инструменте 3) юр. документ; акт (отражающий какое-л. право или обязательство сторон сделки) legacy instruments — документы о наследстве 4) фин. (финансовый) инструмент (финансовый актив, являющийся объектом торговли на рынке (напр. ценные бумаги, депозиты, контракты и т. д.)) The new instrument is expected to produce relatively higher interests. — Ожидается, что новый инструмент будет приносить более высокие проценты. See: equity instrument, debt instrument, derivative, financial asset, financial engineering, financial instrument 5) общ. орудие, средство (достижения чего-л.) The Church is the instrument of man's salvation. — Церковь — это средство человеческого спасения. 6) мат., мн. инструментальные переменные а) (управляющие параметры в системе) б) (независимые переменные или аргументы функции) INSTRUMENT 1) инструмент; прибор;...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) аппарат 2) аппаратурный 3) измерительный прибор 4) инструмент 5) орудие 6) оснащать приборами 7) прибор 8) приборный check calibration of instrument — поверять измерительный прибор drafting drawing instrument — чертежный прибор height of an instrument — геод. горизонт инструмента instrument flight rules — правила полетов по приборам pressure control instrument — тех. маностат reading of an instrument — отсчет показаний spirit leveling instrument — нивелир со спиртовым уровнем vertical instrument section — тех. надпанель well-logging instrument truck — каротажная станция - airborne instrument - angular instrument - astronomical instrument - astrophysical instrument - back-connected instrument - block instrument - commercial instrument - dispersion of instrument - draftsman's instrument - geodetic instrument - hand-held instrument - heat-loss instrument - height of instrument - horizon of instrument - hot-wire instrument - indicating instrument - induction-type instrument - instrument a code - instrument altitude - instrument amplifier - instrument autotransformer - instrument base - instrument box - instrument capacitor - instrument case - instrument cluster - instrument column - instrument cord - instrument desk - instrument face - instrument flight - instrument inspection - instrument lag - instrument landing - instrument multiplier - instrument needle - instrument oil - instrument panel - instrument resistor - instrument shunt - instrument take-off - instrument transducer - instrument transformer - lag-free instrument - mathematical instrument - measuring instrument - meridian instrument - moving-iron instrument - permanent-magnet moving-iron instrument - pointer-type instrument - portable instrument - precision instrument - radiac instrument - read instrument -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) измерительный прибор, инструмент 2) терминал (сети передачи данных со множественным доступом) – checking instrument – clip-on instrument – detecting instrument – differential instrument – electric-measuring instrument – electrostatic instrument – end instrument – fixed instrument – flush-type instrument – microprocessor-based instrument – multimeter instrument – optical instrument – permanent-magnet moving-coil instrument – pointer instrument – portable instrument – radio instrument – recording electrical measurement instrument – sensing instrument – standard instrument – subscriber instrument – suppressed-zero instrument – tong-test instrument ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  прибор, инструмент automatic stadia reduction instrument control instrument drawing instruments leveling instrument sensitive instrument signaling instrument surveying instrument testing instrument total station instrument ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) метр. средство измерений 2) измерительный прибор; измеритель 3) инструмент; инструментальное средство instrument calibrated in logarithmic steps — прибор с логарифмической шкалой; instrument labeled with ... — прибор, отградуированный в ...; to check an instrument — 1. проверять исправность прибора 2. поверять прибор; to read an instrument — снимать показания прибора - absolute instrument - ac instrument - accepted instrument - accessory instrument - ac-dc instrument - active-measuring instrument - active instrument - airborne instrument - airspeed instrument - all-solid state instrument - analog instrument - angular instrument - aperiodic instrument - astatic instrument - aviation instruments - batch-type instrument - battery-operated instrument - bench-top instrument - bench instrument - bore measuring instrument - Bragg instrument - calibrating instrument - center-zero instrument - certified instrument - chart-recording instrument - colorimetric instrument - commercially produced instrument - commercial instrument - comparative instrument - contactless instrument - contact-type instrument - continuously reading instrument - cross-coil instrument - crossed-field instrument - cross-field instrument - D'Arsonval instrument - dc instrument - dead-beat instrument - deflection instrument - diagnostic test instrument - dial instrument - digital instrument - direct-acting instrument - direct-reading instrument - distant-indicating instrument - downhole instrument - draught instrument - drawing instrument - dropwindsonde instrument - echo-sounding instrument - edgewise instrument - electrically measuring instrument - electrical measuring instrument - electrical-type instrument - electric staff instrument - electrodynamic instrument - electromagnetic instrument - electronic instrument - electrostatic instrument - end instrument -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a tool or implement, esp. for delicate or scientific work. 2 (in full musical instrument) a device for producing musical sounds by vibration, wind, percussion, etc. 3 a a thing used in performing an action (the meeting was an instrument in his success). b a person made use of (is merely their instrument). 4 a measuring-device, esp. in an aeroplane, serving to determine its position in darkness etc. 5 a formal, esp. legal, document. --v.tr. 1 arrange (music) for instruments. 2 equip with instruments (for measuring, recording, controlling, etc.). Phrases and idioms instrument board (or panel) a surface, esp. in a car or aeroplane, containing the dials etc. of measuring-devices. Etymology: ME f. OF instrument or L instrumentum (as INSTRUCT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~um, from instruere to arrange, instruct  Date: 14th century  1. a device used to produce music; also a singing voice  2.  a. a means whereby something is achieved, performed, or furthered  b. one used by another as a means or aid ; dupe, tool  3. implement; especially one designed for precision work  4. a formal legal document (as a deed, bond, or agreement)  5.  a. a measuring device for determining the present value of a quantity under observation  b. an electrical or mechanical device used in navigating an airplane; especially such a device used as the sole means of navigating  Synonyms: see implement  II. transitive verb  Date: 1752  1. to address a legal ~ to  2. to score for musical performance ; orchestrate  3. to equip with ~s especially for measuring and recording data an ~ed spacecraft ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (instruments) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. An instrument is a tool or device that is used to do a particular task, especially a scientific task. ...instruments for cleaning and polishing teeth... The environment itself will at the same time be measured by about 60 scientific instruments. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. A musical instrument is an object such as a piano, guitar, or flute, which you play in order to produce music. Learning a musical instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music. N-COUNT: oft supp N 3. An instrument is a device that is used for making measurements of something such as speed, height, or sound, for example on a ship or plane or in a car. ...crucial instruments on the control panel. N-COUNT: oft supp N 4. Something that is an instrument for achieving a particular aim is used by people to achieve that aim. The veto has been a traditional instrument of diplomacy for centuries. N-COUNT: oft N of n 5. see also stringed instrument, wind instrument ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »TOOL« a small tool used in work such as science or medicine where very careful movements are necessary  (surgical instruments) 2 »MUSIC« an object such as a piano, horn, violin etc, used for producing musical sounds; musical instrument  (stringed instruments) 3 »FOR MEASURING« a piece of equipment for measuring and showing distance, speed, temperature etc  (The pilot studied his instruments anxiously. | instrument flying/landing (=flying or bringing down an aircraft using only instruments)) 4 »METHOD« usually singular) a system, method, or law that is used by people in power to get a particular result  (Sometimes military force can become an instrument of government policy.) 5 »DOCUMENT« formal a legal document 6 literary instrument of fate/God someone or something that is used by an unseen power which is beyond our control 7 instrument of torture a piece of equipment used to make people suffer pain ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1300, "musical instrument," from O.Fr. instrument, from L. instrumentem "a tool, apparatus, furniture, dress, document," from instruere "arrange, furnish" (see instruct). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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