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Англо-русский биологический словарь - industry


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key industry

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  noun  1) промышленность, индустрия home industry -  а) отечественная промышленность;  б) кустарный промысел large-scale industry - крупная промышленность  2) отрасль промышленности  3) трудолюбие, прилежание, усердие ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. промышленность, индустрия a branch of industry —- отрасль промышленности product of industry —- промышленное изделие home industry —- отечественная промышленность; кустарное производство 2. отрасль промышленности; отрасль экономики national industries —- основные отрасли отечественной промышленности iron and steel industry —- черная металлургия 3. трудолюбие, усердие, прилежание indefatigable industry —- неутомимое трудолюбие ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – key industry ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) эк. промышленность, индустрия (совокупность отраслей, занимающихся производством средств производства и предметов потребления, а также добычей природных богатств и их дальнейшей обработкой) I believe there will be more jobs created with the advancement of technology in our industry and agriculture. - Я верю, что внедрение новых технологий приведет к созданию дополнительных рабочих мест в промышленности и сельском хозяйстве. The company combines producing with processing and selling, connecting trade, industry and agriculture. - Эта компания объединяет производство (сельскохозяйственной продукции) с ее обработкой и продажей, объединяя в себе торговлю, промышленность и сельское хозяйство. See: light industry heavy industry 2) стат., эк. отрасль экономики; отрасль промышленности (сфера экономической деятельности, связанная с обеспечением товарами или услугами, близкими с точки зрения производителей; эта близость может быть связана с общностью производственных технологий и/или рынков сбыта) aircraft industry - авиационная промышленность INDUSTRY 1) эк. промышленность, промышленый сектор, индустрия (совокупность отраслей, занимающихся производством средств производства и предметов потребления, а также добычей природных богатств и их...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) индустрия 2) отрасль промышленности 3) промышленность alcoholic beverage industry — ликерно-водочная промышленность basic engineering industry — тяжелое машиностроение dairy and meat industry — мясо-молочная промышленность leather and foot-wear industry — кожевенно-обувная промышленность paint and varnish industry — лакокрасочная промышленность - agricultural machinery industry - aircraft industry - automotive industry - brewing industry - butter industry - canning industry - coal industry - construction industry - flour-and-cereals industry - food industry - food-canning industry - forest industry - gas industry - heavy industry - industry standard - light industry - machine-building industry - manufacturing industry - metallurgy industry - mining industry - oil industry - petrochemical industry - refrigeration industry - sea-hunting industry - shipbuilding industry - soap industry - steel industry - tailoring industry - textile industry ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  промышленность – telecommunication industry ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  промышленность; отрасль промышленности; промышленное предприятие building industry building materials industry concrete industry construction industry heavy industry housebuilding industry light industry nonmetallic minerals industry precast concrete industry prestressed concrete industry service industry structural precast concrete industry ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) промышленность 2) отрасль промышленности 3) фирма; предприятие - aerospace industry - aircraft industry - air industry - alcoholic beverage industry - apparel industry - automotive industry - baking industry - basic industry - boiler industry - brewing industry - building industry - by-product-coking industry - canned foods industry - car-building industry - cast iron industry - chemical industry - coal-mining industry - coke industry - cold-storage industry - commercial space industry - communication industry - computer industry - confectionary industry - construction industry - converter industry - copper-smelting industry - cosmetic industry - cryogenic industry - dairy industry - detergent industry - double-knit industry - electrical manufacturing industry - electrical industry - electric machine industry - electric-power industry - electronic industry - extractive industry - fabric industry - fat-and-oil industry - feed mill industry - ferroalloy industry - film industry - fish industry - flavor and fragrance industry - flavoring industry - flour-milling industry - food manufacturing industry - food industry - forest products industry - forest industry - foundry industry - fragrance industry - fruit processing industry - graphic arts industry - heavy industry - hightech industry - hosiery industry - hydropower industry - information processing industry - information industry - iron ore industry - knitting industry - light industry - logging industry - machine-building industry - machine industry - machine tool industry - man-made textile industry - manufacturing industry - metal mining industry - metal-working industry - milk industry - mineral resource industry - mining industry - motion picture industry - motive-power industry - movie industry - natural gas industry - nonferrous industry - nuclear industry - nuclear instrument industry - nuclear reactor industry - oil industry - packaging industry - paper converting industry - photographic industry - plastics industry - power...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a branch of trade or manufacture. b trade and manufacture collectively (incentives to industry). 2 concerted or copious activity (the building was a hive of industry). 3 a diligence. b colloq. the diligent study of a particular topic (the Shakespeare industry). 4 habitual employment in useful work. Etymology: ME, = skill, f. F industrie or L industria diligence ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural -tries)  Etymology: Middle English (Scots) industrie, from Middle French, from Latin industria, from industrius diligent, from Old Latin indostruus, perhaps from indu in + -struus (akin to Latin struere to build) — more at end-, strew  Date: 15th century  1. diligence in an employment or pursuit; especially steady or habitual effort  2.  a. systematic labor especially for some useful purpose or the creation of something of value  b. a department or branch of a craft, art, business, or manufacture; especially one that employs a large personnel and capital especially in manufacturing  c. a distinct group of productive or profit-making enterprises the banking ~  d. manufacturing activity as a whole the nation's ~  3. work devoted to the study of a particular subject or author the Shakespeare ~  Synonyms: see business ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (industries) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Industry is the work and processes involved in collecting raw materials, and making them into products in factories. British industry suffers through insufficient investment in research. N-UNCOUNT 2. A particular industry consists of all the people and activities involved in making a particular product or providing a particular service. ...the motor vehicle and textile industries. N-COUNT: oft n N 3. If you refer to a social or political activity as an industry, you are criticizing it because you think it involves a lot of people in unnecessary or useless work. Some Afro-Caribbeans are rejecting the whole race relations industry... N-COUNT: usu sing, the supp N c darkgreen]disapproval 4. Industry is the fact of working very hard. (FORMAL) No one doubted his ability, his industry or his integrity. N-UNCOUNT 5. see also captain of industry, cottage industry, service industry ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the production of goods, especially in factories  (a decline in manufacturing industry | heavy industry (=the production of large goods such as aircraft, cars etc) | light industry (=the production of small goods)) 2 the people and organizations that work in industry  (an agreement that will be welcomed by both sides of industry (=employers and workers)) 3 a particular type of industry, trade, or service  (the coal industry | Italy's thriving tourist industry | service industries (=businesses that provide services, such as hotels and banks)) 4 an area of work which is not really an industry but which has grown too large  (another book from the Shakespeare industry) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1477, from O.Fr. industrie, from L. industria "diligence," from early L. indostruus "diligent," from indu "in, within" + stem of struere "to build." Originally in M.E. "cleverness, skill;" later "diligence, effort" (1531); meaning "trade or manufacture" first recorded 1566; that of "systematic work" is 1611. Industrial (1774) and industrialize (1882) both on Fr. models. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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