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Англо-русский биологический словарь - induction


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archencephalic inductionassimilative inductionautonomous inductioncomplementary inductiondirect inductionembryonic inductionenzyme inductionheterogenetic inductionhomogenetic inductionindirect inductionmesodermal inductionmouth inductionnegative inductionneural inductionpalisade inductionphotosynthetic inductionprimary inductionprophage inductionsequential inductionsomatic inductionspinocaudal inductionsuccessive inductiontolerance inductionzygotic induction

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) официальное введение в должность  2) amer. призыв на военную службу  3) logic индукция, индуктивный метод  4) electr. индукция  5) tech. впуск Syn: see reasoning ...
Англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) упр. введение в должность (знакомство с организацией и т. п.); введение в курс дела Even though you may assign the induction of new employees to an assistant it is important that you take time yourself to make newcomers feel that you are concerned about their training and welfare. — Несмотря на то, что вы можете поручить введение новых сотрудников в должность своему помощнику, важно, чтобы вы сами уделили новичкам время с целью продемонстрировать, что вы беспокоитесь об их обучении и благополучии. Syn: installation 2) общ. введение, ознакомление (с чем-л.) the organisation of refresher or induction courses — организация повторительных или вводных курсов 3) воен. призыв (на военную службу) induction into the armed forces — призыв в армию 4) мет. индукция (процесс логического вывода на основании перехода от частных положений к общим) Ant: deduction 5) тех. (электромагнитная) индукция 6) тех. всасывание, впуск (напр. стадия в цикле работы двигателя, на которой топливная смесь поступает к цилиндрам) INDUCTION сущ. введение в должность, введение в курс дела Syn: installations ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) машиностр. асинхронный 2) ввод 3) емкостный 4) индуктирование 5) индукционный 6) индукционный электротермический 7) индукция 8) наведение 9) призыв axiom of complete induction — аксиома математической индукции cored induction furnace — канальная индукционная электропечь crucible induction furnace — тигельная индукционная электропечь definition by mathematical induction — определение по математической индукции emf of mutual induction — эдс взаимоиндукции free nuclear induction — ядерная свободная индукция generalized principle of induction — обобщенный принцип индукции induction from n + 1 to n — индукция от n + 1к n induction motor drive — асинхронный привод infinite induction rule — правило бесконечной индукции method of backward induction — метод обратной индукции method of mathematical induction — метод математической индукции method of transfinite induction — метод трансфинитной индукции postulate of mathematical induction — постулат математической индукции principle of complete induction — принцип полной индукции principle of finite induction — принцип конечной индукции principle of mathematical induction — принцип математической индукции principle of total induction — принцип полной индукции principle of transfinite induction — принцип трансфинитной индукции remote-indicating induction compass — компас индукционный дистанционный repulsion induction motor — репульсионный...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  индукция – electromagnetic induction – electrostatic induction – incremental induction – interference induction – magnetic induction – mutual induction – peak induction – residual induction – saturation induction ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) индукция, наведение, индуцирование 2) электростатическая индукция 3) магнитная индукция 4) (математическая) индукция 5) впуск; всасывание - armature induction - back induction - biased induction - complete induction - cross induction - cyclonic port induction - electric induction - electromagnetic induction - electrostatic induction - ferric induction - finite induction - forced induction - incomplete induction - incremental induction - infinite induction - initial induction - interference induction - intrinsic induction - magnetic induction - mathematical induction - math induction - mutual induction - noise induction - ram-effect induction - remanent magnetic induction - saturation induction - secondary air induction - stray induction - timed-port fuel induction ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the act or an instance of inducting or inducing. 2 Med. the process of bringing on (esp. labour) by artificial means. 3 Logic a the inference of a general law from particular instances (cf. DEDUCTION). b Math. a means of proving a theorem by showing that if it is true of any particular case it is true of the next case in a series, and then showing that it is indeed true in one particular case. c (foll. by of) the production of (facts) to prove a general statement. 4 (often attrib.) a formal introduction to a new job, position, etc. (attended an induction course). 5 Electr. a the production of an electric or magnetic state by the proximity (without contact) of an electrified or magnetized body. b the production of an electric current in a conductor by a change of magnetic field. 6 the drawing of a fuel mixture into the cylinders of an internal-combustion engine. 7 US enlistment for military service. Phrases and idioms induction-coil a coil for generating intermittent high voltage from a direct current. induction heating heating by an induced electric current. Etymology: ME f. OF induction or L inductio (as INDUCE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the act or process of inducting (as into office)  b. an initial experience ; initiation  c. the formality by which a civilian is inducted into military service  2.  a.  (1) inference of a generalized conclusion from particular instances — compare deduction 2a  (2) a conclusion arrived at by ~  b. mathematical demonstration of the validity of a law concerning all the positive integers by proving that it holds for the integer 1 and that if it holds for an arbitrarily chosen positive integer k, it must hold for the integer k + 1 — called also mathematical ~  3. a preface, prologue, or introductory scene especially of an early English play  4.  a. the act of bringing forward or adducing (as facts or particulars)  b. the act of causing or bringing on or about  c. the process by which an electrical conductor becomes electrified when near a charged body, by which a magnetizable body becomes magnetized when in a magnetic field or in the magnetic flux set up by a magnetomotive force, or by which an electromotive force is produced in a circuit by varying the magnetic field linked with the circuit  d. the inspiration of the fuel-air charge from the carburetor into the combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine  e. the process by which the fate of embryonic cells is determined (as by the action of adjacent cells) and morphogenetic differentiation brought about ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (inductions) Induction is a procedure or ceremony for introducing someone to a new job, organization, or way of life. ...an induction course for new members. N-VAR: oft with poss, N to/into n see also induce ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the introduction of someone into a new job, company, official position etc  (an induction course) 2 a ceremony in which someone is officially introduced into an official position or an organization 3 the process of making a woman give birth to her baby by giving her a special drug 4 technical the production of electricity in one object by another that already has electrical or magnetic power 5 technical a process of thought that uses known facts to produce general rules or principles  (- compare deduction (1)) induction coil ~ n technical a piece of electrical equipment that changes a low voltage to a higher one ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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