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Англо-русский биологический словарь - image


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internal imagePurkinje-Samson's imagesearch image

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  effect opt. зеркальный эффект IMAGE fault tv искажение изображения IMAGE  1. noun  1) образ; изображение; отражение (в зеркале)  2) статуя (святого); идол  3) подобие to be the spitting image of smb. coll. - походить на кого-л. как две капли воды; быть точной копией кого-л.  4) метафора, образ - speak in images  5) икона  6) coll. представление (о чем-л.)  7) облик (политической партии и т.п.)  8) attr. - image fault - image effect  2. v.  1) изображать, создавать изображение  2) вызывать в воображении, представлять себе  3) отображать  4) символизировать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. изображение, особ. скульптурное; изваяние bronze image —- бронзовая скульптура an image of metal —- изображение, выполненное в металле graven image —- идол, кумир 2. фигура, статуя святого 3. икона 4. изображение; опт. также отражение enlarged image —- увеличенное изображение real image —- действительное изображение 5. подобие, копия he is the very image of his father —- разг. он вылитый отец, он точная копия своего отца 6. воплощение, символ, образец she is the image of devotion —- она воплощение преданности they have the image of efficiency —- они олицетворяют эффективность 7. лит. образ an image of a warrior —- образ воина poetical image —- поэтический образ 8. стил. образ, фигура речи to speak in images —- говорить образно 9. редк. яркое описание, воспроизведение 10. мысленный образ, представление, мнение American image abroad —- представление об американцах, сложившееся за границей to improve one's image —- улучшить мнение окружающих о себе to form an image in one's thought —- мысленно представить себеъ to preserve an image —- сохранить образ to project a certain image —- производить определенное впечатление 11. лицо, престиж, репутация; "имидж" 12. комп. изображение, образ image understanding —- распознавание изображений 13. изображать, отображать a poet images his hero —- поэт создает образ своего...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – internal image – Purkinje-Samson's image – search image ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) образ 2) имидж 3) престиж Syn: pattern, manner, way, repute, prestige, reputation, goodwill IMAGE сущ. 1) общ. образ, изображение (напр., на фотографии, картине, в виде скульптуры и т. п.); изваяние 2) общ. изображение (создаваемое с помощью какого-либо оптического устройства (напр., лупы или зеркала; образ на экране компьютера и т. п.)); отражение 3) а) общ. сходство, схожесть, похожесть, подобие б) общ. копия, подобие (нечто похожее, повторяющее в точности что-либо или кого-либо) Angela had become the very image of her mother, she had her mother's dark hair, warm brown eyes, and beautiful face. - Анжела стала точной копией своей матери, у нее были такие же, как у матери, темные волосы, теплые карие глаза и очень красивое лицо. 4) общ. воплощение, олицетворение, символ, образец She is the image of success. - Она воплощение успеха. 5) а) общ. представление (о чем-либо), мнение, мысленный образ White-collar crime and corporate crime are probably both under-recorded and certainly do not fit the popular image of crime as a working class phenomenon. - И преступность в среде белых воротничков, и корпоративная преступность, вероятно, неполностью учитываются и однозначно не соответствуют распространенному представлению о преступности, как о явлении, свойственном рабочему классу. б) общ. идея, образ, концепция...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) изображать 2) изображение 3) образ 4) отображать 5) отображение 6) отражаемый 7) отражение blow up the image — увеличивать изображение complete inverse image — полный прообраз curvature of the image field — искривление изображения encapsulated image intensifier — герметизированный оптикоэлектронный преобразователь form an erect image — давать прямое изображение image camera tube — передающая телевизионная ЭЛТ с переносом изображения image force model — модель сил изображения image interference ratio — радио коэффициент зеркальных помех image of a point — образ точки image of transformation image — образ преобразования image pick-up tube — передающая телевизионная электронно-лучевая трубка image reversed laterally — зеркальное изображение image transfer constant — компьют. постоянная передачи inverse inverted image — образ в инверсии inverse image set — множество прообразов inverse image structure — структура прообраза lens forms an image — линза дает изображение maximal homomorphic image — максимальный гомоморфный образ restricted homomorphic image — ограниченный гомоморфный образ strongly homomorphic image — сильно гомоморфный образ - acoustic image - analytic image - auditory image - binary image - bright-field image - closed image - color image - compact image - confluent image - conformal image - continuous image - contrast image - counter image - dark-field image - deformation image - diffeomorphic image - diffuse image - direct image -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  изображение – acoustic image – background image – black-and-white image – brilliant image – broad image – burned-in image – chromatic image – coded image – color image – digital image – direct image – display image – distorted image – dot-element image – double image – double-grade image – echo image – gray level image – latent image – letter-box image – multiple image – negative image – positive image – retained image – scanned image – second image – shaded image – shadow-free image – sharp image – snowy image – soft image – sound image – still image – strip image – test image – TV image – virtual image ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  вид; изображение; отпечаток, оттиск background image stereoscopic image town image ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) изображение; образ формировать изображение; получать изображение 2) отображение отображать 3) кадр 4) зеркальная боковая полоса частот 5) зеркальный заряд 6) образ задачи, загрузочный модуль (прикладной программы) 7) отпечаток, оттиск image from hologram — изображение, восстановленое с голограммы; to form an image — формировать изображение; to reconstruct image from sketches — восстанавливать изображение по фрагментам - aberrated image - aberration-free image - achromatic image - acoustic image - acousto-optic image - aerial image - afterglow image - anamorphic image - animated image - antenna image - application image - astigmatic image - auditory image - background image - back-lit image - barreled image - barrel image - binary image - black-and-white image - bleached image - blurred image - bottom-lit image - brilliant image - broad image - card image - character master image - charge image - chromatic image - cine-oriented image - coarse-grained image - coarse-grain image - coded image - colored image - color image - color-separation image - comic-strip oriented image - compound image - compressed image - conjugate image - continuous-tone image - contrast image - core image - correct image - 2-D image - 3-D image - defocused image - defocus image - degraded image - developed image - diffraction image - digital image - direct image - discrete image - display image - distorted image - dithered image - dot element image - dot matrix image - double image - 2-D silhouette image - dynamic image - echo image - electric image - electron-beam image - electron image - executable-task image - feedback image - film-based image - film image - filtered image - flicker-free image - foggy image - front-lit image - fuzzy image - ghost image - gradient image - gray...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a representation of the external form of an object, e.g. a statue (esp. of a saint etc. as an object of veneration). 2 the character or reputation of a person or thing as generally perceived. 3 an optical appearance or counterpart produced by light or other radiation from an object reflected in a mirror, refracted through a lens, etc. 4 semblance, likeness (God created man in His own image). 5 a person or thing that closely resembles another (is the image of his father). 6 a typical example. 7 a simile or metaphor. 8 a a mental representation. b an idea or conception. 9 Math. a set formed by mapping from another set. --v.tr. 1 make an image of; portray. 2 reflect, mirror. 3 describe or imagine vividly. 4 typify. Derivatives imageable adj. imageless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L imago -ginis, rel. to IMITATE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, short for ~ne, from Latin imagin-, imago; perhaps akin to Latin imitari to imitate  Date: 13th century  1. a reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or thing; especially an imitation in solid form ; statue  2.  a. the optical counterpart of an object produced by an optical device (as a lens or mirror) or an electronic device  b. a visual representation of something: as  (1) a likeness of an object produced on a photographic material  (2) a picture produced on an electronic display (as a television or computer screen)  3.  a. exact likeness ; semblance God created man in his own ~ — Genesis 1:27 (Revised Standard Version)  b. a person strikingly like another person she is the ~ of her mother  4.  a. a tangible or visible representation ; incarnation the ~ of filial devotion  b. archaic an illusory form ; apparition  5.  a.  (1) a mental picture or impression of something had a negative body ~ of herself  (2) a mental conception held in common by members of a group and symbolic of a basic attitude and orientation a disorderly courtroom can seriously tarnish a community's ~ of justice — Herbert Brownell  b. idea, concept  6. a vivid or graphic representation or description  7. figure of speech  8. a popular conception (as of a person, institution, or nation) projected especially through the mass media promoting a corporate ~ of brotherly love and concern — R. C. Buck  9. a set of values given by a mathematical function (as a homomorphism) that corresponds to a particular subset of the domain  II. transitive verb  (~d; imaging)  Date: 14th century  1. to call up a mental picture of ; imagine  2. to describe or portray in language especially in a vivid manner  3.  a. to create a representation of; also to form an ~ of ~d Jupiter's rings ~ the bone using X rays  b. to represent symbolically  4.  a. reflect, mirror  b. to make appear ; project  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (images) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you have an image of something or someone, you have a picture or idea of them in your mind. The image of art theft as a gentleman’s crime is outdated... N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. The image of a person, group, or organization is the way that they appear to other people. The tobacco industry has been trying to improve its image. N-COUNT: oft with poss 3. An image is a picture of someone or something. (FORMAL) ...photographic images of young children... N-COUNT 4. An image is a poetic description of something. (FORMAL) The natural images in the poem are meant to be suggestive of realities beyond themselves. N-COUNT 5. If you are the image of someone else, you look very much like them. Marianne’s son was the image of his father. PHRASE: V inflects 6. spitting image: see spit see also mirror image ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »PUBLIC OPINION« the general opinion that most people have of a person, organization, product etc  (The party is seeking to improve its image with women voters. | project an image (=make an image))  (The princess aimed to project an image of herself as serious and hard-working.) 2 »IDEA IN MIND« a picture that you have in your mind, especially about what someone or something is like or the way they look  (She had a clear image of how she would look in twenty years' time. | He didn't really conform to the hard-drinking, hard-living image of the political journalist.) 3 »PICTURE/WHAT YOU SEE« a) a picture of an object in a mirror or in the lens (2) of a camera  (She gazed at her image in the glass.) b) a picture on the screen1 (1) screen1 (2) of a television, cinema, or computer  (The image on a computer screen is made up of thousands of pixels.) c) a copy of the shape of a person or thing, especially cut in wood, stone etc  (carved images in the rocks) 4 »DESCRIPTION« a phrase or word that describes something in a poetic way  (the image of man as a prisoner of the gods) 5 be the (very/living/spitting) image of to look exactly like someone or something else  (He's the very image of his father.) 6 in the image of literary in the same form or shape as someone or something else  (According to the Bible, man was made in the image of God.)  (- see also mirror image) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hum. gen. abbr. Integrated Molecular Analysis of Gene Expression NASA abbr. Imager For Magnetopause To Aurora Global Exploration univ. abbr. Increasing Minority Access To Graduate Education univ. abbr. International Medicine And Graduate Education db. abbr. Information Manipulation Archiving Gathering And Extraction file ext. abbr. Disk Image (Disk Copy, ShrinkWrap) religion abbr. International Missions Apprenticeship For God's Evangelists religion abbr. International Missions Apprenticeship For Gods Evangelists ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1200, from O.Fr. image, from L. imago (gen. imaginis) "copy, statue, picture, idea, appearance," from PIE *aim- "copy." Related to imitari "to copy" (see imitate). The mental sense was in L., and appears in Eng. by 1380. Sense of "public impression" is 1908. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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