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Англо-русский биологический словарь - house


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1) помещение

2) жилище животного; нора; берлога; гнездо

3) помещение для животного; клетка, вольер(а)

4) дом(ик) (напр. личинки ручейника)

log housemonkey houserearing house

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  allowance noun mil. квартирные (деньги) HOUSE lights noun; pl. освещение в театре, кинотеатре HOUSE party noun компания гостей, проводящая несколько дней в загородном доме HOUSE up оставить кого-л. дома из-за болезни Ive been housed up for a week with a bad cold. HOUSE  1. noun; pl. -s  1) дом; жилище; здание  2) дом; семья; хозяйство to keep house - вести хозяйство to keep the house - сидеть дома  3) семья, род; дом, династия  4) (тж. the House) палата (парламента) a parliament of two houses - двухпалатный парламент lower house - нижняя палата upper house - верхняя палата House of Commons - палата общин House of Lords - палата лордов House of Representatives - палата представителей, нижняя палата конгресса США third house amer.; sl. - кулуары конгресса to enter the House - стать членом парламента to divide the house parl. - провести поименное голосование to make a house - обеспечить кворум (в палате общин)  5) торговая фирма  6) (the House) coll. (лондонская) биржа  7) театр; публика, зрители appreciative house - отзывчивая публика, аудитория to bring down the (whole) house - вызвать гром аплодисментов full house - аншлаг  8) представление; сеанс the first house starts at five oclock - первый сеанс начинается в пять часов  9) (the House) coll. работный дом  10) колледж университета; пансион при школе  11) гостиница, постоялый двор  12) религиозное братство  13)...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. дом; здание apartment house —- многоквартирный дом condemned house —- дом, предназначенный на снос detached house —- отдельно стоящий дом house of cards —- карточный домик doll's house —- кукольный домик house property —- недвижимость house sewerage —- домовая канализационная сеть 2. дом, жилище; жилье, квартира at John's house —- у Джона house in the country —- дом в деревне; дача private house —- частный дом house arrest —- домашний арест house allowance —- воен. квартиные деньги house plant —- комнатное растение house slippers —- домашние туфли; тапочки to clean house —- ам. убирать квартиру; наводить порядок, устранять безобразия to move house —- переезжать, менять квартиру to keep (to) the house —- сидеть дома, не выходить из дому (особ о больном) we invited him to our house —- мы пригласили его к себе we'll meet at your house —- встретимся у вас 3. жилище животного; нора, берлога; гнездо a snail carries its own house —- улитка несет свой дом на спине 4. помещение для животного, клетка, вольер poultry house —- птичник monkey house in a zoo —- обезьянник (в зоопарке) 5. (свой) дом, семья; хозяйство house and home —- домашний очаг to have neither house nor home —- неиметь крыши над головой, не иметь ни кола ди двора backelor's house —- жилище холостяка, холостяцкая обитель noisy house —- шумное семество master of the house —- хозяин, глава...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  см. House of Representatives ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) помещение 2) жилище животного; нора; берлога; гнездо 3) помещение для животного; клетка, вольер(а) 4) дом(ик) (напр. личинки ручейника) – log house – monkey house – rearing house ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) дом 2) фирма 3) палата 4) палата (парламента) 5) биржа 6) заведение, учреждение 7) цех 8) отделение 9) торговая фирма • - Automated Clearing House - Clearing House Association - House of Commons - House of Lords - House of Representatives - White House - accepting house - apartment house - banking house - banks clearing house - boarding house - bond house - brokerage house - clearing house - commission house - confirming house - custom house - discount house - duplex house - dwelling house - enter the House - house rules - house/house - in the house - issuing house - lower house - packing house - prefab house - private international financial house - retail house - safe house - trading house - trading house - upper house - wholesale house HOUSE 1) бирж. =London Stock Exchange 2) пол. палата общин (Великобритания); палата представителей (Конгресс США) See: New York Stock Exchange Clearing House HOUSE фирма; торговый дом – discount house – printing house – publishing house – trading house – wholesale house HOUSE, ROBERT упр. Хауз, Роберт (американский профессор менеджмента, создатель теории "соответствия целей и средств") See: path-goal approach ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) дом 2) домашний 3) домик 4) здание 5) помещение acetylene generator house — ацетиленовая станция apartment house of bearing-walls — панельный дом conserving gambling house — сохраняющееся множество игроков continuous gambling house — непрерывное множество игроков deterministic gambling house — детерминированное множество игроков exponential gambling house — экспоненциальная функция множества игроков full gambling house — полное множество игроков leavable gambling house — убывающее множество игроков nonleavable gambling house — неубывающее множество игроков permitted gambling house — допустимое множество игроков prefabricated bearing-wall house — сборно-панельный дом shell of a house — коробка дома stationary full gambling house — стационарно полное множество игроков - ash-pump house - blowing house - boarding house - feeder house - gambling house - gin house - power house - publishing house - quenching house - semi-detached house - single-family house - study house - type house ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  брит.индивидуальный (одноквартирный) дом амер.жилой дом, жилое здание хранить, содержать apartment house autonomous house bachelor house bastel house bath house bird house boarding house boiler house buttress type house central boiler house cold water house condemned house cook house cool house cooperative house country house court house custom house derelict house detached house district boiler house double house duplex house dwelling house engine house fire house fortified house frame house gallery apartment house garden house glass house government funded houses green house guest house holiday house hot house ice house instrument shelter house log house low energy house manor house multistorey apartment house one-off house opera house power house prefabricated house private house public house public sector house pump house round house semidetached house settlement house single family house stately house storage house studio house terraced houses tool house town house two-family house vacation house wash house weekend house ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) дом 2) цех; мастерская 3) фирма; компания 4) размещать; помещать; заключать во что-л.; вставлять в корпус; сажать (деталь, узел) в гнездо 5) защищать, укрывать - acetylene generator house - air house - apartment house - bag house - barreling house - basement house - batch house - beater house - blending house - boiler house - bottom house - bridge house - broadcasting house - cast house - chart house - collar house - compounding house - compressor house - control house - cooling house - crude oil pumping house - crude pumping house - crusher house - detached houses - diesel-generator house - digester house - dog house - double house - drive house - duplex house - factory-made house - fan house - field house - filter house - fire-engine house - firing house - frame house - freight house - furnace house - gage house - gallery apartment house - gas house - gate house - group house - half-timbered house - hoist house - incineration house - kiln house - log house - mill house - mine air supply fan house - monitor house - movie house - mud house - photovoltaic-powered house - pilot house - postproduction house - power house - precast concrete house - prefabricated house - printing house - program production house - publishing house - pump house - quenching-pump house - receiving house - retort house - row houses - rundown house - screening house - semidetached house - software house - solar house - sound house - stock house - store house - studio house - system house - tail house - tank house - terrace house - tide house - tool house - turbine house - two-family house - valve house - video tape production house - wheel house ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. (pl.) 1 a a building for human habitation. b (attrib.) (of an animal) kept in, frequenting, or infesting houses (house-cat; housefly). 2 a building for a special purpose (opera-house; summer-house). 3 a building for keeping animals or goods (hen-house). 4 a a religious community. b the buildings occupied by it. 5 a a body of pupils living in the same building at a boarding-school. b such a building. c a division of a day-school for games, competitions, etc. 6 a a college of a university. b (the House) Christ Church, Oxford. 7 a family, esp. a royal family; a dynasty (House of York). 8 a a firm or institution. b its place of business. c (the House) Brit. colloq. the Stock Exchange. 9 a a legislative or deliberative assembly. b the building where it meets. c (the House) (in the UK) the House of Commons or Lords; (in the US) the House of Representatives. 10 a an audience in a theatre, cinema, etc. b a performance in a theatre or cinema (second house starts at 9 o'clock). c a theatre. 11 Astrol. a twelfth part of the heavens. 12 (attrib.) living in a hospital as a member of staff (house officer; house physician; house surgeon). 13 a a place of public refreshment, a restaurant or inn (coffee-house; public house). b (attrib.) (of wine) selected by the management of a restaurant, hotel, etc. to be offered at a special price. 14 US a brothel. 15 Sc. a dwelling that is one of several in a building. 16 Brit. sl. = HOUSEY-HOUSEY. 17 an animal's den, shell, etc. 18 (the House) Brit. hist. euphem. the workhouse. --v.tr. 1 provide (a person, a population, etc.) with a house or houses or other accommodation. 2 store (goods etc.). 3 enclose or encase (a part or fitting). 4 fix in a socket, mortise, etc. Phrases and idioms as safe as houses thoroughly or completely safe. house-agent Brit. an agent for the sale and letting of houses. house and home (as an emphatic) home. house arrest detention in one's own house etc., not in prison. house-broken = house-trained. house church 1 a charismatic church independent of traditional...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name Edward Mandell 1858-1938 Colonel ~ American diplomat HOUSE  I. noun  (plural ~s)  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English hous, from Old English hus; akin to Old High German hus ~  Date: before 12th century  1. a building that serves as living quarters for one or a few families ; home  2.  a.  (1) a shelter or refuge (as a nest or den) of a wild animal  (2) a natural covering (as a test or shell) that encloses and protects an animal or a colony of zooids  b. a building in which something is ~d a carriage ~  3.  a. one of the 12 equal sectors in which the celestial sphere is divided in astrology  b. a zodiacal sign that is the seat of a planet's greatest influence  4.  a. ~hold  b. a family including ancestors, descendants, and kindred the ~ of Tudor  5.  a. a residence for a religious community or for students  b. the community or students in residence  6.  a. a legislative, deliberative, or consultative assembly; especially one constituting a division of a bicameral body  b. the building or chamber where such an assembly meets  c. a quorum of such an assembly  7.  a. a place of business or entertainment a movie ~  b.  (1) a business organization a publishing ~  (2) a gambling establishment  c. the audience in a theater or concert hall a full ~ on opening night  8. the circular area 12 feet in diameter surrounding the tee and within which a curling stone must rest in order to count  9. from The Ware~, Chicago dance club that pioneered the style a type of dance music mixed by a disc jockey that features overdubbing with a heavy repetitive drumbeat and repeated electronic melody lines  • ~ful noun  • ~less adjective  • ~lessness noun  II. verb  (~d; housing)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to provide with living quarters or shelter  b. to store in a ~  2. to encase, enclose, or shelter as if by putting in a ~  3. to serve as a shelter or container for ; contain buildings that ~ government offices...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (housing, housed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A house is a building in which people live, usually the people belonging to one family. She has moved to a smaller house. ...her parents’ house in Warwickshire. N-COUNT 2. You can refer to all the people who live together in a house as the house. If he set his alarm clock for midnight, it would wake the whole house... = household N-SING: usu the N 3. House is used in the names of types of places where people go to eat and drink. ...a steak house. ...an old Salzburg coffee house. N-COUNT: n N 4. House is used in the names of types of companies, especially ones which publish books, lend money, or design clothes. Many of the clothes come from the world’s top fashion houses... Eventually she was fired from her job at a publishing house. N-COUNT: n N 5. House is sometimes used in the names of office buildings and large private homes or expensive houses. (mainly BRIT) I was to go to the very top floor of Bush House in Aldwych. ...Harewood House near Leeds. N-IN-NAMES: n N 6. You can refer to the two main bodies of Britain’s parliament and the United States of America’s legislature as the House or a House. Some members of the House and Senate worked all day yesterday... N-COUNT 7. A house is a family which has been or will be important for many generations, especially the family of a king or queen. ...the House of Windsor. N-COUNT: with supp 8. The house is the part of a theatre, cinema, or other place of entertainment where the audience sits. You can also refer to the audience at a particular performance as the house. They played in front of a packed house. N-COUNT 9. A restaurant’s house wine is the cheapest wine it sells, which is not listed by name on the wine list. Tweed ordered a carafe of the house wine. ADJ: ADJ n 10. To house someone means to provide a house or flat for them to live in. Part III of the Housing Act 1985 imposes duties on local authorities...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 plural houses ~ n 1 »WHERE YOU LIVE« a) a building that you live in, especially one that has more than one level and is intended to be used by one family  (a four bedroom house | Why don't you all come over to our house for coffee? | set up house (=start to live in a house, especially with another person) | move house BrE (=leave your house and go to live in another one)) b) all the people who live in a house  (He gets up at six and disturbs the whole house.) 2 keep house to do all the cooking, cleaning etc in a house 3 »LARGE BUILDING« a) opera house/court house etc a large public building used for a particular purpose b) House used in the names of office buildings  (Longman House, Harlow, Essex) 4 hen house/coach house/storehouse etc a building used for keeping animals, goods, equipment etc in 5 »COMPANY« a company, especially one that produces books, lends money, or designs clothes  (America's oldest publishing house | the House of Dior) 6 in house if you work in house, you work at the offices of a company or organization, not at home 7 put/set your own house in order if someone should put or set their own house in order, they should improve the way they behave before criticizing other people 8 get on like a house on fire informal to quickly have a very friendly relationship with someone 9 »PARLIAMENT« a group of people who make the laws of a country  (The President will address both houses of Congress. | the house (=the house of Commons or Lords in Britain, or the house of representatives in the US))  (- see also Lower House, Upper House) 10 this house formal used to mean the people who are voting in a formal debate when you are stating the proposal that is being discussed 11 »IN A SCHOOL« a group of children of different ages at the same school which competes against other groups in the school, for example in sports competitions 12 »THEATRE« a) the part of a theatre, cinema etc where people sit  (full/packed/empty house (=a large or small audience))  (The show has been playing to packed houses since it...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. hus "dwelling, shelter, house," from P.Gmc. *khusan, of unknown origin, perhaps connected to the root of hide (v.). The legislative sense (1541) is transfered from the building in which the body meets. Meaning "audience in a theater" is from 1921. Zodiac sense was in M.E. The verb meaning "give shelter to" is O.E. husian. Household is c.1380; house arrest first attested 1936; housewarming is from 1577; houseboat is 1790. On the house "free" is from 1889. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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