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Англо-русский биологический словарь - horn


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Перевод с английского языка horn на русский


1) рог

2) рогатое животное (напр. олень)

3) роговидный отросток

4) шип (у рыб)

5) щупальце (у улиток)

6) ость

7) бодать

horn of Ammonbranched hornscrumpled hornsdorsal horndown-turned hornsiliac hornlyre hornssacral hornscrew hornsstraight hornsuterine horn

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  • 1) гудок; 2) рычаг• роговой компенсатор ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  in  а) вмешиваться Nobody asked you to horn in on our conversation.  б) вламываться, вваливаться без приглашения HORN  1. noun  1) рог  2) pl. рожки (улитки); усики (насекомого)  3) духовой инструмент; рожок; охотничий рог  4) рупор; звукоприемник (звукоуловителя)  5) гудок, сирена автомобиля  6) tech. выступ; шкворень; кронштейн  7) attr. роговой horn spectacles - очки в роговой оправе between/on the horns of a dilemma - между двух огней; в затруднительном положении to draw in ones horns - присмиреть; стушеваться; ретироваться; умерить свой пыл to toot ones horn amer. - бахвалиться, заниматься саморекламой  2. v.  1) срезать рога  2) бодать; забодать  3) obs. наставить рога - horn in ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. рог horns and hoofs —- рога и копыта to shed horns —- сбрасывать рога to remove the horns of an animal —- срезать рога животному 2. рог (материал) carved from horn —- вырезанный из рога 3. рог; рожок; горн English horn —- английский рожок French horn —- валторна to blow the horn —- трубить в рог; играть на рожке 4. разг. духовой музыкальный инструмент (любой) 5. сл. труба 6. музыкант. играющий на трубе; трубач 7. рожок; гудок; свисток, сирена 8. клаксон (автомобиля) to sound one's horn —- сигналить 9. рупор (громкоговорителя); труба (граммофона) 10. ам. сл. телефон to get on the horn to smb. —- звякнуть кому-л 11. кубок из рога 12. пороховой рог, пороховница 13. рожок (для надевания обуви) 14. отросток, ответвление; отрог; острый конец 15. рог (полумесяца) 16. редк. рогатое животное (олень) 17. оружие, меч; бивень to life up the horn —- возноситься; подняться на борьбу 18. библ. власть, возношение 19. зоол. щупик, усик 20. рад. рупорная антенна 21. тех. выступ; кронштейн 22. рог (наковальни) 23. золотопромывательный лоток 24. геогр. мыс the H. —- мыс Горн Id: to put to the horn —- объявлять вне закона (мятежника или лицо, отказывающееся явиться в суд) Id: horn of plenty —- рог изобилия Id: to take the bull by the horns —- взять быка за рога Id: to blow one's own horn —- трубить о себе, бахвалиться,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) рог 2) рогатое животное (напр. олень) 3) роговидный отросток 4) шип (у рыб) 5) щупальце (у улиток) 6) ость 7) бодать – horn of Ammon – branched horns – crumpled horns – dorsal horn – down-turned horns – iliac horn – lyre horns – sacral horn – screw horns – straight horns – uterine horn ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) гудок 2) кабанчик 3) клаксон 4) нос наковальни 5) рог 6) роговидный 7) роговина 8) рожковый 9) рожок 10) рупор 11) рупорный blow one's own horn — выпячивать успехи mouth of sectoral horn — раскрыв секторального рупора - box horn - entrainment horn - flare of horn - horn antenna - horn arrester - horn block - horn diaphragm - horn gate - horn loudspeaker - horn radiator - horn sprue - horn throat - mouth of horn - pitch horn - pole horn - reflex horn ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сирена; звуковой сигнал 2) рупорная антенна 3) раскрыв волновода 4) рупорный громкоговоритель, рупор – biconical horn – box horn – catenoidal horn – choked horn – cluster horn – cylindrical horn – dual-mode horn – feed horn – flanged horn – folded horn – hog horn – low-flare horn – Potter horn – radio horn – sectoral horn – standard-gain horn – unflared horn ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  выступающий торец (конец) (конькового бруса, ригеля, обвязки) tin horn ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) выступ 2) лоток (из бычьего рога) для промывки золота 3) рычаг (подъёмно-транспортного устройства) 4) рог (наковальни) 5) фальцевать; загибать кромки 6) консоль, хобот (контактной сварочной машины) 7) мн. ч. "рога" (дефект концевой части полосы) 8) ж.-д. буксовая челюсть 9) сирена; мор. горн; авто звуковой сигнал 10) возд. роговой компенсатор (элерона или руля) 11) рог (разрядника) 12) рупор 13) рупорная антенна - acoustic horn - air horn - aperture-matched horn - arcing horn - bottom horn - box horn - cellular horn - circular horn - corrugated horn - coupler horn - cross-shaped horn - drop horn - electromagnetic horn - feed horn - fog horn - following pole horn - hand signal horn - hybrid-mode horn - insulator arcing horn - jamb horn - leading pole horn - multicellular horn - multimode horn - pedestal horn - pole horn - potter's horn - protective horn - pyramidal horn - rectangular horn - ridged horn - sectoral horn - small-flare-angle horn - trailing pole horn - wide-flare-angle horn ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a hard permanent outgrowth, often curved and pointed, on the head of cattle, rhinoceroses, giraffes, and other esp. hoofed mammals, found singly, in pairs, or one in front of another. b the structure of a horn, consisting of a core of bone encased in keratinized skin. 2 each of two deciduous branched appendages on the head of (esp. male) deer. 3 a hornlike projection on the head of other animals, e.g. a snail's tentacle, the crest of a horned owl, etc. 4 the substance of which horns are composed. 5 anything resembling or compared to a horn in shape. 6 Mus. a = French horn. b a wind instrument played by lip vibration, orig. made of horn, now usu. of brass. c a horn player. 7 an instrument sounding a warning or other signal (car horn; foghorn). 8 a receptacle or instrument made of horn, e.g. a drinking-vessel or powder-flask etc. 9 a horn-shaped projection. 10 the extremity of the moon or other crescent. 11 a an arm or branch of a river, bay, etc. b (the Horn) Cape Horn. 12 a pyramidal peak formed by glacial action. 13 coarse sl. an erect penis. 14 the hornlike emblem of a cuckold. --v.tr. 1 (esp. as horned adj.) provide with horns. 2 gore with the horns. Phrases and idioms horn in sl. 1 (usu. foll. by on) intrude. 2 interfere. horn of plenty a cornucopia. horn-rimmed (esp. of spectacles) having rims made of horn or a substance resembling it. on the horns of a dilemma faced with a decision involving equally unfavourable alternatives. Derivatives hornist n. (in sense 6 of n.). hornless adj. hornlike adj. Etymology: OE f. Gmc, rel. to L cornu ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   or North Cape  geographical name cape NW Iceland HORN  noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German ~, Latin cornu, Greek keras  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. one of the usually paired bony processes that arise from the head of many ungulates and that are found in some extinct mammals and reptiles: as  (1) one of the permanent paired hollow sheaths of keratin usually present in both sexes of cattle and their relatives that function chiefly for defense and arise from a bony core anchored to the skull — see cow illustration  (2) antler  (3) a permanent solid ~ of keratin that is attached to the nasal bone of a rhinoceros  (4) one of a pair of permanent bone protuberances from the skull of a giraffe or okapi that are covered with hairy skin  b. a part like an animal's ~ attributed especially to the devil  c. a natural projection or excrescence from an animal resembling or suggestive of a ~  d.  (1) the tough fibrous material consisting chiefly of keratin that covers or forms the ~s of cattle and related animals, hooves, or other ~y parts (as claws or nails)  (2) a manufactured product (as a plastic) resembling ~  e. a hollow ~ used to hold something  2. something resembling or suggestive of a ~: as  a. one of the curved ends of a crescent  b. a sharp mountain peak  c. a body of land or water shaped like a ~  d. a beak-shaped part of an anvil  e. a high pommel of a saddle  f. cornu  3.  a. an animal's ~ used as a wind instrument  b. a brass wind instrument: as  (1) hunting ~  (2) French ~  c. a wind instrument used in a jazz band; especially trumpet  d. a usually electrical device that makes a noise like that of a ~  4. a source of strength  5. one of the equally disadvantageous alternatives presented by a dilemma  6. slang telephone  • ~ adjective  • ~ed adjective  • ~edness noun  • ~less adjective  • ~lessness noun  • ~like adjective HORN, CAPE  geographical name headland S Chile on Horn Island in Tierra del Fuego;...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (horns) 1. On a vehicle such as a car, the horn is the device that makes a loud noise as a signal or warning. He sounded the car horn. N-COUNT: oft supp N 2. The horns of an animal such as a cow or deer are the hard pointed things that grow from its head. N-COUNT: usu pl 3. Horn is the hard substance that the horns of animals are made of. Horn is sometimes used to make objects such as spoons, buttons, or ornaments. N-UNCOUNT see also horn-rimmed 4. A horn is a musical instrument of the brass family. It is a long circular metal tube, wide at one end, which you play by blowing. N-COUNT: oft the N 5. A horn is a simple musical instrument consisting of a metal tube that is wide at one end and narrow at the other. You play it by blowing into it. ...a hunting horn. N-COUNT 6. see also shoehorn 7. If you blow your own horn, you boast about yourself. (mainly AM) PHRASE 8. If two people lock horns, they argue about something. During his six years in office, Seidman has often locked horns with lawmakers. PHRASE: V inflects, pl-n PHR 9. If you are on the horns of a dilemma, you have to choose between two things, both of which are unpleasant or difficult. The bird is caught on the horns of a dilemma. Should it attack the predator, even though it then risks its own life? Or should it get out while the going is good? PHRASE: PHR after v 10. If someone pulls in their horns or draws in their horns, they start behaving more cautiously than they did before, especially by spending less money. Customers are drawing in their horns at a time of high interest rates. PHRASE: V inflects 11. to take the bull by the horns: see bull ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »OF AN ANIMAL« one of the pair of hard pointed parts that grow on the heads of cows, goats, and other animals 2 »SUBSTANCE« a) the substance that animals' horns are made of  (a knife with a horn handle) b) a part of an animal's head that stands out like a horn, for example on a snail 3 »ON A CAR« the thing in a vehicle that is used to make a loud sound as a signal or warning  (blow/sound your horn (=make a noise with your horn)) 4 »MUSICAL INSTRUMENT« a) one of several musical instruments that consist of a long metal tube, wide at one end, that you play by blowing b) a musical instrument made from an animal's horn  (- see also French horn, English horn, post horn) 5 drinking horn/powder horn etc a container in the shape of an animal's horn, used in the past for drinking from, carrying gunpowder etc 6 draw/pull in your horns to reduce the amount of money you spend 7 be on the horns of a dilemma to be in a situation in which you have to choose between two unpleasant or difficult situations  (- see also blow your own trumpet/horn blow1 (21), lock horns lock1 (6), take the bull by the horns bull1 (3)) ~2 v AmE horn in phr v AmE to interrupt or try to take part in something when you are not wanted + on  (He horned in on my date.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. horn "wind instrument, horn of an animal," from P.Gmc. *khurnaz, from PIE *ker-. A hornpipe was originally a hornepype (c.1400), a musical instrument with bell and mouthpiece made of horn, later (c.1485) "dance associated with sailors." Hornswoggle "to cheat" is from 1889. Horny "lustful, sexually aroused" (1889) is from early 19c. expression to have the horn, probably suggestive of male sexual excitement (but eventually applied to women as well). To horn in "intrude" is attested by 1880, originally cowboy slang. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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