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Англо-русский биологический словарь - history


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life historynatural history

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  noun  1) история; историческая наука - modern history  2) прошлое, история thats ancient history! - это старая история!, это дело прошлое! - inner history of  3) obs. историческая пьеса Syn: annals, chronicle ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. история (последовательность событий); прошлое to make history —- делать (творить) историю history repeats itself —- история повторяется the history of the case —- история (этого) дела a woman with a history —- женщина с прошлым this house has a strange history —- у этого дома странная история I know the inner history of this affair —- я знаю подоплеку этого дела 2. история (описание последовательности событий) life history —- история жизни, биография, жизнеописание case-history —- мед. история болезни regimental history —- история полка it's a matter of history —- это исторический факт it's a question of history —- история решит (рассудит) to become history —- войти в историю 3. история, историческая наука; курс истории ancient history —- древняя история the history of architecture —- история архитектуры to major in history —- специализироваться по истории two hours of history a day —- два часа истории в день lectures on history —- лекции по истории history lesson —- урок истории 4. тех. предыстория, предшествующая обработка (материала) 5. уст. историческая пьеса Id: that's ancient history —- это дело прошлое; старо как мир ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – life history – natural history ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  – history of art – file history – patent history ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) предыстория; хронология; хронологический 2) архив (данных); статистика; статистические данные 3) протокол ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  история, предыстория channel with past history — канал с предысторией history of a system — история системы past history of a system — предыстория системы past history of system — изменение характеристик системы в прошлом; предыстория системы - history of formula - history of iterations - history of system - past history - previous history - simulated history - time history ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  история; изменение во времени; динамика (характер протекания) процесса environmental history loading history temperature history ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) история; предыстория; изменение во времени; характер протекания, динамика (процесса) 2) архив (данных) - actual production history - fatigue precracking history - flight history - life history - loading history - maintenance history - melting history - predicted production history - previous stress history - stress history - thermal history - time history ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a continuous, usu. chronological, record of important or public events. 2 a the study of past events, esp. human affairs. b the total accumulation of past events, esp. relating to human affairs or to the accumulation of developments connected with a particular nation, person, thing, etc. (our island history; the history of astronomy). 3 an eventful past (this house has a history). 4 a a systematic or critical account of or research into a past event or events etc. b a similar record or account of natural phenomena. 5 a historical play. Phrases and idioms make history 1 influence the course of history. 2 do something memorable. Etymology: ME f. L historia f. Gk historia finding out, narrative, history f. histor learned, wise man, rel. to WIT(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural -ries)  Etymology: Middle English histoire, historie, from Anglo-French estoire, histoire, from Latin historia, from Greek, inquiry, ~, from histor, istor knowing, learned; akin to Greek eidenai to know — more at wit  Date: 14th century  1. tale, story  2.  a. a chronological record of significant events (as affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes  b. a treatise presenting systematically related natural phenomena  c. an account of a patient's medical background  d. an established record a prisoner with a ~ of violence  3. a branch of knowledge that records and explains past events medieval ~  4.  a. events that form the subject matter of a ~  b. events of the past  c. one that is finished or done for the winning streak was ~ you're ~  d. previous treatment, handling, or experience (as of a metal) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (histories) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You can refer to the events of the past as history. You can also refer to the past events which concern a particular topic or place as its history. The Catholic Church has played a prominent role throughout Polish history. ...the most evil mass killer in history. ...the history of Birmingham. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp • Someone who makes history does something that is considered to be important and significant in the development of the world or of a particular society. Willy Brandt made history by visiting East Germany in 1970. PHRASE: V inflects • If someone or something goes down in history, people in the future remember them because of particular actions that they have done or because of particular events that have happened. Bradley will go down in history as Los Angeles’ longest serving mayor. PHRASE: V inflects 2. History is a subject studied in schools, colleges, and universities that deals with events that have happened in the past. N-UNCOUNT 3. A history is an account of events that have happened in the past. ...his magnificent history of broadcasting in Canada. N-COUNT: with supp, oft N of n 4. If a person or a place has a history of something, it has been very common or has happened frequently in their past. He had a history of drink problems... N-COUNT: usu sing, usu a N of n/-ing 5. Someone’s history is the set of facts that are known about their past. He couldn’t get a new job because of his medical history. N-COUNT: with poss 6. If you say that an event, thing, or person is history, you mean that they are no longer important. The Charlottetown agreement is history. N-UNCOUNT 7. If you are telling someone about an event and say the rest is history, you mean that you do not need to tell them what happened next because everyone knows about it already. We met at college, the rest is history. PHRASE 8. see also natural history ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »PAST EVENTS« all the things that happened in the past, especially the political, social, or economic development of a nation  (India has been invaded several times during its history. | Throughout history the achievements of women have been largely ignored. | change the course of history)  (Those decisions made at the Yalta Conference changed the course of history.) 2 »SUBJECT OF STUDY« the study of history, especially as a subject in school or university  (a degree in European history) 3 »DEVELOPMENT OF STH« the development of a subject, activity, institution etc since it started  (the worst disaster in the history of space travel) 4 »BOOK« a book about past events  (a history of World War II) 5 »PAST LIFE« a history of if someone has a history of illness, problems, or criminal activity, these things have happened to them or been done by them in the past  (The defendant had a history of violent assaults against women.) 6 make history to do something important that will be recorded and remembered  (Lindbergh made history when he flew across the Atlantic in .) 7 will go down in history something that will go down in history, is important enough to be remembered and recorded  (This day will go down in history as the start of a new era in South Africa.) 8 ...and the rest is history used to say that everyone knows the rest of a story you have been telling 9 that's past/ancient history spoken used to say that something is not important now any more 10 history repeats itself used to say that things often happen in the same way as they happened before  (- see also natural history, case history) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - late 14c., from O.Fr. historie, from L. historia "narrative, account, tale, story," from Gk. historia "a learning or knowing by inquiry, history, record, narrative," from historein "inquire," from histor "wise man, judge," from PIE base *wid- "know, see." Related to Gk. idein "to see," and to eidenai "to know." In M.E., not differentiated from story; sense of "record of past events" probably first attested c.1450. Sense of "systematic account (without reference to time) of a set of natural phenomena" now obs. except in natural history. What is historic is noted or celebrated in history; what is historical deals with history. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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