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Англо-русский биологический словарь - heavy


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Перевод с английского языка heavy на русский


1) тяжёлый

2) обильный, буйный (о растительности)

3) беременная, суягная (об овце)

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  cold  а) сильная простуда  б) сильный насморк HEAVY crop богатый урожай HEAVY cropper растение, дающее хороший урожай HEAVY expenses большие расходы HEAVY casualties mil. большие потери HEAVY  1. adj.  1) тяжелый - heavy armament  2) тяжелый, обременительный; высокий (о цене, налоге и т.п.) - heavy casualties  3) обильный, буйный (о растительности) heavy crop - обильный, хороший урожай heavy foliage - густая листва heavy beard - густая борода heavy layer mining - мощный слой  4) тяжелый; трудный heavy work - тяжелая, трудная работа  5) серьезный, опасный - heavy wound - heavy cold  6) служит для усиления heavy eater - любитель поесть; обжора - heavy smoker  7) сильный (о буре, дожде, росе и т.п.) ; густой (о тумане)  8) тяжелый, мрачный; печальный with a heavy heart - с тяжелым сердцем heavy tidings - печальные известия heavy villain - мрачный злодей  9) покрытый тучами, мрачный (о небе)  10) бурный (о море)  11) толстый (о материи, броне и т.п.)  12) плохо поднявшийся (о тесте); плохо пропеченный (о хлебе и т.п.) - heavy bread  13) тяжеловатый; неуклюжий  14) плохо соображающий, тупой; скучный  15) сонный, осовелый  16) theatr. мрачный; резонерствующий to play the part of the heavy father - играть роль брюзгливого, придирчивого отца  17) chem. слаболетучий to have a heavy hand -  а) быть неуклюжим;  б) быть...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. спорт. боксер или борец тяжелого веса light heavy —- боксер или борец полутяжелого веса 2. тяжелый корабль; тяжелый грузовик 3. ам. разг. видный деятель, крупная фигура, корифей 4. умнейший человек 5. (the Heavies) гвардейские драгуны (в английской армии) 6. (the heavies) воен. разг. тяжелая боевая техника 7. автомобиль большой грузоподъемности 8. разг. злодей; разбойник, грабитель 9. театр. роль злодея 10. театр. роль степенного, серьезного человека или резонера 11. разг. важная персона; заправила 12. откормленное животное 13. сл. высокая волна (особ. в серфинге) housesize "heavies" off Hawaii —- волны величиной с дом у гавайских берегов 14. тяжелый, тяжеловесный heavy load —- тяжелый груз heavy parcel —- тяжелый (увесистый) сверток heavy train —- ж-д. тяжеловесный состав heavy metal —- тяжелый металл heavy purse —- тяжелый (туго набитый) кошелек; богатство to be heavy —- иметь большой вес; быть тяжелым to weigh heavy —- много весить too heavy for me to lift —- такой тяжелый, что мне не поднять how heavy are you? —- какой у вас вес? how heavy is this box? —- сколько весит этот ящик 15. крупный, большой; массивный heavy gauge —- тех. больших размеров; большого сечения; большого калибра heavy canvas —- толстая парусина heavy woollens —- толстое шерстяное белье...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) тяжёлый 2) обильный, буйный (о растительности) 3) беременная, суягная (об овце) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) тяжелый 2) большой, крупный 3) вялый, бездеятельный (о рынке) • - heavy debts - heavy duty - heavy expenses - heavy exports - heavy imports - heavy order - the market is heavy Syn: high, significant, large-scale ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) большегрузный 2) высоковязкий 3) высокомолекулярный 4) грузный 5) густой 6) жирный 7) лигроин 8) обременительный 9) сжатый 10) сильный 11) толстый 12) трудный 13) тяжеловесный 14) тяжелый 15) утяжеленный extra heavy concrete — особо тяжелый бетон heavy faced type — шрифт жирного начертания heavy kraft paper — машиностр. бумага кабельная heavy media separation — горн. апробация руд в тяжелых жидкостях heavy merchant mill — крупносортный прокатный стан heavy transport aircraft — аэро самолет транспортный тяжелый - heavy aggregate - heavy asphalt - heavy blackening - heavy cracking - heavy flow - heavy gasoline - heavy gradient - heavy hydrogen - heavy ice - heavy industry - heavy isotope - heavy lifter - heavy line - heavy load - heavy pitching - heavy pressure - heavy reduction - heavy scrap - heavy section - heavy slag - heavy sparking - heavy traffic - heavy water ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj., n., & adv. --adj. (heavier, heaviest) 1 of great or exceptionally high weight; difficult to lift. 2 a of great density. b Physics having a greater than the usual mass (esp. of isotopes and compounds containing them). 3 abundant, considerable (a heavy crop). 4 severe, intense, extensive, excessive (heavy fighting; a heavy sleep). 5 doing something to excess (a heavy drinker). 6 a striking or falling with force (heavy blows; heavy rain). b (of the sea) having large powerful waves. 7 (of machinery, artillery, etc.) very large of its kind; large in calibre etc. 8 causing a strong impact (a heavy fall). 9 needing much physical effort (heavy work). 10 (foll. by with) laden. 11 carrying heavy weapons (the heavy brigade). 12 (of a person, writing, music, etc.) serious or sombre in tone or attitude; dull, tedious. 13 a (of food) hard to digest. b (of a literary work etc.) hard to read or understand. 14 a (of temperament) dignified, stern. b intellectually slow. 15 (of bread etc.) too dense from not having risen. 16 (of ground) difficult to traverse or work. 17 oppressive; hard to endure (a heavy fate; heavy demands). 18 a coarse, ungraceful (heavy features). b unwieldy. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 colloq. a large violent person; a thug. 2 a villainous or tragic role or actor in a play etc. (usu. in pl.). 3 colloq. a serious newspaper. 4 anything large or heavy of its kind, e.g. a vehicle. --adv. heavily (esp. in comb.: heavy-laden). Phrases and idioms heavier-than-air (of an aircraft) weighing more than the air it displaces. heavy chemicals see CHEMICAL. heavy-duty adj. intended to withstand hard use. heavy-footed awkward, ponderous. heavy going slow or difficult progress. heavy-hearted sad, doleful. heavy hydrogen = DEUTERIUM. heavy industry industry producing metal, machinery, etc. heavy metal 1 heavy guns. 2 metal of high density. 3 colloq. (often attrib.) a type of highly-amplified rock music with a strong beat. heavy petting erotic fondling between two people, stopping short of intercourse. heavy sleeper a person who sleeps...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (heavier; -est)  Etymology: Middle English hevy, from Old English hefig; akin to Old High German hebic ~, Old English hebban to lift — more at heave  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. having great weight; also characterized by mass or weight how ~ is it?  b. having a high specific gravity ; having great weight in proportion to bulk  c.  (1) of an isotope having or being atoms of greater than normal mass for that element  (2) of a compound containing ~ isotopes  2. hard to bear; specifically grievous, afflictive a ~ sorrow  3. of weighty import ; serious ~ consequences  4. deep, profound a ~ silence  5.  a. borne down by something oppressive ; burdened  b. pregnant; especially approaching parturition  6.  a. slow or dull from loss of vitality or resiliency ; sluggish a tired ~ step  b. lacking sparkle or vivacity ; drab  c. lacking mirth or gaiety ; doleful  d. characterized by declining prices  7. dulled with weariness ; drowsy  8. greater in quantity or quality than the average of its kind or class: as  a. of unusually large size or amount a ~ turnout ~ traffic  b. of great force ~ seas  c. threatening to rain or snow  d.  (1) impeding motion  (2) full of clay and inclined to hold water  e. coming as if from a depth ; loud ~ breathing  f. thick, coarse ~ syrup  g. oppressive a ~ odor ~ weather rule with a ~ hand  h. steep, acute  i. laborious, difficult ~ going  j. immoderate a ~ smoker  k. more powerful than usual for its kind a ~ cavalry a ~ cruiser  l. of large capacity or output  9.  a. very rich and hard to digest ~ desserts  b. not properly raised or leavened ~ bread  10. producing goods (as coal, steel, or chemicals) used in the production of other goods ~ industry  11.  a. having stress a ~ rhythm — used especially of syllables in accentual verse  b. being the strongest degree of stress in speech  12. relating to theatrical parts of a grave or somber nature  13. long 9 ~ on ideas  14. important, prominent...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (heavier, heaviest, heavies) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Something that is heavy weighs a lot. These scissors are awfully heavy... The mud stuck to her boots, making her feet heavy and her legs tired. ? light ADJ • heaviness ...a sensation of warmth and heaviness in the muscles. N-UNCOUNT 2. You use heavy to ask or talk about how much someone or something weighs. How heavy are you?... Protons are nearly 2000 times as heavy as electrons. ADJ: how ADJ, as ADJ as, ADJ-compar than 3. Heavy means great in amount, degree, or intensity. Heavy fighting has been going on... He worried about her heavy drinking... The traffic along Fitzjohn’s Avenue was heavy. ADJ: usu ADJ n • heavily It has been raining heavily all day. ADV: ADV after v, ADV -ed/adj • heaviness ...the heaviness of the blood loss. N-UNCOUNT 4. Someone or something that is heavy is solid in appearance or structure, or is made of a thick material. He was short and heavy... ? light ADJ • heavily He was a big man of about forty, wide-shouldered and heavily built. ADV: ADV -ed 5. A heavy meal is large in amount and often difficult to digest. He had been feeling drowsy, the effect of an unusually heavy meal. = filling ? light ADJ 6. Something that is heavy with things is full of them or loaded with them. (LITERARY) The air is heavy with moisture... = laden ADJ: v-link ADJ with n 7. If a person’s breathing is heavy, it is very loud and deep. Her breathing became slow and heavy. ? light, shallow ADJ • heavily She sank back on the pillow and closed her eyes, breathing heavily as if asleep. ADV: ADV after v 8. A heavy movement or action is done with a lot of force or pressure. ...a heavy blow on the back of the skull... ? gentle ADJ: ADJ n • heavily I sat down heavily on the ground beside the road... ? gently ADV: ADV after v 9. A heavy machine or piece of military equipment is very large and very powerful. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj heavier, heaviest 1 »WEIGHT« weighing a lot  (I can't lift this case - it's too heavy. | The baby seemed to be getting heavier and heavier in her arms. | how heavy? (=how much does it weigh))  (How heavy is the parcel?)  (- opposite light2 (4)) 2 »A LOT« a lot or in very large amounts  (The traffic was heavier than normal and I was late for work. | heavy rain/snow)  (flooding caused by heavy rain over the weekend | heavy use/consumption)  (the film's heavy use of special effects) 3 heavy smoker/drinker someone who smokes a lot or drinks a lot of alcohol 4 »SERIOUS/SEVERE« serious or severe  (heavy winter storms | a heavy burden of responsibility | heavy fine/penalty)  (heavy fines for possession of hard drugs | a heavy cold (=a very bad cold))  (She's in bed with a heavy cold. | heavy losses)  (Most insurance companies suffered heavy losses last year.) 5 »NEEDING PHYSICAL EFFORT« needing a lot of physical strength and effort  (heavy manual work) 6 »NEEDING MENTAL EFFORT« not easy or entertaining and needing a lot of mental effort  (I want something to read on holiday - nothing too heavy.) 7 heavy going difficult to understand or deal with  (find sth heavy going)  (I found Balzac's books pretty heavy going.) 8 be heavy on informal to use a lot or too much of something  (The car's rather heavy on oil.) 9 heavy schedule/timetable/day etc one in which you have a lot to do in a short time  (I'd had a heavy day at the office.) 10 heavy sleeper someone who does not wake easily 11 heavy breathing breathing that is slow and loud  (- see also heavy breather) 12 make heavy weather of sth BrE to make something that you are doing seem more difficult or complicated than it really is  (All Nick had to do was reorganize the files but he was making heavy weather of it.) 13 »CLOTHES ETC« clothes, jewellery, or shoes that are heavy are large, thick, and solid  (a heavy winter coat) 14 »BODY/FACE« having a large, broad, or thick appearance that is unattractive  (a large, heavy-featured woman | heavy build (=a large...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. hefig, from P.Gmc. *khabigas, from *kafjanan and thus related to heave. Theatrical (noun) sense of "villain" is 1880, from the adj. Heavy-handed was originally (1633) "weary" or "clumsy," sense of "overbearing" is first recorded 1883. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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