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Англо-русский биологический словарь - hammer


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Перевод с английского языка hammer на русский


1) орнит. овсянка (Emberiza)

2) анат. молоточек (слуховая косточка)

yellow hammer

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) молоток; молот - hammer and sickle - throwing of the hammer  2) молоточек (в различных механизмах)  3) курок, ударник  4) молоток аукциониста - bring to the hammer - hammer and tongs to go at it hammer and tongs  а) взяться за что-л. с воодушевлением; изо всех сил стараться;  б) наброситься, напасть  2. v.  1) вбивать, вколачивать (in, into -  в); прибивать  2) стучать, колотить (at -  в) Whos that hammering at the door in the middle of the night?  3) ковать, чеканить  4) ударять, бить  5) бить по неприятелю, особ. из тяжелых орудий  6) coll. побеждать, побивать (в состязании)  7) объявлять несостоятельным должником  8) сурово критиковать  9) втолковывать (тж. hammer home/in/into) The speaker hammered his point home with examples that the listeners could not deny. - hammer at - hammer away - hammer down - hammer out - hammer together to hammer it home to smb. - внушить кому-л., довести до чьего-л. сознания HAMMER and sickle серп и молот HAMMER and tongs с воодушевлением; энергично; изо всей силы HAMMER together сбивать, сколачивать HAMMER scale noun tech. молотобоина, окалина HAMMER out  а) расплющивать The car door was so damaged in the crash that the garage men had to hammer it out.  б) выковывать At this college some of the students learn to hammer out beautiful dishes in silver and other precious metals.  в) fig. придумывать; составлять; изобретать  г) делать что-л. шумно I can hear Jane from here, hammering out a tune on the piano; I do wish she would learn to...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. молоток, молот hammer and sickle —- серп и молот pneumatic hammer —- пневматический молот 2. молоток, молоточек a hammer of a piano —- молоточек рояля tuning hammer —- муз. ключ для настройки 3. молоток аукционера to bring to the hammer —- продавать с молотка to come the hammer —- продаваться с молотка 4. анат. молоточек 5. спорт. молот throwing the hammer —- метание молота 6. метание молота 7. воен. курок; ударник 8. удар в подбородок сверху 9. разг. здоровенный детина, боксер 10. ам. сл. педаль газа, акселератор to drop the hammer —- жать на педаль газа Id: hammer and tongs —- изо всех сил; с шумом и треском Id: to go at it hammer and tongs —- энергично взяться за что-л.; со скандалом Id: our neighbours were at it hammer and tongs —- у наших соседей была шумная ссора 11. бить молотком; вбивать, забивать молотком to hammer nails into a board —- вбивать гвозди в доску 12. ковать; чеканить to hammer iron —- ковать железо to hammer smth. into shape —- выковать, отковать что-л. to hammer a scythe —- отбить косу 13. бить, наносить удары; колотить, дубасить to hammer smb. in the jaw —- нанести удар в челюсть кому-л. to hammer the enemy —- бить врага; обрушиться на врага to hammer at the door —- барабанить в дверь he hammered his opponent —- он обрушил на соперника град ударов 14. разрабатывать, работать над составлением 15. вбивать,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) орнит. овсянка (Emberiza) 2) анат. молоточек (слуховая косточка) – yellow hammer ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) потр. молоток See: tool 1) 2) торг. аукционный молоток 3) рекл. "молоток" (короткий крупный заголовок; выше стандартного заголовка) HAMMER 1. сущ. 1) потр. молоток* 2) торг. аукционный молоток 3) рекл. молоток (короткий крупный заголовок; выше стандартного заголовка) 2. гл. 1) эк. объявлять о банкротстве, объявлять несостоятельным должником 2) эк. продавать на подъеме в момент высокой цены See: "keen price, "limit pricing, "penetration pricing, "kamikaze pricing, "predatory pricing, "predatory price cutting, "experience curve pricing, "destroyer pricing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) кувалда 2) молотковой 3) молотковый 4) молотовой 5) молоток 6) молоточек 7) молоточек печатающего устройства 8) молоточковый 9) молоточный 10) подбивать 11) удар 12) чеканить block head of hammer — боек механического молота board drop hammer — молот с доской фрикционный face of a hammer — лицо молота hammer drilling machine — молотковая бурильная машина pick hammer face — молотковая лава - air-operated hammer - anvil hammer - bench hammer - bevel set hammer - cam-operated hammer - caulking hammer - chasing hammer - chipping hammer - compressed air hammer - counterblow hammer - crank-operated hammer - double-acting hammer - geological hammer - granulating hammer - hammer ballast - hammer briquetting - hammer die - hammer head - hammer marble - hammer mill - helve hammer - high-rate-energy hammer - horning hammer - hydraulic hammer - jack hammer - joiner's hammer - no anvil hammer - ore picking hammer - pile-driving hammer - planishing hammer - power hammer - rapid-action hammer - riveting hammer - round set hammer - scabbling hammer - shaft hammer - shingling hammer - single-acting hammer - sledge hammer - smith's hammer - square set hammer - stamping hammer - steam hammer - steam-air hammer - straightening hammer - swage hammer - water hammer ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  литера (ПУ) – print hammer ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  молоток air hammer air drill hammer air pick hammer ball-peen hammer brick hammer bush hammer carpenter's hammer chipping hammer claw hammer cross-peen hammer Dawson piling hammer demolition hammer diesel hammer differential steam hammer double-acting hammer double-acting air hammer double-acting piling hammer double-acting steam hammer drop hammer electric hammer electropneumatic hammer fitter's hammer forge hammer hydraulic hammer hydroblock hammer joiner's hammer knapping hammer lath hammer mash hammer mason's hammer patent hammer pendulum hammer pile hammer pneumatic hammer power hammer power-operated bush hammer raising hammer single-acting hammer single-acting steam hammer smith's hammer spring-loaded hammer steam hammer straight peen hammer TNO hammer underwater driving hammer vibrating hammer water hammer wooden hammer ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a tool with a heavy metal head at right angles to the handle, used for breaking, driving nails, etc. b a machine with a metal block serving the same purpose. c a similar contrivance, as for exploding the charge in a gun, striking the strings of a piano, etc. 2 an auctioneer's mallet, indicating by a rap that an article is sold. 3 a a metal ball of about 7 kg, attached to a wire for throwing in an athletic contest. b the sport of throwing the hammer. 4 a bone of the middle ear; the malleus. --v. 1 a tr. & intr. hit or beat with or as with a hammer. b intr. strike loudly; knock violently (esp. on a door). 2 tr. a drive in (nails) with a hammer. b fasten or secure by hammering (hammered the lid down). 3 tr. (often foll. by in) inculcate (ideas, knowledge, etc.) forcefully or repeatedly. 4 tr. colloq. utterly defeat; inflict heavy damage on. 5 intr. (foll. by at, away at) work hard or persistently at. 6 tr. Stock Exch. declare (a person or a firm) a defaulter. Phrases and idioms come under the hammer be sold at an auction. hammer and sickle the symbols of the industrial worker and the peasant used as the emblem of the USSR and of international communism. hammer and tongs colloq. with great vigour and commotion. hammer out 1 make flat or smooth by hammering. 2 work out the details of (a plan, agreement, etc.) laboriously. 3 play (a tune, esp. on the piano) loudly or clumsily. hammer-toe a deformity in which the toe is bent permanently downwards. Derivatives hammering n. (esp. in sense 4 of v.). hammerless adj. Etymology: OE hamor, hamer ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English hamer, from Old English hamor; akin to Old High German hamar ~, and perhaps to Old Church Slavic kamen-, kamy stone, Greek akme point, edge — more at edge  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a hand tool consisting of a solid head set crosswise on a handle and used for pounding  b. a power tool that often substitutes a metal block or a drill for the ~head  2. something that resembles a ~ in form or action: as  a. a lever with a striking head for ringing a bell or striking a gong  b.  (1) an arm that strikes the cap in a percussion lock to ignite the propelling charge  (2) a part of the action of a modern gun that strikes the primer of the cartridge in firing or that strikes the firing pin to ignite the cartridge  c. malleus  d. gavel  e.  (1) a padded mallet in a piano action for striking a string  (2) a hand mallet for playing on various percussion instruments (as a xylophone)  3. a metal sphere thrown for distance in the ~ throw  4. accelerator b  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to strike blows especially repeatedly with or as if with a ~ ; pound  2. to make repeated efforts; especially to reiterate an opinion or attitude the lectures all ~ed away at the same points  transitive verb  1.  a. to beat, drive, or shape with repeated blows of a ~  b. to fasten or build with a ~  2. to strike or drive with a force suggesting a ~ blow or repeated blows ~ed the ball over the fence tried to ~ me into submission  3. to criticize severely  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hammers, hammering, hammered) 1. A hammer is a tool that consists of a heavy piece of metal at the end of a handle. It is used, for example, to hit nails into a piece of wood or a wall, or to break things into pieces. He used a hammer and chisel to chip away at the wall. N-COUNT 2. If you hammer an object such as a nail, you hit it with a hammer. To avoid damaging the tree, hammer a wooden peg into the hole... Builders were still hammering outside the window. VERB: V n prep/adv, V, also V n • Hammer in means the same as hammer. The workers kneel on the ground and hammer the small stones in. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, also V P n (not pron) • hammering The noise of hammering was dulled by the secondary glazing. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you hammer on a surface, you hit it several times in order to make a noise, or to emphasize something you are saying when you are angry. We had to hammer and shout before they would open up... A crowd of reporters was hammering on the door... He hammered his two clenched fists on the table. = pound VERB: V, V on n, V n on n • hammering As he said it, there was a hammering outside. N-SING 4. If you hammer something such as an idea into people or you hammer at it, you keep repeating it forcefully so that it will have an effect on people. He hammered it into me that I had not suddenly become a rotten goalkeeper... Recent advertising campaigns from the industry have hammered at these themes. VERB: V n into n, V at n 5. If you say that someone hammers another person, you mean that they attack, criticize, or punish the other person severely. (mainly BRIT) The report hammers the private motorist... VERB: V n • hammering Parents have taken a terrible hammering. N-SING 6. If you say that businesses are being hammered, you mean that they are being unfairly harmed, for example by a change in taxes or by bad economic conditions. (BRIT) The company has been hammered by the downturn in the construction and motor industries. V-PASSIVE: be V-ed 7. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »TOOL« a) a tool with a heavy metal part on a long handle, used for hitting nails into wood b) a tool like this with a wooden head used to make something flat, make a noise etc  (an auctioneer's hammer) 2 come/go under the hammer to be offered for sale at an auction1 3 be/go at it hammer and tongs informal to fight or argue very loudly 4 »PIANO« a wooden part of a piano that hits the strings inside to make a musical sound 5 »GUN« the part of a gun that hits the explosive charge1 (8) that fires a bullet 6 »SPORT« a heavy metal ball on a wire with a handle that is thrown as far as possible, as a sport ~2 v 1 »HIT STH WITH A HAMMER« to hit something with a hammer in order to force it into a particular position or shape  (hammer sth into/onto)  (He hammered the door into its frame. | The blacksmith then hammers the horseshoe into its final shape.) 2 »HIT REPEATEDLY« to hit something many times, especially making a loud noise + against/on  (The rain was hammering against the window.) 3 »DEFEAT« informal to defeat someone completely at a sport  (Arsenal hammered Manchester United in yesterday's game.) 4 »HIT HARD« informal to hit or kick something very hard  (Robinson hammered the ball into the goal.) 5 hammer away at a) to work hard and continuously at something  (I kept hammering away at the essay until it was done.) b) to repeat something continuously until you are sure that people understand or accept what you are saying  (Petersen kept hammering away at his demand for a public inquiry.) 6 hammer sth home to make sure that people understand what you want to say by speaking in a determined way  (an important point that needs to be hammered home) 7 »HEART« if your heart hammers, you feel it beating strongly and quickly  (She stood outside the door, her heart hammering.) hammer sth in, hammer sth into sb/sth phr v to repeat something continuously until people completely understand it  (The coach hammered his message into the team.) hammer out sth phr v to decide on an agreement, contract, etc after a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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