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Англо-русский биологический словарь - growth


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Перевод с английского языка growth на русский


1) рост; развитие; произрастание

2) выращивание; культивирование

3) растительность; поросль

4) новообразование

growth in surfaceadditive growthallometric growthallomorphic growthanchorage-dependent growthanchorage-independent growthappositional growthauxetic growthcellular growthclonogenic growthcompensatory growthcontinuous growthdiauxic growthdisharmonic growthearly growthembryonic growthexponential growthfir-tree growthfull growthgeometrical growthheavy growthheterogonic growthindeterminate growthintercalary growthinterstitial growthintracellular growthintrusive growthisogonic growthisometric growthjuvenile growthlatent growthlimited growthlinear growthmalignant growthmeristic growthmultiplicative growthnew growthone-step growthparabolic growthplentiful growthpoor growthpostnatal growthprimary growthpure growthrelative growthriot growthsecond growthsecondary growthseedling growthsliding growthsteady-state growthsubmerged growthsurface growthunbalanced growthvegetative growthyoung growth

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  noun  1) рост, развитие - full growth - of foreign growth  2) прирост, увеличение  3) выращивание, культивирование; bacter. культура  4) продукт  5) поросль  6) med. новообразование, опухоль Syn: see neoplasm GROWTH ring noun годичный слой (в древесине) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. рост; развитие full growth —- полное развитие to attain full growth —- достичь полного развития, достичь зрелости economic growth —- экономические развитие crystal growth —- рост кристалла growth point —- точка роста a period of rapid growth —- период быстрого роста growth in storeys —- лес. ярусный рост (деревьев в лесу) 2. прирост yearly growth —- ежегодный прирост the growth of the population —- прирост населения the boy has shown a growth of two inches over the summer —- за лето мальчик вырос на два дюйма 3. увеличение; усиление; распространение the growth of education —- распространение образования 4. выращивание, культивирование the growth of fruit —- плодоводство apples of foreigh growth —- привозные яблоки wine of one's own growth —- вино из собственного винограда 5. рост, произрастание plant of quick growth —- быстрорастущее растение 6. культура (бактерий) 7. плод; продукт, предмет выращивания the best growths of France —- лучшие плоды Франции 8. растительность; поросль a thick growth of bushes —- густая поросль кустов the luxuriant growths of the tropics —- буйная тропическая растительность 9. щетина he had a week's growth on his chin —- он не брился целую неделю, у него была недельная щетина 10. урожай second growth —- второй урожай; отава wine of the first growth —- вино первого урожая 11. мед. опухоль, новообразование malignant growth —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) рост; развитие; произрастание 2) выращивание; культивирование 3) растительность; поросль 4) новообразование – growth in surface – additive growth – allometric growth – anchorage-dependent growth – anchorage-independent growth – appositional growth – auxetic growth – cellular growth – clonogenic growth – compensatory growth – continuous growth – diauxic growth – disharmonic growth – early growth – embryonic growth – exponential growth – fir-tree growth – full growth – geometrical growth – heavy growth – heterogonic growth – indeterminate growth – intercalary growth – interstitial growth – intracellular growth – intrusive growth – isogonic growth – isometric growth – juvenile growth – latent growth – limited growth – linear growth – malignant growth – meristic growth – new growth – one-step growth – parabolic growth – plentiful growth – poor growth – postnatal growth – primary growth – pure growth – relative growth – riot growth – second growth – secondary growth – seedling growth – sliding growth – steady-state growth – submerged growth – surface growth – unbalanced growth – vegetative growth – young growth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) рост, развитие 2) прирост 3) выращивание 4) происхождение 5) культивирование • - Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act - aggressive growth fund - balanced growth - capital growth - earnings growth rate - economic growth - growth acceleration - growth of demand - growth of scientific knowledge - growth of unemployment - growth operation - growth path - growth pattern - growth potential - growth rate - growth rates - growth strategy - of domestic growth - of foreign growth - swift growth Syn: expansion, multiplication, development, increase ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) возрастание 2) вырост 3) выростковый 4) нарастание 5) нарост 6) обрастание 7) порядок роста 8) прирост 9) разрастание 10) разращение 11) рост 12) ростовой 13) увеличение balanced growth path — траектория сбалансированного роста boundary layer growth — утолщение пограничного слоя direction of strongest growth — направление наибольшего роста divergent explosive growth — взрывоподобный рост function of maximal growth — функция максимального роста function of rapid growth — функция быстрого роста growth of an entire function — порядок роста целой функции growth of entire function — рост целой функции law of bacterial growth — стат. закон размножения бактерий plant growth stimulant — стимулятор роста растений rate of growth of increase — скорость роста spiral growth pattern — спираль роста - asymptotic growth - balanced growth - boundary layer growth - competitive growth - crack growth - curve of growth - deterministic growth - direction of growth - exponential growth - increment of growth - lack of growth - linear growth - logarithmic growth - logistic growth - nonexponential growth - order of growth - probabilistic growth - proportional growth - rate of growth - regular growth - stochastic growth - tree growth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  увеличение, рост – cable growth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  рост; увеличение наращивание растительный покров crack growth ice-wedge growth junction growth limit crack growth natural population growth overall population growth sludge growth ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) увеличение; рост; прирост 2) выращивание 3) наращивание 4) предмет выращивания 5) растительный покров 6) размножение; рост (клеток) growth by flux evaporation — выращивание (кристаллов) методом выпаривания расплава; growth by heat exchanger method — выращивание (кристаллов) методом теплообменника; growth by sintering — выращивание (кристаллов) методом спекания; growth from liquid solution — выращивание (кристаллов) из жидкого раствора; growth from melt — выращивание (кристаллов) из расплава growth of cyclone — углубление циклона growth of metastable phases — рост (кристаллов) метастабильных фаз - abnormal grain growth - advance growth - after growth - annual growth - apical growth - austenite grain growth - autodecent growth - automatic growth at diameter - auxetic growth - balanced growth - basal area growth - biological growth - boat growth - bottom growth - cellular growth - centrifugal zone growth - confluent growth - crack growth - crusibleless growth - crystal growth - crystal-pulling growth - dendritic growth - diameter growth - discontinuous growth - domain growth - early growth - edge-defined film-fed growth - edge-stabilized silicon ribbon growth - electroepitaxial growth - epitaxial growth - epitaxial film growth - epitaxial vacuum growth - exaggerated grain growth - exponential growth - filamentary crystal growth - film growth - flame-fusion growth - flux growth - fracture growth - grain growth - gravity-free growth - gross growth - hail growth - heteroepitaxial growth - homoepitaxial growth - hydrothermal growth - isothermal growth - late logarithmic growth - latent growth - lateral growth - layer growth - liquid-phase epitaxial growth - liquid epitaxial growth - machine...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the act or process of growing. 2 an increase in size or value. 3 something that has grown or is growing. 4 Med. a morbid formation. 5 the cultivation of produce. 6 a crop or yield of grapes. Phrases and idioms full growth the size ultimately attained; maturity. growth hormone Biol. a substance which stimulates the growth of a plant or animal. growth industry an industry that is developing rapidly. growth stock etc. stock etc. that tends to increase in capital value rather than yield high income. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 1557  1.  a.  (1) a stage in the process of growing ; size  (2) full ~  b. the process of growing  c. progressive development ; evolution  d. increase, expansion the ~ of the oil industry  2.  a. something that grows or has grown  b. an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as a tumor)  c. out~  d. the result of ~ ; product  3. a producing especially by growing fruits of his own ~  4. anticipated progressive ~ especially in capital value and income some investors prefer ~ to immediate income ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (growths) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The growth of something such as an industry, organization, or idea is its development in size, wealth, or importance. ...the growth of nationalism. ...Japan’s enormous economic growth. ...high growth rates. N-UNCOUNT: oft N of n 2. The growth in something is the increase in it. A steady growth in the popularity of two smaller parties may upset the polls... The area has seen a rapid population growth... The market has shown annual growth of 20 per cent for several years. N-UNCOUNT: also a N, oft supp N, N in n, N of amount 3. A growth industry, area, or market is one which is increasing in size or activity. (BUSINESS) Computers and electronics are growth industries and need skilled technicians... Real estate lending has become the biggest growth area for American banks. ADJ: ADJ n 4. Someone’s growth is the development and progress of their character. ...the child’s emotional and intellectual growth... N-UNCOUNT: usu supp N 5. Growth in a person, animal, or plant is the process of increasing in physical size and development. ...hormones which control fertility and body growth... Cells divide and renew as part of the human growth process. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 6. You can use growth to refer to plants which have recently developed or which developed at the same time. This helps to ripen new growth and makes it flower profusely... N-VAR 7. A growth is a lump that grows inside or on a person, animal, or plant, and that is caused by a disease. This type of surgery could even be used to extract cancerous growths. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »INCREASE IN AMOUNT« an increase in amount, size, or degree  (efforts to control population growth) + in  (During the 1970's there was rapid growth in oil production and consumption.) growth rate (=the speed at which something increases or grows)  (Japan's economic growth rate | growth area/industry (=an area of business that is growing very quickly)) 2 »PERSON/ANIMAL/PLANT« the development of the physical size, strength etc of a person, animal or plant over a period of time  (Vitamins are essential for healthy growth.) 3 »INCREASE IN IMPORTANCE« the gradual development and increase of a particular feeling, idea, or way of living + of  (the growth of capitalism | Currently there is a growth of interest in African music.) 4 »PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT« the development of someone's character, intelligence or emotions  (emotional/intellectual/personal etc growth)  (A loving home environment is essential for a child's personal growth.) 5 »SWELLING« a swelling on your body or under your skin, caused by disease  (a cancerous growth) 6 »GROWING THING« something which has grown  (I thought the tree was dead, but there are signs of new growth.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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