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Англо-русский биологический словарь - gas


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Перевод с английского языка gas на русский


газ; выделять газ; насыщать газом

manure gas

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) газ; газообразное тело - natural gas - producer gas  2) светильный газ  3) amer.; coll. бензин, газолин; горючее step on the gas! - дай газу!, увеличь скорость!  4) coll. болтовня, бахвальство  5) mining метан, рудничный газ  6) mil. отравляющее вещество  7) med. ветры, газы  2. v.  1) заражать отравляющими веществами; производить химическое нападение  2) отравлять(ся) газом she gassed herself - она отравилась газом  3) наполнять газом; насыщать газом  4) выделять газ  5) amer. заправляться горючим (тж. gasup) Stop here to gas up before crossing the desert.  6) coll. болтать; бахвалиться; нести вздор для отвода глаз stop gassing! - перестань болтать вздор! GAS attack noun химическое нападение GAS chamber noun газовая камера, душегубка GAS fire газовая плита или камин GAS defence noun противохимическая оборона ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. газ natural gas —- природный газ gas deliveries —- поставки (природного) газа gas heat —- газовое отопление noble gas —- хим. инертный газ a mixture of gases —- смесь газов gas flow —- поток газа 2. (the gas) газ (бытовой) to lay gas —- проводить газ to turn the gas off (out) —- выключить (погасить) газ to turn the gas up —- сильно открыть газ to turn the gas down —- прикрутить газ to cook by (with) gas —- готовить на газу (на газовой плите) put the kettle on the gas —- поставьте чайник на газ 3. физ. газ, газообразное вещество 4. светильный газ 5. горн. метан, рудничный газ 6. воен. газ, отравляющее вещество 7. веселящий газ; закись азота; эфир 8. уст. газовое освещение 9. ам. сл. бензин; газолин; топливо to step on the gas —- дать газ, нажать на акселератор 10. приналечь, поднажать to take one's foot off the gas —- сбавить скорость; успокоиться 11. разг. болтовня, бахвальство, треп that's all gas —- все это болтовня (пустые слова) we had a gas —- мы потрепались 12. мед. газы, ветры 13. (a gas) сл. сногсшибательная шутка we did it for a gas —- мы это просто так сделали, ради шутки (ради хохмы) what a gas it was! —- вот это было здорово!, вот это был розыгрыш! 14. нечто потрямающее; восторг, блеск (также о человеке) 15. газовый; газообразный 16. воен. поражать, заражать отравляющими веществами;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  газ; выделять газ; насыщать газом – manure gas ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) учет, брит. сокр. от "Government Accounting Service 2) фин., амер. сокр. от government account series ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бензин 2) бензораздаточный 3) газ 4) газировать 5) газовать 6) газовый 7) газокислородный 8) газолиновый 9) газообразный aerodynamics of rarefied gas — аэродинамика разреженных газов allow surplus gas to escape — выпускать лишний газ boiler flue gas — котельный газ clean bast-furnace gas — чистый доменный газ disorienting buffer gas — разориентирующий буферный газ gas and steam turbine installation — машиностр. установка турбинная газо-паровая gas cleaning by filtration — очистка газов фильтрацией gas discharge pressure gauge — газоразрядный манометр gas is adsorbed by charcoal — газ адсорбируется углем gas leak to atmosphere — утечка газа в атмосфере gas plasma display element — компьют. трубка газонаполненная gas supply for domestic uses — бытовая газификация gas turbine jet engine — машиностр. двигатель реактивный газотурбинный inert gas arc welding — дуговая сварка в инертном газе introduction of gas in metal — внедрение газа в металл liquid petroleum gas — энерг. газ жидкий nondisorienting buffer gas — неразориентирующий буферный газ Petroleum and Gas Extracting Administration — энерг. Нефтегазодобывающее управление primary cleaned gas — газ грубой очистки radioactive noble gas — физ. газ благородный радиоактивный separation of gas mixtures — разделение газовых смесей suspension of matter in gas — энерг. газовзвесь, газовзвеси - RX gas - adsorbed gas - air-blast gas - ammonia gas maser...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  газ горючий газ, газовое топливо digester gas flash gas flue gas foul gas grid gas hot gas liquefied petroleum gas manufactured gas natural gas noncondensable gas producer gas sewage gas sludge gas superheated refrigerant gas town gas tracer gas utility gas ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) газ выделять газ газовый; газообразный 2) авто проф. сокр. от gasolineтопливо; бензин 3) отравляющее вещество, ОВ поражать ОВ 4) наполнять газом; насыщать газом; пищ. газировать gas in place — запасы газа в коллекторе; gas in-situ — газ в пластовых условиях; to boost gas along to its destination — повышать давление газа для доставки его к месту назначения; to sweeten gas — удалять из газа соединения серы; to take off casing-head gas — отбирать нефтяной газ на устье скважины - absorbent gas - acid gas - active gas - actuation gas - aerogen gas - aggressive gas - air gas - air-free gas - alky gas - all-weather liquefied petroleum gas - ammonia gas - ammonia synthesis gas - anaerobic fuel gas - anode gas - artificial gas - associated gas - associated-dissolved gas - ballast gas - blast-furnace gas - blau gas - blue gas - bottled gas - bradenhead gas - burning gases - burnt gas - butane-enriched water gas - butane-propane gas - by-product gas - calibrating gas - cap gas - carbureted gas - carbureted hydrogen gas - carrier gas - casinghead gas - cathode gas - char gas - city gas - coal gas - coke-cooling gas - coke oven gas - combination gas - combustible gas - combustion gas - compressed gas - condensed gas - consumer gas - contaminant gas - conventional gas - converted gas - converter waste gas - coolant gas - corrosive gas - cryogenic gas - degenerate gas - desuperheat gas - dielectric gas - diluent gas - diluted gas - dissolved gas - diving gas - domestic gas - doping gas - dry gas - drying gas - dump gas - dust-laden gas - effluent gas - electrode gas - electronegative gas - electronic gas - electron gas - elementary gas - end gas - enriched gas - entrained gas - exhaust gas - explosion gas - extremely dry gas - fat gas - filtered flue gas - fire...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. (pl. gases) 1 any airlike substance which moves freely to fill any space available, irrespective of its quantity. 2 a such a substance (esp. found naturally or extracted from coal) used as a domestic or industrial fuel (also attrib. : gas cooker; gas fire). b an explosive mixture of firedamp with air. 3 nitrous oxide or another gas used as an anaesthetic (esp. in dentistry). 4 a gas or vapour used as a poisonous agent to disable an enemy in warfare. 5 US colloq. petrol, gasoline. 6 sl. pointless idle talk; boasting. 7 sl. an enjoyable, attractive, or amusing thing or person. --v. (gases, gassed, gassing) 1 tr. expose to gas, esp. to kill or make unconscious. 2 intr. give off gas. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by up) US colloq. fill (the tank of a motor vehicle) with petrol. 4 intr. colloq. talk idly or boastfully. Phrases and idioms gas chamber an airtight chamber that can be filled with poisonous gas to kill people or animals. gas chromatography chromatography employing gas as the eluent. gas-cooled (of a nuclear reactor etc.) cooled by a current of gas. gas fire a domestic fire using gas as its fuel. gas-fired using gas as the fuel. gas gangrene a rapidly spreading gangrene of injured tissue infected by a soil bacterium and accompanied by the evolution of gas. gas mask a respirator used as a defence against poison gas. gas meter an apparatus recording the amount of gas consumed. gas oil a type of fuel oil distilled from petroleum and heavier than paraffin oil. gas plant Bot. fraxinella. gas-proof impervious to gas. gas ring a hollow ring perforated with gas jets, used esp. for cooking. gas station US a filling-station. gas-tight proof against the leakage of gas. gas turbine a turbine driven by a flow of gas or by gas from combustion. Etymology: invented by J. B. van Helmont, Belgian chemist d. 1644, after Gk khaos chaos ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~es; also ~ses)  Etymology: New Latin, alteration of Latin chaos space, chaos  Date: 1779  1. a fluid (as air) that has neither independent shape nor volume but tends to expand indefinitely  2.  a. a combustible ~ or ~eous mixture for fuel or lighting; especially natural ~  b. a ~eous product of digestion; also discomfort from this  c. a ~ or ~eous mixture used to produce anesthesia  d. a substance that can be used to produce a poisonous, asphyxiating, or irritant atmosphere  3. empty talk ; bombast  4. ~oline; also the accelerator pedal of an automotive vehicle  5. driving force ; energy I was young, and full of ~ — H. L. Mencken ran out of ~ in the seventh inning  6. slang something that gives pleasure ; delight the party was a ~  II. verb  (~sed; ~sing)  Date: 1852  intransitive verb  1. to talk idly or garrulously  2. to give off ~  3. to fill the tank (as of an automobile) with ~oline — usually used with up  transitive verb  1. to supply with ~ or especially ~oline ~ up the car  2.  a. to treat chemically with ~  b. to poison or otherwise affect adversely with ~  3. slang to please greatly ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (gases, gasses, gassing, gassed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The form 'gases' is the plural of the noun. The form 'gasses' is the third person singular of the verb. 1. Gas is a substance like air that is neither liquid nor solid and burns easily. It is used as a fuel for cooking and heating. Coal is actually cheaper than gas... Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel. N-UNCOUNT 2. A gas is any substance that is neither liquid nor solid, for example oxygen or hydrogen. Helium is a very light gas. ...a huge cloud of gas and dust from the volcanic eruption. N-VAR 3. Gas is a poisonous gas that can be used as a weapon. ...mustard gas... The problem was that the exhaust gases contain many toxins. N-MASS 4. Gas is a gas used for medical purposes, for example to make patients feel less pain or go to sleep during an operation. (INFORMAL) ...an anaesthetic gas used by many dentists. N-MASS 5. Gas is the fuel which is used to drive motor vehicles. (AM; in BRIT, use petrol) ...a tank of gas. ...gas stations. = gasoline N-UNCOUNT 6. To gas a person or animal means to kill them by making them breathe poisonous gas. Her husband ran a pipe from her car exhaust to the bedroom in an attempt to gas her. VERB: V n 7. see also gas chamber, gas mask, greenhouse gas, laughing gas, natural gas, tear gas 8. If you step on the gas when you are driving a vehicle, you go faster. (mainly AM INFORMAL; in BRIT, use step on it) PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n plural gases also gasses 1 a substance like air, which is not solid or liquid, and usually cannot be seen  (hydrogen gas | a gas cylinder (=for storing gas)) 2 a substance of this type which is burnt for heating or cooking  (a gas oven | Can you light the gas for me?) 3 a substance of this type used to poison people or to control them  (Police fired tear gas into the crowd.) 4 AmE gasoline 5 gas mark 4,5,6 etc BrE a measurement of the temperature of a gas oven 6 AmE slang the condition of having gas in your stomach; wind1 (9) BrE 7 AmE something that is fun and makes you laugh a lot  (The state fair was a real gas.) ~2 v 1 to poison or kill someone with gas 2 informal to talk for a long time about unimportant or boring things  (They were just standing there gassing away.) gas sth up phr v AmE to put petrol in a car  (We'd better gas up before we go.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hum. gen. abbr. Genome Automation System physiol. abbr. Group A Streptococcal transport. abbr. Get Away Special airport code Garissa, Kenya mathem. abbr. Geometric Analysis Of Sections mathem. abbr. Genetic Algorithm Smoother food abbr. Golden Apple Snail funny abbr. Grammaboodawg Appreciation Society toastm. abbr. Great American Speakers Toastmasters sc. fict. abbr. Granary and Audio Sorcery adult abbr. Give A Shit SMS abbr. Go And See network. abbr. Generic Application Server non-prof. org. abbr. Great American Smokeout educ. abbr. Great American Smokeout educ. abbr. General Adaptation Syndrome sport abbr. Games And Sports sport abbr. Gear Acquisition Syndrome religion abbr. God Answering Students religion abbr. God Anointing Students religion abbr. Gods Annointed Soldiers religion abbr. Gods Awesome Servants law abbr. Gang Anti Social music abbr. Guitar Aquisition Syndrome gen. bus. abbr. Garage Account Security gen. bus. abbr. Goal Attainment Scaling NYSE symbols Nicor, Inc. pos. abbr. Guardian Activites Scientologist bus. prod. abbr. Gas Appliance System account. abbr. Governmental Accounting Standards chat abbr. Go Ahead Single chat abbr. Got A Second ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1658, from Du. gas, probably from Gk. khaos "empty space" (see chaos). The sound of Du. "g" is roughly equivalent to that of Gk. "kh." Coined by Flem. chemist J.B. van Helmont (1577-1644), probably influenced by Paracelsus, who used khaos in occult sense of "proper elements of spirits" or "ultra-rarified water." Modern scientific sense began 1779, focused on "combustible mix of vapors" (1794); "anesthetic" (1894); and "poison gas" (1900). Meaning "intestinal vapors" is from 1882. Slang sense of "empty talk" is from 1847; slang meaning "something exciting or excellent" first attested 1953, from earlier gasser in the same sense (1944). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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