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Англо-русский биологический словарь - garden


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baron's gardenbotanic gardenflower gardenfungus gardenwinter gardenzoological garden

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  city noun город-сад GARDEN hose noun садовый шланг GARDEN of England юг Англии GARDEN pruner noun секатор, садовые ножницы GARDEN seat noun садовая скамья GARDEN  1. noun  1) сад - garden of England  2) огород (тж. kitchen garden)  3) pl. парк  4) attr. садовый; огородный  2. v. возделывать, разводить (сад) GARDEN truck noun amer. овощи и фрукты to raise garden truck for the market - выращивать овощи и фрукты для продажи ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сад public garden —- городской сад hanging garden —- висячий сад medical garden —- сад для выращивания лекарственных растений nursery garden —- питомник garden suburb —- зеленый пояс, парковая зона garden tractor —- садовый трактор; садово-огородный трактор garden hose —- садовый шланг garden mould (soil) —- садовая земля garden seat —- садовая скамья; сиденье на втором этаже дилижанса, автобуса, троллейбуса to cultivate a garden —- возделывать 2. цветущий уголок, сад the garden of England —- сад Англии, юг Англии (графство Кент и др.) the garden of the West —- ам. сад Запада (штаты Иллинойс и Канзас) garden of remembrance —- сад при колумбарии G. of Eden —- райский сад 3. огород victiry gardens —- огороды городских жителей Англии во время второй мировой войны 4. pl. парк botanical gardens —- ботанический сад zoological gardens —- зоологический сад, зоопарк 5. (Gardens) pl. в названиях улиц, расположенных вдоль бульваров, вокруг скверов Spring Gardens —- улица Спринг-Гарденс 6. (the G.) философская школа Эпикура 7. ам. сл. бейсбольное поле 8. ам. сл. ринг (бокс) Id: to lead smb. up the garden (path) —- увлекать (завлекать) кого-л.; вводить кого-л. в заблуждение; водить кого-л. за нос Id: everything in the garden is lovely —- все в порядке ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сад – baron's garden – botanic garden – flower garden – fungus garden – winter garden – zoological garden ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) огородный 2) сад 3) садовый garden rotary cultivator — садовая фреза garden rotary tiller — огородная почвенная фреза - garden knife - garden roller - garden shears - garden tractor - rock garden ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сад; огород; участок зелёных насаждений; приусадебный участок; мн.ч.парк back garden botanical gardens front garden kitchen garden knot garden roof garden zoological garden ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 esp. Brit. a piece of ground, usu. partly grassed and adjoining a private house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables, and as a place of recreation. 2 (esp. in pl.) ornamental grounds laid out for public enjoyment (botanical gardens). 3 a similar place with the service of refreshments (tea garden). 4 (attrib.) a (of plants) cultivated, not wild. b for use in a garden (garden seat). 5 (usu. in pl. prec. by a name) Brit. a street, square, etc. (Onslow Gardens). 6 an especially fertile region. 7 US a large public hall. 8 (the Garden) the philosophy or school of Epicurus. --v.intr. cultivate or work in a garden. Phrases and idioms garden centre an establishment where plants and garden equipment etc. are sold. garden city an industrial or other town laid out systematically with spacious surroundings, parks, etc. garden cress a cruciferous plant, Lepidium sativum, used in salads. garden party a social event held on a lawn or in a garden. garden suburb Brit. a suburb laid out spaciously with open spaces, parks, etc. garden warbler a European woodland songbird, Sylvia borin. Derivatives gardenesque adj. gardening n. Etymology: ME f. ONF gardin (OF jardin) ult. f. Gmc: cf. YARD(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name Mary 1874-1967 American (Scottish-born) soprano GARDEN  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English gardin, from Anglo-French gardin, jardin, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German gart enclosure — more at yard  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are cultivated  b. a rich well-cultivated region  c. a container (as a window box) planted with usually a variety of small plants  2.  a. a public recreation area or park usually ornamented with plants and trees a botanical ~  b. an open-air eating or drinking place  c. a large hall for public entertainment  • ~ful noun  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1577  intransitive verb to lay out or work in a ~  transitive verb  1. to make into a ~  2. to ornament with ~s  • ~er noun  III. adjective  Date: 15th century  1. of, relating to, used in, or frequenting a ~  2.  a. of a kind grown in the open as distinguished from one more delicate ~ plant  b. commonly found ; ~-variety ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (gardens, gardening, gardened) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. In British English, a garden is a piece of land next to a house, with flowers, vegetables, other plants, and often grass. In American English, the usual word is yard, and a garden refers only to land which is used for growing flowers and vegetables. ...the most beautiful garden on Earth. N-COUNT 2. If you garden, you do work in your garden such as weeding or planting. Jim gardened at the homes of friends on weekends. VERB: V • gardening I have taken up gardening again. N-UNCOUNT 3. Gardens are places like a park that have areas of plants, trees, and grass, and that people can visit and walk around. The Gardens are open from 10.30am until 5pm. ...Kensington Gardens. N-PLURAL 4. Gardens is sometimes used as part of the name of a street. He lives at 9, Acacia Gardens. N-IN-NAMES ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 especially BrE a piece of land around or next to your house where there is usually lawn (=area of grass) and an area where you grow flowers, plants, or vegetables; yard (3) AmE  (Grace is out in the garden mowing the lawn. | rose garden/herb garden etc (=where a particular type of plants is grown)) 2 AmE the part of a garden that has flowers and plants in it  (We're thinking of planting a little garden in our yard.) 3 gardens a large area of land where plants and flowers are grown so that the public can go and see them  (the Botanic Gardens at Kew) 4 Gardens BrE used in the name of streets  (number 211 Roland Gardens)  (- see also kitchen garden, market garden, lead sb up the garden path lead1 (18)) ~2 v to work in a garden, keeping it clean, making plants grow etc - gardening n  (Since he's retired he's become very interested in gardening.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1471, from O.N.Fr. gardin, from V.L. hortus gardinus "enclosed garden," via Frank., from P.Gmc. *gardon. The verb is first attested in 1577. Garden variety in figurative sense first recorded 1928. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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