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Англо-русский биологический словарь - gain


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прирост, увеличение; увеличиваться; прибавлять

to gain in weightannual gainantigen gainaverage daily gaindaily weight gainliveweight gainproduction gainweight gainweight gain per unit of time

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  weight увеличиваться в весе GAIN  1. noun  1) прибыль, выгода  2) pl. доходы (from - от); заработок; выигрыш (в карты и т.п.)  3) увеличение, прирост, рост  4) нажива, корысть - love of gain  5) tech. вырез, гнездо (в дереве, в столбе)  6) mining квершлаг  7) radio; tv усиление illgotten gains never prosper prov. - чужое добро впрок нейдет Syn: see benefit  2. v.  1) зарабатывать, добывать  2) извлекать пользу, выгоду; выгадывать  3) выигрывать, добиваться to gain a prize - выиграть приз to gain time - сэкономить, выиграть время  4) получать, приобретать - gain confidence of - gain experience - gain ill repute - gain weight - gain strength  5) достигать, добираться to gain the rear of the enemy mil. - выйти в тыл противника - gain touch  6) улучшаться - gain on - gain over - gain upon to gain the upper hand - взять верх my watch gains - мои часы спешат Syn: see come see get GAIN an offing получить возможность GAIN colour порозоветь GAIN confidence of войти в доверие к кому-л. GAIN experience приобретать опыт GAIN flesh полнеть GAIN ill repute стяжать дурную славу GAIN on  а) нагонять The second horse is gaining on the leader, and may pass it and win!  б) вторгаться, захватывать постепенно часть суши (о море) The sea has been gaining on the east coast of England for many years.  в) добиться (чьего-л. расположения) GAIN ones point достичь цели GAIN over переманить на свою сторону, убедить The new leaders popularity gained over many members of...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. часто pl. доходы; заработок; барыши; выручка; прибыль in the hope of gain —- в надежде на барыши ill-gotten gains —- деньги, добытые нечестным путем 2. нажива; корысть the love of gain —- корыстолюбие 3. выигрыш unexpected gain —- неожиданный выигрыш 4. pl. достижения, завоевания 5. pl. победа (на выборах) this party has made spectacular gains in local elections —- эта партия одержала блестящую победу на выборах в местные органы власти 6. увеличение, рост, прирост a gain in weight —- прибавление в весе a gain in health —- улучшение здоровья this new discovery is a gain to human knowledge —- это новое открытие расширяет круг человеческих знаний 7. воен. успех 8. геол. привнос (при выветривании) 9. физ. усиление Id: their loss is our gain —- их просчеты нам на пользу; кто-то теряет, кто-то находит Id: light gains make heavy purses —- копейка рубль бережет Id: ill-gotten gains seldom prosper —- посл. чужое добро впрок нейдет 10. получать; приобретать to gain experience (as one grows older) —- приобретать опыт (набираться опыта) (с годами) to gain strength (after illness) —- набираться сил (после болезни) to gain colour —- порозоветь to gain influence —- становиться влиятельным to gain recognition —- добиться признания they were unable to gain ascendancy —- им не удалось взять верх to gain the character of... —- приобрести репутацию..., прослыть... to gain perspective —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  прирост, увеличение; увеличиваться; прибавлять – to gain in weight – annual gain – antigen gain – average daily gain – daily weight gain – liveweight gain – production gain – weight gain – weight gain per unit of time ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. увеличение, рост, прирост 2) общ. выигрыш, выручка; прибыль, нажива 3) эк. тр. заработок The gain from work for women has risen from ?57 to ?89 per week. — Заработная плата женщин возросла с 57 до 89 фунтов в неделю. 4) учет прибыль, выручка (полученная в результате разницы между ценой продажи или обмена и существующей рыночной или учетной ценой; при погашении долговых обязательств в меньшем размере за более короткий срок) 5) т. игр выигрыш (результат игры для ее участника, имеющий количественное выражение (напр. сумма денег), но часто и не имеющий количественного выражения) Syn: payoff 6) иссл. опер. выигрыш (в задачах динамического программирования - численная величина, максимизируемая в процессе многошагового оптимального управления) Syn: gainings, enhancement, increase, growth 7) тех. вырез, паз 8) тех. усиление, коэффициент усиления 2. гл. 1) общ. получать, приобретать; добиваться to gain experience — приобретать опыт to gain strength — набираться сил to gain influence — становиться влиятельным to gain recognition — добиться признания 2) эк. тр. зарабатывать, добывать to gain one's bread — зарабатывать на хлеб He gains a hundred a year. — Он зарабатывает сотню в год. Syn: earn 3) общ. добывать (сведения) 4) общ. извлекать пользу...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) возможный 2) выгода 3) выигрывать 4) выигрыш 5) добиться 6) добыча 7) доходы 8) заработок 9) извлекать выгоду или прибыль 10) коэффициент передачи 11) электр. коэффициент усиления 12) нажива 13) прибыль 14) приобретение 15) прирост 16) увеличение 17) радио усиление a priori expected gain — априорно ожидаемый выигрыш automatic gain adjustment — стабилизация усиления автоматическая automatic gain control — тех. регулировка усиления автоматическая automatic gain control circuit — АРУ gain an understanding of — уяснять gain guided structure — световодная усилительная структура higt- gain laser — лазер с высоким усилелением intermittent gain control — радио регулировка усиления временная manual gain control — ручная регулировка усиления realized antenna gain — используемое усиление антенны spotting gain control — доводка усиления - antenna gain - breeding gain - derivative gain - differential gain - directive gain - equilibrium gain - expected gain - feedback gain - flat gain - flow gain - gain access - gain control - gain diagram - gain ground - gain in sales - gain in weight - gain margin - gain of sampling - gain pumping - gain stabilization - gain tracking - information gain - insertion gain - integral gain - net gain - open-loop gain - proportional gain - standardized gain - threshold gain - zero gain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) увеличение; усиление 2) коэффициент усиления 3) коэффициент передачи – absolute gain – antenna power gain – antenna-receive gain – antenna-transmit gain – area gain – average gain – black gain – coding gain – common-base gain – common-drain gain – common-emitter gain – common-gate gain – common-source gain – contour gain – coverage gain – current gain – differential gain – directive gain – diversity gain – height gain – IF gain – insertion gain – isotropic gain – loop gain – master gain – microphone gain – net gain – noise gain – photoconductivity gain – power gain – process gain – radio frequency gain – receiving gain – sector gain – static gain – statistical-network gain – through gain – transmitting gain – voltage gain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  гнездо, паз, вырез (в элементах деревянных конструкций) нарастание, увеличение, повышение, прирост, рост мн.ч.доходы, прибыль gain in strength conduction gain controller gain design heat gain early strength gain fast strength gain heat gain incidental heat gain instantaneous heat gain sensible heat gain solar heat gain strength gain strength gain of the concrete strength gain with time structural heat gain transmission heat gain ventilation heat gain water gain ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) увеличение; усиление; (при)рост; приращение увеличивать(ся); усиливать(ся); расти 2) выигрыш 3) привес, увеличение массы 4) горн. вруб, зарубка 5) горн. орт, квершлаг, просек, добычная выработка 6) строит. паз; гнездо вырубать паз или гнездо 7) коэффициент усиления; коэффициент передачи 8) коэффициент направленного действия, КНД (антенны) 9) врубка (траверсы антенны) 10) мн. ч. прибыль; доходы 11) извлекать прибыль gain in the mud pit volume — увеличение объёма бурового раствора в резервуаре gain of control — вчт. получение управления gain of filter — коэффициент (передачи) фильтра - absolute gain - AC loop gain - adjusted gain - aerial gain - altitude gain - antenna gain - antenna field gain - antigen gain - audio gain - available gain - backward gain - bit gain - black gain - closed-loop gain - coding gain - collector-to-base current gain - collector-to-emitter current gain - common-base gain - common base current gain - common-drain gain - common emitter current gain - common-gate gain - common-mode input voltage gain - common-source gain - completely matched power gain - control gain - conversion gain - current gain - desired gain - differential gain - directional gain - directive gain - diversity gain - dot gain - dynode gain - feedback gain - fixed gain - flow gain - forward gain - grounded-base gain - grounded-collector gain - grounded-emitter gain - heat gain - insertion gain - inverse gain - latent heat gain - loop gain - luminance gain - maximum available gain - net gain - one-way power gain - open-circuit current gain - open-loop gain - parametric gain - peak energy gain - power gain - pressure gain - processing gain -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. obtain or secure (usu. something desired or favourable) (gain an advantage; gain recognition). 2 tr. acquire (a sum) as profits or as a result of changed conditions; earn. 3 tr. obtain as an increment or addition (gain momentum; gain weight). 4 tr. a win (a victory). b reclaim (land from the sea). 5 intr. (foll. by in) make a specified advance or improvement (gained in stature). 6 intr. & tr. (of a clock etc.) become fast, or be fast by (a specified amount of time). 7 intr. (often foll. by on, upon) come closer to a person or thing pursued. 8 tr. a bring over to one's interest or views. b (foll. by over) win by persuasion etc. 9 tr. reach or arrive at (a desired place). --n. 1 something gained, achieved, etc. 2 an increase of possessions etc.; a profit, advance, or improvement. 3 the acquisition of wealth. 4 (in pl.) sums of money acquired by trade etc., emoluments, winnings. 5 an increase in amount. 6 Electronics a the factor by which power etc. is increased. b the logarithm of this. Phrases and idioms gain ground see GROUND(1). gain time improve one's chances by causing or accepting delay. Derivatives gainable adj. gainer n. gainings n.pl. Etymology: OF gaigner, gaaignier to till, acquire, ult. f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English gayne, from Anglo-French gaigne, ~, from gaaigner to till, earn, ~, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German weidanon to hunt for food, Old English wath pursuit, hunt  Date: 14th century  1. resources or advantage acquired or increased ; profit made substantial ~s last year  2. the act or process of ~ing  3.  a. an increase in amount, magnitude, or degree a ~ in efficiency  b. the increase (as of voltage or signal intensity) caused by an amplifier; especially the ratio of output over input  c. the signal-gathering ability of an antenna  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to acquire or get possession of usually by industry, merit, or craft ~ an advantage he stood to ~ a fortune  b. to win in competition or conflict the troops ~ed enemy territory  c.  (1) to arrive at ; reach, attain ~ed the river that night  (2) traverse, cover ~ed 10 yards on the play  d. to get by a natural development or process ~ strength  e. to establish a specific relationship with ~ a friend  2.  a. to make an increase of (a specified amount) ~ed three percent in the past month  b. to increase in (a particular quality) ~ momentum  3. to win to one's side ; persuade ~ adherents to a cause  4. to cause to be obtained or given ; attract ~ attention  5. of a timepiece to run fast by the amount of the clock ~s a minute a day  intransitive verb  1. to get advantage ; profit hoped to ~ by the deal  2.  a. increase the day was ~ing in warmth  b. to increase in weight  c. to improve in health or ability  3. of a timepiece to run fast  4. to get closer to something pursued — usually used with on or upon  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (gains, gaining, gained) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If a person or place gains something such as an ability or quality, they gradually get more of it. Students can gain valuable experience by working on the campus radio or magazine... While it has lost its tranquility, the area has gained in liveliness. VERB: V n, V in n 2. If you gain from something such as an event or situation, you get some advantage or benefit from it. The company didn’t disclose how much it expects to gain from the two deals... There is absolutely nothing to be gained by feeling bitter... It is sad that a major company should try to gain from other people’s suffering. VERB: V n from/by n/-ing, V n from/by n/-ing, V from n 3. To gain something such as weight or speed means to have an increase in that particular thing. Some people do gain weight after they stop smoking... She gained some 25lb in weight during her pregnancy. ? lose VERB: V n, V amount • Gain is also a noun. Excessive weight gain doesn’t do you any good. = increase N-VAR: usu with supp 4. If you gain something, you obtain it, especially after a lot of hard work or effort. They realise that passing exams is no longer enough to gain a place at university... = obtain VERB: V n 5. If you do something for gain, you do it in order to get some advantage or profit for yourself, and for no other reason. (FORMAL) ...buying art solely for financial gain. PHRASE: PHR after v c darkgreen]disapproval 6. If something such as an idea or an ideal gains ground, it gradually becomes more widely known or more popular. The Christian right has been steadily gaining ground in state politics. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you do something in order to gain time, you do it in order to give yourself enough time to think of an excuse or a way out of a difficult situation. ...I hoped to gain time by keeping him talking. PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR to-inf ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »GET STH« to obtain or achieve something important or valuable  (She gained high grades in English and Math. | After gaining independence in 1957, it was renamed `Ghana'. | when radical left parties gained control of local authorities) 2 »GET GRADUALLY« to gradually get more and more of a useful or valuable quality, skill etc  (gain experience/support/a reputation etc)  (The Greens are gaining more and more support. | You'll gain useful experience in working with computers. | gain in popularity/confidence etc (=become more popular, more confident etc) | gain currency (=when an idea becomes more popular))  (These ideas have gained currency in recent years.) 3 »GET AN ADVANTAGE« to get an advantage from a situation, opportunity, or event  (gain (sth) from)  (It was the better-educated women who gained most from this expansion of opportunities. | stand to gain (=or likely to get an advantage))  (Who is it who really stands to gain from these tax cuts? | there's nothing to be gained (=it will not help you))  (There's nothing to be gained by losing your temper.) 4 gain weight/speed/height to increase in weight, speed, or height  (Carrie's gained a lot of weight recently.) 5 gain access (to sth) a) to manage to enter a building  (New ramps will help the disabled gain better access.) b) to manage to see someone or use something  (People should be able to gain easy access to this sort of information.) 6 gain entrance/entry a) to enter a building that is locked  (Thieves gained entry through the skylight.) b) to join or become part of a system or organization  (At the age of 48 she gained entrance to the Civil Service.) 7 gain ground make steady progress and become more popular, more successful etc  (The anti-smoking lobby has steadily gained ground in the last decade.) 8 gain time to deliberately do something to give yourself more time to think  (Maybe if we said you were sick we could gain some time.)  (- opposite lose (14)) 9 »CLOCK« if a clock or watch gains or gains time, it goes too fast  (-...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  time zone abbr. Global Allergy Information Network meteo abbr. Global Aerosol Information Network libr. abbr. Get Alternative Information Now univ. abbr. Gator Advertising Information Network univ. abbr. The Genetic Alpaca Improvement Network farm. abbr. Global Agricultural Information Network gen. comp. abbr. Global Axis Integration Network network. abbr. Global Access Information Network non-prof. org. abbr. Grassroots Action Institute Network gen. bus. abbr. Getting Alternative Information Now ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1393, from M.Fr. gain, from O.Fr. gaaigne, from gaaignier "to gain," also "cultivate land," from Frank. *waidanjan "hunt," also "graze, pasture," from P.Gmc. *wartho "hunting ground," from PIE *wei. The original O.Fr. sense enfolded the notions of "profit from agriculture" and "booty, prey." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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