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Англо-русский биологический словарь - flush


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Перевод с английского языка flush на русский


1) промывка; промывать

2) отпрыск, отросток, побег; давать отростки, давать побеги

3) способствовать росту

4) вспугивать (птиц)

5) прилив крови

6) приступ (напр. лихорадки)

flush of floweringfirst flush of grass

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См. в других словарях

  I  1. noun  1) внезапный прилив, поток (воды)  2) смывание, промывание сильной струей воды (в унитазе и т.п.)  3) прилив крови; краска (на лице), румянец  4) приступ (лихорадки)  5) прилив (чувства); упоение (успехом и т.п.) flush of hope - вспышка надежды  6) буйный рост (зелени и т.п.)  7) расцвет (молодости, сил и т.п.)  8) быстрый приток, внезапное изобилие чего-л.  2. adj.  1) полный (до краев - о реке)  2) predic. изобилующий; щедрый, расточительный (with) to be flush with money -  а) быть обеспеченным, быть с (большим) достатком;  б) не считать деньги, сорить деньгами  3) tech. находящийся на одном уровне, заподлицо с чем-л. Syn: see wealthy  3. v.  1) бить струей; обильно течь, хлынуть  2) приливать к лицу (о крови); вызывать краску на лице  3) вспыхнуть, (по)краснеть (часто flush up) she flushed (up) when I spoke to her - лицо ее залилось краской, когда я заговорил с ней  4) затоплять  5) промывать сильным напором струи; (тж. flush away/off) The criminal put the torn papers in the lavatory and tried to flush them away. to flush the toilet - спустить воду в уборной  6) наполнять, переполнять (чувством) to be flushed with joy (pride, etc.) - быть охваченным радостью (гордостью и т.п.) flushed with victory - упоенный победой  7) rare давать новые побеги (о растениях) - flush from - flush out II  1. noun...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. внезапный прилив, приток, поток (воды) 2. внезапная краска, прилив крови (к лицу); румянец the flush of angered shame —- краска стыда и гнева 3. краски зари (на небе) the flush of dawn —- рассвет, утренняя заря 4. порыв, прилив (чувства) a flush of joy —- порыв радости a flush of hope —- вспышка надежды in the first flush of victory —- упоенный радостью победы he felt a flush of anger —- он почувствовал, что его охватывает гнев 5. приступ (лихорадки и т. п.) 6. буйный рост (зелени и т. п.) 7. свежая, молодая поросль 8. расцвет; приток сил, энергии и т. п. in the flush of youth —- в расцвете юности in full flush —- в полном расцвете in the first flush of manhood —- на пороге возмужания she is not in her first flush —- она уже не первой молодости 9. бот. отросток, побег 10. спорт. змейка (фигура слалома) 11. полный (до краев) rivers are flush in spring-time —- весной реки разливаются 12. полный жизни, полнокровный; жизнерадостный 13. богатый, изобилующий (чем-л.) he felt very flush on his first payday —- в день первой получки он почувствовал себя богачом money is flush —- разг. денег хватает to be flush of money —- разг. быть при деньгах, иметь много денег flush times —- хорошие времена, времена изобилия 14. щедрый, расточительный to be flush with money —- легко тратить деньги, швыряться деньгами 15. прямой, решительный,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) промывка; промывать 2) отпрыск, отросток, побег; давать отростки, давать побеги 3) способствовать росту 4) вспугивать (птиц) 5) прилив крови 6) приступ (напр. лихорадки) – flush of flowering – first flush of grass ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) поток (жидкости) 2) смывание; промывка; прокачка (жидкости); смывать; промывать; прокачивать (жидкость) 3) наполнять до краёв; затоплять 4) утопленный; потайной, установленный заподлицо, установленный впотай ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) вгладь 2) впотай 3) гладкопроходной 4) заподлицо 5) поток 6) смывать 7) спуск шлака flush fillet weld — нормальный сварной шов угловой flush hydraulic system — промывать гидросистему - flush engine - flush slag - flush tank - flush the scale - flush weld - flush wiring - flush with - royal flush ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  намыв гидравлическая закладка промывка струёй попуск воды заподлицо, вровень, впотай mud flush ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) попуск (из водохранилища) осуществлять попуск (из водохранилища) 2) струя (жидкости) промывать или смывать струей (жидкости) 3) заподлицо, вровень, без выступов, впотай утопленный заподлицо 4) прорыв (воды); наводнение; затопление; прилив прорывать (о воде); наводнять; затоплять 5) отслаиваться (о поверхности стеновых камней) 6) метал. выпущенный шлак выпускать (скачивать) шлак 7) флеш (побег чайного растения) 8) полигр. набор без абзацевых отступов flush right or left — выключка (текста) до конца вправо или влево; to finish flush with surface — отделывать (напр. шов) заподлицо с поверхностью; to flush off — скачивать шлак; to flush out — промывать или вымывать струёй - storm flush ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 intr. a blush, redden (he flushed with embarrassment). b glow with a warm colour (sky flushed pink). 2 tr. (usu. as flushed adj.) cause to glow or blush (often foll. by with : flushed with pride). 3 tr. a cleanse (a drain, lavatory, etc.) by a rushing flow of water. b (often foll. by away, down) dispose of (an object) in this way (flushed away the cigarette). 4 intr. rush out, spurt. 5 tr. flood (the river flushed the meadow). 6 intr. (of a plant) throw out fresh shoots. --n. 1 a a blush. b a glow of light or colour. 2 a a rush of water. b the cleansing of a drain, lavatory, etc. by flushing. 3 a a rush of emotion. b the elation produced by a victory etc. (the flush of triumph). 4 sudden abundance. 5 freshness; vigour (in the first flush of womanhood). 6 a (also hot flush) a sudden feeling of heat during the menopause. b a feverish temperature. c facial redness, esp. caused by fever, alcohol, etc. 7 a fresh growth of grass etc. Derivatives flusher n. Etymology: ME, perh. = FLUSH(4) infl. by flash and blush 2. adj. & v. --adj. 1 (often foll. by with) in the same plane; level; even (the sink is flush with the cooker; fitted it flush with the wall). 2 (usu. predic.) colloq. a having plenty of money. b (of money) abundant, plentiful. 3 full to overflowing; in flood. --v.tr. 1 make (surfaces) level. 2 fill in (a joint) level with a surface. Derivatives flushness n. Etymology: prob. f. FLUSH(1) 3. n. a hand of cards all of one suit, esp. in poker. Phrases and idioms royal flush a straight poker flush headed by an ace. straight flush a flush that is a numerical sequence. Etymology: OF flus, flux f. L fluxus FLUX 4. v. 1 tr. cause (esp. a game bird) to fly up. 2 intr. (of a bird) fly up and away. Phrases and idioms flush out 1 reveal. 2 drive out. Etymology: ME, imit.: cf. fly, rush ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English flusshen  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb to fly away suddenly  transitive verb  1. to cause (as a bird) to ~  2. to expose or chase from a place of concealment ~ed the boys from their hiding place  II. noun  Etymology: Middle French flus, fluz, from Latin fluxus flow, flux  Date: circa 1529  1. a hand of playing cards all of the same suit; specifically a poker hand containing five cards of the same suit but not in sequence — see poker illustration  2. a series of three or more slalom gates set vertically on a slope  III. noun  Etymology: perhaps modification of Latin fluxus  Date: 1529  1. a sudden flow (as of water); also a rinsing or cleansing with or as if with a ~ of water  2.  a. a sudden increase or expansion; especially sudden and usually abundant new plant growth the spring ~ of grass  b. a surge of emotion felt a ~ of anger at the insult  3.  a. a tinge of red ; blush  b. a fresh and vigorous state in the first ~ of womanhood  4. a transitory sensation of extreme heat — compare hot flash  IV. verb  Date: 1548  intransitive verb  1. to flow and spread suddenly and freely  2.  a. to glow brightly  b. blush  3. to produce new growth the plants ~ twice during the year  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to flow  b. to pour liquid over or through; especially to cleanse or wash out with or as if with a rush of liquid ~ the toilet ~ the lungs with air  2. inflame, excite — usually used passively ~ed with pride  3. to cause to blush  V. adjective  Date: circa 1568  1.  a. of a ruddy healthy color  b. full of life and vigor ; lusty  2.  a. filled to overflowing  b. affluent  3. readily available ; abundant  4.  a. having or forming a continuous plane or unbroken surface ~ paneling  b. directly abutting or immediately adjacent: as  (1) set even with an edge of a type page or column ; having no indention  (2) arranged edge to edge so as to fit snugly  • ~ness noun  VI. adverb  Date: 1700  1. in a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (flushes, flushing, flushed) 1. If you flush, your face goes red because you are hot or ill, or because you are feeling a strong emotion such as embarrassment or anger. Do you sweat a lot or flush a lot?... He turned away embarrassed, his face flushing red. VERB: V, V colour • Flush is also a noun. There was a slight flush on his cheeks. N-COUNT • flushed Her face was flushed with anger. ADJ: oft ADJ with n 2. When someone flushes a toilet after using it, they fill the toilet bowl with water in order to clean it, usually by pressing a handle or pulling a chain. You can also say that a toilet flushes. She flushed the toilet and went back in the bedroom. ...the sound of the toilet flushing. VERB: V n, V • Flush is also a noun. He heard the flush of a toilet. N-COUNT: usu sing 3. If you flush something down the toilet, you get rid of it by putting it into the toilet bowl and flushing the toilet. He was found trying to flush banknotes down the toilet. VERB: V n down n 4. If you flush a part of your body, you clean it or make it healthier by using a large amount of liquid to get rid of dirt or harmful substances. Flush the eye with clean cold water for at least 15 minutes... = cleanse VERB: V n • Flush out means the same as flush. ...an ‘alternative’ therapy that gently flushes out the colon to remove toxins. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 5. If you flush dirt or a harmful substance out of a place, you get rid of it by using a large amount of liquid. That won’t flush out all the sewage, but it should unclog some stinking drains. VERB: V n with out 6. If you flush people or animals out of a place where they are hiding, you find or capture them by forcing them to come out of that place. They flushed them out of their hiding places... The Guyana Defence Force is engaged in flushing out illegal Brazilian miners operating in the country. VERB: V n out of n, V n with out 7. If one object or surface is flush with another, they are at the...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a red colour that appears on your face or body, especially because you are embarrassed, ill, or excited  ("How can you tell?" he said as a flush crept up his neck.)  (- see also hot flush) 2 a flush of pride/embarrassment etc a sudden feeling of pride, excitement, or another emotion 3 the first flush of youth/success etc the beginning of a period of time when you feel excited because you are young, successful etc 4 a set of cards that someone has in a card game that are all of the same suit (suit1 (3)) 5 the part of a toilet that cleans it with a sudden flow of water 6 the act of cleaning something by forcing water through it ~2 v 1 if you flush a toilet or if it flushes, you make water go through it to clean it  (flush sth down the toilet)  (Mandy accidentally flushed her ring down the toilet.) 2 to become red in the face  (Flushing slightly, Lesley looked away.) 3 also flush out to clean something by forcing water or another liquid through it  (Try flushing out the blockage with boiling water.) 4 T always + adv/prep to make someone leave the place where they are hiding  (flush sb from/out of)  (The police managed to flush the gang from their hideout.) ~3 adj 1 if two surfaces are flush they are at ex- actly the same level, so that the place where they meet is flat  (Make sure that the cupboard is flush with the wall.) 2 informal if someone is flush they suddenly have plenty of money for a short time ~4 adv fitting together so that the place where two surfaces meet is flat  (The door should fit flush into its frame.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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