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Англо-русский биологический словарь - flower


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Перевод с английского языка flower на русский


1) цветок; цветущее растение; цвести; распускаться (о бутоне)

2) цветение

to be in flower — цвести

to come into flower — вступать в фазу цветения

achlamydeous floweractinomorphic floweramphiphilous floweranemophilous flowerapetalous flowerapical floweraxillary flowerbarren flowerbird-of-paradise flowerbisexual flowercarpellary flowercarrion flowerchickweed satin flowerChristmas flowercleistogamous flowercoat flowercomplete flowercomposite flowerdiclinous flowerdidynamous flowerdimerous flowerdisk flowersentomophilous flowerepigynous flowerEuropean globe flowerfly flowergarland flowerhermaphrodite flowerheterostyled flowerhorological flowerhypogynous flowerimperfect flowerinstaminate flowerirregular flowerlace flowerleopard flowerlong-stamined flowermarginal flowermocassin flowermoney flowermonkey flowermonoclinous flowermoth flowernaked flowerneutral flowernyctigamous flowerpelican flowerpentacyclic flowerpentamerous flowerperfect flowerpincushion flowerpinkster flowerpistillate flowerpleurotribe flowerpoison flowerpolypetalous flowerprehensile flowerpyramid flowerquinine flowerrabbit flowerrogation flowerrush flowersatin flowerseparate flowersingle flowerstaminate flowersternotribe flowersympetalous flowertassel flowerterminal flowertetramerous flowertrap flowertrimerous flowertripped flowertrout flowertrumpet flowertunic flowerunfertile flowerunisexual flowerwasp floweryellow flower

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  children coll.; collect. хиппи FLOWER  1. noun  1) цветок; цветковое растение  2) расцвет; цветение in flower - в цвету to come to full flower - расцвести пышным цветом in the flower of ones age - во цвете лет  3) цвет, лучшая, отборная часть чего-л.  4) pl.; chem. пена, образующаяся при брожении; осадок  5) coll. менструация  6) flowers of speech - красивые обороты речи; oft. iron. цветистые фразы  7) attr. - flower children  2. v.  1) цвести  2) быть в расцвете Syn: see flourish ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. цветок; цветущее растение natural flowers —- живые цветы wild flowers —- полевые цветы bunch of flowers —- букет (цветов) to deck smb., smth. with flowers —- украшать кого-л., что-л. цветами flower market —- цветочный рынок flower seeds and plants —- цветочные семена и растения 2. (тк. в ед. ч.) цвет, краса (чего-л.) the flower of the nation's youth —- цвет молодежи страны the flower of the army —- цвет армии the flower of a family —- краса семьи 3. цветение in flower —- в цвету to be in flower —- цвести to burst into flower —- распуститься, расцвести 4. расцвет the flower of life —- расцвет жизни in the flower of one's strength —- в расцвете сил 5. украшение, орнамент flowers of speech —- цветы красноречия; красивые обороты речи 6. полигр. растительный орнамент; виньетка 7. сл. гомосексуалист, гомик Id: flower of the winds —- мор. роза ветров Id: to sprinkle the flowers —- ам. давать взятки; "подмазывать" 8. цвести this plant flowers in June —- это растение цветет в июне 9. находиться в расцвете the Italian genius flowered at the Renaissance —- гений итальянского народа достиг (наивысшего) расцвета в эпоху Возрождения 10. расцветать, развиваться his talent flowered very early —- его талант расцвел очень рано 11. выращивать, доводить до цветения to flower azaleas under glass —- добиваться цветения азалий в теплице 12. украшать цветами или цветочным орнаментом ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) цветок; цветущее растение; цвести; распускаться (о бутоне) 2) цветение to be in flower — цвести to come into flower — вступать в фазу цветения – achlamydeous flower – actinomorphic flower – amphiphilous flower – anemophilous flower – apetalous flower – apical flower – axillary flower – barren flower – bird-of-paradise flower – bisexual flower – carpellary flower – carrion flower – chickweed satin flower – Christmas flower – cleistogamous flower – coat flower – complete flower – composite flower – diclinous flower – didynamous flower – dimerous flower – disk flowers – entomophilous flower – epigynous flower – European globe flower – fly flower – garland flower – hermaphrodite flower – heterostyled flower – horological flower – hypogynous flower – imperfect flower – instaminate flower – irregular flower – lace flower – leopard flower – long-stamined flower – marginal flower – mocassin flower – money flower – monkey flower – monoclinous flower – moth flower – naked flower – neutral flower – nyctigamous flower – pelican flower – pentacyclic flower – pentamerous flower – perfect flower – pincushion flower – pinkster flower – pistillate flower – pleurotribe flower – poison flower – polypetalous flower – prehensile flower – pyramid flower – quinine flower – rabbit flower – rogation flower – rush flower – satin flower – separate flower – single flower – staminate flower – sternotribe flower – sympetalous flower – tassel flower – terminal flower – tetramerous flower – trap flower – trimerous flower – tripped flower – trout flower – trumpet flower – tunic flower – unfertile flower – unisexual flower – wasp flower – yellow flower ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) микрозернистый порошок 2) мн. ч. выцветы (на обожжённом кирпиче) - printer's flower ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the part of a plant from which the fruit or seed is developed. 2 the reproductive organ in a plant containing one or more pistils or stamens or both, and usu. a corolla and calyx. 3 a blossom, esp. on a stem and used in bunches for decoration. 4 a plant cultivated or noted for its flowers. 5 (in pl.) ornamental phrases (flowers of speech). --v. 1 intr. (of a plant) produce flowers; bloom or blossom. 2 intr. reach a peak. 3 tr. cause or allow (a plant) to flower. 4 tr. decorate with worked flowers or a floral design. Phrases and idioms flower-bed a garden bed in which flowers are grown. flower-girl a woman who sells flowers, esp. in the street. flower-head = HEAD n. 4d. the flower of the best or best part of. flower people hippies carrying or wearing flowers as symbols of peace and love. flower power the ideas of the flower people regarded as an instrument in changing the world. flowers of sulphur Chem. a fine powder produced when sulphur evaporates and condenses. in flower with the flowers out. Derivatives flowered adj. (also in comb.). flowerless adj. flowerlike adj. Etymology: ME f. AF flur, OF flour, flor, f. L flos floris ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English flour ~, best of anything, flour, from Anglo-French flur, flour, flaur, from Latin flor-, flos — more at blow  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the part of a seed plant that normally bears reproductive organs ; blossom, inflorescence  b. a shoot of the sporophyte of a higher plant that is modified for reproduction and consists of a shortened axis bearing modified leaves; especially one of a seed plant differentiated into a calyx, corolla, stamens, and carpels  c. a plant cultivated for its blossoms  2.  a. the best part or example the ~ of our youth  b. the finest most vigorous period  c. a state of blooming or flourishing in full ~  3. plural a finely divided powder produced especially by condensation or sublimation ~s of sulfur  • ~ed adjective  • ~ful adjective  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. develop ~ed into young womanhood  b. flourish 2  2. to produce ~s ; blossom  transitive verb  1. to cause to bear ~s  2. to decorate with ~s or floral designs  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (flowers, flowering, flowered) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A flower is the part of a plant which is often brightly coloured, grows at the end of a stem, and only survives for a short time. Each individual flower is tiny. ...large, purplish-blue flowers. N-COUNT 2. A flower is a stem of a plant that has one or more flowers on it and has been picked, usually with others, for example to give as a present or to put in a vase. ...a bunch of flowers sent by a new admirer. N-COUNT: usu pl 3. Flowers are small plants that are grown for their flowers as opposed to trees, shrubs, and vegetables. ...a lawned area surrounded by plants and flowers... The flower garden will be ablaze with colour every day. N-COUNT: usu pl 4. When a plant or tree flowers, its flowers appear and open. Several of these rhododendrons will flower this year for the first time. VERB: V 5. When something flowers, for example a political movement or a relationship, it gets stronger and more successful. Their relationship flowered. = blossom VERB: V 6. When a plant is in flower or when it has come into flower, its flowers have appeared and opened. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR, PHR after v 7. see also flowered ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the coloured part of a plant or tree that produces seeds or fruit  (Fruit trees produce flowers in the spring.) 2 a small plant that is grown for the beauty of this part  (He grows flowers in the front garden.) 3 in flower a plant or tree that is in flower has flowers on it  (come into flower (=start to have flowers))  (Roses usually come into flower in May or June.) 4 the flower of literary the best part or most perfect part of something  (The flower of the nation's youth was lost in the war.) 5 BrE old-fashioned used to address someone in a friendly and informal way ~2 v 1 to produce flowers 2 formal to develop and reach a high level of achievement  (English painting flowered briefly during the Renaissance.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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