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Англо-русский биологический словарь - fix


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Перевод с английского языка fix на русский


1) фиксировать; закреплять; укреплять

2) сгущать; густеть; твердеть; застывать

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Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  with  а) уладить; привести в порядок; урегулировать; договориться Can you fix it with the Minister so that the meeting will be delayed?  б) смотреть на кого-л. каким-л. образом Fixing the boy with a steady look, the teacher forced him to tell the truth. FIX breakfast приготовить завтрак FIX upon = fix on FIX  1. v.  1) укреплять, закреплять, устанавливать  2) внедрять; вводить  3) решать, назначать (срок, цену и т.п.)  4) привлекать (внимание); останавливать (взгляд, внимание) (on, upon - на); to fix ones eyes on smth. - фиксировать внимание на чем-л.; не сводить глаз, пялиться  5) phot. фиксировать, закреплять  6) оседать, густеть, твердеть  7) chem. сгущать, связывать  8) договориться, уладить  9) устроиться to fix oneself in a place - устроиться, поселиться где-л.  10) точно определить местоположение  11) подстроить, организовать что-л. жульническим способом или с помощью взятки  12) coll. разделаться, расправиться  13) amer.; coll. употр. вместо самых разнообразных глаголов, обозначающих приведение в порядок, приготовление и т.п., напр.: to fix a broken lock - починить сломанный замок to fix ones hair - привести прическу в порядок - fix a coat - fix breakfast - fix the fire - fix on - fix over - fix up - fix upon - fix with Syn: see repair  2. noun  1) coll. дилемма; затруднительное положение to get into a terrible fix - попасть в страшную...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. разг. затруднительное положение; дилемма to be in a fix —- быть в трудном положении; оказаться в тупике (затруднении) to put smb. into a fix —- поставить кого-л. в затруднительное положение, втравить кого-л. в историю how are we to get out this fix? —- как мы выпутаемся из этого положения? 2. определение местонахождения или координат 3. рад. ав. засечка 4. ам. состояние, положение in good fix —- в порядке, в хорошем состоянии out of fix, in bad fix —- в беспорядке, в плохом состоянии 5. сл. отступное, взятка tax fixes —- льготы по налогу, предоставляемые за взятку big fix —- ам. "договоренность" между преступным миром и какой-л. партией, попустительство преступной деятельности за помощь в избирательной кампании 6. сл. игра, исход которой предрешен 7. "фикс" (смесь алкогольного напитка с лимонным соком) 8. сл. доза наркотика 9. психол. навязчивая идея, комплекс, мания fixs about cleanliness —- помешательство на чистоте; чистота - ее пунктик public fix on crime —- нездоровый интерес публики к преступлениям 10. психол. остановка в развитии (эмоциональном, половом); инфантильность 11. укреплять; закреплять; прикреплять to fix a lid on a box —- закрепить крышку на ящике to fix a shelf to a wall —- прибить полку на стене to fix a post in the ground...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) фиксировать; закреплять; укреплять 2) сгущать; густеть; твердеть; застывать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) дилемма 2) затруднительное положение 3) местонахождение • - fix a price - fix a rate Syn: plight 2. гл. 1) устанавливать 2) закреплять, фиксировать 3) констатировать FIX 1) устанавливать; закреплять 2) приводить в порядок; улаживать – to fix limits of a patent – to fix priority date ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) закреплять 2) мор. засечка 3) зафиксировать 4) зачинивать 5) зачинить 6) машиностр. налаживать 7) начинивать 8) привязка 9) фиксировать element of a fix — мор. значение навигационной координаты частное fix point in position — зафиксировать запятую to fix the idea — для определенности - fix position - otain fix ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) определение местоположения; определять местоположение 2) защита приемника – radio fix ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) укреплять 2) закреплять; защемлять; фиксировать; устанавливать неподвижно; стопорить 3) ремонтировать, восстанавливать 4) придавать окончательную или законченную форму 5) нанесение заправочного материала (на под печи) покрывать (под печи) заправочным материалом 6) кфт. фиксировать, закреплять 7) хим. связывать; вызывать образование нелетучего или твёрдого соединения 8) местоположение, местонахождение 9) определение местоположения определять местоположение 10) (географическая) привязка 11) рлк определение местоположения, проф. засечка засекать 12) радиоориентир (на трассе) 13) вчт. исправление (ошибки сопрограмме) - aircraft fix - astronomical fix - celestial fix - entry fix - exit fix - final approach fix - hyperbolic fix - initial approach fix - intermediate approach fix - one-star fix - position fix - radar fix - radio fix - star fix - takeoff fix - terrain correlation fix ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. make firm or stable; fasten, secure (fixed a picture to the wall). 2 tr. decide, settle, specify (a price, date, etc.). 3 tr. mend, repair. 4 tr. implant (an idea or memory) in the mind (couldn't get the rules fixed in his head). 5 tr. a (foll. by on, upon) direct steadily, set (one's eyes, gaze, attention, or affection). b attract and hold (a person's attention, eyes, etc.). c (foll. by with) single out with one's eyes etc. 6 tr. place definitely or permanently, establish, station. 7 tr. determine the exact nature, position, etc., of; refer (a thing or person) to a definite place or time; identify, locate. 8 a tr. make (eyes, features, etc.) rigid. b intr. (of eyes, features, etc.) become rigid. 9 tr. US colloq. prepare (food or drink) (fixed me a drink). 10 a tr. deprive of fluidity or volatility; congeal. b intr. lose fluidity or volatility, become congealed. 11 tr. colloq. punish, kill, silence, deal with (a person). 12 tr. colloq. a secure the support of (a person) fraudulently, esp. by bribery. b arrange the result of (a race, match, etc.) fraudulently (the competition was fixed). 13 sl. a tr. inject (a person, esp. oneself) with a narcotic. b intr. take an injection of a narcotic. 14 tr. make (a colour, photographic image, or microscope-specimen) fast or permanent. 15 tr. (of a plant or micro-organism) assimilate (nitrogen or carbon dioxide) by forming a non-gaseous compound. 16 tr. castrate or spay (an animal). 17 tr. arrest changes or development in (a language or literature). 18 tr. determine the incidence of (liability etc.). 19 intr. archaic take up one's position. --n. 1 colloq. a position hard to escape from; a dilemma or predicament. 2 a the act of finding one's position by bearings or astronomical observations. b a position found in this way. 3 sl. a dose of a narcotic drug to which one is addicted. 4 US sl. bribery. Phrases and idioms be fixed (usu. foll. by for) be disposed or affected (regarding) (how is he fixed for money?; how are you fixed for Friday?). fixed capital machinery etc. that...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~us, past participle of figere to fasten; akin to Lithuanian dygti to sprout, break through  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to make firm, stable, or stationary  b. to give a permanent or final form to: as  (1) to change into a stable compound or available form bacteria that ~ nitrogen  (2) to kill, harden, and preserve for microscopic study  (3) to make the image of (a photographic film) permanent by removing unused salts  c. af~, attach  2.  a. to hold or direct steadily ~es his eyes on the horizon  b. to capture the attention of ~ed her with a stare  3.  a. to set or place definitely ; establish  b. to make an accurate determination of ; discover ~ing our location on the chart  c. assign ~ the blame  4. to set in order ; adjust  5. to get ready ; prepare ~ lunch  6.  a. repair, mend ~ the clock  b. restore, cure the doctor ~ed him up  c. spay, castrate  7.  a. to get even with  b. to influence the actions, outcome, or effect of by improper or illegal methods the race had been ~ed  intransitive verb  1. to become firm, stable, or ~ed  2. to get set ; be on the verge we're ~ing to leave soon  3. to direct one's attention or efforts ; focus; also decide, settle — usually used with on had ~ed on the first Saturday in June  Synonyms: see fasten  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 1809  1. a position of difficulty or embarrassment ; predicament  2.  a. the position (as of a ship) determined by bearings, observations, or radio; also a determination of one's position  b. an accurate determination or understanding especially by observation or analysis  3. an act or instance of improper or illegal ~ing the ~ was in  4. a supply or dose of something strongly desired or craved a coffee ~; especially a shot of a narcotic  5. ~ation  6. something that ~es or restores ; solution an easy ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (fixes, fixing, fixed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If something is fixed somewhere, it is attached there firmly or securely. It is fixed on the wall... He fixed a bayonet to the end of his rifle. = fasten VERB: be V-ed prep/adv, V n prep/adv 2. If you fix something, for example a date, price, or policy, you decide and say exactly what it will be. He’s going to fix a time when I can see him... The prices of milk and cereals, are fixed annually. = set VERB: V n, V n 3. If you fix something for someone, you arrange for it to happen or you organize it for them. I’ve fixed it for you to see Bonnie Lachlan... It’s fixed. He’s going to meet us at the airport... They thought that their relatives would be able to fix the visas... He vanished after you fixed him with a job... We fixed for the team to visit our headquarters... They’d fixed yesterday that Mike’d be in late today. VERB: V it for n to-inf, be V-ed, V n, V n with n, V for n to-inf, V that 4. If you fix something which is damaged or which does not work properly, you repair it. He cannot fix the electricity... If something is broken, we get it fixed. = mend VERB: V n, get/have n V-ed 5. If you fix a problem or a bad situation, you deal with it and make it satisfactory. It’s not too late to fix the problem, although time is clearly getting short... Fixing a 40-year-old wrong does not mean, however, that history can be undone. VERB: V n, V-ing 6. You can refer to a solution to a problem as a fix. (INFORMAL) Many of those changes could just be a temporary fix. N-COUNT: usu adj N see also quick fix 7. If you fix your eyes on someone or something or if your eyes fix on them, you look at them with complete attention. She fixes her steel-blue eyes on an unsuspecting local official... Her soft brown eyes fixed on Kelly... The child kept her eyes fixed on the wall behind him. VERB: V n on n, V on n, V-ed 8. If someone or something is fixed in your mind,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »REPAIR« to repair something that is broken or not working properly; mend1 (1b) BrE  (Dad's outside fixing the brakes on the Chevy.) 2 »LIMIT« to decide on a limit for something, especially prices, costs etc, so that they do not change + a  (The interest rate has been fixed at 6.5%.) 3 fix a time/day/place etc to decide on a particular time etc when something will happen  (Have you fixed a date for the wedding yet?) 4 »ARRANGE« also fix up to make arrangements for something  (If you want to meet the big boss, I can fix it.) 5 »FASTEN« to fasten something firmly to something else, so that it stays there permanently  (fix sth to/on)  (We fixed the shelves to the wall using screws.) 6 »MAKE FOOD« informal especially AmE to prepare a meal or drinks  (I watched the kids while he fixed dinner. | fix sb sth)  (I'll fix you a whisky sour.) 7 fix your attention/eyes/mind etc on to think about or look at someone or something carefully  (Aziz tried to fix his mind on the job at hand.) 8 »HAIR ETC« especially AmE to make your hair or make­up look neat and attractive  (Who fixed your hair for the wedding? | fix your face (=put make-up on your face))  (Hold on. Let me just fix my face before we go out.) 9 »CAT/DOG« AmE informal to do a medical operation on a cat or dog so that it cannot have babies; neuter2 10 »RESULT OF COMPETITION« to arrange an election, game etc dishonestly, so that you get the result you want  (The fight must have been fixed. Nobody goes down that easily!) 11 »PUNISH« informal to punish someone for something they have done  (I'll fix him for taking my car without my permission!) 12 fix sb with a stare/glare/look etc to look directly into someone's eyes for a long time  (Rachel fixed him with an icy stare.) 13 »PAINTINGS/PHOTOGRAPHS« to use a chemical process on paintings, photographs etc that makes the colours or images permanent 14 be fixing to do sth AmE spoken an expression meaning to prepare to do something, used in some parts of the US  (I'm fixing to go to the store. Do you need...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  file ext. abbr. Patch file NYSE symbols Comfort Systems U S A, Inc. st. exc. abbr. Financial Information eXchange ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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