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Англо-русский биологический словарь - field


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Перевод с английского языка field на русский


поле; участок; область

field of microscopefield of myofibrilsabandoned fieldadaptive fieldanarchic fieldbolder fieldCohnheim's fieldcortical fielddetermination fielddisorganized fielddisposal fieldsembryonic fieldfilter fieldflow fieldheteroaxial fieldheteropolar fieldhigh-power fieldidle fieldindividuation fieldlow-power fieldmicroscopic fieldmorphogenetic fieldopen fieldorgan fieldpersonal fieldpore fieldreceptive fieldsewage fieldssod fieldsubliminal fieldvegetative fieldvisual field

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  длина площадки ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  force(s) действующая армия FIELD noun  1) поле; луг; большое пространство  2) область, сфера деятельности, наблюдения in the whole field of our history - на всем протяжении нашей истории  3) поле действия field of view/vision - поле зрения magnetic field - магнитное поле  4) поле сражения; сражение a hard-fought field - серьезное сражение in the field - на войне, в походе; в полевых условиях field of honour -  а) место дуэли;  б) поле битвы to conquer the field - одержать победу; fig. тж. взять верх в споре to enter the field - вступать в борьбу; fig. тж. вступать в соревнование, вступать в спор to hold the field - удерживать позиции to keep the field - продолжать сражение to leave the field - отступить; потерпеть поражение  5) herald. поле или часть поля (щита)  6) фон, грунт (картины и т.п.)  7) спортивная площадка  8) все участники состязания или все, за исключением сильнейших  9) geol. месторождение (преим. в сложных словах, напр., diamond-fields, gold-fields)  10) electr. возбуждение (тока)  11) attr. полевой - field forces - field fortifications - field ambulance - field equipment - field services - field security - field magnet - field theory - field trial Syn: see profession FIELD ambulance mil.  а) медицинский отряд  б) санитарная машина FIELD court martial noun военно-полевой суд FIELD crops noun; pl.; agric. полевые культуры FIELD duty noun служба в действующей армии FIELD equipment ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. поле, луг field of wheat —- поле пшеницы flowers of the field —- полевые цветы in the fields —- в поле 2. большое пространство field of ice —- ледяное поле fields of snow —- снежные поля 3. площадка, участок (для какой-л. цели) flying field —- летное поле; аэродром auxiliary field —- вспомогательный аэродром stage field —- промежуточный аэродром bleaching field —- площадка для отбелки холста 4. спорт. площадка athletic —- стадион, спортивная площадка jumping field —- дорожка для прыжков the teams are coming onto the field —- команды выходят на площадку (на поле) 5. собир. спорт. игроки, участники состязания to bet (to back, to lay) against the field —- держать пари, делать ставку (на лошадь и т. п.) were you among the field? —- вы были среди участников? 6. геол. месторождение diamond fields —- алмазные копи gold fields —- золотые прииски 7. поле сражения, поле битвы in the field —- в походе, на войне; в действующей армии, в полевых условиях to take the field —- начинать военные действия to hold the field —- удерживать позиции to hold the field against smb. —- образ. оставить за собой поле боя, не сдаться to lose the field —- проигрывать сражение to pitch (to set) a field —- выбрать поле сражения; расположить войска для себя to withdraw from the field —- отступить с поля сражения; оставить поле сражения field of honour —- возв. поле...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  поле; участок; область – field of microscope – field of myofibrils – abandoned field – adaptive field – anarchic field – bolder field – Cohnheim's field – cortical field – determination field – disorganized field – disposal fields – embryonic field – filter field – flow field – heteroaxial field – heteropolar field – high-power field – idle field – individuation field – low-power field – microscopic field – morphogenetic field – open field – organ field – personal field – pore field – receptive field – sewage fields – sod field – subliminal field – vegetative field – visual field ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. поле; участок; площадка wheat field - пшеничное поле, sports field - спортивная площадка 2) эк. область, сфера (поле) действия, отрасль specialist in the field of literature - специалист в области литературы 3) доб. бассейн, месторождение (полезных ископаемых) coal field - угольное месторождение, угольный бассейн 4) марк. район сбыта, рынок, "поле" (географическая зона, в которой продается данная продукция или услуга; подразумеваются места продаж и иных контактов с потребителями ) sales in the field - продажи на местах See: field force 2) field management 2) field operations fieldwork field sale field service field survey 5) комп. поле (в компьютерной программе обработки текстов- часть записи компьютерного файла, содержащая набор знаков, представляющий какой-то элемент информации (напр., поле имени или поле адреса)) 6) эк., соц. интерпретативное поле (система символов и представлений, которыми оперирует индивид) FIELD сущ. 1) сфера деятельности 2) область 3) отрасль (промышленности) • - competitive field - field audit - field check - field cost - field employees - field of action - field of concentration - field of operation of the pound - field of research - field office - field offices - field performance - field service - wide field for trade FIELD сектор, область (деятельности, экономики и т. д.) – field of activity – field of application – field of attraction...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) корпоидальный 2) корпус 3) область 4) область рациональности 5) поле 6) полевая 7) полевой 8) полевые 9) полукадр 10) прииск 11) промысловый 12) матем. тело 13) экспедиционный 14) эксплуатационный absolute class field — гильбертово поле классов absolutely algebraic field — абсолютное алгебраическое поле adapted vector field — адаптированное векторное поле affine vector field — аффинное векторное поле algebra over a field — алгебра над полем algebraically closed field — алгебраически замкнутое поле algebraically complete field — алгебраически полное поле automatic field damper — электр. автомат гашения поля automatic field killer — автомат гашения поля axially symmetric axisymmetric field — осесимметричное аксиально-симметричное поле base basic field — основное поле basis of algebraic field — базис алгебраического поля canonically embedded field — канонически вложенное поле characteristic exponent of field — степень характеристики поля circuital vector field — электр. поле вихревое circulation of vector field — циркуляция векторного поля class field tower — башня полей классов collapse of the magnetic field — исчезновение магнитного поля completely continuous field — вполне непрерывное поле completely valuated field — вполне нормированное поле constant field extension — постоянное расширение continuously ordered field — непрерывно упорядоченное поле countably centered...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) поле 2) обмотка возбуждения 3) пространство, область, зона – field of view – accelerating field – acoustoelectric field – address field – alphanumeric field – alternate fields – antenna field – audio sector data field – bit-rate field – blue field – block information field – bottom field – built-in field – busy lamp field – control field – data field – deinterlaced field – distributed field – dominant field – electric field – electromagnetic field – erasure field – evanescent field – even field – far-radiated field – far-scattered field – first field – free electromagnetic field – Galois field – harmonic field – header field – information field – jump-address field – longitudinal field – loop magnetic field – magnetic field – message field – multiple-stage field – multipole field – MW-field – odd field – output field – radiation field – radio-frequency field – radio-influence field – recording field – repeat field – residual field – retarding field – rotating field – signaling information field – single-stage field – second field – sound field – source address field – stray field – switching field – tag field – tolerance field – top field – two-pole field – waveguide field ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  поле; участок, площадка область; зона прямой или угловой простенок (кирпичной стены) посадочная площадка field of application field of forces field of load field of specialization absorption field admissible deformation field ambient stress field auxiliary landing field displacement field disposal field drain field force field irrigation field leaching field playing field scalar field seismic field sewage field soil absorption field sports field strain field stress field temperature field vector field velocity field well field wide field of research ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) поле; (открытое) пространство; область; зона 2) поле (физической величины) 3) месторождение (полезных ископаемых) 4) нефт. промысел 5) возбуждение; подмагничивание 6) обмотка возбуждения 7) рлк карта местности (на экране индикатора) 8) поле (полевые условия) 9) тлв поле (кадра) 10) сфера, область (исследования, применения) 11) участок (кирпичной стены между проёмами или углами здания) 12) вчт. поле; группа символов - field of force - field of gravity - field of shot - field of view - field of vision - ac field - accelerating field - acoustic field - action field - address field - alphanumeric field - alphameric field - alternate fields - alternating field - angular field - aperture field - applica field - argument field - austenite field - avalanche field - axial field - backscattered field - back surface field - bias field - biaxial stress field - boundary field - breakdown field - built-in field - centrifugal force field - character field - circuital field - circular field - cloud field - coal field - coercive field - color field - command field - commutating field - compensating field - conduction field - conductor-cooled field - confinement field - conservative field - containing field - control field - control-data field - convective field - Coulombian field - Coulomb field - counter field - counterrotating field - coupled fields - couple-stress field - crack tip stress field - critical field - crossed field - cross field - curling field - curl field - data field - dc field - decelerating field - deflecting field - degaussing field - deleted field - demagnetizing field - depolarization field - derived field - destination field - developed field - diffracted field - diffuse sound field - dipole field - discontinuous field -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 an area of open land, esp. one used for pasture or crops, often bounded by hedges, fences, etc. 2 an area rich in some natural product (gas field; diamond field). 3 a piece of land for a specified purpose, esp. an area marked out for games (football field). 4 a the participants in a contest or sport. b all the competitors in a race or all except those specified. 5 Cricket a the side fielding. b a fielder. 6 an expanse of ice, snow, sea, sky, etc. 7 a the ground on which a battle is fought; a battlefield (left his rival in possession of the field). b the scene of a campaign. c (attrib.) (of artillery etc.) light and mobile for use on campaign. d a battle. 8 an area of operation or activity; a subject of study (each supreme in his own field). 9 a the region in which a force is effective (gravitational field; magnetic field). b the force exerted in such an area. 10 a range of perception (field of view; wide field of vision; filled the field of the telescope). 11 Math. a system subject to two operations analogous to those for the multiplication and addition of real numbers. 12 (attrib.) a (of an animal or plant) found in the countryside, wild (field mouse). b carried out or working in the natural environment, not in a laboratory etc. (field test). 13 a the background of a picture, coin, flag, etc. b Heraldry the surface of an escutcheon or of one of its divisions. 14 Computing a part of a record, representing an item of data. --v. 1 Cricket, Baseball , etc. a intr. act as a fieldsman. b tr. stop (and return) (the ball). 2 tr. select (a team or individual) to play in a game. 3 tr. deal with (a succession of questions etc.). Phrases and idioms field-book a book used in the field by a surveyor for technical notes. field-cornet S.Afr. hist. a minor magistrate. field-day 1 wide scope for action or success; a time occupied with exciting events (when crowds form, pickpockets have a field-day). 2 Mil. an exercise, esp. in manoeuvring; a review. 3 a day spent in exploration, scientific investigation, etc., in the natural...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. biographical name Cyrus West 1819-1892 American financier  II. biographical name Eugene 1850-1895 American poet & journalist  III. biographical name Marshall 1834-1906 American merchant FIELD  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English feld; akin to Old High German feld ~, Old English flor floor — more at floor  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) an open land area free of woods and buildings  (2) an area of land marked by the presence of particular objects or features dune ~s  b.  (1) an area of cleared enclosed land used for cultivation or pasture a ~ of wheat  (2) land containing a natural resource  (3) air~  c. the place where a battle is fought; also battle  d. a large unbroken expanse (as of ice)  2.  a. an area or division of an activity, subject, or profession  b. the sphere of practical operation outside a base (as a laboratory, office, or factory) geologists working in the ~  c. an area for military exercises or maneuvers  d.  (1) an area constructed, equipped, or marked for sports  (2) the portion of an indoor or outdoor sports area enclosed by the running track and on which ~ events are conducted  (3) any of the three sections of a baseball out~ hits to all ~s  3. a space on which something is drawn or projected: as  a. the space on the surface of a coin, medal, or seal that does not contain the design  b. the ground of each division in a flag  c. the whole surface of an escutcheon  4. the individuals that make up all or part of the participants in a contest; especially all participants with the exception of the favorite or the winner in a contest where more than two are entered  5. the area visible through the lens of an optical instrument  6.  a. a region or space in which a given effect (as magnetism) exists  b. a region of embryonic tissue capable of a particular type of differentiation a morphogenetic ~  7. a set of mathematical elements that is subject to two binary operations the second of which is distributive relative to the first and...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (fields, fielding, fielded) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A field is an area of grass, for example in a park or on a farm. A field is also an area of land on which a crop is grown. ...a field of wheat... They went for walks together in the fields. N-COUNT 2. A sports field is an area of grass where sports are played. ...a football field... Gavin Hastings was helped from the field with ankle injuries. N-COUNT 3. A field is an area of land or sea bed under which large amounts of a particular mineral have been found. ...an extensive natural gas field in Alaska. N-COUNT: usu supp N 4. A magnetic, gravitational, or electric field is the area in which that particular force is strong enough to have an effect. Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer. N-COUNT: usu supp N 5. A particular field is a particular subject of study or type of activity. Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpture and architecture... Each of the authors of the tapes is an expert in his field. N-COUNT: usu with supp 6. A field is an area of a computer’s memory or a program where data can be entered, edited, or stored. (COMPUTING) Go to a site like Yahoo! Finance and enter ‘AOL’ in the Get Quotes field. N-COUNT 7. You can refer to the area where fighting or other military action in a war takes place as the field or the field of battle. We never defeated them on the field of battle. ...the need for politicians to leave day-to-day decisions to commanders in the field. N-COUNT: usu the N, oft N of n 8. Your field of vision or your visual field is the area that you can see without turning your head. Our field of vision is surprisingly wide. N-COUNT: with supp 9. The field is a way of referring to all the competitors taking part in a particular race or sports contest. Going into the fourth lap, the two most broadly experienced riders led...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FARM« an area of land where crops are grown or animals feed on grass  (a field of wheat) 2 »SUBJECT« a subject that people study or are involved in as part of their work + of  (He's well known in the field of ancient history. | improvements in the field of health and safety) in his/her field  (Professor Marwick is one of the leading experts in her field. | be outside your field (=not be connected with your work or studies)) 3 »PRACTICAL WORK« work or study that is done in the field is done in the real world rather than in a classroom or laboratory  (in the field)  (His theories haven't been tested in the field. | field trials/testing)  (field trials for an anti-cancer drug) 4 baseball/soccer/sports etc field an area of ground where a sport is played 5 take the field to go onto the area where a sport is played so that you can take part in a game or competition  (supporters cheered as the team took the field.) 6 »COMPETITORS« the field a) all the horses or runners in a race  (lead/be ahead of the field)  (Egyptian Prince is leading the field as they come round the final bend.) b) all the people, companies, or products who are competing against each other  (lead/be ahead of the field)  (Microsoft is already way ahead of the rest of the field.) 7 snow/ice etc field a large area covered with snow etc 8 coal/oil/gas field a large area where coal, oil, or gas is found 9 magnetic/gravitational/force field the area in which a natural force is felt or has an effect 10 field of vision/view the whole area that you are able to see without turning your head  (The buildings obstructed our field of vision.) 11 the field (of battle) the time or place where there is fighting in a war  (on the field of battle)  (It is always better to negotiate than to settle disputes on the field of battle. | in the field)  (The new tank has yet to be used in the field.) 12 field of fire the area that you can hit by shooting from a particular position 13 »TEAM« the field the team that is throwing and catching the ball in a game such as...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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