Англо-русский биологический словарь - fiber
Связанные словари
Перевод с английского языка fiber на русский
волокно; нить
accelerator fiberadrenergic fibersafferent fiberaffinity fiberassociation fibersastral fibersatypical cardiac muscular fiberaugmentor fiberbast fiberBergmann's fiberBrucke's fibercardiac muscular fibercholinergic fiberschromosomal spindle fiberscollagen fibercollagenic fiberdentin fiberEbner's fiberefferent fiberembryo fiberextrafusal fiberextraxylary fiberfusimotor dynamic fiberfusimotor static fibergray nerve fiberinhibitory fiberintrafusal fiberKorff's fibermedullated fibermoss fibermotor fiberMuller's fibermuscle fibermyelin fibernaked fibernerve fibernonmedullated fiberperforating fiberplant fiberpostganglionic fiberprecollagenous fiberpreganglionic fiberPurkinje's fiberradial fiber of dentinradial Muller's fiberreticular fiberrod fiberropelike nerve fibersegmented nerve fiberSharpey's fiberspindle fibersStilling's fiberstrainerlike fibers of elastintangential fiber of dentinTomes' fibervegetable fiberxylary fiberxylem fiber
Похожие слова
Самые популярные термины
1 | 2255 | |
2 | 1799 | |
3 | 1630 | |
4 | 1355 | |
5 | 630 | |
6 | 598 | |
7 | 536 | |
8 | 510 | |
9 | 477 | |
10 | 436 | |
11 | 428 | |
12 | 400 | |
13 | 398 | |
14 | 394 | |
15 | 382 | |
16 | 365 | |
17 | 362 | |
18 | 343 | |
19 | 326 | |
20 | 314 |