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Англо-русский биологический словарь - fast


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Перевод с английского языка fast на русский


1) быстрый

2) прочный

3) голодание; голодать

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См. в других словарях

  and loose непостоянный, изменчивый, ненадежный FAST I  1. noun пост; to break (ones) fast - разговеться a clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast - беднее, да честнее  2. v. поститься II  1. adj.  1) прочный, крепкий, твердый; стойкий; закрепленный - fast colour - fast friendship - fast sleep - fast coupling - make fast  2) скорый, быстрый - fast train - fast neutron - fast track  3) неточный the watch is fast - часы спешат the scales are fast - весы показывают больший вес  4) фривольный; легкомысленный a fast set - кутящее общество to lead a fast life - вести беспутную жизнь; прожигать жизнь - fast prisoner fast tennis-court удобная, хорошая теннисная площадка - fast and loose to play fast and loose (with) поступать безответственно (с); быть непоследовательным, ненадежным; нарушать обещание Syn: see quick  2. adv.  1) крепко, сильно, прочно - fast shut - be fast asleep  2) быстро, часто; скоро  3) - live fast fast by/beside - совсем рядом stand fast! mil. - стой!  3. noun  1) naut. швартов, причал  2) mining штрек FAST colour прочная краска FAST coupling tech. постоянная (соединительная) муфта FAST food noun еда, которую можно перехватить на скорую руку FAST friendship прочная дружба FAST grower быстрорастущее растение FAST neutron phys. быстрый нейтрон FAST prisoner узник FAST shut плотно закрытый FAST sleep беспробудный сон FAST track railways линия с движением поездов большой скорости FAST train...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. запор, задвижка door fast —- дверной засов window fast —- оконная задвижка, шпингалет 2. мор. швартов 3. геол. первый твердый слой породы 4. припай (лед, примерзший к берегам) 5. прочный, крепкий hard and fast rule —- жесткое правило fast grip —- крепкая хватка to take (to have) fast hold of smth. —- крепко ухватиться (держаться) за что-л. she kept a fast hold on her purse —- она не выпускала из рук свою сумочку 6. твердый 7. прочный, прочно закрепленный или прикрепленный fast roof —- горн. устойчивая кровля to make fast —- закреплять, привязывать (лодку и т. п.); запирать all the drawers were made fast —- все ящики были заперты movable items were made fast to the deck —- все подвижные предметы были принайтовлены к палубе a shell fast in the chamber of a gun —- снаряд, застрявший в пушке 8. нелиняющий, прочный (о краске) fast to light —- спец. свотопрочный 9. стойкий, верный fast friend —- верный друг fast foe —- заклятый враг 10. уст. крепко спящий 11. уст. крепкий, глубокий (о сне) 12. прочно, крепко, твердо to be fast asleep —- крепко спать the lake was frozen fast —- озеро покрылось толстым слоем льда 13. накрепко he was fast bound by the feet —- ему крепко связали ноги the door was fast shut —- дверь была плотно закрыта to stick fast —- безнадежно застрять; ни с места (также перен.) the car stuck fast in the mud —- машина завязла в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) быстрый 2) прочный 3) голодание; голодать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) быстро 2) быстродействующий 3) быстролетящий 4) быстрый 5) высокочувствительный 6) жесткий 7) закрепленный 8) компенсирующий 9) малоинерционен 10) малоинерционный 11) прочен 12) прочно 13) прочный 14) скоростной 15) скорый 16) стойкий 17) стойко 18) устойчивый 19) фиксированный exponentially fast convergence — экспоненциально быстрая сходимость fast Fourier transformation — матем. преобразование Фурье быстрое fast hardening concrete — быстротвердеющий бетон fast neutron detector — детектор быстрых нейтронов fast time constant — малая постоянная времени infinitely fast control — безынерционное управление - fast color - fast increasing - fast jig washer - fast lens - fast locomotive - fast neuron - fast neutron - fast particle - fast reactor - fast reed - fast spiral - fast train ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  крепкий; прочный fast to light ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  сокр. от facility for accelerated service testing стенд для ускоренных эксплуатационных испытаний FAST 1) прочный; крепкий; закреплённый 2) твёрдый 3) стойкий 4) быстродействующий; быстрый 5) крепёжный элемент 6) мор. швартов fast to light — светостойкий, светопрочный (о покрытии); to make fast — жёстко закреплять - bow fast - breast fast - head fast - mooring fast - quarter fast - sash fast - stern fast ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. adj. & adv. --adj. 1 rapid, quick-moving. 2 capable of high speed (a fast car). 3 enabling or causing or intended for high speed (a fast road; fast lane). 4 (of a clock etc.) showing a time ahead of the correct time. 5 (of a pitch or ground etc. in a sport) likely to make the ball bounce or run quickly. 6 a (of a photographic film) needing only a short exposure. b (of a lens) having a large aperture. 7 a firmly fixed or attached. b secure; firmly established (a fast friendship). 8 (of a colour) not fading in light or when washed. 9 (of a person) immoral, dissipated. --adv. 1 quickly; in quick succession. 2 firmly, fixedly, tightly, securely (stand fast; eyes fast shut). 3 soundly, completely (fast asleep). Phrases and idioms fast breeder (or fast breeder reactor) a reactor using fast neutrons to produce the same fissile material as it uses. fast buck see BUCK(2). fast food food that can be prepared and served quickly and easily, esp. in a snack bar or restaurant. fast neutron a neutron with high kinetic energy, esp. not slowed by a moderator etc. fast reactor a nuclear reactor using mainly fast neutrons. fast-talk US colloq. persuade by rapid or deceitful talk. fast-wind wind (magnetic tape) rapidly backwards or forwards. fast worker colloq. a person who achieves quick results, esp. in love affairs. pull a fast one colloq. try to deceive or gain an unfair advantage. Etymology: OE f{aelig}st f. Gmc 2. v. & n. --v.intr. abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, esp. as a religious observance. --n. an act or period of fasting. Derivatives faster n. Etymology: ON fasta f. Gmc (as FAST(1)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English f?st; akin to Old High German festi firm, Old Norse ~r, Armenian hast  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. firmly fixed roots ~ in the ground  b. tightly shut the drawers were ~  c. adhering firmly  d. not easily freed ; stuck a ball ~ in the mouth of the cannon  e. stable movable items were made ~ to the deck  2. firmly loyal became ~ friends  3.  a. characterized by quick motion, operation, or effect:  (1) moving or able to move rapidly ; swift  (2) taking a comparatively short time  (3) imparting quickness of motion a ~ bowler  (4) accomplished quickly  (5) agile of mind; especially quick to learn a class for ~ students  b. conducive to rapidity of play or action  c.  (1) of a timepiece or weighing device indicating in advance of what is correct  (2) according to or being daylight saving time  d. contributing to a shortening of exposure time ~ film  e. acquired with unusually little effort and often by shady or dishonest methods had a keen eye for a ~ buck — R. A. Keith  4.  a. securely attached a rope ~ to the wharf  b. tenacious a ~ hold on her purse  5.  a. archaic sound asleep  b. of sleep not easily disturbed  6. not fading or changing color readily  7.  a. wild a pretty ~ crowd  b. sexually promiscuous  8. resistant to change (as from destructive action or fading) ~ dyes — often used in combination sun~ acid-~ bacteria Synonyms:  ~, rapid, swift, fleet, quick, speedy, hasty, expeditious mean moving, proceeding, or acting with celerity. ~ and rapid are very close in meaning, but ~ applies particularly to the thing that moves ~ horses and rapid to the movement itself rapid current. swift suggests great rapidity coupled with ease of movement returned the ball with one swift stroke. fleet adds the implication of lightness and nimbleness fleet runners. quick suggests promptness and the taking of little time a quick wit. speedy implies quickness of successful accomplishment speedy delivery of mail...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (faster, fastest, fasts, fasting, fasted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Fast means happening, moving, or doing something at great speed. You also use fast in questions or statements about speed. ...fast cars with flashing lights and sirens... Brindley was known as a very, very fast driver... The party aims to attract votes from the business and professional communities, which want a faster pace of political reform... The only question is how fast the process will be. = quick ? slow ADJ • Fast is also an adverb. They work terrifically fast... It would be nice to go faster and break the world record... Barnes also knows that he is fast running out of time... How fast were you driving?... How fast would the disease develop? = quickly ? slowly ADV: ADV with v 2. You use fast to say that something happens without any delay. When you’ve got a crisis like this you need professional help–fast!... We’d appreciate your leaving as fast as possible. = soon, swiftly ADV: ADV after v • Fast is also an adjective. That would be an astonishingly fast action on the part of the Congress. = swift ADJ: ADJ n 3. If a watch or clock is fast, it is showing a time that is later than the real time. That clock’s an hour fast. ADJ: v-link ADJ 4. If you hold something fast, you hold it tightly and firmly. If something is stuck fast, it is stuck very firmly and cannot move. She climbed the staircase cautiously, holding fast to the rail... The tanker is stuck fast on the rocks. = firmly ADV: ADV after v 5. If you hold fast to a principle or idea, or if you stand fast, you do not change your mind about it, even though people are trying to persuade you to. We can only try to hold fast to the age-old values of honesty, decency and concern for others... He told supporters to stand fast over the next few vital days. = firm ADV: ADV after v 6. If colours or dyes are fast, they do not come out of the fabrics they are used on when...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  1. ~ adj 1 »MOVING QUICKLY« a) moving or travelling quickly  (Burell is the fastest runner in the world. | The first pitch was fast and hard.) b) able to travel or move very quickly  (a fast car. | The horse was fast but not a good jumper.) 2 »IN A SHORT TIME« a) doing something or happening in a short time  (a fast journey | IBM is shedding labour at an alarmingly fast rate.) b) able to do something in a short time  (Are you a fast reader?) c) happening without delay  (This time the response was much faster.) 3 »CLOCK« a clock that is fast shows a later time than the real time  (five minutes/an hour etc fast)  (That can't be the time - my watch must be fast.) 4 pull a fast one informal to deceive someone by using a clever trick  (Make sure he doesn't try and pull a fast one.) 5 fast road a road on which vehicles can travel very quickly  (- see also fast lane) 6 fast film/lens a film or lens (2) that can be used when there is little light, or when photographing something that is moving very quickly 7 »COLOUR« a colour that is fast will not change when clothes are washed  (- see also colourfast) 8 »SPORTS« a fast surface is one on which a ball moves very quickly 9 make sth fast an expression meaning to tie something firmly, used especially on ships  (He made the rope fast to the metal ring.) 10 fast and furious done very quickly with a lot of effort and energy, or happening very quickly with a lot of sudden changes  (Political developments in South Africa have been fast and furious.) 11 He's/she's etc a fast worker informal used to say that someone can get what they want very quickly, especially in starting a sexual relationship with another person 12 fast talker someone who talks quickly and easily but is often not honest or sincere  (Nixon quickly gained a reputation as a fast talker.) 13 the fast set old-fashioned a group of fashionable young people who spend their time doing exciting things 14 fast friends literary two people who are very friendly for a long time 15 »WOMAN« old-fashioned becoming involved...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Fortified Amino Scalp Therapy physiol. abbr. Focused Abdominal Sonography For Trauma st. & loc. abbr. Fair And Simple Tax U.S. gov. abbr. Federal Acquisition Services For Technology U.S. gov. abbr. Fast Action Stops Torture U.S. gov. abbr. Free And Secure Trade U.S. gov. abbr. Frequent Accurate Specific And Timely transport. abbr. Final Approach Spacing Tool mil. abbr. Fleet Antiterrorism Support Team mil. abbr. Field Assistance in Science and Technology mil. abbr. Forward Area Support Team (terminal) mil. abbr. Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team ocean sc. abbr. Flow Actuated Sediment Trap ocean sc. abbr. Fore- Aft Scanning Technique ac. degr. abbr. Food And Agricultural Sciences And Technology univ. abbr. Fordham Alumni Student Teams univ. abbr. Facetted Application Of Subject Terminology univ. abbr. Faculty Academic Support Team softw. abbr. Fully Active Starburst Technology gen. comp. abbr. Functional Analysis Systems Technique gen. comp. abbr. Flexible Architecture Simulator Tool gen. comp. abbr. Federation Against Software Theft telec. abbr. Field Automated Subscriber Testing non-prof. org. abbr. Food Allergies Survivors Together educ. abbr. Family And School Together educ. abbr. Families And School Together educ. abbr. Fun After School Teens educ. abbr. Families And Schools Together sport abbr. Father And Son Team sport abbr. Functional Agility Speed And Technique sport abbr. Fans Against Scalping Tickets sport abbr. Functional Agility Strength Training law abbr. Foster Allegation Support Team law abbr. Freely Available Software Technology law abbr. Fast Action Service Team music abbr. Feed A Songwriter Today gen. bus. abbr. Fast Automated Screen Trading gen. bus. abbr. Factory Authorized Service Teams gen. bus. abbr. Flexible Accelerated Securities Transfer NASDAQ abbr. Fastenal Company pos. abbr. Firefighter Assistance Search Team st. exc. abbr. Financial Agent Secured Transactions ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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