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Англо-русский биологический словарь - fall


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Перевод с английского языка fall на русский


1) опадение, осыпание; падать, опадать, осыпаться

2) уменьшение, ослабление

3) выпадение (напр. зубов)

4) осыпание (семян); опадение (листьев, плодов и т. п.)

5) рождение; рождаться

6) приплод, выводок

7) выпадение (осадков)

blossom falldead fallleaf fallseeds fall

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  flat потерпеть неудачу The chairmans suggestion fell flat at the meeting; no one thought it a good idea. The boys joke fell flat, their parents did not think it funny. FALL due подлежать уплате (о векселе) FALL down упасть FALL dead упасть замертво FALL below  а) понижаться The class has fallen below ten students this year. The exchange rate of the dollar fell below eighty-eight cents today.  б) ухудшаться Im disappointed in your work: it has fallen below your usual standard. FALL behind отставать FALL back отступать fall back (up)on  а) прибегать к чему-л.;  б) обращаться к кому-л. в нужде FALL away  а) покидать, изменять Some of our formerly loyal members have fallen away.  б) спадать; уменьшаться Student numbers have been falling away recently. Interest in the game has fallen away (almost to nothing).  в) чахнуть, сохнуть Her face has fallen away since she lost weight.  г) исчезать The wind fell away and all was calm. His smile fell away when he saw who his visitor was. FALL for  а) coll. влюбляться; чувствовать влечение; поддаваться чему-л. Jim fell for Mary in a big way when they first met. The whole family fell for the new house as soon as they saw it.  б) coll. попадаться на удочку Dont fall for that old trick, hes trying to persuade you to buy his goods. FALL foul of  а) naut. сталкиваться  б) ссориться; нападать FALL apart развалиться на части FALL among Philistines попасть в переделку, попасть в тяжелое положение FALL among попасть случайно By going to the club Patrick fell among a bad group of people and started stealing peoples money. A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves. FALL across...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. падение a fall from one's horse —- падение с лошади the fall of an apple —- падение яблока the fall of the hammer —- удар молотка (на аукционе) intentional fall —- спорт. преднамеренное нападение pin fall —- падение на обе лопатки (борьба) to take a fall —- быть сбитым с ног 2. падение, закат the rise and fall of the Roman Empire —- расцвет и упадок Римской империи 3. понижение, падение; спад fall in temperature —- понижение (падение) температуры the rise and fall of the waves —- волнение моря (воды) a fall in prices —- падение цен 4. обыкн. pl. водопад Niagara Falls —- Ниагарский водопад 5. уклон, обрыв, склон (холма) the fall of the plain —- понижение равнины 6. выпадение (волос, зубов) 7. ам. осень fall fashions —- осенние моды fall overcoat —- (мужское) осеннее пальто 8. выпадение (осадков и т. п.) a heavy fall of rain —- сильный дождь, ливень a two-inch fall of snow —- снежный покров в два дюйма толщиной a fall of rocks blocked the road —- камнепад завалил дорогу fall of leaves —- опадение листвы 9. впадение реки 10. окот, рождение (ягнят и т. п.) 11. выводок, помет 12. рубка леса 13. срубленный лес 14. покрывало, вуаль 15. ниспадающий воротник 16. накладные волосы в виде "конского хвоста"; шиньон из длинных волос 17. спорт. круг, схватка, раунд he won two falls out of three —- он выиграл две схватки из трех to try a fall with smb. —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) опадение, осыпание; падать, опадать, осыпаться 2) уменьшение, ослабление 3) выпадение (напр. зубов) 4) осыпание (семян); опадение (листьев, плодов и т. п.) 5) рождение; рождаться 6) приплод, выводок 7) выпадение (осадков) – blossom fall – dead fall – leaf fall – seeds fall ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. падение, спад - break-neck fall - fall in exchange - fall short - headlong fall Syn: decrease, drop, downfall, reduction, lowering 2. гл. падать, понижаться, спадать - fall back - fall behind - fall short - the market is falling ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) лопарь 2) напор 3) опадать 4) опускаться 5) осаждаться 6) падение 7) перепад 8) понижаться 9) свергаться 10) спадать 11) спасть 12) срываться 13) убытие 14) упадать cathode fall region — область прикатодная drift in point of fall — деривация полная fall (apart) into — распадаться на fall into disuse — выходить из употребления fall of water surface — падение реки fall of water table — понижение уровня воды fall on straight line — укладываться на прямой fall out of synchronism — выпадать из синхронизма fall outside limits — выйти за предел fall outside the limits — выходить за пределы fall short of — быть меньше (чего-л.) free fall acceleration — ускорение свободного падения pulse fall time — время спада импульса - fall at - fall beyond - fall of drain - fall off - fall out - fall short - fall time - free fall ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  спад; снижение – cathode fall ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  уклон; падение перепад; ступень подпора уступ дна, порог обвал (блоков горной породы) понижение; спад выпадение осадков канатная ветвь (полиспаста, тали) рубка леса fall of lock falls of rope backwards fall of the jib complete fall flood fall free fall main load falls notch fall pressure fall temperature fall ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) падение, спад, понижение, снижение падать, понижаться, снижаться 2) перепад (гидротехническое сооружение) 3) напор воды (на гидротехническом сооружении) 4) выпадение (осадков) 5) горн. обрушение; вывал 6) уклон (напр. дороги или трубы) 7) канат (тали или подъёмного блока) 8) рубка (леса) рубить (лес) to fall in — совпадать; сходиться; to fall in step — впадать в синхронизм; согласовываться; to fall out of step — выпадать из синхронизма; рассогласовываться; to fall outside the range — выходить за пределы fall of drain — уклон дренажной трубы fall of potential — падение напряжения fall of stage — падение уровня воды - baffle fall - broad-crested fall - chain fall - closed-conduit fall - collar fall - complete fall - contracted fall - cylinder fall - drowned fall - dust fall - flood fall - free fall - inclined fall - ogee fall - pressure fall - rib fall - roof fall - stepped fall - submerged fall - temperature fall - undercollar fall - well fall - wingless fall ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v.intr. (past fell; past part. fallen) 1 a go or come down freely; descend rapidly from a higher to a lower level (fell from the top floor; rain was falling). b drop or be dropped (supplies fell by parachute; the curtain fell). 2 a (often foll. by over) cease to stand; come suddenly to the ground from loss of balance etc. b collapse forwards or downwards esp. of one's own volition (fell into my arms; fell over the chair). 3 become detached and descend or disappear. 4 take a downward direction: a (of hair, clothing, etc.) hang down. b (of ground etc.) slope. c (foll. by into) (of a river etc.) discharge into. 5 a find a lower level; sink lower. b subside, abate. 6 (of a barometer, thermometer, etc.) show a lower reading. 7 occur; become apparent or present (darkness fell). 8 decline, diminish (demand is falling; standards have fallen). 9 a (of the face) show dismay or disappointment. b (of the eyes or a glance) look downwards. 10 a lose power or status (the government will fall). b lose esteem, moral integrity, etc. 11 commit sin; yield to temptation. 12 take or have a particular direction or place (his eye fell on me; the accent falls on the first syllable). 13 a find a place; be naturally divisible (the subject falls into three parts). b (foll. by under, within) be classed among. 14 occur at a specified time (Easter falls early this year). 15 come by chance or duty (it fell to me to answer). 16 a pass into a specified condition (fall into decay; fell ill). b become (fall asleep). 17 a (of a position etc.) be overthrown or captured; succumb to attack. b be defeated; fail. 18 die (fall in battle). 19 (foll. by on, upon) a attack. b meet with. c embrace or embark on avidly. 20 (foll. by to + verbal noun) begin (fell to wondering). 21 (foll. by to) lapse, revert (revenues fall to the Crown). --n. 1 the act or an instance of falling; a sudden rapid descent. 2 that which falls or has fallen, e.g. snow, rocks, etc. 3 the recorded amount of rainfall etc. 4 a decline or diminution. 5 overthrow, downfall (the fall of Rome). 6...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (fell; ~en; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English feallan; akin to Old High German ~an to ~ and perhaps to Lithuanian pulti  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to descend freely by the force of gravity  b. to hang freely her hair ~s over her shoulders  c. to drop oneself to a lower position fell to his knees  d. to come or go as if by ~ing darkness ~s early in the winter  2. to become born — usually used of lambs  3.  a. to become lower in degree or level the temperature fell 10°  b. to drop in pitch or volume their voices fell to a whisper  c. issue 1a, b wisdom that fell from his lips  d. to become lowered her eyes fell  4.  a. to leave an erect position suddenly and involuntarily slipped and fell on the ice  b. to enter as if unawares ; stumble, stray fell into error  c. to drop down wounded or dead; especially to die in battle  d. to suffer military capture after a long siege the city fell  e. to lose office the party fell from power  f. to suffer ruin, defeat, or failure the deal fell through  5. to commit an immoral act; especially to lose one's chastity  6.  a. to move or extend in a downward direction the land ~s away to the east  b. subside, abate the wind is ~ing  c. to decline in quality, activity, or quantity production fell off  d. to lose weight — used with off or away  e. to assume a look of shame, disappointment, or dejection his face fell  f. to decline in financial value or price stocks fell sharply  7.  a. to occur at a certain time her birthday ~s on a Monday this year  b. to come by chance a job that fell into his hands  c. to come or pass by lot, assignment, or inheritance ; devolve it fell to him to break the news  d. to have a certain or proper position, place, or station the accent ~s on the second syllable  8. to come within the limits, scope, or jurisdiction of something this word ~s into the class of verbs  9. to pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind or a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (falls, falling, fell, fallen) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If someone or something falls, they move quickly downwards onto or towards the ground, by accident or because of a natural force. Her father fell into the sea after a massive heart attack... Bombs fell in the town... I ought to seal the boxes up. I don’t want the books falling out... Twenty people were injured by falling masonry. VERB: V prep, V, V out/off, V-ing • Fall is also a noun. The helmets are designed to withstand impacts equivalent to a fall from a bicycle. N-COUNT: oft N from n 2. If a person or structure that is standing somewhere falls, they move from their upright position, so that they are then lying on the ground. The woman gripped the shoulders of her man to stop herself from falling... We watched buildings fall on top of people and pets... He lost his balance and fell backwards. VERB: V, V prep/adv, V prep/adv • Fall is also a noun. Mrs Briscoe had a bad fall last week. N-COUNT • Fall down means the same as fall. I hit him so hard he fell down... Children jumped from upper floors as the building fell down around them. PHRASAL VERB: V P, V P • fallen A number of roads have been blocked by fallen trees. ADJ: ADJ n 3. When rain or snow falls, it comes down from the sky. Winds reached up to 100mph in some places with an inch of rain falling within 15 minutes. VERB: V • Fall is also a noun. One night there was a heavy fall of snow. N-COUNT: N of n see also rainfall, snowfall 4. If you fall somewhere, you allow yourself to drop there in a hurried or disorganized way, often because you are very tired. Totally exhausted, he tore his clothes off and fell into bed... VERB: V prep 5. If something falls, it decreases in amount, value, or strength. Output will fall by 6%... Her weight fell to under seven stones... Between July and August, oil product prices fell 0.2 per cent... The number of prosecutions has stayed static and...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense fell past participle fallen 1 »MOVE DOWNWARDS« to move downwards from a higher position to a lower position  (The rain had started falling again.) +out of/from/on  (Wyatt fell from a second floor window.) +down  (I'm always worried that one of the kids will fall down the stairs. | sb's trousers/socks etc are falling down)  (His shirt was all dirty and his trousers were falling down. | rise and fall)  (The little boat rose and fell with the movement of the waves.) 2 »GO DOWN ONTO THE GROUND« to suddenly go down onto the ground after you have been standing, walking, or running, especially without intending to  (I fell and hit my head. | Careful you don't fall - the path's very icy.) + on/into etc  (One of the horses slipped and fell into a ditch.) fall flat on your face (=fall so that you are lying facing the ground)  (She fell flat on her face in the mud. | fall to your knees (=move down from a standing position so that your body is resting on your knees)) 3 »TO A LOWER AMOUNT ETC« to go down to a lower price, amount, level etc, especially a much lower one  (In winter the temperature often falls below zero. | fall steeply/sharply (=by a large amount))  (Interest rates fell sharply. | falling income levels) 4 fall asleep/ill/silent/pregnant to become asleep, ill etc  (I fell asleep halfway through the film.) 5 fall in love to start to love someone or something very much  (As soon as we met, we fell in love with each other. | Primmie fell in love with California on sight.) 6 fall to pieces/bits a) to break into many pieces  (The vase fell to bits as soon as it hit the floor.) b) if something such as a plan or a relationship falls to pieces, it stops working properly 7 be falling to pieces/bits to be in very bad condition, especially because of being very old  (The walls were all dirty and the furniture was falling to pieces.) 8 fall into/out of to go into or out of a place very quickly because you are in a hurry or very tired  (As soon as she got home she fell into bed.) 9 fall into...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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