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Англо-русский биологический словарь - extract


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка extract на русский


1) экстракт, вытяжка; экстрагировать, извлекать

2) выборка

beef extractcell-free extractcorn-steep extractcrude extractliquid extractmalt extractmeat extractrennet extractrepresentative extractsonic extractyeast extract

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) chem. экстракт  2) выдержка, извлечение (из книги) Syn: see quotation  2. v.  1) вытаскивать, удалять (зуб); извлекать (пулю); выжимать (сок) (from) Many valuable medicines are extracted from humble plants. The doctor had to extract pieces of broken glass from the boys eye.  2) вырывать (согласие и т.п.); извлекать (выгоду, удовольствие и т.п.) to extract information - выудить сведения  3) получать экстракт  4) math. извлекать (корень)  5) выбирать (примеры, цитаты); делать выдержки ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. экстракт; вытяжка tanning extract —- кож. дело дубильный экстракт meat extract —- мясной экстракт lemon extract —- лимонная эссенция 2. выдержка, цитата, извлечение (из книги) extracts from Shakespeare —- цитаты из Шекспира an extract from a letter —- выдержка из письма 3. выписка (из документа) 4. юр. засвидетельствованная выписка (из документа) 5. извлекать, вытаскивать, вытягивать to extract a bullet —- извлечь пулю to extract a cork —- вытащить пробку, откупорить бутылку to extract a tooth —- удалить зуб 6. выжимать (также перен.) to extract juice —- выжимать сок when he has extracted everything he can from a new acquaintance, he drops him —- выжав все возможное из нового знакомого, он оставляет его 7. выпаривать; получать экстракт; экстрагировать 8. получить с трудом, добыть (согласие и т. п.) to extract information —- получить сведения (угрозами, уговорами) to extract a confession —- добиться признания (у преступника и т. п.) 9. выбирать (примеры, цитаты); делать выписки to extract examples from... —- подбирать примеры из... (какого-л. источника) 10. извлекать, получать (пользу и т. п.) to extract pleasure from a party —- получить удовольствие от вечеринки to extract comfort from work —- находить утешение в работе to extract a principle from a collection of facts —- вывести (извлечь) принцип из набора фактов 11. горн. добывать 12....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) экстракт, вытяжка; экстрагировать, извлекать 2) выборка – beef extract – cell-free extract – corn-steep extract – crude extract – liquid extract – malt extract – meat extract – rennet extract – representative extract – sonic extract – yeast extract ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  гл. 1) экстрагировать, извлекать 2) добывать, получать EXTRACT извлекать; выжимать; выбирать; делать выдержки; выписка; выдержка, извлечение, цитата ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) выварить 2) выделять 3) выдержка 4) выписка 5) вытаскивать 6) извлекать 7) извлечь 8) откачать 9) откачивать 10) экстрагировать 11) экстракт 12) экстрактный 13) экстрактовый extract address from — извлекать адрес из extract copper by smelting — извлекать медь плавкой extract desired harmonic — выделять нужную гармонику extract the root of — извлекать корень - acid extract - extract a core - extract a root - extract beam - extract harmonic - extract nail - extract peat - extract root - filling extract - tanning extract - vegetable extract ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) экстракт, экстрактивное вещество, вытяжка экстрагировать, извлекать 2) выделять, выбирать to extract into — экстрагировать вещество введением в растворитель; to extract with — экстрагировать добавлением растворителя к веществу - acid extract - alcoholic extract - apparent extract - aqueous extract - bark extract - ethereal extract - solvent extract - sonic extract - true extract - ultrasonic extract ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 remove or take out, esp. by effort or force (anything firmly rooted). 2 obtain (money, an admission, etc.) with difficulty or against a person's will. 3 obtain (a natural resource) from the earth. 4 select or reproduce for quotation or performance (a passage of writing, music, etc.). 5 obtain (juice etc.) by suction, pressure, distillation, etc. 6 derive (pleasure etc.). 7 Math. find (the root of a number). 8 archaic deduce (a principle etc.). --n. 1 a short passage taken from a book, piece of music, etc.; an excerpt. 2 a preparation containing the active principle of a substance in concentrated form (malt extract). Derivatives extractable adj. extractability n. Etymology: L extrahere extract- (as EX-(1), trahere draw) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~us, past participle of extrahere, from ex- + trahere to draw  Date: 15th century  1.  a. to draw forth (as by research) ~ data  b. to pull or take out forcibly ~ed a wisdom tooth  c. to obtain by much effort from someone unwilling ~ed a confession  2.  a. to withdraw (as a juice or fraction) by physical or chemical process  b. to treat with a solvent so as to remove a soluble substance  3. to separate (a metal) from an ore  4. to determine (a mathematical root) by calculation  5. to select (excerpts) and copy out or cite  Synonyms: see educe  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. a selection from a writing or discourse ; excerpt  2. a product (as an essence or concentrate) prepared by ~ing; especially a solution (as in alcohol) of essential constituents of a complex material (as meat or an aromatic plant) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (extracted) 1. To extract a substance means to obtain it from something else, for example by using industrial or chemical processes. ...the traditional method of pick and shovel to extract coal... Citric acid can be extracted from the juice of oranges, lemons, limes or grapefruit. ...looking at the differences in the extracted DNA. VERB: V n, be V-ed from n, V-ed, also V n from n • extraction Petroleum engineers plan and manage the extraction of oil. N-UNCOUNT: oft the N of n 2. If you extract something from a place, you take it out or pull it out. He extracted a small notebook from his hip pocket... Patterson went straight to the liquor cabinet and extracted a bottle of Scotch... VERB: V n from n, V n 3. When a dentist extracts a tooth, they remove it from the patient’s mouth. A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble... She is to go and have a tooth extracted at 3 o’clock today. VERB: V n, have n V-ed • extraction (extractions) In those days, dentistry was basic. Extractions were carried out without anaesthetic. N-VAR 4. If you say that someone extracts something, you disapprove of them because they take it for themselves to gain an advantage. He sought to extract the maximum political advantage from the cut in interest rates... VERB: V n from n c darkgreen]disapproval 5. If you extract information or a response from someone, you get it from them with difficulty, because they are unwilling to say or do what you want. He made the mistake of trying to extract further information from our director... VERB: V n from n 6. If you extract a particular piece of information, you obtain it from a larger amount or source of information. I’ve simply extracted a few figures... Britain’s trade figures can no longer be extracted from export-and-import documentation at ports. VERB: V n, be V-ed from n, also V n from n 7. If part of a book or text is extracted from a particular book, it is printed or published. (JOURNALISM) This material has...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to remove an object from somewhere, especially by pulling it  (You'll have to have that wisdom tooth extracted. | extract sth from sth)  (Prue managed to extract the stopper from the bottle.) 2 to carefully remove a substance from another substance which contains it, using a machine, chemical process etc  (47 tonnes of gold have been extracted at the mine. | extract sth from sth)  (The nuts are crushed to extract the oil from them.) 3 to skilfully remove something which is among a lot of other objects or inside something  (extract sth from sth)  (James slowly extracted a -5 note from his wallet.) 4 to find out information or get money from someone who does not want to give it by asking questions or using physical force  (extract sth from sb)  (I finally managed to extract the truth from her.) ~2 n 1 a short piece of writing, music etc taken from a particular book, piece of music etc, especially in order to show what it is like + from  (I've only seen short extracts from the film.) 2 a substance taken from another substance by using a special process  (vanilla/malt/yeast extract)  (Add one teaspoon of vanilla extract.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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