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Англо-русский биологический словарь - exposure


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Перевод с английского языка exposure на русский


1) экспозиция

2) подвергание воздействию; облучение

acceptable exposureacute exposureantigen exposureenvironmental exposurelong-term exposuresurvivable exposure

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Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  hazards риск, связанный с воздействием внешних факторов (облучением и т.п.) EXPOSURE meter phot. экспонометр EXPOSURE noun  1) выставление (на солнце, под дождь и т.п.)  2) подвергание (риску, опасности и т.п.)  3) оставление (ребенка) на произвол судьбы  4) разоблачение  5) выставка (гл. обр. товаров)  6) местоположение, вид; the room has a southern exposure - комната выходит на юг  7) phot. экспозиция  8) geol. обнажение или выход пластов  9) метеорологическая сводка  10) attr. - exposure hazards - exposure meter ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. подвергание внешнему воздействию; выставление (под дождь, на солнце и т. п.) exposure case —- мед. пострадавший от атмосферных условий; обмороженный, перегревшийся на солнце и т. п. exposure test —- спец. испытание на воздействие внешней среды exposure suit —- скафандр (космический и т. п.) radiation exposure —- (радиоактивное облучение) exposure to light —- мед. выдержка на воздухе exposure of the body to sunlight is recommended by doctors —- врачи рекомендуют принимать солнечные ванны avoid exposure to cold —- берегитесь переохлаждения exposure to fallout —- облучение в результате радиоактивных выпадений his face was brown from exposure to the weather —- его лицо обветрело и загорело to die of exposure —- погибнуть (от холода и т. п.) 2. незащищенность (от опасности и т. п.); воен. также незащищенное положение, выставление на открытом месте 3. разоблачение exposure of a crime —- раскрытие преступления 4. положение (в отношении стран света); местоположение a house with a southern exposure —- дом фасадом на юг a room with a northern exposure —- комната с окнами на север 5. обнажение indecent exposure —- юр. непристойное обнажение (тела) the exposure of the bone showed the depth of the wound —- кость обнажилась и было видно насколько глубока рана 6. фот. кин. выдержка, экспозиция exposure meter —- экспонометр time exposure —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) а) общ. подвергание какому-л. внешнему воздействию; выставление (под дождь, на солнце и т. п.) She died of exposure to cold. — Она умерла от переохлаждения. б) общ. незащищенность (напр., от опасностей, риска потери дохода, финансового риска и др.); подверженность, уязвимость (какому-л. воздействию) exposure to hazards — незащищенность от опасности to risk exposure to the flu — рисковать заразиться гриппом в) общ. выдержка, экспозиция (пленки, кадра) г) фин. подвергание (финансовому) риску (возможности потери дохода или имущества в результате вложения средств в различные активы) See: financial risk, business operation exposure, economic exposure, gross exposure, long exposure, market exposure, net exposure, short exposure 2) а) общ. появление на публике на экране телевизора и т. п. A politician seeks a lot of exposure. — Политик стремится как можно чаще появляться на публике. See: market exposure, "advertising exposure, "exposure opportunity, "exposure potential б) общ. демонстрация, выставление на показ (чего-л. в нормальном состоянии скрытого) The exposure of his anger was shocking. — Его озлобленность шокировала. в) общ. разоблачение (раскрытие секретной или скандальной информации о ком-л.); выведение на чистую воду; дискредитация Even after his prison term for rape and his subsequent exposure as an ordinary fighter, Tyson still fascinates the public....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) фото выдержка, экспозиция, экспонирование 2) фотосъёмка; рентгеновская съёмка 3) фотоснимок; кадр 4) подвергание воздействию 5) облучение; доза облучения 6) раскрытие, выявление 7) воздействие внешних условий 8) строит. ориентация здания (относительно стран света) exposure to heat — тепловое воздействие - aggregate exposure - anodic exposure - conditional exposure - direct exposure - energy exposure - exposure of aggregate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) экспозиция 2) экспонирование – automatic exposure – light exposure – radiant exposure ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  ориентация здания или помещения ветровая, шумовая или инсоляционная экспозиция здания внешние воздействия, воздействие внешних условий экспозиционная доза радиационного воздействия aggregate exposure human exposure long-term exposure mild exposure moderate exposure normal exposure severe exposure sheltered exposure solar exposure ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) горн. выход на поверхность, обнажение (пород) 2) экспозиция 3) экспонирование 4) (фото)съёмка 5) (фото)кадр; (фото)снимок 6) облучение 7) незащищённость от воздействия 8) воздействие 9) дефект (в программе, обнаруженный при структурном контроле) - exposure of instruments - acceleration exposure - accidental exposure - allowable exposure - ambient exposure - artificial light exposure - automatic exposure - blanket exposure - bump exposure - chronic exposure - cine exposure - close-up exposure - contact exposure - controlled-flash exposure - diamond exposure - direct wafer exposure - discrete exposure - double exposure - electron-beam exposure - flash exposure - flood exposure - focal plane exposure - fogging exposure - highlighting exposure - imagewise exposure - lethal exposure - light exposure - limiting exposure - long exposure - main exposure - mask exposure - maximum permissible exposure - multiple exposure - noscreen exposure - occupational exposure - optical exposure - outdoor exposure - post exposure - projection exposure - proximity exposure - radiant exposure - radiation exposure - rock exposure - roof exposure - saturation exposure - step-and-repeat exposure - stepped exposure - surface exposure - ultraviolet exposure - wedge exposure - X-ray exposure ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (foll. by to) 1 the act or condition of exposing or being exposed (to air, cold, danger, etc.). 2 the condition of being exposed to the elements, esp. in severe conditions (died from exposure). 3 the revelation of an identity or fact, esp. when concealed or likely to find disapproval. 4 Photog. a the action of exposing a film etc. to the light. b the duration of this action. c the area of film etc. affected by it. 5 an aspect or outlook (has a fine southern exposure). Phrases and idioms exposure meter Photog. a device for measuring the strength of the light to determine the correct duration of exposure. Etymology: EXPOSE after enclosure etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 1605  1. the fact or condition of being exposed: as  a. the condition of being presented to view or made known a politician seeks a lot of ~  b. the condition of being unprotected especially from severe weather died of ~  c. the condition of being subject to some effect or influence risk ~ to the flu  d. the condition of being at risk of financial loss minimizes your ~ to market fluctuations; also an amount at risk  2. the act or an instance of exposing: as  a. disclosure of something secret tried to prevent ~ of their past  b. the treating of sensitized material (as film) to controlled amounts of radiant energy; also the amount of such energy or length of such treatment a 3-second ~  3.  a. the manner of being exposed  b. the position (as of a house) with respect to weather influences or compass points a room with a southern ~  4. a piece or section of sensitized material (as film) on which an ~ is or can be made 36 ~s per roll ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (exposures) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Exposure to something dangerous means being in a situation where it might affect you. Exposure to lead is known to damage the brains of young children. N-UNCOUNT: usu N to n 2. Exposure is the harmful effect on your body caused by very cold weather. He was suffering from exposure and shock but his condition was said to be stable... N-UNCOUNT 3. The exposure of a well-known person is the revealing of the fact that they are bad or immoral in some way. ...the exposure of Anthony Blunt as a former Soviet spy... N-UNCOUNT: usu with poss 4. Exposure is publicity that a person, company, or product receives. All the candidates have been getting an enormous amount of exposure on television and in the press. = publicity N-UNCOUNT 5. In photography, an exposure is a single photograph. (TECHNICAL) Larger drawings tend to require two or three exposures to cover them. N-COUNT 6. In photography, the exposure is the amount of light that is allowed to enter a camera when taking a photograph. (TECHNICAL) Against a deep blue sky or dark storm-clouds, you may need to reduce the exposure. N-VAR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »TO DANGER« the state of being put into a situation that is harmful because you have no protection from something that is dangerous  (Skin cancer can be caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. | Through TV, kids have regular exposure to sex and violence.) 2 »TRUTH« something that is said or written in order to tell people the truth about something illegal, dishonest, or harmful  (The exposure of George Davis' illicit financial dealings provoked a public outcry.) 3 »MAKE FACTS KNOWN« things that are said and written on television and in newspapers that make a person or event known to a lot of people  (The failure of their marriage has received a lot of exposure in the press recently.) 4 »BE VERY COLD« if you have exposure you are extremely cold and ill, especially because you have been outside in very cold weather for too long without protection  (We nearly died of exposure on the mountainside.) 5 »PHOTOGRAPHY« a) a length of film in a camera that is used to take a photograph  (I have three exposures left on this roll.) b) the amount of time a piece of film is exposed (expose (5)) to the light when making a photograph 6 »SHOW« the act of showing something that is usually hidden 7 »DIRECTION« the direction in which a building, hill etc faces  (My bedroom has a southern exposure.)  (- see also indecent exposure) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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