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Англо-русский биологический словарь - entry


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Перевод с английского языка entry на русский


entry of infectionsperm entry

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) вход, въезд no entry! - вход/въезд запрещен!  2) вход; дверь, ворота; проход  3) вестибюль; передняя, холл; amer. лестничная площадка  4) вступление (в организацию); вхождение entry into the territorial waters - вторжение в территориальные воды (страны)  5) занесение (в список, в торговые книги)  6) отдельная запись bookkeeping by double entry - двойная бухгалтерия  7) статья (в словаре, энциклопедии, справочнике и т.п.)  8) устье реки  9) amer. начало (месяца и т.п.)  10) торжественный выход короля; выход актера на сцену  11) заявка на участие (в спортивном состязании, выставке и т.п.) - large entry  12) leg. вступление во владение  13) leg. вторжение, проникновение в дом с целью совершения преступления  14) таможенная декларация  15) mining откаточный штрек  16) attr. входной, въездной - entry visa - entry list ENTRY list состав участников (спортивного состязания, конкурса, выставки и т.п.) ENTRY visa въездная виза ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. вход; въезд no entry —- входа нет, въезд запрещен port of entry —- порт ввоза they have a right of free entry to the exhibition —- они имеют право проходить на выставку бесплатно 2. спорт. вход в воду 3. косм. вход, вхождение в атмосферу 4. комп. ввод данных entry conditions —- начальные условия; предусловия entry instruction —- точка входа 5. (торжественный) выход the King's entry —- выход короля 6. выход актера (на сцену) 7. вступление entry into war —- вступление в войну entry into combat —- ам. вступление в бой his entry into literature —- начало его литературной деятельности upon entry into force of the agreement —- по вступлении соглашения в силу 8. поступление (в школу) to take examinations for entry to a university —- сдавать вступительные экзамены в университет 9. (входная) дверь, ворота; вход, проход he stood in the entry —- он стоял в дверях to park one's car at the entry —- поставить машину у подъезда 10. передняя; вестибюль; сени 11. ам. лестничная площадка 12. устье (реки) 13. ам. начало (периода); наступление entry of a month —- начало месяца; наступление нового месяца 14. юр. фактическое вступление во владение недвижимым имуществом 15. юр. восстановление нарушенного владения 16. юр. проникновение в жилой дом с целью совершения преступления burglarious entry —- кража со взломом illegal entry of a...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – entry of infection – sperm entry ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) вход 2) вступление 3) бухгалтерская запись 4) таможенная декларация 5) выпускаемый на рынок продукт 6) затруднительное проникновение новой фирмы на рынок • - Entry Summary Selectivity System - Entry Summary System - adjusting entry - ajusting entry - barrier to entry - barriers to entry - book entry bond - condition of entry - cost of entry - covering entry - custom entry - customs entry - day of entry - debit entry - entry date - entry for warehousing - entry in register - entry of amount - entry of judgment - entry papers - entry permit - entry point - entry value - forcible entry - make an entry - no entry - port of entry - right of entry - unlawful entry Syn: bill of entry, penetration, posting, item, accounting, transaction, item ENTRY 1) запись; занесение; регистрация 2) статья (в словаре, справочнике) 3) таможенная декларация 4) фактическое вступление во владение недвижимостью ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  врезание ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) введение числа в машину 2) внесение 3) вступление 4) вход 5) вход таблицы 6) входной 7) запись 8) заполнение графы 9) описание 10) позиция 11) поступление double entry table — таблица с двумя входами stall and spin entry — физ. срыв в штопор table of double entry — таблица с двумя входами - block entry - entry advance - entry bridle - entry call - entry conditions - entry dynamics - entry guide - entry mechanics - entry parameter - entry point - entry side - entry suppressor - entry thickness - entry vertex - inactive entry - log entry - make an entry - matrix entry - monitor entry - off-diagonal entry - ordered entry - pivot entry - shock-free entry ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) место ввода, точка входа 2) ввод – batch entry – between-the-lines entry – cable entry – data entry – direct fax number entry – job entry – keyboard entry – key-to-disk data entry – manual entry – meta-signaling entry – piggyback entry – remote job entry – restricted entry – station entry – text entry ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  вход (в здание) тамбур; небольшой вестибюль или холл (за наружной входной дверью) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) вход; место (точка) входа 2) холл; вестибюль 3) горн. штрек 4) нефт. прорыв 5) эл., вчт. ввод 6) вводимые данные 7) элемент, компонент, позиция, запись (напр. списка, таблицы) 8) входное сообщение 9) статья; пункт to shut off water entry — перекрывать поступление воды (в ствол скважины) entry of matrix — элемент матрицы accidental steam entry — аварийный прорыв пара (в активную зону ядерного реактора) - alias description entry - batch entry - blocked entry - cable entry - data entry - deferred entry - developing entry - dip entry - directory entry - drift entry - formation sand entry - index entry - intake entry - job entry - keyboard entry - key-to-disk data entry - layout entry - main entry - manual entry - mother entry - on-line entry - prompted program entry - remote job entry - restricted entry - return entry - rise entry - schematic entry - station entry - table entry - text entry - thumbwheel entry - turbocharger entry - water entry - wing rail entry ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the act or an instance of going or coming in. b the coming of an actor on stage. c ceremonial entrance. 2 liberty to go or come in. 3 a a place of entrance; a door, gate, etc. b a lobby. 4 Brit. a passage between buildings. 5 the mouth of a river. 6 a an item entered in a diary, list, account-book, etc. b the recording of this. 7 a a person or thing competing in a race, contest, etc. b a list of competitors. 8 the start or resumption of music for a particular instrument in an ensemble. 9 Law the act of taking possession. 10 Bridge a the transfer of the lead to one's partner's hand. b a card providing this. Phrases and idioms entry form an application form for a competition. entry permit an authorization to enter a particular country etc. Etymology: ME f. OF entree ult. f. L intrare ENTER ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural entries)  Etymology: Middle English entre, from Anglo-French entree, from feminine of entre, past participle of entrer to enter  Date: 13th century  1. the right or privilege of entering ; entree  2. the act of entering ; entrance  3. a place of entrance: as  a. vestibule, passage  b. door, gate  4.  a. the act of making or entering a record  b. something entered: as  (1) a record or notation of an occurrence, transaction, or proceeding  (2) a descriptive record (as in a card catalog or an index)  (3) headword  (4) a headword with its definition or identification  (5) vocabulary ~  5. a person, thing, or group entered into something (as a contest or market) the latest entries in the computer market judge the entries in the writing contest ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (entries) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you gain entry to a particular place, you are able to go in. Bill was among the first to gain entry to Buckingham Palace when it opened to the public recently... Non-residents were refused entry into the region without authority from their own district... Entry to the museum is free. = entrance N-UNCOUNT: usu N to/into n • No Entry is used on signs to indicate that you are not allowed to go into a particular area or go through a particular door or gate. PHRASE 2. You can refer to someone’s arrival in a place as their entry, especially when you think that they are trying to be noticed and admired. He made his triumphal entry into Mexico City. = entrance N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with poss 3. Someone’s entry into a particular society or group is their joining of it. He described Britain’s entry into the European Exchange Rate Mechanism as an historic move. ...people who cannot gain entry to the owner-occupied housing sector. = entrance N-UNCOUNT: oft N into/to n 4. An entry in a diary, account book, computer file, or reference book is a short piece of writing in it. Violet’s diary entry for 20 April 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair... N-COUNT 5. An entry for a competition is a piece of work, for example a story or drawing, or the answers to a set of questions, which you complete in order to take part in the competition. The closing date for entries is 31st December. N-COUNT 6. Journalists sometimes use entry to refer to the total number of people taking part in an event or competition. For example, if a competition has an entry of twenty people, twenty people take part in it. Prize-money of nearly ?90,000 has attracted a record entry of 14 horses from Britain and Ireland... Our competition has attracted a huge entry. N-SING: with supp, oft N of n 7. Entry in a competition is the act of taking part in it. Entry to this competition is by invitation only. ...an entry...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »COMPETITION« a) a set of answers, a song or picture etc that is intended to win a competition  (Over a thousand entries were received within the first week of the competition.) b) usually singular) the number of people or things taking part in a competition  (We've attracted a record entry this year.) 2 »BECOMING INVOLVED« a situation in which someone starts to take part in a system, a particular kind of work etc, or joins a group of people  (the entry of women into the paid labour force | gain entry (=become involved))  (The Eastern European countries hope to gain entry to the European Union by the end of the century.) 3 »RIGHT TO ENTER« the right to enter a place, building etc  (an entry visa | no entry (=a phrase written on signs to show that you are not allowed to go into a place or through a particular door)) 4 »ACT OF ENTERING« the act of going into something + into  (the triumphal entry of the Russian army into the city) gain entry (=get into a place, especially when this is difficult or illegal)  (The thieves gained entry through an open kitchen window.) 5 »DOOR« a door, gate, or passage that you go through to enter a place  (- see also entrance (1)) 6 »STH WRITTEN« a short piece of writing in an encyclopaedia, diary etc  (The journal's last few entries described the events vividly.) 7 »COMPUTER« the act of writing of information onto a computer  (data entry) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  funny abbr. Enter New Trees Right Yam ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: PORT OF ENTRY. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., from O.Fr. entree, originally fem. pp. of entrer (see enter). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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