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Англо-русский биологический словарь - effect


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Перевод с английского языка effect на русский


1) действие, влияние, воздействие

2) эффект, следствие, результат

3) производить, осуществлять

effect of groupsadditive effectadverse effectBaldwin effectbiochemical effectbiological effectBohr effectbooster effectBruce effectcarrier effectcarry-over effectcombined effectcomplement-mediated bacteriolytic effectCompton effectconserving effectcontrolling effectconverse effectCoolidge effectcooperative effectcovering effectCrabtree effectcrowding effectcumulative effectCuster's effectDanysz effectdelayed effectdepressor effectdosage effectedge effectenhancement effectequalizing effectfactorial effectfavorable effectfounder effectFenn's effectfinal effectgeoelectric effectgreenhouse effectharmful effectherbicidal effecthoming effecthothouse effectimmediate effectimmunodepressive effectimmunoenhancing effectinfinitesimal effectinhibiting effectinhibitory effectinotropic effectirreversible effectjoint effectKok's effectleveling effectlocal concentration effectlong-term effectmaternal effectmental effectmultiplicative effectneighboring group effectnet effectnondelayed effectof effecton effectoptimal effectoxygen effectparadoxical effectpartial effectPasteur effectpermanent effectpermissive effectpleiotropic effectposition effectpriming effectprolonged effectpromoting effectpronounced effectprotective effectradiation effectreflex effectremote effectresidual effectretarding effectsampling effectselective effectsensitizing effectshort-term effectside effectsparing effectspreading effectstimulating effectsubthreshold effectsynergic effectsystemic effecttau effectthreshold effecttransfer effectvariable effectvirostatic effectwidespread effect

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) следствие, результат cause and effect - причина и следствие of/to no effect, without effect -  а) безрезультатный;  б) бесполезный;  в) безрезультатно; бесцельно - have effect  2) действие, влияние; воздействие the effect of light on plants - действие света на растения argument has no effect on him - убеждение на него никак не действует  3) действие, сила to go/to come into effect, to take effect - вступать в силу (о законе, постановлении, правиле и т.п.) the law goes into effect soon - закон скоро вступит в силу with effect from today - вступающий в силу с сегодняшнего дня - bring to effect - give effect to - carry into effect - put into effect - no effects - in effect  4) эффект, впечатление - general effect - calculated for effect - do for effect  5) pl.; theatr.; cin. звуковые эффекты  6) цель, намерение to this effect - для этой цели; в этом смысле  7) содержание the letter was to the following effect - письмо было следующего содержания  8) pl. имущество, пожитки sale of household effects - распродажа домашних вещей to leave no effects - умереть ничего не оставив наследникам  9) tech. полезный эффект, производительность (машины) Syn: see result  2. v. производить; выполнять, совершать; осуществлять to effect a change in a plan - произвести изменение в плане to effect an insurance policy - застраховать Syn: cause, produce, realize Ant: destroy, deter, hinder, prevent, stop ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. результат, следствие cause and effect —- причина и следствие effects of war —- последствия войны beneficial effect —- положительное воздействие salutary effect —- благотворное влияние long-range effects —- долгосрочные последствия worries have a bad effect on the nervous system —- неприятности плохо действуют на нервную систему he began to feel the evil effects of drinking —- он начал ощущать пагубные (зловещие) последствия пьянства of no effect, to no effect, without effect —- безрезультатно, безрезультатный to have (to take) effect —- дать (желаемый) результат; подействовать the medicine has had no effect on her symptoms —- лекарство не сняло симптомов болезни 2. цель, намерение to this effect —- для этого, для этой цели to no effect —- бесцельно 3. смысл, сущность, существо (дела); содержание in effect —- в сущности; по существу, фактически his poetry was, in effect, his life —- по существу (по сути дела) поэзия была его жизнью 4. действие, воздействие, влияние flutter effect —- спец. вибрация, дрожание the effect of light —- действие света; фот. актинический эффект to exercise effect —- оказывать воздействие the effect of environmen' upon man's life —- вдияние окружающей среды на жизнь человека 5. действие,действенность; сила binding effect —- дип. обязательная сила lack of effect —- юр. недействительность to take effect —- вступать в силу with...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) действие, влияние, воздействие 2) эффект, следствие, результат 3) производить, осуществлять – effect of groups – additive effect – adverse effect – Baldwin effect – biochemical effect – biological effect – Bohr effect – booster effect – Bruce effect – carrier effect – carry-over effect – combined effect – complement-mediated bacteriolytic effect – Compton effect – conserving effect – controlling effect – converse effect – Coolidge effect – cooperative effect – covering effect – Crabtree effect – crowding effect – cumulative effect – Custer's effect – Danysz effect – delayed effect – depressor effect – dosage effect – edge effect – enhancement effect – equalizing effect – factorial effect – favorable effect – founder effect – Fenn's effect – final effect – geoelectric effect – greenhouse effect – harmful effect – herbicidal effect – homing effect – hothouse effect – immediate effect – immunodepressive effect – immunoenhancing effect – infinitesimal effect – inhibiting effect – inotropic effect – irreversible effect – joint effect – Kok's effect – leveling effect – local concentration effect – long-term effect – maternal effect – mental effect – multiplicative effect – neighboring group effect – net effect – nondelayed effect – of effect – on effect – optimal effect – oxygen effect – paradoxical effect – partial effect – Pasteur effect – permanent effect – permissive effect – pleiotropic effect – position effect – priming effect – prolonged effect – promoting effect – pronounced effect – protective effect – radiation effect – reflex effect – remote effect – residual effect – retarding effect – sampling effect – selective effect – sensitizing effect – short-term effect – side effect – sparing effect – spreading effect – stimulating effect – subthreshold effect – synergic effect – systemic...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) результат, следствие 2) цель; намерение 3) значение, смысл 4) действие, воздействие; сила; влияние 5) производительность 6) осуществление, выполнение; осуществлять, выполнять; производить; проводить в жизнь – in effect – in the effect that – to effect an application – to effect a contract – to come into effect – to effect an engineering progress – to effect payment – to put into effect – to the effect that – to this effect – effects of international publication – effect of patent – biological effect – chemical effect – collateral effect – conspicuous effect – cumulative effect – gamma effect – legal effect – light effect – perspective effect – positive effect – shading effect – side effect – technical effect – territorial effect EFFECT 1. сущ. результат, следствие, влияние, действие, сила, значение, цель, смысл - anticompetitive effect - beneficial effect - binding effect - bring into effect - calendar effect - carry into effect - carrying into effect - combined effect - come into effect - coming into effect - communication effect - crowding-out effect - cumulative effect - desired effect - destructive effect - effect a payment - effect a purchase - effect a transaction - effect delivery - feedback effects - foreign purchases effect - give effect to - in effect - income effect - injurious effect - interest-rate effect - legal effect - material effect - multiplier effect on income - net export effect - of no effect - output effect - personal effects - prejudicial effect - price-decreasing effect - price-increasing effect - quantity-decreasing effect - quantity-increasing effect - ratchet effect - real-balances effect - special-interest effect - substitution effect - take effect - to the effect - to the effect that... - to the following effect - with effect from - without...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) эффект, влияние влиять 2) действие, воздействие действовать, воздействовать 3) результат, следствие; явление 4) эффект, впечатление 5) производить, изготовлять to come into effect — вступать в действие, вступать в силу to have effect (up)on — оказывать воздействие на - Borrmann effect - Coekelbergs effect - Dorn effect - Gersho-Rosencwaig effect - Hanle effect - Judd-Ofelt effect - Luxemburg effect - Mach effect - Malter effect - Miller effect - Pockels effect - Ranque effect - Suhl effect - additive effect - anionic effect - astatic effect - asymmetrical effect - averaged effect - back effect - barrier-layer effect - batch effect - binaural effect - blanket effect - block effect - calender effect - cancellation effect - chance effect - collective effect - column effect - combined effect - common effect - converse effect - cubic effect - cyclical effect - dead effect - dead-end effect - direct effect - diversity effect - dominance effect - dual effect - effect of averaging - effect of factor - effect of grouping - effect of pooling - effect of replications - electrooptic effect - equivalent effect - exchange effect - external effect - first order effect - flywheel effect - focusing effect - front effect - germinating effect - ghost effect - grain effect - hole burning effect - hot-electron effect - ill effect - immediate effect - indirect effect - induction effect - inner photoemissive effect - interaction effect - intermittency effect - internal photoelectric effect - interplot effect - inverse effect - irrelevant effect - isotope effect - latitude effect - level effect - luminous effect - magnetoacoustic effect - magnetocaloric effect - magnetoionic effect - magnetostriction effect - main effect - mechanocaloric effect - multipactor effect - mutual effect - n-th order effect - obstacle effect - orientation effect - outer effect - outer photoemissive...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) эффект, явление 2) влияние, воздействие – acoustoelectric effect – adjacency effect – ambiosonic effect – antenna effect – artistic effect – background effect – binaural effect – blackout effect – blocking effect – caloriferic effect – capture effect – cataphoretic effect – cliff effect – comet effect – corner effect – corona effect – coupling effect – crawling effect – current effect – curvilinear effect – decay effect – delayed-sidetone effect – Dellinger effect – Dember effect – digital multi-effects – Doppler effect – echo-effect – edge effect – electrical effect – electroacoustic effect – electrooptic effect – electrostatic effect – EMP effect – end effect – Faraday effect – field effect – first-time effect – Fizeau effect – flicker effect – galvanomagnetic effects – gap effect – geometric effect – glint effect – image effect – instantaneous effect – interference effect – interline-flicker effect – Kendall effect – keystone effect – knife-edge effect – Kundt effect – land effect – longitudinal Pockels effect – low-frequency effects – Luxemburg effect – magnetoelectric effect – magnetogalvanic effect – magnetooptical Kerr effect – Miller effect – mirage effect – moirt effect – montage effect – mountain effect – moving effect – noise effect – nonstability effect – optoacoustic effect – optogalvanic effect – optovoltaic effect – output effect – Ovshinsky effect – pairing effect – photocapacitance effect – photodiffusion effect – photoelastic effect – photoelectric effect – photoelectromagnetic effect – photoemissive effect – photovoltaic effect – piezoelectric effect – pinch effect – ping-pong effect – polarity effect – presence effect – print-through effect – proximity effect – radiation effect – radiometer effect – ripple effect – Rocky-Point effect – rotational effect – Schottky effect – screen-voltage effect – shore...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  действие, воздействие, эффект; влияние; следствие, результат; производительность effects of age effects of earthquake effect of end conditions effect of moisture changes effect of restraint effect of support settlement effect of temperature effect of temperature difference adverse effect adverse health effects backwater effect Bauschinger effect borehole effect boundary effect ceiling effect chimney effect climate effect Coanda effect combined effect combined effects of settlement and creep dehumidifying effect detrimental effect earthquake effect edge effect elevator effect environment effects on construction productivity fly ash effect on concrete properties frost effect greenhouse effect humidifying effect inertia effects insulating effect long-term effects microsilica effect on concrete properties mottle effect negative effect notch effect principle effect of the admixture radiation effects scale effect seasonal effect sensible cooling effect silo effect stack effect stiffening effect stiffening effects of floors sun effect thermal effect of building materials thermal effect of ceiling height thermal effect of roof types thermal effect of windows time-dependent effect total cooling effect weather effects on use of bond breaker wobble effect zero curtain effect ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) эффект; явление 2) влияние; (воз)действие воздействовать 3) результат, следствие 4) производить; совершать; исполнять; осуществлять 5) трикотажное переплетение in ground effect — в зоне влияния земли (о полёте); с учётом влияния земли; out of ground effect — вне зоны влияния земли (о полёте) effect of earthquake — последствие землетрясения effect of force — действие (влияние) силы effect of loading — следствие приложения нагрузки effect of solubility — эффект растворимости - abrasing effect - accordion effect - acoustoelectric effect - acoustoresistive effect - activation effect - adjacency effects - adsorption effect - Albert effect - anode effect - anticrease effect - arch effect - Auger effect - autocatalytic effect - avalanche effect - Barkhausen effect - Becquerel effect - biological effect - blackout effect - blast effect - blockage effect - border effect - boundary effect - Bragg effect - braking effect - branching effect - bulk effect - Callier effect - capillary effect - capture effect - cartooning effect - cartoon effect - caster effect - catalytic effect - cavity resonance effect - changing quality effect - channel effect - channeling effect - chilling effect - chimney effect - chugging effect - Clayden effect - climatic effect - Coanda effect - comet effect - compressibility effect - Compton effect - constant thrust effect - contrast effect - controlled cooling effect - cooling effect - corona effect - corrosive effect - coupling effect - crawling effect - crevice effect - crimping effect - cross effect - cross-magnetizing effect - crowding effect - cryoprotective effect - cushioning effect - damming effect - Debot effect - deleterious effect - Dellinger effect - Dember effect - de-skilling effect - destructive effect - detrimental...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the result or consequence of an action etc. 2 efficacy (had little effect). 3 an impression produced on a spectator, hearer, etc. (lights had a pretty effect; my words had no effect). 4 (in pl.) property, luggage. 5 (in pl.) the lighting, sound, etc., used to accompany a play, film, broadcast, etc. 6 Physics a physical phenomenon, usually named after its discoverer (Doppler effect). 7 the state of being operative. --v.tr. 1 bring about; accomplish. 2 cause to exist or occur. Phrases and idioms bring (or carry) into effect accomplish. for effect to create an impression. give effect to make operative. in effect for practical purposes; in reality. take effect become operative. to the effect that the general substance or gist being. to that effect having that result or implication. with effect from coming into operation at or on (a stated time or day). Etymology: ME f. OF effect or L effectus (as EX-(1), facere make) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin ~us, from efficere to bring about, from ex- + facere to make, do — more at do  Date: 14th century  1.  a. purport, intent  b. basic meaning ; essence  2. something that inevitably follows an antecedent (as a cause or agent)  3. an outward sign ; appearance  4. accomplishment, fulfillment  5. power to bring about a result ; influence the content itself of television…is therefore less important than its ~ — Current Biography  6. plural movable property ; goods personal ~s  7.  a. a distinctive impression the color gives the ~ of being warm  b. the creation of a desired impression her tears were purely for ~  c.  (1) something designed to produce a distinctive or desired impression — usually used in plural  (2) plural special ~s  8. the quality or state of being operative ; operation the law goes into ~ next week  II. transitive verb  Date: 1533  1. to cause to come into being  2.  a. to bring about often by surmounting obstacles ; accomplish ~ a settlement of a dispute  b. to put into operation the duty of the legislature to ~ the will of the citizens  Synonyms: see perform Usage:  Effect and affect are often confused because of their similar spelling and pronunciation. The verb 2affect usually has to do with pretense she affected a cheery disposition despite feeling down. The more common 3affect denotes having an ~ or influence the weather affected everyone's mood. The verb ~ goes beyond mere influence; it refers to actual achievement of a final result the new administration hopes to ~ a peace settlement. The uncommon noun affect, which has a meaning relating to psychology, is also sometimes mistakenly used for the very common ~. In ordinary use, the noun you will want is ~ waiting for the new law to take ~ the weather had an ~ on everyone's mood. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (effects, effecting, effected) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The effect of one thing on another is the change that the first thing causes in the second thing. Parents worry about the effect of music on their adolescent’s behavior... Even minor head injuries can cause long-lasting psychological effects. N-VAR: oft N of/on n, N of -ing, adj N 2. An effect is an impression that someone creates deliberately, for example in a place or in a piece of writing. The whole effect is cool, light and airy. = impression N-COUNT 3. A person’s effects are the things that they have with them at a particular time, for example when they are arrested or admitted to hospital, or the things that they owned when they died. (FORMAL) His daughters were collecting his effects. = belongings N-PLURAL: with poss 4. The effects in a film are the specially created sounds and scenery. N-PLURAL 5. If you effect something that you are trying to achieve, you succeed in causing it to happen. (FORMAL) Prospects for effecting real political change seemed to have taken a major step backwards. VERB: V n 6. see also greenhouse effect, placebo effect, ripple effect, side-effect, sound effect, special effect 7. If you say that someone is doing something for effect, you mean that they are doing it in order to impress people and to draw attention to themselves. The Cockney accent was put on for effect. PHRASE: PHR after v 8. You add in effect to a statement or opinion that is not precisely accurate, but which you feel is a reasonable description or summary of a particular situation. That deal would create, in effect, the world’s biggest airline. = effectively PHRASE: PHR with cl c darkgreen]vagueness 9. If you put, bring, or carry a plan or idea into effect, you cause it to happen in practice. These and other such measures ought to have been put into effect in 1985. = implement PHRASE: V inflects 10. If a law or policy takes effect or comes into effect at a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »CHANGE/RESULT« the way in which an event, action, or person changes someone or something + of  (the harmful effects of smoking) have an effect on  (Inflation is having a disastrous effect on the economy. | have/achieve the desired effect (=produce the result you wanted))  (The plan failed to achieve the desired effect of diverting traffic from the city. | cause and effect (=something that happens, and the other things that happen as a result of this))  (- see affect) 2 put/bring sth into effect to make a plan or idea happen  (It won't be easy to put the changes into effect.) 3 come into effect/take effect if a new law, rule, or system comes into effect, it officially starts  (The new tax rates come into effect from April.) 4 take effect to start to produce results  (The morphine was starting to take effect and the pain eased.) 5 in effect used when you are describing what the real situation is, especially when it is different from the way that it seems to be  (In effect, our wages will fall by 2%.) 6 to good/little effect if you do something to good effect, it is successful and does what you want it to  (Pat rubbed the stain frantically with a cloth, but to little effect.) 7 to this/that effect used when you are giving the general meaning of what someone says, rather than the exact words  (I thought he was wrong and said something to that effect at dinner. | words to that effect)  (Jim said he was unhappy at work, or words to that effect. | to the effect that)  (Karl's memo was to the effect that we all needed to think more about marketing possibilities.) 8 with immediate effect/with effect from starting to happen immediately, or from a particular date  (Hoskins is appointed manager, with immediate effect.) 9 »IDEA/FEELING« C usually singular an idea or feeling that an artist, speaker, book etc tries to make you think of or feel  (Turner's paintings give an effect of light. | do sth for effect (=do something deliberately to shock or surprise people)) 10 »PERSONAL THINGS« effects formal the things that someone...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Environmental Forecasting For The Effective Control Of Traffic ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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