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Англо-русский биологический словарь - early


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1) ранний

2) преждевременный

3) раннеспелый, скороспелый

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  delivery первая разноска писем (утром) EARLY diagnosis раннее распознавание болезни EARLY in life в молодости EARLY  1. adj.  1) ранний it is early days yet - еще слишком рано, время не настало - the early bird - at an early date - ones early days  2) преждевременный; agric. скороспелый  3) заблаговременный; своевременный - early diagnosis  4) близкий, скорый (о сроке) early post-war years - первые послевоенные годы  5) geol. нижний (о свитах); древний  2. adv.  1) рано early in the year - в начале года - early in life - early in the day  2) заблаговременно; своевременно  3) преждевременно early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise prov. - кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет EARLY in the day вовремя ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ранний early morning —- раннее утро in early spring —- ранней весной early breakfast —- ранний завтрак at an early hour —- рано утром, в ранний час he is an early riser —- он рано встает early delivery —- первая (утренняя) доставка (почты) early edition —- утренний выпуск (газеты); одно из первых изданий (книги) to be too early —- прийти раньше назначенного (нужного) времени it's too early to go in, the doors don't open till 8 o'clock —- еще не пускают, двери открываются только в 8 часов to keep early hours —- рано ложиться и рано вставать 2. ранний, раннеспелый, скороспелый early fruit —- скороспелка, скороспелый сорт early tomatoes —- ранние помидоры 3. в сравнит. ст. предыдущий earlier studies —- ранее проведенные исследования in the earlier chapters —- в предыдущих главах 4. начальный the early Middle Ages —- раннее средневековье in the early 20th century —- в начале XX века in the early forties —- в начале сороковых годов a man in his early forties —- человек сорока лет с небольшим man's experience —- впечатления раннего детства in the earliest days of our history —- на заре нашей истории early Rembrandt —- ранний Рембрандт early stage —- ранняя фаза, начальная стадия early cancer —- мед. начальный рак 5. заблаговременный, своевременный early warning —- заблаговременное предупреждение early diagnosis —- ранний диагноз, раннее распознавание...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) ранний 2) преждевременный 3) раннеспелый, скороспелый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  adj., adv., & n. --adj. & adv. (earlier, earliest) 1 before the due, usual, or expected time (was early for my appointment; the train arrived early). 2 a not far on in the day or night, or in time (early evening; at the earliest opportunity). b prompt (early payment appreciated; at your earliest convenience). 3 a not far on in a period, development, or process of evolution; being the first stage (Early English architecture; the early Christians; early Spring). b of the distant past (early man). c not far on in a sequence or serial order (the early chapters; appears early in the list). 4 a of childhood, esp. the preschool years (early learning). b (of a piece of writing, music, etc.) immature, youthful (an early work). 5 forward in flowering, ripening, etc. (early peaches). --n. (pl. -ies) (usu. in pl.) an early fruit or vegetable, esp. potatoes. Phrases and idioms at the earliest (often placed after a specified time) not before (will arrive on Monday at the earliest). early bird colloq. one who arrives, gets up, etc. early. early closing Brit. the shutting of business premises on the afternoon of one particular day of the week. early days early in time for something to happen etc. early grave an untimely or premature death. early hours the very early morning, usu. before dawn. early (or earlier) on at an early (or earlier) stage. early warning advance warning of an imminent (esp. nuclear) attack. Derivatives earliness n. Etymology: orig. as adv., f. OE {aelig}rlice, arlice ({aelig}r ERE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adverb  (earlier; -est)  Etymology: Middle English erly, from Old English ?rlice, from ?r ~, soon — more at ere  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. near the beginning of a period of time awoke ~ in the morning  b. near the beginning of a course, process, or series ~ in his senatorial career  2.  a. before the usual or expected time the train arrived ~  b. archaic soon  c. sooner than related forms these apples bear ~  II. adjective  (earlier; -est)  Date: 13th century  1.  a. of, relating to, or occurring near the beginning of a period of time, a development, or a series in the ~ evening the ~ symptoms of the disease  b.  (1) distant in past time  (2) primitive ~ tools  2.  a. occurring before the usual or expected time an ~ arrival  b. occurring in the near future at your earliest convenience  c. maturing or producing sooner than related forms an ~ peach  • earliness noun EARLY  biographical name Jubal Anderson 1816-1894 American Confederate general ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (earlier, earliest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Early means before the usual time that a particular event or activity happens. I knew I had to get up early... Why do we have to go to bed so early? ? late ADV: ADV after v • Early is also an adjective. I decided that I was going to take early retirement... I planned an early night. ADJ: ADJ n 2. Early means near the beginning of a day, week, year, or other period of time. ...in the 1970s and the early 1980s. ...a few weeks in early summer... She was in her early teens. ...the early hours of Saturday morning. ? late ADJ: ADJ n • Early is also an adverb. We’ll hope to see you some time early next week. ...early in the season. ADV: ADV with cl, ADV n/prep 3. Early means before the time that was arranged or expected. She arrived early to secure a place at the front... The first snow came a month earlier than usual. ? late ADV: ADV after v • Early is also an adjective. I’m always early. ADJ 4. Early means near the beginning of a period in history, or in the history of something such as the world, a society, or an activity. ...the early stages of pregnancy. ...Fassbinder’s early films... It’s too early to declare his efforts a success. ADJ: ADJ n 5. Early means near the beginning of something such as a piece of work or a process. ...the book’s early chapters. ADJ: ADJ n • Early is also an adverb. ...an incident which occurred much earlier in the game. ADV: ADV with cl, ADV prep 6. Early refers to plants which flower or crop before or at the beginning of the main season. ...these early cabbages and cauliflowers. ADJ: ADJ n • Early is also an adverb. ...early flowering shrubs. ADV: ADV with v 7. Early reports or indications of something are the first reports or indications about it. (FORMAL) The early indications look encouraging... ADJ: ADJ n 8. You can use as early as to emphasize that a particular time or period...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »NEAR THE BEGINNING« near to the beginning of a day, year, someone's life etc  (We've booked two weeks' holiday in early May. | Her early life was miserably unhappy. | in the early days (=at the beginning of a process, project etc))  (In the early days we used to work Saturdays as well.) 2 »BEFORE THE USUAL TIME« arriving or happening before the usual or expected time  (Hey, you're early! It's only five o'clock! | The rains are early this year. | five minutes early/three hours early etc)  (The bus was ten minutes early. | an early grave (=dying too soon)) 3 »NOT TOO LATE« near enough to the beginning of a process to prevent something bad from happening  (There is far less risk with cancer if it is detected early.) 4 »FIRST« only before noun being one of the first people, events, machines etc  (Early motor cars had very poor brakes. | early man) 5 it's early days spoken used to say that it is too soon to be sure about what the result of something will be  (She's having a few problems with the coursework at school but it's early days yet.) 6 at/from an early age at or since a time when you were very young  (At an early age she decided she wanted to be a surgeon.) 7 make an early start to start an activity, journey etc very early in the day because you have a lot to do, far to go etc 8 the early hours the time between midnight and morning  (Order was restored in the prison in the early hours of Saturday morning.) 9 early night if you have an early night you go to bed earlier than usual  (I could really do with an early night!) 10 early bird someone who always gets up very early in the morning  (Seven? No problem! I'm a real early bird!) 11 the early bird catches the worm used to say that someone is successful because they were the first to do something 12 early riser someone who always gets up early in the morning 13 early potatoes/lettuces/avocados etc potatoes etc that are ready to be picked before any others ~2 adv 1 before the usual, arranged, or expected time  (I arrived early, to make sure of a seat. | The...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. жrlice, from жr "soon, ere" (from P.Gmc. *airiz, from PIE *ayer- "day, morning") + -lice "-ly," adverbial suffix. The early bird of the proverb is from 1670s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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