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Англо-русский биологический словарь - duck


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка duck на русский


1) утка

2) pl бот. башмачок царский (Cypripedium reginae); башмачок белый (Cypripedium candidum)

African black duckAfrican sheld duckAustralian gray duckblack duckblue duckblue-billed duckBombay duckBrazilian duckbronze-winged duckbuffle-headed duckCarolina duckcomb duckcrested duckdabbing ducksdiving duckeider duckfish duckfreckled duckgreater scaup duckgreen duckharlequin duckIndian Bombay duckJapanese Bombay duckknob-billed ducklong-tailed duckmaccoa duckmallard duckmandarin duckmaned duckmarbled duckmasked duckmottled duckmountain duckmusk duckperching duckspink-eared duckpink-headed duckpuddle ducksred-billed whistling duckring-necked duckriver ducksruddy duckrufous-crested ducksea duckspectacled duckspotted whistling ducksteamer duckstiff-tailed duckssurface-feeding duckstinyfin ducktorrent ducktree ducktufted duckwhistling tree duckwhite-backed duckwhite-eyed duckwhite-faced tree duckwhite-headed duckwild duckwood duckyellow-billed duck

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См. в других словарях

  • резко отклониться• резко отклоняться• утка ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  I noun  1) утка  2) утиное мясо  3) affect. голубушка; душка  4) coll. растратчик; банкрот  5) coll. парень  6) mil.; coll. грузовик-амфибия  7) attr. duck tail - утиный хвост; fig. вихор, хохолок like a duck in a thunderstorm - с растерянным видом fine weather for young ducks joc. - дождливая погода like water off a ducks back - как с гуся вода ducks and drakes - игра, состоящая в бросании плоских камешков по поверхности воды; to play ducks and drakes with smth. расточать, проматывать что-л., поступать безрассудно, рисковать чем-л. to take to smth. like a duck to water - чувствовать себя в чем-л. как рыба в воде - duck of II  1. noun  1) ныряние; окунание  2) быстрое наклонение головы  2. v.  1) нырять; окунать(ся)  2) увертываться (от удара, снаряда)  3) быстро наклонять голову (тж. duck down) Duck down behind this wall and then the policeman wont see you. Hes got a gun, duck down!  4) - duck a curtsy - duck out Syn: see immerse III noun  1) грубое полотно, парусина  2) pl. парусиновые брюки DUCK a curtsy coll. приседать, делать реверанс DUCK of coll. прелестный, восхитительный DUCK out уходить от ответственности You cant duck out now, you made a solemn promise. No parent can duck out of his duty to his children. Its unlawful to try to duck out of paying taxes. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. зоол. утка (Anas) domestic duck —- домашняя утка to shoot ducks —- стрелять (диких) уток 2. самка селезня, утка 3. утиное мясо, утятина 4. разг. человек; парень, малый queer duck —- чудак, человек с причудами dead duck —- бедняга; бедолага, неудачник; конченый человек; ничего не стоящая вещь; гроша ломаного не стоит 5. неудачник, "несчастненький" (также lame duck) 6. разг. голубушка, голубка; голубчик; солнышко и т. п. (в обращении) what do you want, duck? —- что бы вы хотели, голубушка? 7. душка, прелесть, чудо she is a perfect duck —- она просто прелесть a duck of a child —- прелесть, а не ребенок; чудо что за ребенок 8. "утка на скале" (детская игра; также duck on the rock) 9. спорт. нулевой счет 10. игрок, не набравший ни одного очка 11. воен. жарг. грузовик-амфибия D. Pond —- пункт сбора грузовиков-амфибий 12. воен. жарг. новобранец, новичок; необстрелянный солдат 13. растратчик, банкрот Id: a sitting duck —- легкая жертва; человек, которого легко обмануть Id: ducks and drakes —- "блины" (бросание плоских камешков так, чтобы они прыгали по поверхности воды) Id: to play (to make) ducks and drakes —- "печь блины" Id: to play ducks and drakes with smth., to make ducks and drakes of (with) smth. —- проматывать (растрачивать, разбазаривать) что-л.; расточать или растранжиривать что-л. Id: fine weather...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) утка 2) pl бот. башмачок царский (Cypripedium reginae); башмачок белый (Cypripedium candidum) – African black duck – African sheld duck – Australian gray duck – black duck – blue duck – blue-billed duck – Bombay duck – Brazilian duck – bronze-winged duck – buffle-headed duck – Carolina duck – comb duck – crested duck – dabbing ducks – diving duck – eider duck – fish duck – freckled duck – greater scaup duck – green duck – harlequin duck – Indian Bombay duck – Japanese Bombay duck – knob-billed duck – long-tailed duck – maccoa duck – mallard duck – mandarin duck – maned duck – marbled duck – masked duck – mottled duck – mountain duck – musk duck – perching ducks – pink-eared duck – pink-headed duck – puddle ducks – red-billed whistling duck – ring-necked duck – river ducks – ruddy duck – rufous-crested duck – sea duck – spectacled duck – spotted whistling duck – steamer duck – stiff-tailed ducks – surface-feeding ducks – tinyfin duck – torrent duck – tree duck – tufted duck – whistling tree duck – white-backed duck – white-eyed duck – white-faced tree duck – white-headed duck – wild duck – wood duck – yellow-billed duck ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. употребляется в сочетаниях - lame duck ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) утка 2) утятина 3) равендук (толстая льняная ткань типа парусины) 4) бот. царский башмачок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) техническая ткань; парусина 2) грузило ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. (pl. same or ducks) 1 a any of various swimming-birds of the family Anatidae, esp. the domesticated form of the mallard or wild duck. b the female of this (opp. DRAKE). c the flesh of a duck as food. 2 Cricket (in full duck's-egg) the score of a batsman dismissed for nought. 3 (also ducks) Brit. colloq. (esp. as a form of address) dear, darling. Phrases and idioms duck-hawk 1 Brit. a marsh-harrier. 2 US a peregrine. ducks and drakes a game of making a flat stone skim along the surface of water. duck's arse sl. a haircut with the hair on the back of the head shaped like a duck's tail. duck soup US sl. an easy task. like a duck to water adapting very readily. like water off a duck's back colloq. (of remonstrances etc.) producing no effect. play ducks and drakes with colloq. squander. Etymology: OE duce, duce: rel. to DUCK(2) 2. v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. plunge, dive, or dip under water and emerge (ducked him in the pond). 2 intr. & tr. bend (the head or the body) quickly to avoid a blow or being seen, or as a bow or curtsy; bob (ducked out of sight; ducked his head under the beam). 3 tr. & intr. colloq. avoid or dodge; withdraw (from) (ducked out of the engagement; ducked the meeting). 4 intr. Bridge lose a trick deliberately by playing a low card. --n. 1 a quick dip or swim. 2 a quick lowering of the head etc. Phrases and idioms ducking-stool hist. a chair fastened to the end of a pole, which could be plunged into a pond, used formerly for ducking scolds etc. Derivatives ducker n. Etymology: OE ducan (unrecorded) f. Gmc 3. n. 1 a strong untwilled linen or cotton fabric used for small sails and the outer clothing of sailors. 2 (in pl.) trousers made of this (white ducks). Etymology: MDu. doek, of unkn. orig. 4. n. colloq. an amphibious landing-craft. Etymology: DUKW, its official designation ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~s)  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English duk, doke, from Old English duce  Date: before 12th century  1. or plural ~  a. any of various swimming birds (family Anatidae, the ~ family) in which the neck and legs are short, the feet typically webbed, the bill often broad and flat, and the sexes usually different from each other in plumage  b. the flesh of any of these birds used as food  2. a female ~ — compare drake  3. chiefly British darling — often used in plural but sing. in constr.  4. person, creature  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English douken; akin to Old High German tuhhan to dive, Old English duce ~  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to thrust under water  2. to lower (as the head) quickly ; bow  3. avoid, evade ~ the issue  intransitive verb  1.  a. to plunge under the surface of water  b. to descend suddenly ; dip  2.  a. to lower the head or body suddenly ; dodge  b. bow, bob  3.  a. to move quickly  b. to evade a duty, question, or responsibility  • ~er noun  III. noun  Date: 1554 an instance of ~ing  IV. noun  Etymology: Dutch doek cloth; akin to Old High German tuoh cloth  Date: 1640  1. a durable closely woven usually cotton fabric  2. plural light clothes and especially trousers made of ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ducks, ducking, ducked) 1. A duck is a very common water bird with short legs, a short neck, and a large flat beak. N-VAR • Duck is the flesh of this bird when it is eaten as food. ...honey roasted duck. N-UNCOUNT 2. If you duck, you move your head or the top half of your body quickly downwards to avoid something that might hit you, or to avoid being seen. He ducked in time to save his head from a blow from the poker... He ducked his head to hide his admiration... I wanted to duck down and slip past but they saw me. VERB: V, V n, V adv/prep 3. If you duck something such as a blow, you avoid it by moving your head or body quickly downwards. Hans deftly ducked their blows. = dodge VERB: V n 4. You say that someone ducks a duty or responsibility when you disapprove of the fact that they avoid it. (INFORMAL) The Opposition reckons the Health Secretary has ducked all the difficult decisions... VERB: V n c darkgreen]disapproval 5. see also dead duck, lame duck, sitting duck 6. You say that criticism is like water off a duck’s back or water off a duck’s back to emphasize that it is not having any effect on the person being criticized. PHRASE: v-link PHR c darkgreen]emphasis 7. If you take to something like a duck to water, you discover that you are naturally good at it or that you find it very easy to do. She took to mothering like a duck to water. PHRASE: V inflects DUCK OUT If you duck out of something that you are supposed to do, you avoid doing it. (INFORMAL) George ducked out of his forced marriage to a cousin... You can’t duck out once you’ve taken on a responsibility. = back out PHRASAL VERB: V P of n, V P ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »BIRD« a very common water bird with short legs and a wide beak that is used for its meat, eggs, and soft feathers 2 »FEMALE BIRD« a female duck 3 »MEAT« the meat of this bird used as food  (roast duck with orange sauce) 4 take to something like a duck to water to learn how to do something very easily  (Don't worry, you'll take to it like a duck to water.) 5 »PERSON« also ducks BrE spoken a friendly way of speaking to someone, especially a woman or child  (What can I get you, ducks?) 6 »SPORT« (countable,) a score1 (1) of zero by a batsman1 (1) in a game of cricket1 (2) 7 duck shoot AmE slang a very easy job or piece of work  (- see also a dead duck dead1 (12), lame duck lame1 (3), like water off a duck's back water1 (5), ducks and drakes) ~2 v 1 to lower your head or body very quickly, especially to avoid being seen or hit  (He saw a policeman coming, and ducked behind a car. | duck sth)  (We had to duck our heads to get through the doorway.) 2 to push someone under water for a short time as a joke  (The children were busy ducking each other in the swimming pool.) 3 informal to try to avoid something, especially a difficult or unpleasant duty; dodge1 (1) dodge1 (2)  (His speech ducked all the major issues.) duck out of sth phr v informal to avoid doing something that you have to do or have promised to do  (duck out of doing sth)  (Don't try and duck out of cleaning the kitchen!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Durham University Charities Kommittee univ. abbr. Durham Univeristy Charities Kommittee univ. abbr. Digital University Campus Kiosk hardw. abbr. Dial Up Chat Kit hardw. abbr. Dualing Up Connector Kit NASDAQ abbr. Duckwall Alco Stores, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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