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Англо-русский биологический словарь - down


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Перевод с английского языка down на русский


1) пух; подпушь, подпушка

2) бот. пушок

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  noun Даун DOWN I noun пух, пушок II noun; usu. pl. холм, безлесная возвышенность; the Downs - гряда меловых холмов в Южной Англии III  1. adv.  1) вниз - climb down - come down - flow down  2) внизу the sun is down - солнце зашло, село the blinds are down - шторы спущены to hit a man who is down - бить лежачего  3) до конца, вплоть до to read down to the last page - дочитать до последней страницы down to the time of Shakespeare - вплоть до времени, до эпохи Шекспира  4) означает уменьшение количества, размера; ослабление, уменьшение силы; ухудшение to boil down - выкипать, увариваться to bring down the price - снижать цену to be down - ослабевать, снижаться the temperature (the death-rate) is very much down - температура (смертность) значительно понизилась to calm down - успокаиваться the quality of ale has gone down - качество пива ухудшилось worn down with use - изношенный  5) означает движение от центра к периферии, из столицы в провинцию и т.п.: to go down to the country - ехать в деревню to go down to Brighton - ехать (из Лондона) в Брайтон  6) amer. означает движение к центру города, в столицу, к югу: trains going down - поезда, идущие в южном направлении  7) придает глаголам значение совершенного вида: - write down - fall down - down and out down in the mouth в унынии, в плохом настроении down on the nail сразу, немедленно - cash down - down with! to be down with fever лежать в жару, в...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. спуск, падение ups and downs —- подъемы и спуски 2. неудача; крах ups and downs —- взлеты и падения ups and downs of fate (of life) —- превратности судьбы ups and downs of politics —- резкие изменения политической конъюнктуры 3. ухудшение; снижение, понижение a down in the business cycle —- спад в экономическом цикле 4. разг. пристрастие, неприязнь; нападки to have a down on smb. —- пристрастно (придирчиво) относиться к кому-л.; нападать на кого-л.; иметь зуб против кого-л. 5. ам. спорт. объявление мяча вне игры (футбол) 6. разг. депрессант; успокаивающий наркотик, особ. барбитурат 7. направленный вниз; опущенный; спускающийся, нисходящий down leap —- прыжок вниз down look —- потупленный взор down pipe —- тех. переливная труба 8. идущий на убыль, падающий, ухудшающийся the down trend of business —- спад деловой активности 9. идущий или связанный с движением от центра или из столицы (о транспорте) down traffic —- движение транспорта от центра к окраинам down platform —- платформа для поездов, идущих из центра (из столицы) 10. ам. идущий к центру города (о транспорте) down line —- путь для поездов, идущих к центру города 11. одноколейный down road (line) —- одноколейный путь 12. бездеятельный; нездоровый, прикованный к постели down calver —- вет. корова...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) пух; подпушь, подпушка 2) бот. пушок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. прил. 1) опущенный 2) спускающийся 3) идущий на убыль, падающий 4) ухудшающийся 5) амер. наличный • - as laid down by - average down - back down - beat down prices - beat down - break down - bring down the price - bring down - carry down a balance - cash down payment - climb down - close down a factory - close down - closing down of business - come down - cool down - cotton is down a cent - cut down a tax - cut down prices - cut down taxes - cut down - cutting down - dampening down - down communications - down payment - down tick - down tools - down town branch - draw down - keep down - money down - pay down - phase down - put down - set down - slow down - smooth down - the down trend of business - write down 2. нареч. означает уменьшение количества или объема, падение, снижение, ослабление, ухудшение - bring down prices - go down - pay 20% down ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) простой (оборудования) 2) отказ, нарушение работоспособности ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. adv., prep., adj., v., & n. --adv. (superl. downmost) 1 into or towards a lower place, esp. to the ground (fall down; knelt down). 2 in a lower place or position (blinds were down). 3 to or in a place regarded as lower, esp.: a southwards. b Brit. away from a major city or a university. 4 a in or into a low or weaker position or condition (hit a man when he's down; many down with colds). b Brit. in a position of lagging or loss (our team was three goals down; {pound}5 down on the transaction). c (of a computer system) out of action or unavailable for use (esp. temporarily). 5 from an earlier to a later time (customs handed down; down to 1600). 6 to a finer or thinner consistency or a smaller amount or size (grind down; water down; boil down). 7 cheaper; lower in price or value (bread is down; shares are down). 8 into a more settled state (calm down). 9 in writing; in or into recorded or listed form (copy it down; I got it down on tape; you are down to speak next). 10 (of part of a larger whole) paid, dealt with ({pound}5 down, {pound}20 to pay; three down, six to go). 11 Naut. a with the current or wind. b (of a ship's helm) with the rudder to windward. 12 inclusively of the lower limit in a series (read down to the third paragraph). 13 (as int.) lie down, put (something) down, etc. 14 (of a crossword clue or answer) read vertically (cannot do five down). 15 downstairs, esp. after rising (is not down yet). 16 swallowed (could not get the pill down). 17 Amer. Football (of the ball) out of play. --prep. 1 downwards along, through, or into. 2 from top to bottom of. 3 along (walk down the road; cut down the middle). 4 at or in a lower part of (situated down the river). --adj. (superl. downmost) 1 directed downwards. 2 Brit. of travel away from a capital or centre (the down train; the down platform). --v.tr. colloq. 1 knock or bring down. 2 swallow (a drink). --n. 1 an act of putting down (esp. an opponent in wrestling, or the ball in American football). 2 a reverse of fortune (ups and downs). 3 colloq. a period of depression. 4 the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English doun, from Old English dune, short for adune, of dune, from a- (from of), of off, from + dune, dative of dun hill  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) toward or in a lower physical position  (2) to a lying or sitting position  (3) toward or to the ground, floor, or bottom  b. as a ~ payment paid $10 ~  c. on paper put ~ what he says  2. in a direction that is the opposite of up: as  a. southward  b. to or toward a point away from the speaker or the speaker's point of reference  c. in or into the stomach can't keep food ~  3. to a lesser degree, level, or rate cool ~ tensions  4. to or toward a lower position in a series  5.  a. to or in a lower or worse condition or status  b. — used to indicate thoroughness or completion dusted ~ the house described him ~ to his haircut  6. from a past time stories passed ~ by word of mouth  7. to or in a state of less activity or prominence  8. to a concentrated state got the report ~ to three pages  9. into defeat voted the motion ~  II. preposition  Date: 14th century ~ along, around, through, toward, in, into, or on fell ~ the stairs ~ the years  III. verb  Date: 1562  transitive verb  1. to cause to go or come ~: as  a. bring ~ 1 ~ed the enemy helicopter  b. consume 3 ~ing slices of pizza  2. to cause (a football) to be out of play  3. defeat ~ a proposal  intransitive verb to go ~  IV. adjective  Date: circa 1565  1.  a.  (1) occupying a low position; specifically lying on the ground ~ timber  (2) directed or going ~ward attendance is ~  b. lower in price  c. not being in play in football because of wholly stopped progress or because the officials stop the play the ball was ~  d. defeated or trailing an opponent (as in points scored) ~ by two runs  e. baseball out two ~ in the top of the third inning  2.  a. reduced or low in activity, frequency, or intensity a ~ economy  b. not operating or able to function the computer is ~  c. depressed, dejected feeling...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]PREPOSITION AND ADVERB USES Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Down' is often used with verbs of movement, such as ‘fall’ and ‘pull’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘bring down’ and ‘calm down’. Please look at category 15 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. To go down something such as a slope or a pipe means to go towards the ground or to a lower level. We’re going down a mountain... A man came down the stairs to meet them... The tears began flooding down her cheeks. ? up PREP • Down is also an adverb. She went down to the kitchen again... She sat on the window seat until they climbed down from the roof... ADV: ADV after v 2. If you are a particular distance down something, you are that distance below the top or surface of it. He managed to cling on to a ledge 40ft down the rock face... ? up PREP: amount PREP n • Down is also an adverb. For the last 18 months miners have cut a face to develop a new shaft 400 metres down. ADV: amount ADV 3. You use down to say that you are looking or facing in a direction that is towards the ground or towards a lower level. She was still looking down at her papers... She put her head down, her hands over her face... ? up ADV: ADV after v 4. If you put something down, you put it onto a surface. Danny put down his glass... ADV: ADV after v 5. If you go or look down something such as a road or river, you go or look along it. If you are down a road or river, you are somewhere along it. They set off at a jog up one street and down another... ...sailing down the river on a barge. ? up PREP: oft amount PREP n 6. If you are travelling to a particular place, you can say that you are going down to that place, especially if you are going towards the south or to a lower level of land. (SPOKEN) I went down to L.A. all the way from Seattle... ADV: ADV after v 7. If an amount of something goes down, it decreases....
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adv 1 from above towards a lower place or position  (David bent down to tie his shoelace. | The sun beat down on their heads all day long.) 2 at a lower place or position than usual  (You can't cross here, the bridge is down.) 3 at or towards a lower position or floor  (We heard the sound of laughter down below. | Let's go down to the kitchen.) 4 into a sitting or lying position  (Please sit down. | I think I'll go and lie down for a while.) 5 firmly and tightly into place or position  (Have you stuck down the envelope?) 6 towards the south  (They drove all the way down from Boston to Miami.)  (- opposite up1 (4)) 7 BrE away from a university at the end of a period of study  (Sarah went down from Oxford in 1966.) 8 at or towards a lower level in price or amount  (Keep your speed down. | House prices have come down in recent months.) 9 into a weaker, smaller, or quieter state  (Would you mind turning the radio down? | The heels of his shoes had worn down.)  (Sharif cut his report down to only three pages.) 10 be down to your last pound/dollar/litre to be left with only a small amount of something  (We're down to our last five dollars.) 11 write/note/jot/take down to write something on paper  (I'll write down the address for you.) 12 pass/hand down to give or tell something to people in the next generation (1)  (The jewels were passed down through the family.) 13 paid to someone immediately in cash1 (1)  (A top quality freezer for only -20 down and -5 a week for a year.) 14 from top to bottom  (I want you to wash my car down.) 15 in or into the body as a result of swallowing  (Meg's been very ill and can't keep her food down.) 16 be down to sb if something is down to someone they are responsible for it or must make a decision about it  (It's down to Tom to decide whether to pay it or not.)  (- see also be up to sb up1 (16)) 17 be/come down to sth to be mainly the result of one particular thing  (Most of the problems came down to bad management.) 18 Down! spoken used to tell a jumping dog to get down 19 down to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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