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Англо-русский биологический словарь - depth


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Перевод с английского языка depth на русский


1) глубина

2) высота (тела рыбы)

3) толща, толщина; мощность (почвы)

anesthetica depthfocal depthworking depth

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) глубина, глубь in the depth of ones heart - в глубине души  2) pl.; poet. глубины, пучина  3) сила, глубина the depth of ones feelings - глубина чувств in the depth of despair - в полном отчаянии - in depth  4) густота (цвета, краски); глубина (звука)  5) разгар, середина in the depth of night - глубокой ночью in the depth of winter - в разгар зимы the depths of a forest - чаща леса to be out of/beyond ones depth -  а) попасть на глубокое место (в реке, море);  б) быть недоступным пониманию; быть не по зубам;  в) растеряться, не понять to get/go out of ones depth - потерять почву под ногами ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. глубина, глубь depth of the river —- глубина реки depth of penetration —- воен. глубина прорыва a foot in depth —- в один фут глубиной at a depth of 30 meters —- на глубине в 30 метров, на тридцатиметровой глубине to try the depths —- (попытаться) встать на дно; проверить, есть ли под ногами дно 2. глубокое место, впадина; пучина; глубины depth(s) of the ocean —- глубины океана the depths of unrecorded time —- образ. глубь времен, незапамятные (доисторические) времена; седая древность 3. книж. пропасть, бездна in the depth of despair —- в полном отчаянии in the depth of povetry —- в безысходной нужде 4. глубина; фундаментальность depth of knowledge —- основательность (глубина) знаний a man of no great depth —- поверхностный человек; верхогляд there's a great depth of meaning in it —- в этом есть глубокий смысл 5. комп. глубина procedural depth —- процедурная глубина (количество вложенных друг в друга процедур в программе) 6. интенсивность, сила; глубина; полнота depth of sound —- сила звука depth of colour —- густота (интенсивность) цвета 7. середина, глубина the depths of the forest —- чащоба, чаща леса in the depth(s) of winter —- в разгар зимы the depth of the country —- захолустье, глушь; глубинка a cry from the depths —- крик души 8. глухой час, глухая пора in the depth of night —- в глухую полночь, глубокой ночью 9. ширина;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) глубина 2) высота (тела рыбы) 3) толща, толщина; мощность (почвы) – anesthetica depth – focal depth – working depth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  – depth of indexing – backdating depth DEPTH сущ. глубина, самый низкий уровень - depth interview - depth of the depression - to the most abysmal depths ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) глубина глубинный 2) высота 3) толщина; мощность (пласта) 4) насыщенность (цвета) drill to a depth of — бурить на глубину hydraulic mean depth — средняя глубина потока in depth — по тощине, вглубь - bed depth - collapse depth - depth of drilling - depth of element - depth of hardening - depth of immersion - depth of letter - depth of mining - depth of occurrence - depth of page - depth of reed - depth of seeding - depth of submergence - depth of truss - depth of vertex - depth of web - diagram depth - frost-proof depth - harness depth - hoisting depth - modulation depth - molded depth - operating depth - piston depth - planting depth - ploughing depth - precipitation depth - sawn timber depth - tonnage depth - wetted depth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) глубина 2) толщина – cable submersion depth – feedback depth – gap depth – null depth – recording depth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  глубина высота толщина; мощность (пласта) насыщенность (цвета) depth of arch depth of ballast section depth of compacted layer depth of compacted lift depth of concrete cover depth of corrugations depth of cut depth of foundation depth of frost penetration depth of penetration depth of round depth of room depth of runoff depth of section depth of slot depth of freezing depth of trench depth of truss depth of zero annual amplitude ballast depth beam depth conjugate depths construction depth controlling depth critical depth cutoff depth cutting depth digging depth drain depth effective depth floor depth footing depth hydraulic mean depth mean depth mean hydraulic depth natural depth navigation water depth overall depth of section precipitation depth stripping depth structural depth ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) глубина; метео горизонт измерения (в океане) 2) высота 3) мощность, толщина (пласта; облачности) 4) насыщенность (цвета) depth on sill — глубина на пороге (дока) depth of application — гидр. поливная норма depth of approach — глубина подводящего русла depth of bath — глубина ванны depth of beam — высота (сечения) балки depth of bridge floor — строительная высота проезжей части моста depth of camber — стрела прогиба depth of chill — глубина отбела (чугуна) depth of cloud — мощность (толщина) облака depth of crosssection — высота сечения (элемента) depth of cup — глубина отпечатка (при испытании на твёрдость) depth of cut — 1. глубина резания 2. лесн. высота пропила depth of drain — глубина осушительного канала; глубина заложения закрытого дренажа depth of drawbar — сил. глубина погружения лодочки depth of engagement — глубина ввинчивания depth of fading — глубина замирания depth of field — глубина резкости depth of fill — глубина засыпки depth of focus — глубина резкости depth of foundation — глубина заложения фундамента depth of fusion — глубина проплавления depth of girder — высота (сечения) балки depth of guillotine — ширина полосы, отрезаемой на бумагорезальной машине depth of hardening zone — глубина закалённого слоя depth of immersion — осадка, глубина погружения depth of impression (of indentation) — глубина...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a deepness (the depth is not great at the edge). b the measurement from the top down, from the surface inwards, or from the front to the back (depth of the drawer is 12 inches). 2 difficulty; abstruseness. 3 a sagacity; wisdom. b intensity of emotion etc. (the poem has little depth). 4 an intensity of colour, darkness, etc. 5 (in pl.) a deep water, a deep place; an abyss. b a low, depressed state. c the lowest or inmost part (the depths of the country). 6 the middle (in the depth of winter). Phrases and idioms depth-bomb (or -charge) a bomb capable of exploding under water, esp. for dropping on a submerged submarine etc. depth psychology psychoanalysis to reveal hidden motives etc. in depth comprehensively, thoroughly, or profoundly. in-depth adj. thorough; done in depth. out of one's depth 1 in water over one's head. 2 engaged in a task or on a subject too difficult for one. Etymology: ME (as DEEP, -TH(2)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Middle English, from dep deep  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) a deep place in a body of water fish living at great ~s  (2) a part that is far from the outside or surface the ~s of the woods  (3) abyss 2  b.  (1) a profound or intense state (as of thought or feeling) the ~s of misery; also a reprehensibly low condition hadn't realized that standards had fallen to such ~s  (2) the middle of a time (as winter)  (3) the worst part  2.  a. the perpendicular measurement downward from a surface  b. the direct linear measurement from front to back  3. the quality of being deep  4. the degree of intensity ~ of a color; also the quality of being profound (as in insight) or full (as of knowledge)  5. the quality or state of being complete or thorough a study will be made in ~  6. a large number of good players a team that lacks ~  • ~less adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (depths) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The depth of something such as a river or hole is the distance downwards from its top surface, or between its upper and lower surfaces. The smaller lake ranges from five to fourteen feet in depth... The depth of the shaft is 520 yards... They were detected at depths of more than a kilometre in the sea. N-VAR: oft amount in N, with poss, N of amount 2. The depth of something such as a cupboard or drawer is the distance between its front surface and its back. N-VAR: oft amount in N, with poss, N of amount 3. If an emotion is very strongly or intensely felt, you can talk about its depth. I am well aware of the depth of feeling that exists in Londonderry... = strength N-VAR: usu N of n 4. The depth of a situation is its extent and seriousness. The country’s leadership had underestimated the depth of the crisis. = severity N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n 5. The depth of someone’s knowledge is the great amount that they know. We felt at home with her and were impressed with the depth of her knowledge... N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n 6. If you say that someone or something has depth, you mean that they have serious and interesting qualities which are not immediately obvious and which you have to think about carefully before you can fully understand them. His music lacks depth... N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl 7. The depths are places that are a long way below the surface of the sea or earth. (LITERARY) The ship vanished into the depths. N-PLURAL: the N 8. If you talk about the depths of an area, you mean the parts of it which are very far from the edge. ...the depths of the countryside... N-PLURAL: the N of n 9. If you are in the depths of an unpleasant emotion, you feel that emotion very strongly. I was in the depths of despair when the baby was sick. N-PLURAL: the N of n 10. If something happens in the depths of a difficult or unpleasant period of time, it happens in the middle and most severe or intense...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »DISTANCE« C usually singular, a) the distance down from the top surface to the bottom of something  (What depth is the lake? | to/at a depth of)  (Plant the seeds at a depth of ten centimetres. | a metre/foot etc in depth)  (The pond is no more than a metre in depth.) b) the distance from the front to the back of an object  (The depth of the shelves is about 35cm.) 2 »EMOTION/SITUATION« how strong an emotion is or how serious a situation is  (Lawmakers underestimated the depth of public feeling on this issue.) 3 »KNOWLEDGE« approving the quality of knowing or giving a lot of details about a subject  (I was impressed by the depth and complexity of the book. | The network's news coverage lacks depth. | in depth (=considering all the details))  (We'll need to study the report in some depth.)  (- see also in­depth) 4 be out of your depth a) to be involved in a situation or activity that is too difficult for you to understand  (I felt completely out of my depth when they started discussing philosophy.) b) to be in water that is too deep for you to stand in and be able to breathe 5 be in the depths of despair/depression etc to feel very unhappy 6 the depths of the countryside/forest etc the middle of a place where there are not many people 7 the depths of winter the middle of winter, especially when it is very cold 8 hidden depths a part of someone's character that you do not notice when you first meet them  (I didn't know she wrote poetry - she obviously has hidden depths.) 9 »SEA« the depths literary the deepest parts of the sea ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - formed 14c. on model of length, breadth, from O.E. deop "deep," replacing older deopnes. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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