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Англо-русский биологический словарь - dart


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Перевод с английского языка dart на русский


1) жало

2) "любовная стрела" (у моллюсков)

3) ихт. помпано, трахинот (Trachinotus)

4) быстрое короткое движение, бросок

black-spotted dartBloch's dartlarge-spotted dartsmall-spotted dartsnub-nosed dartwhite-lined dart

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См. в других словарях

  away умчаться DART down(wards) ринуться вниз; aeron. пикировать DART  1. noun  1) острое метательное оружие; дротик, стрела  2) жало  3) вытачка, шов  4) быстрое, как молния, движение; бросок, рывок  5) метание (дротика, стрелы)  2. v.  1) метать (стрелы; тж. перен.) his eyes darted flashes of anger - его глаза метали молнии to dart a glance/look at - метнуть быстрый взгляд на кого-л., что-л.  2) помчаться стрелой; устремиться - dart away - dart downwards ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. рывок; бросок; стремительное движение to make a dart (for the door) —- рвануться (броситься, кинуться) (к двери) ready for the dart —- готовый к броску within dart of smb. —- на расстоянии одного броска от кого-л. 2. жало 3. вытачка; шов; сметка 4. дротик; вспышка a dart of lightning —- вспышка молнии darts of love —- стрелы любви 5. австрал. разг. план; намерение, цель 6. зоол. змеевидная ящерица (Acontias gen.) 7. помчаться стрелой; ринуться; рвануться, броситься; метнуться to dart forward —- рвануться вперед; стремглав броситься вперед to dart in —- ворваться to dart out —- броситься вон to dart past —- пронестись мимо to dart down —- ринуться вниз; упасть камнем; ав. пикировать to dart through the air —- стремительно проноситься в воздухе 8. бросать, метать to dart an arrow —- выпустить стрелу to dart an angry look at smb. —- бросить на кого-л. сердитый взгляд his eyes darted flashes of anger —- его глаза метали молнии the sun darts its beams —- солнце посылает на землю свои лучи 9. (with) уст. пронзать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  см. Dodge Dart ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) жало 2) "любовная стрела" (у моллюсков) 3) ихт. помпано, трахинот (Trachinotus) 4) быстрое короткое движение, бросок – black-spotted dart – Bloch's dart – large-spotted dart – small-spotted dart – snub-nosed dart – white-lined dart ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) резкое движение; резкое отклонение (от курса); скачок 2) резко отклоняться в сторону 3) швейн. вытачка 4) намётывать, смётывать - bailer dart - bust dart - cloth fold dart - curved dart - fitting dart - framing dart - front dart - half dart - slit dart - whole dart ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a small pointed missile used as a weapon or in a game. 2 (in pl.; usu. treated as sing.) an indoor game in which light feathered darts are thrown at a circular target to score points. 3 a sudden rapid movement. 4 Zool. a dartlike structure, such as an insect's sting or the calcareous projections of a snail (used during copulation). 5 a tapering tuck stitched in a garment. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by out, in, past, etc.) move or go suddenly or rapidly (darted into the shop). 2 tr. throw (a missile). 3 tr. direct suddenly (a glance etc.). Etymology: ME f. OF darz, dars, f. Frank. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German tart ~, Old English daroth  Date: 14th century  1.  a. archaic a light spear  b.  (1) a small missile usually with a pointed shaft at one end and feathers at the other  (2) plural but singular in construction a game in which ~s are thrown at a target  2.  a. something projected with sudden speed; especially a sharp glance  b. something causing sudden pain or distress ~s of sarcasm  3. something with a slender pointed shaft or outline; specifically a stitched tapering fold in a garment  4. a quick movement made a ~ for the door  II. verb  Date: 1573  transitive verb  1. to throw with a sudden movement  2. to thrust or move with sudden speed  3. to shoot with a ~ containing a usually tranquilizing drug  intransitive verb to move suddenly or rapidly ~ed across the street ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (darts, darting, darted) 1. If a person or animal darts somewhere, they move there suddenly and quickly. (WRITTEN) Ingrid darted across the deserted street... VERB: V prep/adv 2. If you dart a look at someone or something, or if your eyes dart to them, you look at them very quickly. (LITERARY) She darted a sly sideways glance at Bramwell... The conductor’s eyes darted to Wilfred, then fixed on Michael again. VERB: V n at n, V prep/adv 3. A dart is a small, narrow object with a sharp point which can be thrown or shot. Markov died after being struck by a poison dart. N-COUNT 4. Darts is a game in which you throw darts at a round board which has numbers on it. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction + forward/across/off etc  (Jill darted forward and pulled him away from the fire.) 2 dart a glance/look to look at someone or something very quickly and suddenly  (Tom darted a terrified glance over his shoulder.) ~2 n 1 a small pointed object that is thrown or shot as a weapon or thrown in the game of darts  (a poisoned dart) 2 darts a game in which darts are thrown at a round board with numbers on it 3 a sudden, quick movement in a particular direction  (make a dart at/for)  (The prisoner made a dart for the door.) 4 a small fold put into a piece of clothing to make it fit better ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Diagnostic Assessment Remediation And Tracking NASA abbr. Demonstration For Autonomous Rendezvous Technology U.S. gov. abbr. Disaster Assistance And Rescue Team transport. abbr. Dial A Ride Transit transport. abbr. Dublin Area Rapid Transit transport. abbr. Dallas Area Rapid Transit transport. abbr. Directed Area Response Transportation mil. abbr. Dynamic Analysis and Re-planning Tool mil. abbr. Defensive Avionics Receiver Transmitter mil. abbr. Days Away Restricted Or Transferred mil. abbr. Driven Ammunition Reduced Time ocean sc. abbr. Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis project meteo abbr. Dynamic Air Release Technology univ. abbr. Desert Agricultural Research Team farm. abbr. Desert Agricultural Research Team softw. abbr. Downloadable Assessment Reporting Tool softw. abbr. Distributed Ada Ray Tracer gen. comp. abbr. Data Access Retrieval Technology gen. comp. abbr. Data Analysis Risk Technology network. abbr. Data Access Real Time perf. arts abbr. Dance Arizona Repertory Theater media abbr. Digital Audio Restoration Technology educ. abbr. Drug Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment law abbr. Drug Advisory Response Team gen. bus. abbr. Data Applications Reports And Transactions gen. bus. abbr. Discussion Action Representation And Thought gen. bus. abbr. Digital Age Research Technology int. bus. abbr. Dynamic Applied Regional Trade firm name abbr. Dial A Ride Transportation account. abbr. Developer Account Recharge Tracker ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 13c., from O.Fr. dart, from P.Gmc. *darothuz, source of O.E. daroр. Verb meaning "to move like a dart" is attested from 1619. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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