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Англо-русский биологический словарь - cup


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Перевод с английского языка cup на русский


1) чашеобразная структура

2) бот. плюска

3) чашечка (цветка)

4) принимать чашеобразную форму

acorn cupcluster cupdeath cupfairy cupflower cupgemma cuphigh cupoptic cuppainted cupprickly cup

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  чашка ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  and ball noun бильбоке (игра) CUP together сложить руки пригорошней CUP  1. noun  1) чаш(к)а; кубок  2) доля, судьба his cup of happiness was full - он был счастлив - bitter cup - cup of life  2) bot. чашечка (цветка)  3) electr. юбка (изолятора)  4) tech. манжета  5) = cupping-glass ones cup of tea - увлечение; то, что нравится its not quite English cup of tea - это не совсем то, что нравится/свойственно англичанам to be in ones cups - быть навеселе to be a cup too low - быть в подавленном настроении to fill up the cup - переполнить чашу терпения  2. v.  1) bot. придавать чашевидную форму - cup together  2) med. ставить банки CUP of life чаша жизни ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. чашка china cups and saucers —- фарфоровые чашки и блюдца cup of tea —- чашка чаю 2. чашка add one cup of flour to half a cup of sugar and mix —- смешайте чашку муки с половиной чашки сахара 3. чаша, кубок; чарка over one's cup —- за стаканом вина to drink the parting cup —- выпить прощальную чарку, выпить на "посошок" 4. (C.) астр. Чаша (созвездие) 5. спорт. кубок challenge cup —- переходящий кубок cup game —- игра на кубок cup finals —- финальная игра на кубок cup series —- розыгрыш кубка cup system —- олимпийская система розыгрыша to win the cup —- выиграть кубок 6. вино; выпивка cup to be fond of the cup —- любить выпить to be in one's cups —- быть навеселе to kiss the cup —- пригубить чашу; пить, выпивать 7. крюшон claret cup —- крюшон из красного вина cider cup —- сидр с фруктами 8. ам. полпинты 9. доля, судьба; чаша жизни bitter cup —- горькая чаша let this cup pass from me —- да минует меня чаша сия 10. чашка, чашечка бюстгалтера C. 3 —- бюстгалтер третьего размера 11. бот. чашечка (цветка) 12. церк. потир, потирная чаша 13. мед. (кровососная) банка 14. эл. юбка (изолятора) 15. тех. манжета 16. тех. масленка 17. лунка (гольф) 18. металлическая чашечка в лунке Id: one's cup of tea —- увлечение Id: he is not my cup of tea —- он не в моем вкусе Id: poetry isn't his cup of tea —- к поэзии он равнодушен Id: another cup of tea —- совсем другое...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  чашка Кулинарная бытовая мера объема, равная 227 куб. см жидкости, то есть чуть меньше тонкого стакана ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) чашеобразная структура 2) бот. плюска 3) чашечка (цветка) 4) принимать чашеобразную форму – acorn cup – cluster cup – death cup – fairy cup – flower cup – gemma cup – high cup – optic cup – painted cup – prickly cup ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) уплотнительное кольцо; манжета 2) стакан; чаша; чашка 3) присос; присоска 4) юбка изолятора 5) колпак; колпачок 6) геол. базальное расширение - Faraday cup - anemometer cup - elevator cup - feed cup - filter cup - ice-cream cup - injection cup - leather cup - paper cup - planting cup - rubber-fabric cup ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) юбка изолятора 2) бандажное кольцо 3) (телефонный) капсюль – grounding cup – telephone cup ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  чашка; стакан воронка гильза; цилиндр колпак, колпачок уплотнительное кольцо, уплотнительная манжета поперечное коробление (доски) force cup grouting cup oil cup ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) чаша; чашка; стакан 2) колпак; колпачок 3) воронка 4) манжета; уплотнительное кольцо; гильза; цилиндр 5) метал. лунка 6) топка (картушки компаса) 7) поперечное коробление (доски, магнитной ленты) 8) коническая шайба (для раззенкованных отверстий) 9) эл. юбка (изолятора) 10) чашка (броневого сердечника) 11) ковш (нории) 12) с.-х. ложечка (высевающего аппарата) - baking cup - bearing cup - brake-cylinder piston cup - brick cup - bubble cups - coating cup - compression grease cup - compression cup - crimped-paper cup - cushion cup - deep-drawing cup - downhole pump cup - drain cup - drive-type oil cup - grease cup - indentation cup - large-bell cup - mud cup - nozzle cup - oil cup - packer cup - pencil cup - plain oil cup - pouring cup - pressure feeding grease cup - pump cup - rubber suction cup - scraper cup - screw-top grease cup - secondary cup - sediment cup - seed cup - spring cup - spring grease cup - sprue cup - suction cup - teet cup - thermal grease cup - vacuum cup - valve cup - waste pack oil cup ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  abbr. Cambridge University Press. CUP n. & v. --n. 1 a small bowl-shaped container, usu. with a handle for drinking from. 2 a its contents (a cup of tea). b = CUPFUL. 3 a cup-shaped thing, esp. the calyx of a flower or the socket of a bone. 4 flavoured wine, cider, etc., usu. chilled. 5 an ornamental cup-shaped trophy as a prize for victory or prowess, esp. in a sports contest. 6 one's fate or fortune (a bitter cup). 7 either of the two cup-shaped parts of a brassi{egrave}re. 8 the chalice used or the wine taken at the Eucharist. 9 Golf the hole on a putting-green or the metal container in it. --v.tr. (cupped, cupping) 1 form (esp. one's hands) into the shape of a cup. 2 take or hold as in a cup. 3 hist. bleed (a person) by using a glass in which a partial vacuum is formed by heating. Phrases and idioms cup-cake a small cake baked in a cup-shaped foil or paper container and often iced. Cup Final a final match in a competition for a cup. cup lichen a lichen, Cladonia pyxidata, with cup-shaped processes arising from the thallus. one's cup of tea colloq. what interests or suits one. cup-tie a match in a competition for a cup. in one's cups while drunk; drunk. Etymology: OE cuppe f. med.L cuppa cup, prob. differentiated from L cupa tub ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~pe, from Old English, from Late Latin ~pa ~, alteration of Latin ~a tub — more at hive  Date: before 12th century  1. an open usually bowl-shaped drinking vessel  2.  a. a drinking vessel and its contents  b. the consecrated wine of the Communion  3. something that falls to one's lot  4. an ornamental ~ offered as a prize (as in a championship)  5. something resembling a ~: as  a. a ~-shaped plant organ  b. an athletic supporter reinforced usually with plastic to provide extra protection to the wearer  c. either of two parts of a brassiere that are shaped like and fit over the breasts  d. the metal case inside a hole in golf; also the hole itself  6. a usually iced beverage resembling punch but served from a pitcher rather than a bowl  7. a half pint ; eight fluid ounces  8. a food served in a ~-shaped usually footed vessel a fruit ~  9. the symbol ? indicating the union of two sets — compare cap 7  • ~like adjective  II. transitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 14th century  1. to treat by ~ping  2.  a. to curve into the shape of a ~ ~ped his hands around his mouth  b. to place in or as if in a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (cups, cupping, cupped) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A cup is a small round container that you drink from. Cups usually have handles and are made from china or plastic. ...cups and saucers. N-COUNT • A cup of something is the amount of something contained in a cup. Mix about four cups of white flour with a pinch of salt. N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. Things, or parts of things, that are small, round, and hollow in shape can be referred to as cups. ...the brass cups of the small chandelier. N-COUNT: oft N of n 3. A cup is a large metal cup with two handles that is given to the winner of a game or competition. = trophy N-COUNT 4. Cup is used in the names of some sports competitions in which the prize is a cup. Sri Lanka’s cricket team will play India in the final of the Asia Cup. N-COUNT: usu the n N 5. If you cup your hands, you make them into a curved shape like a cup. He cupped his hands around his mouth and called out for Diane... David knelt, cupped his hands and splashed river water on to his face... She held it in her cupped hands for us to see. VERB: V n prep, V n, V-ed 6. If you cup something in your hands, you make your hands into a curved dish-like shape and support it or hold it gently. He cupped her chin in the palm of his hand... He cradled the baby in his arms, his hands cupping her tiny skull. VERB: V n prep, V n 7. not your cup of tea: see tea ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FOR DRINKING FROM« a small round container with a handle, that you use to drink tea, coffee etc  (a cup and saucer | tea cup/coffee cup)  (a beautiful set of tea cups)  (- compare mug1 (1)) 2 »DRINK« the liquid contained inside a cup  (Would you like another cup?) + of  (a nice hot cup of coffee) 3 »AMOUNT OF LIQUID« a) also cupful the amount of liquid a cup can hold  (She came round to borrow a cupful of sugar.) b) AmE an exact measure of quantity used in cooking in the US, Canada, and New Zealand  (Stir half a cup of sugar and one cup of flour into the batter.) 4 »ROUND THING« something round and hollow that is shaped like a cup  (acorn cups) + of  (the cup of a flower | She held it in the cup of her hand.) 5 »SPORT« a) a specially shaped silver container that is given as a prize in a competition, especially a sports competition  (The president of the club came to present the cup to the winners.) b) especially BrE a sports competition  (She's been picked to play in the Wightman Cup.) c) AmE a hole in the ground that you have to try to get the ball into in the game of golf 6 »CLOTHING« the part of a bra that covers a woman's breast 7 »MIXED DRINK« BrE a mixed alcoholic drink  (cider cup | a glass of champagne-cup) 8 not be your cup of tea spoken to not be the sort of thing that you like  (Jazz just isn't my cup of tea - I prefer classical music.) 9 in your cups BrE old-fashioned drunk, or when drunk  (He sometimes attempted to speak French, in his cups.)  (- see also eggcup, loving cup) ~2 v cupped, cupping 1 to hold something in your hands, so that your hands form part of a circle around it  (Phil cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.) 2 cup your hand (s) to make a shape like a cup with your hand or hands  (He cupped his hands and I poured some water into them.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Common User Products (or Processor) curr. abbr. Cuban Peso physics abbr. Copper Units Pressure u.m. abbr. Copper Units Of Pressure educ. abbr. Caring Understanding Partners religion abbr. Christ's Unified Praisers ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: IN ONE'S CUPS. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. cuppe, from L.L. cuppa, from L. cupa "tub," from PIE *keup- "a hollow." Cupcake is 1828, Amer.Eng. Cupboard (M.E.) was originally a board or table to place cups and plates on; sense extended 1530 to "a closet or cabinet for food, etc." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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