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Англо-русский биологический словарь - crown


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Перевод с английского языка crown на русский


1) верхушка; венец

2) крона, верхушка дерева

3) венчик, розетка (листьев)

4) гребень (у птицы)

5) макушка, темя

6) крона прямой кишки, анальное отверстие

crown of headcrown of stemcuticular serrate pericloacal crowndecumbent crownradiating crown

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См. в других словарях

  prince noun наследный принц, наследник престола, кронпринц CROWN  1. noun  1) венец, корона  2) (Crown) корона, престол; королевская власть; король; королева to succeed to the crown - наследовать престол  3) (Crown) государство; верховная власть (в Англии)  4) венок (цветов)  5) венец, завершение  6) крона, верхушка дерева  7) макушка, темя; голова  8) тулья (шляпы)  9) коронка (зуба)  10) крона (монета достоинством в 5 шиллингов)  11) формат бумаги (амер. 15 д. crown 19 д. писчей; англ. 16 1/2 д. crown 21 д. печатной, 15 д. crown 19 д. чертежной)  12) archit. шелыга арки/свода  13) naut. пятка якоря  14) tech. коронка, венец  2. v.  1) венчать; короновать (with) The Queen was crowned with a crown formerly worn by an ancient king.  2) вознаграждать  3) возглавлять  4) завершать, увенчивать; заканчивать  5) провести в дамки (шашку)  6) поставить коронку (на зуб) (with) His teeth had to be crowned with special cement. the end crowns the work prov. - конец венчает дело CROWN law noun уголовное право CROWN Colony noun британская колония, не имеющая самоуправления ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. корона; венец the martyr's crown —- венец мученика a crown of thorns —- терновый венец 2. корона, власть монарха, престол to succeed to the —- С. наследовать престол to relinquish the —- С. отказаться от престола 3. юр. корона (как сторона в процессе) a witness for the —- С. свидетель обвинения 4. монарх; король; королева the demise of the —- С. кончина короля 5. верхушка (чего-л.) 6. крона, верхушка дерева 7. макушка; темя to break smb.'s crown —- разбить кому-л. голову, проломить кому-л. череп from toe to crown —- с ног до головы 8. круглая вершина горы 9. гребень (птицы) 10. венок (из цветов и т. п.; также как награда) 11. бот. верхушка, венец crown bud —- бот. верхушечная почка crown roots —- бот. узловые корни 12. венчик, розетка (листьев) 13. тулья (шляпы) 14. венец, завершение the crown of one's labour —- венец трудов the crown of the year —- осень 15. коронка (зуба) 16. коронка (на зуб) 17. ист. крона (английская монета в пять шиллингов) 18. формат бумаги (амер. 15 д. х 19 д. - писчей; англ. 16.5 д. х 21 д. - печатной, 15 д. х 19 д. - чертежной) 19. архит. шелыга арки или свода 20. мор. пятка (якоря) 21. тех. коронка 22. геол. перегиб, лоб (складки, покрова) 23. дор. выпуклость (поперечного профиля дороги) 24. с-х. свальная борозда 25. опт. крон, кронглас 26. венчать, короновать they crowned him king...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) верхушка; венец 2) крона, верхушка дерева 3) венчик, розетка (листьев) 4) гребень (у птицы) 5) макушка, темя 6) крона прямой кишки, анальное отверстие – crown of head – crown of stem – cuticular serrate pericloacal crown – decumbent crown – radiating crown ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) эк. =krona, б 2) эк., ист. =koruna, б 3) эк. =kroon 4) эк. =krone 5) потр. тулья (шляпы) CROWN сущ. 1) перен. верховная власть, государство 2) брит. монархическая/королевская власть в Великобритании 3) крона (денежная единица Дании, Исландии, Норвегии, Чехии, Словакии, Швеции) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бомбировка бомбировать 2) венец венчать, увенчивать 3) выпуклость (валка) 4) корона; венок; маковка; купол 5) горн. коронка, корончатый бур 6) крона (дерева) 7) крона (денежная единица) 8) наивысшая точка; макушка 9) мед. коронка ставить коронку 10) геол. гребень, вершина - crown of furnace - crown of pavement - crown of pile - crown of roadway - one-element crown - roof crown - shaft crown CROWN BLOCK 1) строит. замковый блок арки 2) кронблок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  вершина, наивысшая точка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) наивысшая точка, вершина 2) бурильная головка; коронка (бура) 3) купол; свод (печи) 4) метал. выпуклость (валка); цел.-бум., резин. бомбировка (вала, валка) бомбировать (вал, валок) 5) метал. разнотолщинность (профиля) 6) гребень (плотины, поперечного профиля дороги) 7) шелыга (арки или овода); замок (арки) 8) венец (карниза) 9) крон (жёлтый гигмент) 10) цилиндрическая часть (тормозного барабана) 11) обод (колеса) 12) корона (шины или протектора) 13) мор. тренд, пятка (якоря) 14) крон (оптическое стекло) 15) корона (дефект эпитаксиального слоя) 16) амер. полигр. формат бумаги 381 х 508 мм; англ. 420 х 534 мм 17) пищ. крончатый колпачок, кроненпробка, кроненкорка crown in — вогнутость (прогиб валка) crown out — выпуклость (прогиб валка) crown of inlet — оголовок водовыпуска crown of pavement — гребень поперечного профиля дороги; мостовой гребень crown of roof — замок свода - arch crown - barite phosphate crown - beam crown - body crown - borate crown - borosilicate crown - concave crown - crimp-on crown - deck crown - derrick crown - dished crown - fluorine crown - heat crown - insulated piston crown - lock-type crown - negative crown - phosphate crown - piston crown - positive crown - removable crown - silicate crown - threaded crown - trap crown - turbine crown - zinc crown ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a monarch's ornamental and usu. jewelled head-dress. 2 (the Crown) a the monarch, esp. as head of State. b the power or authority residing in the monarchy. 3 a a wreath of leaves or flowers etc. worn on the head, esp. as an emblem of victory. b an award or distinction gained by a victory or achievement, esp. in sport. 4 a crown-shaped thing, esp. a device or ornament. 5 the top part of a thing, esp. of the head or a hat. 6 a the highest or central part of an arched or curved thing (crown of the road). b a thing that completes or forms the summit. 7 the part of a plant just above and below the ground. 8 the upper part of a cut gem above the girdle. 9 a the part of a tooth projecting from the gum. b an artificial replacement or covering for this. 10 a a former British coin equal to five shillings (25p). b any of several foreign coins with a name meaning 'crown', esp. the krona or krone. 11 a former size of paper, 504 x 384 mm. --v.tr. 1 put a crown on (a person or a person's head). 2 invest (a person) with a royal crown or authority. 3 be a crown to; encircle or rest on the top of. 4 a (often as crowning adj.) be or cause to be the consummation, reward, or finishing touch to (the crowning glory). b bring (efforts) to a happy issue. 5 fit a crown to (a tooth). 6 sl. hit on the head. Phrases and idioms crown cap a cork-lined metal cap for a bottle. Crown Colony a British colony controlled by the Crown. Crown Court a court of criminal jurisdiction in England and Wales. Crown Derby a soft-paste porcelain made at Derby and often marked with a crown above the letter 'D'. crown glass glass made without lead or iron and orig. in a circular sheet; used formerly in windows, now as optical glass of low refractive index. crown green a kind of bowling-green rising towards the middle. crown imperial a tall fritillary, Fritillaria imperialis, with a flower-cluster at the top of the stalk. crown jewels the regalia and other jewellery worn by the sovereign on certain State occasions. Crown Office (in the UK) an office of the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English coroune, ~e, from Anglo-French corone, from Latin corona wreath, ~, from Greek korone culmination, something curved like a crow's beak, literally, crow; akin to Latin cornix crow, Greek korax raven — more at raven  Date: 12th century  1. a reward of victory or mark of honor; especially the title representing the championship in a sport  2. a royal or imperial headdress or cap of sovereignty ; diadem  3. the highest part: as  a. the topmost part of the skull or head  b. the summit of a mountain  c. the head of foliage of a tree or shrub  d. the part of a hat or other headgear covering the ~ of the head  e. the part of a tooth external to the gum or an artificial substitute for this — see tooth illustration  4. a wreath, band, or circular ornament for the head  5.  a. something resembling a wreath or ~  b. the knurled cap on top of a watch stem  6. often capitalized  a.  (1) imperial or regal power ; sovereignty  (2) the government under a constitutional monarchy  b. monarch  7. something that imparts splendor, honor, or finish ; culmination  8.  a. any of several old gold coins with a ~ as part of the device  b. an old usually silver British coin worth five shillings  9.  a. koruna  b. krona  c. krone  10.  a. the region of a seed plant at which stem and root merge  b. the thick arching end of the shank of an anchor where the arms join it — see anchor illustration  • ~ed adjective  • ~less adjective  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English corounen, from Anglo-French coroner, from Latin coronare, from corona  Date: 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to place a ~ or wreath on the head of; specifically to invest with regal dignity and power  b. to recognize officially as they ~ed her athlete of the year  c. to award a championship to ~ a new champion  2. to bestow something on as a mark of honor or recompense ; adorn  3. surmount, top; especially to top (a checker) with a checker to make a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (crowns, crowning, crowned) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A crown is a circular ornament, usually made of gold and jewels, which a king or queen wears on their head at official ceremonies. You can also use crown to refer to anything circular that is worn on someone’s head. ...a crown of flowers. N-COUNT 2. The government of a country that has a king or queen is sometimes referred to as the Crown. In British criminal cases the prosecutor is the Crown. She says the sovereignty of the Crown must be preserved. ...a Minister of the Crown. ...chief witness for the Crown. N-PROPER: the N 3. When a king or queen is crowned, a crown is placed on their head as part of a ceremony in which they are officially made king or queen. Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953... Two days later, Juan Carlos was crowned king. ...the newly crowned King. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, be V-ed n, V-ed 4. Your crown is the top part of your head, at the back. He laid his hand gently on the crown of her head. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp 5. A crown is an artificial top piece fixed over a broken or decayed tooth. N-COUNT 6. In sport, winning an important competition is sometimes referred to as a crown. ...his dream of a fourth Wimbledon crown. N-COUNT: oft n N 7. An achievement or event that crowns something makes it perfect, successful, or complete. The summit was crowned by the signing of the historic START treaty. ...the crowning achievement of his career. VERB: V n, V-ing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a) a circle made of gold and decorated with jewels, worn by kings and queens on their heads b) a similar circle, sometimes made of other things such as leaves or flowers, worn by someone who has won a special honour 2 the crown a) the position of being king or queen  (when the crown passed to George the Third...) b) the government of a country such as Britain that is officially led by a king or queen  (The islands are possessions of the Crown.) 3 usually singular) the top part of a hat, head, or hill  (a hat with a high crown) 4 a) a unit of money in several European countries  (Swedish crowns) b) an old British coin, four of which made a pound 5 an artificial top for a damaged tooth 6 a mark, sign, badge etc in the shape of a crown, used especially to show rank or quality 7 informal the fact of winning an important sports competition  (Can she retain her Wimbledon crown?) ~2 v 1 to place a crown on someone's head as a sign of royal power  (The Empress was crowned ten years ago. | crown sb king/queen)  (Henry was crowned king.) 2 to make something complete or perfect by adding success, beauty, happiness etc to it  (crown sth with)  (All their efforts have been crowned with success.) 3 crowned with literary having something on top  (mountain peaks crowned with snow) 4 to put a protective top on a damaged tooth 5 slang to hit someone on the head 6 to crown it all informal used to say that the next thing that happened was the worst in a series of bad things  (And then, to crown it all, I lost my purse.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1111, from Anglo-Fr. coroune, from O.Fr. corone, from L. corona "wreath, garland, crown," from Gk. korone "anything curved, kind of crown." Extended in M.E. to coins bearing the imprint of a crown. Crown-prince is 1791, a translation of Ger. kronprinz. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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