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Англо-русский биологический словарь - cover


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1) крышка; покрытие

2) (растительный) покров

3) покрывать; случать

4) покровное стекло

basal covergill covergrass coverground coverplant coverprojective coverseed coversnow coversoil covertall herbaceous covervegetation covervegetational coverwing cover

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  over скрыть, прикрыть The policeman covered the dead body over. Youll have to cover over the hole in the broken window until you can get the new glass. The ground was covered over with snow. COVER  1. noun  1) (по)крышка; обертка; чехол; покрывало; футляр, колпак  2) конверт under the same cover - в том же конверте  3) обложка, переплет, крышка переплета to read from cover to cover - прочесть от корки до корки (о книге)  4) убежище, укрытие; прикрытие; заслон under cover - в укрытии, под защитой [ср. тж. cover  5) и cover  7) ] to take cover - укрыться  5) ширма; предлог; отговорка; личина, маска under cover of friendship - под личиной дружбы [ср. тж. cover  4) и cover  7) ]  6) обшивка  7) покров under cover of darkness - под покровом темноты [ср. тж. cover  4) и cover  5) ]  8) comm. гарантийный фонд  9) прибор (обеденный)  10) = cover-point Syn: see protection  2. v.  1) закрывать; покрывать; накрывать; прикрывать; перекрывать to cover a wall with paper - оклеивать стену обоями to cover ones face with ones hands - закрыть лицо руками to cover the retreat - прикрывать отступление to cover ones tracks - заметать свои следы  2) укрывать, ограждать, защищать he covered his friend from the blow with his own body - он своим телом закрыл друга от удара  3) скрывать to cover ones confusion (annoyance) - чтобы скрыть/не показать свое смущение (досаду)  4) охватывать; относиться (к чему-л.) the book covers the whole subject - книга дает...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. (по)крышка; обертка; покрывало; чехол; футляр, колпак a cover for a saucepan —- крышка кастрлюли a cover for a chair —- чехол для стула glass cover —- стеклянный колпак 2. конверт; обертка; упаковка under plain cover —- в конверте без фирменного штампа, в простом конверте under separate cover —- канц. в отдельном конверте this is a receipt, the goods will be sent under separate cover —- посылаем вам расписку, а товар будет выслан отдельно 3. переплет; обложка soft cover —- мягкая обложка to read a book from cover to cover —- прочесть книгу от корки до корки 4. убежище, укрытие; прикрытие, "крышка" cover from fire —- воен. укрытие от огня cover from view —- воен. укрытие от наблюдения under cover —- в укрытиии to take cover —- найти убежище, спрятаться to break cover —- внезапно появиться; выйти из укрытия the spy's cover was to act as a bartender —- шпион скрывался под видом бармена 5. спорт. прикрытие, защита 6. покров land cover —- растительный покров sky cover —- облачность, облачный покров 7. (of) покрывало, покров under cover of darkness —- под покровом темноты 8. лесной покров, полог леса 9. бот. покров семяпочки или семени 10. охот. нора, логовище to break cover —- поднять из логовища 11. личина, маска under cover of friendship —- под личиной дружбы under cover of patriotism —- прикрываясь патриотизмом 12. прибор, куверт covers...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  покрытие Сшитые шкуры определенной формы, которыми покрывается остов типи tepee ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) крышка; покрытие 2) (растительный) покров 3) покрывать; случать 4) покровное стекло – basal cover – gill cover – grass cover – ground cover – plant cover – projective cover – seed cover – snow cover – soil cover – tall herbaceous cover – vegetation cover – wing cover ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. гл. 1) покрывать 2) страховать 3) обеспечивать покрытие (денежное) 4) охватывать • - advance cover - all risks cover - cover against inflation - cover amount - cover expenses - cover for losses - cover funds - cover insurance - cover letter - cover losses - cover losses - cover of loss - cover of payments - cover on death - cover purchase - cover the requirements - cover transaction - cover up - demand for cover - insurance cover Syn: meet 2. сущ. 1) покрытие 2) уплата (по счету) Syn: backing, coverage COVER I гл. 1) общ. накрывать, закрывать, покрывать to cover a wall with paper - оклеивать стену обоями, The roof was covered with wooden shingles. - Крыша была покрыта кровельной дранкой. to cover (one's head) - надевать ( шляпу и т. п.) Syn: overlay 2) общ. спасать, защищать, покрывать, прикрывать, укрывать some woods which covered their retreat - леса, которые прикрыли их отступление, The tent covered the campers from the rain. - Палатка спасла отдыхающих от дождя. 3) общ. охватывать; относиться к; распространяться на 4) общ. рассматривать 5) фин., бирж. покрывать, обеспечивать покрытие (денежное) а) фин., бирж. (выкупать ранее проданный контракт на товары или ценные бумаги (т. е. закрывать короткую позицию) б) фин. (выплачивать все фиксированные платежи по обслуживанию облигационных займов и других долгов за счет доходов компании) 6) юр. осуществлять покрытие нанесенного ущерба II сущ. 1) фин., бирж....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) крышка закрывать крышкой 2) покрытие покрывать, наносить покрытие 3) оболочка; чехол; футляр 4) обёртка; обложка 5) накрытие; покров 6) покрывало; одеяло 7) убежище, укрытие 8) защитный слой 9) горн. покрывающие породы, кровля to cover an opening — перекрывать отверстие to cover evenly — ровно покрывать to cover with buildings — застраивать to lift off the cover — снимать крышку to cover loss — покрывать убыток to put on dust cover — закрывать чехлом - access cover - acyclic cover - admissible cover - air-tight cover - almost cover - analytical cover - beater cover - central cover - clique cover - closed cover - compact cover - conservatively closed cover - coordinate cover - countable cover - double cover - edge cover - essentially infinite cover - exact cover - finite cover - glass cover - hard cover - holomorphicity cover - ice cover - infinite cover - infinitesimal cover - inscribed cover - inspection cover - interior cover - intersection cover - light cover - locally finite cover - man-hole cover - maximal cover - measurable cover - measure cover - metanormal cover - minimal cover - monotone cover - n-sheeted cover - normally open cover - nozzle cover - one-sheeted cover - open cover - orientable cover - orienting cover - pairwise open cover - peep-hole cover - pickup cover - projective cover - protective cover - ring cover - roll up cover - rubber cover - semiuniform cover - semiuniformizable cover - set cover - shrinkable cover - simple cover - soil cover - stacked cover - star cover - stem cover - stow cover - tire cover - two-sheeted cover - vertex cover - water-tight cover - watertight cover ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) техника маскирования параметров связи для защиты приемника данных от несанкционированного доступа 2) крышка; колпак 3) покрытие – control panel cover – protective cover – see-through flip cover – stylus cover – twin-shaped cover ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  защитный слой (бетона) верхний слой, покрытие крышка, колпак оболочка; чехол; кожух; футляр укрытие, убежище полезная ширина рулонных или листовых материалов часть поверхности штучных кровельных материалов (черепицы, плитки), перекрываемая верхним рядом blank cover concrete cover crown cover expansion joint cover ice cover inadequate cover inspection cover manhole cover mullion cover pile cover protective cover roller cover snow cover topsoil cover weatherproof cover ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) крышка; колпак; колпачок закрывать крышкой, колпаком или колпачком 2) покрытие; оболочка покрывать, наносить покрытие 3) кожух; футляр; чехол 4) обёртка; конверт 5) горн. покрывающая порода 6) перекрывающая часть (черепицы, гонта или шиферного листа) 7) рлк прикрытие; защита 8) переплётная крышка; сторонка переплётной крышки 9) пищ. глазурь 10) дека (пива) 11) сито; совокупность сит (в машине) 12) укрытие, убежище укрывать, прятать - acoustic cover - antiicing cover - axlebox cover - axle cap filler cover - axle cap inspection cover - back-end cover - battery cover - belt cover - blank cover - blank end cover - cage cover - cardboard cover - carrying side cover - cassette cover - cell cover - chain pipe cover - closed-type cover - cloud cover - concrete cover - control cable cover - crimp cover - dampener cover - dead cover - deadlight cover - dome cover - dust cover - emery cover - end cover - exposure cover - flexible cover - flexible cylinder rod cover - flexible sound-damping cover - floating end cover - flour dressing cover - folding hatch cover - front end cover - gear case cover - glass cover - grit gauze cover - grout cover - guide-vane cover - hatch cover - head cover - heavy cover - hinged hatch cover - ice cover - integral cover - leaf spring cover - lift-off cover - manhole cover - mechanical batch cover - oil hole cover - oil-resistant hose cover - open-type end cover - pile cover - press cover - protective cover - pump cover - radiator cover - rigid cover - rock cover - rocker arm cover - rolling hatch cover - roll-up hatch cover - roof hatch cover - scroll cover - scalable cover - seat cover - shipping cover - shoe covers - single-pull hatch cover - sliding hatch cover - snow cover - spring cover -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by with) protect or conceal by means of a cloth, lid, etc. 2 a extend over; occupy the whole surface of (covered in dirt; covered with writing). b (often foll. by with) strew thickly or thoroughly (covered the floor with straw). c lie over; be a covering to (the blanket scarcely covered him). 3 a protect; clothe. b (as covered adj.) wearing a hat; having a roof. 4 include; comprise; deal with (the talk covered recent discoveries). 5 travel (a specified distance) (covered sixty miles). 6 Journalism a report (events, a meeting, etc.). b investigate as a reporter. 7 be enough to defray (expenses, a bill, etc.) ({pound}20 should cover it). 8 a refl. take precautionary measures so as to protect oneself (had covered myself by saying I might be late). b (absol.; foll. by for) deputize or stand in for (a colleague etc.) (will you cover for me?). 9 Mil. a aim a gun etc. at. b (of a fortress, guns, etc.) command (a territory). c stand behind (a person in the front rank). d protect (an exposed person etc.) by being able to return fire. 10 a esp. Cricket stand behind (another player) to stop any missed balls. b (in team games) mark (a corresponding player of the other side). 11 (also absol.) (in some card-games) play a card higher than (one already played to the same trick). 12 (of a stallion, a bull, etc.) copulate with. --n. 1 something that covers or protects, esp.: a a lid. b the binding of a book. c either board of this. d an envelope or the wrapper of a parcel (under separate cover). e the outer case of a pneumatic tyre. f (in pl.) bedclothes. 2 a hiding-place; a shelter. 3 woods or undergrowth sheltering game or covering the ground (see COVERT). 4 a a pretence; a screen (under cover of humility). b a spy's pretended identity or activity, intended as concealment. c Mil. a supporting force protecting an advance party from attack. 5 a funds, esp. obtained by insurance, to meet a liability or secure against a contingent loss. b the state of being protected (third-party cover). 6 a place setting at...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~ir, covrir, from Latin cooperire, from co- + operire to close, ~  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to guard from attack  b.  (1) to have within the range of one's guns ; command  (2) to hold within range of an aimed firearm  c.  (1) to afford protection or security to ; insure  (2) to afford protection against or compensation for a policy ~ing loss by fire  d.  (1) to guard (an opponent) in order to obstruct a play a linebacker assigned to ~ the tight end  (2) to be in position to receive a throw to (a base in baseball) the shortstop was ~ing second  e.  (1) to make provision for (a demand or charge) by means of a reserve or deposit your balance is insufficient to ~ the check  (2) to maintain a check on especially by patrolling  (3) to protect by contrivance or expedient  2.  a. to hide from sight or knowledge ; conceal ~ up a scandal  b. to lie over ; envelop a blanket ~ing her legs  3. to lay or spread something over ; overlay ~ the seed bed with straw  4.  a. to spread over snow ~ed the hills  b. to appear here and there on the surface of a region ~ed with lakes  5. to place or set a ~ or ~ing over ~ the pot  6.  a. to copulate with (a female animal) a horse ~s a mare  b. to sit on and incubate (eggs)  7. to invest with a large or excessive amount of something ~ed herself with glory  8. to play a higher-ranking card on (a previously played card)  9. to have sufficient scope to include or take into account an examination ~ing a full year's work  10. to deal with ; treat material ~ed in the first chapter  11.  a. to have as one's territory or field of activity one sales rep ~s the whole state  b. to report news about reporters ~ing the campaign  12. to pass over ; traverse the hikers ~ed 12 miles that day  13. to defray the cost of ~ expenses  14. to place one's stake in equal jeopardy with in a bet  15. to buy securities or commodities for delivery against (an...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (covers, covering, covered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you cover something, you place something else over it in order to protect it, hide it, or close it. Cover the casserole with a tight-fitting lid... He whimpered and covered his face... Keep what’s left in a covered container in the fridge. VERB: V n with n, V n, V-ed 2. If one thing covers another, it has been placed over it in order to protect it, hide it, or close it. His finger went up to touch the black patch which covered his left eye... His head was covered with a khaki turban. VERB: V n, be V-ed with n 3. If one thing covers another, it forms a layer over its surface. The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky... The desk was covered with papers... VERB: V n, be V-ed with/in n 4. To cover something with or in something else means to put a layer of the second thing over its surface. The trees in your garden may have covered the ground with apples, pears or plums... VERB: V n with/in n 5. If you cover a particular distance, you travel that distance. It would not be easy to cover ten miles on that amount of petrol... VERB: V n 6. To cover someone or something means to protect them from attack, for example by pointing a gun in the direction of people who may attack them, ready to fire the gun if necessary. You go first. I’ll cover you. VERB: V n 7. Cover is protection from enemy attack that is provided for troops or ships carrying out a particular operation, for example by aircraft. They said they could not provide adequate air cover for ground operations. = protection N-UNCOUNT 8. Cover is trees, rocks, or other places where you shelter from the weather or from an attack, or hide from someone. Charles lit the fuses and they ran for cover. = shelter N-UNCOUNT 9. An insurance policy that covers a person or thing guarantees that money will be paid by the insurance company in relation to that person or thing. Their insurer paid the ?900 bill,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »PUT STH OVER STH« also cover up to put something over the top of something in order to hide or protect it  (Cover the pan when the sauce boils and let it simmer. | cover sth with sth)  (They covered the tables with clean white cloths.) 2 »BE OVER STH« to be on top of something or spread over something  (Colourful pictures covered the walls. | be covered with sth)  (If it carries on snowing the ground will be covered by morning. | be covered in sth)  (The children were covered in paint.) 3 »AN AREA« to spread over an area  (The city covers 25 square miles.) 4 »DISTANCE« to travel a particular distance  (They were hoping to cover 40 miles yesterday. | cover a lot of ground (=travel a long way))  (We covered a lot of ground during those two weeks in Spain.) 5 »DEAL WITH/INCLUDE« to include or deal with something  (The course covers all aspects of business and law. | Most of the key points are covered in this book. | This scheme would cover only a few of the three million people without jobs. | development officers whose work would cover a local area) 6 »RULES« to deal with a particular situation  (The rules, while they cover a wide range of issues, do not cover every possible situation.) 7 »NEWS« to report the details of an event for a newspaper, television, or radio  (Simonson was sent to Switzerland to cover the Winter Olympics.) 8 »PAY FOR STH« money that covers a cost is enough to pay for it  (He should get enough money from the council to cover his rent. | cover the cost of sth)  (You will have to pay an extra amount to cover the cost of insurance.) 9 »INSURANCE« if an insurance agreement covers someone or something, it states that money will be given to the person if they are injured, if something is damaged etc  (The policy will cover any medical expenses that you incur while you are abroad. | cover sb against sth)  (We're not covered against theft.) 10 »GUNS« a) to protect someone by being ready to shoot anyone who attacks them  (We'll cover you while you run for it.) b) to aim a gun at a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1150, from O.Fr. covrir, from L.L. coperire, from L. cooperire "to cover over," from com- intens. prefix + operire "to close, cover." Military sense is from 1687; newspaper sense first recorded 1893. Cover girl is U.S. slang from 1915, shortening of magazine-cover girl. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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