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Англо-русский биологический словарь - core


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Перевод с английского языка core на русский


1) сердцевина; внутренность; ядро

2) стержень

3) кочерыжка

4) колонка грунта

5) почвенный монолит

phage core

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) сердцевина; внутренность; ядро - the core  2) центр, сердце (чего-л.)  3) суть the very core of the subject - самая суть дела  4) tech. сердечник; стержень  5) electr. жила кабеля Syn: see centre  2. v. вырезать сердцевину ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сердцевина; ядро; внутренность the core of an apple —- сердцевина яблока the core of a corn —- корень мозоли rotten to the core —- насквозь прогнивший he is English to the core —- он англичанин до мозга костей 2. суть, сущность the core of a subject —- суть дела the core of a argument —- основной момент спора; основной пункт разногласий 3. спец. сердечник 4. стержень core maker —- стерженщик 5. эл. жила кабеля 6. физ. активная зона реактора 7. горн. керн; колонка породы 8. геол. ядро земли 9. информ. кор (группа ведущих журналистов в какой-л. области) 10. комп. оперативная память 11. основной; центральный core curriculum —- школ. основные предметы обучения; профилирующие дисциплины core journal —- информ. основной 12. эк. ведущий core industries —- ведущие отрасли 13. вырезать, удалять сердцевину 14. преим. шотл. компания, коллектив 15. диал. бригада горнорабочих, работающих в данную смену; смена ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  см. Congress of Racial Equality ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) сердцевина; внутренность; ядро 2) стержень 3) кочерыжка 4) колонка грунта 5) почвенный монолит – phage core ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  соц., эк. тр. ядро (в стратификационном делении рынка труда ниша, которую заполняют постоянные работники, занятые на условиях длительного найма, имеющие полный рабочий день и полную рабочую неделю) See: periphery ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) оперативное ЗУ; оперативная память 2) внутренний; базовый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) дорн 2) горн. колонка породы, керн отбирать керн 3) магнитопровод, магнитная система 4) сердечник 5) ядро, сердцевина 6) литейный сержень 7) жила (кабеля) 8) полигр. гильза, втулка (бумажного рулона) to core out — выбуривать керн - annular core - cable core - centering core - clamp core - convex core - core of a transformer - core of flame - core of flow - core of foundation - core of section - core of sequence - core of set - core of wood - dislocation core - divided iron core - earth's core - empty core - flow core - form core - green-sand core - jet-stream core - laminated core - lightguide core - magnetic core - magnetic head core - mold core - multiapertured core - nonempty core - operator core - point core - reactor core - resistor core - supersonic core - temperature independent core - three-leg core - two-leg core - unblade core - vortex core - wire core ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сердечник (катушки трансформатора) 2) жила (провода) – adjustable core – asymmetrical magnetic core – closed magnetic circuit core – light conductor core – magnetic core – open magnetic circuit core – resistor core – saturated magnetic core – symmetrical magnetic core ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  ядро (плотины) керн сердцевина; сердечник core of section building core cable core central core central structural core clay core column core concrete core dam core earth core elevator core elevator-stairway core foam core heat storage core hemp core impervious core independent wire rope core inner core jet core loose core mechanical core service core slipformed building core steel core utility core watertight core ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) остов; каркас; ядро; сердцевина; сердечник; стержень 2) керн отбирать керн; бурить с отбором керна 3) заполнитель (в трёхслойной балке) 4) литейный стержень 5) серединка (фанеры) 6) древесина, вынутая из паза 7) заполнение облегчённой каменной кладки 8) кирпичное заполнение между оконной или дверной перемычкой и разгрузочной аркой 9) резин. дорн 10) фитиль (угольного электрода) 11) (магнитный) сердечник; магнитопровод 12) магнитная система 13) жила (кабеля, световода); сердцевина (оптического волокна) 14) тело (изолятора); пакет стали (электрической машины) 15) ЗУ на магнитных сердечниках 16) вчт. ядро (напр. операционной системы) 17) активная зона (ядерного реактора) 18) внутренний слой (трёхслойного стекла) to cut a core — выбуривать керн; to extract a core — извлекать керн (из керноприёмной трубы); core with magnetic holes — магнитоотверстный сердечник core of concrete block — канал бетонного блока core of foundation — ядро основания core of section — ядро сечения - adjuster core - air core - air-blown core - air-set core - armature core - attachable core - baked core - bare core - bead core - bead-like ferrite core - bead ferrite core - biased core - bleeding core - block core - blockboard core - bobbin core - broken core - bucking core - building core - C core - cable core - central core - chemical-set core - clean core - closed core - coal core - coke-column core -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the horny central part of various fruits, containing the seeds. 2 a the central or most important part of anything (also attrib. : core curriculum). b the central part, of different character from the surroundings. 3 the central region of the earth. 4 the central part of a nuclear reactor, containing the fissile material. 5 a magnetic structural unit in a computer, storing one bit of data (see BIT(4)). 6 the inner strand of an electric cable, rope, etc. 7 a piece of soft iron forming the centre of an electromagnet or an induction coil. 8 an internal mould filling a space to be left hollow in a casting. 9 the central part cut out (esp. of rock etc. in boring). 10 Archaeol. a piece of flint from which flakes or blades have been removed. --v.tr. remove the core from. Phrases and idioms core memory Computing the memory of a computer consisting of many cores. core time (in a flexitime system) the central part of the working day, when all employees must be present. Derivatives corer n. Etymology: ME: orig. unkn. CORE abbr. US Congress of Racial Equality. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   abbreviation Congress of Racial Equality CORE  I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English  Date: 14th century  1. a central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature the ~ of the city: as  a. the usually inedible central part of some fruits (as a pineapple); especially the papery or leathery carpels composing the ripened ovary in a pome fruit (as an apple)  b. the portion of a foundry mold that shapes the interior of a hollow casting  c. a vertical space (as for elevator shafts, stairways, or plumbing apparatus) in a multistory building  d.  (1) a mass of iron serving to concentrate and intensify the magnetic field resulting from a current in a surrounding coil  (2) a tiny doughnut-shaped piece of magnetic material (as ferrite) used in computer memories  (3) a computer memory consisting of an array of ~s strung on fine wires; broadly the internal memory of a computer  e. the central part of a celestial body (as the earth or sun) usually having different physical properties from the surrounding parts  f. a nodule of stone (as flint or obsidian) from which flakes have been struck for making implements  g. the conducting wire with its insulation in an electric cable  h. an arrangement of a course of studies that combines under basic topics material from subjects conventionally separated and aims to provide a common background for all students ~ curriculum  i. the place in a nuclear reactor where fission occurs  2.  a. a basic, essential, or enduring part (as of an individual, a class, or an entity) the staff had a ~ of experts the ~ of her beliefs  b. the essential meaning ; gist the ~ of the argument  c. the inmost or most intimate part honest to the ~  3. a part (as a thin cylinder of material) removed from the interior of a mass especially to determine composition  II. transitive verb  (~d; coring)  Date: 15th century to remove a ~ from ~ an apple  • ~r noun  III. noun  Etymology: perhaps alteration of Middle...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (cores, coring, cored) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The core of a fruit is the central part of it. It contains seeds or pips. Peel the pears and remove the cores. N-COUNT: oft n N 2. If you core a fruit, you remove its core. ...machines for peeling and coring apples. VERB: V n 3. The core of an object, building, or city is the central part of it. ...the earth’s core... The core of the city is a series of ancient squares. = centre N-COUNT: usu with poss 4. The core of something such as a problem or an issue is the part of it that has to be understood or accepted before the whole thing can be understood or dealt with. ...the ability to get straight to the core of a problem... = heart N-SING: the N, usu N of n 5. A core team or a core group is a group of people who do the main part of a job or piece of work. Other people may also help, but only for limited periods of time. We already have our core team in place... A core of about six staff would continue with the project. N-SING: N n, N of n 6. In a school or college, core subjects are a group of subjects that have to be studied. The core subjects are English, mathematics and science... ...a core of nine academic subjects. N-SING: usu N n 7. The core businesses or the core activities of a company or organization are their most important ones. The group plans to concentrate on six core businesses... However, the main core of the company performed outstandingly. N-SING: usu N n 8. see also hard core, hard-core, soft-core 9. You can use to the core to describe someone who is a very strong supporter of someone or something and will never change their views. For example, you can say that someone is Republican to the core. The villagers are royalist to the core. = through and through PHRASE: adj/n PHR 10. If someone is shaken to the core or shocked to the core, they are extremely shaken or shocked. Leonard was shaken to the core; he’d never seen or read anything...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FRUIT« the hard central part of fruit such as an apple  (Remove the cores, fill with raisins and cinnamon, and bake the apples for 40 minutes.) 2 »CENTRAL PART« the most important or central part of something + of  (Houston is the central core of a metropolitan area of about 2.6 million residents.) 3 core values/beliefs/concerns the values etc that are most important to someone 4 »PEOPLE« a number of people who form a strong group which is very important to an organization  (The club was beginning to develop a core of young people who were very active in the community.) 5 to the core in a way that affects all of your feelings or your character  (That woman is rotten to the core! | When I saw the accident, I was shaken to the core.) 6 »PLANETS« the central part of the Earth or any other planet 7 »NUCLEAR REACTOR« the central part of a nuclear reactor ~2 v to take the centre from a piece of fruit ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  onc. abbr. Cancer Outreach And Relief Effort polit. abbr. Cadre Of Republic Elite transport. abbr. Commercial Operators Rate Equity transport. abbr. Craving Off Road Excitement mil. abbr. Contingency Response chemis. abbr. Chemistry Online Retrieval Experiment univ. abbr. Center For Outcomes Research And Evaluation univ. abbr. College Opportunity Resources For Education electron. abbr. Composite object reference funny abbr. Calendar Of Ridley Events file ext. abbr. Bitmap graphics (Core Software Tech CORE IDC file) non-prof. org. abbr. Consortium of Oceanographic Research and Education non-prof. org. abbr. Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education educ. abbr. Career Opportunities And Resources For Education educ. abbr. Central Operation Of Resources For Educators educ. abbr. Child Oriented Reading Experiences educ. abbr. Combining Our Resources For Education educ. abbr. Clarify Organize Reflect Evaluate educ. abbr. Children Of Reading Excellence religion abbr. Creative Open Religious Exploration religion abbr. Church On The Radical Edge religion abbr. Christian Outdoor Recreational Experiences law abbr. Community Oriented Resident Enforcement conf. abbr. Conference On Reforming Education conf. abbr. Congress Of Racial Equality NASDAQ abbr. Core, Inc. pos. abbr. Comprehensive Occupational Requirements Evaluator firm name abbr. Campuses Organizing For Retail Engagement ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 14c., from O.Fr. coeur "core of fruit, heart of lettuce," lit. "heart," from L. cor "heart." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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