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Англо-русский биологический словарь - complex


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Перевод с английского языка complex на русский


комплекс; комплексный, сложный

antigen-antibody complexantigenic complexcell-bound immune complexchlorophyll-protein complexcirculating immune complexclimax complexclone complexcoadapted gene complexcommunity complexenzyme-substrate complexformation complexgene complexgenetic complexgranular paravesicular complexhabit complexheterogamic complexHLA complexhydrophilic immune complexIa-antigen compleximmune complexintercalated-type complexintermediate complexlight-harvesting complexmajor histocompatibility complexmembrane attack complexmodifier complexmultienzyme complexmultimeric complexmultimolecular complexPAP complexperoxidase-antiperoxidase complexspike-dome complexspore-pollen complexstromata-protective antigen complexsynaptonemal complexterminal lytic complement complextissue-fixed immune complextranscriptional complex

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  number комплексное число COMPLEX sentence сложноподчиненное предложение COMPLEX machinery сложные машины COMPLEX  1. noun комплекс, совокупность  2. adj.  1) сложный, комплексный, составной - complex machinery  2) сложный, трудный; запутанный  3) math. комплексный - complex number  4) gram. - complex sentence ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. комплекс; совокупность 2. комплекс, группа (зданий и т. п.) sports complex —- спортивный комплекс 3. психол. комплекс inferiority complex —- комплекс неполноценности 4. разг. закомплексованность, пунктик he has a complex about his weight —- он помешался на своем весе she has a complex about snakes —- она безумно боится змей 5. сложный, составной, комплексный complex machinery —- сложные машины complex apparatus —- сложный аппарат complex number —- мат. комплексное число complex ore —- горн. сложная руда, полиметаллическая руда; труднообогатимая руда 6. сложный, трудный, запутанный complex idea —- сложная идея complex situation —- сложное положение complex instruction —- маловразумительные указания 7. грам. сложный complex object —- сложное дополнение complex sentence —- сложноподчиненное предложение 8. редк. собирать в одно целое 9. редк. осложнять ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  комплекс; комплексный, сложный – antigen-antibody complex – antigenic complex – cell-bound immune complex – chlorophyll-protein complex – circulating immune complex – climax complex – clone complex – coadapted gene complex – community complex – enzyme-substrate complex – formation complex – gene complex – genetic complex – granular paravesicular complex – habit complex – heterogamic complex – HLA complex – hydrophilic immune complex – Ia-antigen complex – immune complex – intercalated-type complex – intermediate complex – light-harvesting complex – major histocompatibility complex – membrane attack complex – modifier complex – multienzyme complex – multimeric complex – multimolecular complex – PAP complex – spike-dome complex – spore-pollen complex – stromata-protective antigen complex – synaptonemal complex – terminal lytic complement complex – tissue-fixed immune complex – transcriptional complex ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. комплекс, система, совокупность, множество, группа a complex of hospital buildings — система корпусов больницы, больничный комплекс new industrial complex — новый промышленный комплекс 2) псих. комплекс (группа разнородных психических элементов, процессов, соединенных в одно целое) inferiority complex — комплекс неполноценности 3) общ. закомплексованность, пунктик She has a complex about her big nose. — Она комплексует из-за своего большого носа. 2. прил. 1) общ. комплексный, сложный, смешанный, составной complex apparatus — сложный аппарат See: "complex trust 2) общ. трудноразрешимый, сложный; запутанный complex problem — сложная задача See: complex management environment 3) мат. комплексный complex number — комплексное число 4) лингв. сложный (предложении, слове) complex sentence — сложное предложение 3. гл. общ., редк. 1) собирать в одно целое (редко употребляется) 2) осложнять (редко употребляется) COMPLEX 1) совокупность 2) сложный; составной 3) трудный; запутанный – hardware-software complex COMPLEX прил. 1) сложный, составной 2) сложный, запутанный • - complex environment - complex issue - complex item - complex management environment - complex valuations ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) комплекс; система 2) комплексный; многосторонний 3) сложный 4) матем. комплексный cone of a complex — пирамида над комплексом dissection of a complex — рассечение комплекса - adjunction complex - admissible complex - almost complex - almost complex - alternating chain complex - arbitrary complex - aspherical complex - associated complex - augmentable complex - augmented complex - barycentric complex - cascade complex - cell complex - chain complex - chain equivalent complexes - chamber complex - closed complex - closure finite complex - coacyclic complex - cochain complex - cocyclic complex - color complex - combinatorial complex - commutative complex - complementary complex - complete complex - concrete complex - condensed complex - conic complex - conjugate complex - connected complex - constant complex - continuous complex - contrachain complex - contractible complex - convex complex - cosingular complex - countable complex - cubic complex - curvilinear complex - derived complex - differential complex - dimensionally uniform complex - double complex - dual complex - dualizing complex - elementary complex - elliptic complex - empty complex - factor complex - filtered complex - finite complex - finite-dimensional complex - formal complex - free chain complex - fuel-energy complex - fuel-energy complex - fundamental complex - geometric complex - group complex - homologically trivial complex - homotopic complex - inclusion complex - infallibility complex - infinite complex - injective complex - integral complex - integrally acyclic complex - invariant complex - inverse complex - irreducibly closed complex - irregular complex - left complex - left dual complex - left-handed complex - length of complex - line complex - linked complex - locally contractible complex - locally countable complex - locally finite complex - logarithmical complex - logically complex - metal-ion complex - minimal complex - monocyclic complex - monoid complex -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) комплекс 2) комплект – administrative-management complex – broadcast-television complex – combined transducing complex – command and measuring complex – control complex – controlled computing complex – customer-management complex – distribution network control complex – Earth-terminal complex – electromagnetic complex – first transceiving complex – hydroacoustic complex – JRC-complex – mine's HF-complex – on-board communication complex – phototelegraph complex – radiotelemetric complex – radio-TV complex – second transceiving complex – ship TV-complex – spark-protecting complex – STP-complex – subsystem complex – third transceiving complex – transmitting complex – troubleshooting devices complex – TV-production complex ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  комплекс (строительный); группа зданий building complex flow complex house complex office complex school complex sports complex ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) комплекс, комплексное соединение образовывать комплекс 2) комплекс, установка; система 3) сложный, совокупный 4) комплексный 5) развитой; высокоорганизованный - amenity complex - anionic complex - anode complex - astronaut-tended space complex - biotic complex - bonded complex - bridged complex - broadcast television complex - cationic complex - crew-rotated space complex - DA complex - extraterrestrial complex - fully operational space complex - GEO space complex - high-spin complex - hormone-receptor complex - host-guest complex - inclusion complex - ion-carrier complex - ionic complex - LEO space complex - low-spin complex - manned space complex - membrane-active complex - multiple computer complex - multiteam orbiting complex - natural complex - nonterrestrial complex - nuclear complex - onboard digital computer complex - one-team orbiting complex - operational space complex - orbital complex - permanently manned space complex - program-production complex - sandwich complex - SOC complex - space station complex - spin-free complex - spin-paired complex - studio-production complex - studio complex - tended space complex - transport vehicle-docked orbiting complex - TV production complex - urea complex - visited space complex ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a building, a series of rooms, a network, etc. made up of related parts (the arts complex). 2 Psychol. a related group of usu. repressed feelings or thoughts which cause abnormal behaviour or mental states (see inferiority complex (see OEDIPUS COMPLEX)). 3 (in general use) a preoccupation or obsession (has a complex about punctuality). 4 Chem. a compound in which molecules or ions form coordinate bonds to a metal atom or ion. --adj. 1 consisting of related parts; composite. 2 complicated (a complex problem). 3 Math. containing real and imaginary parts (cf. IMAGINARY). Phrases and idioms complex sentence a sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses. Derivatives complexity n. (pl. -ies). complexly adv. Etymology: F complexe or L complexus past part. of complectere embrace, assoc. with complexus plaited ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Late Latin ~us totality, from Latin, embrace, from complecti  Date: 1643  1. a whole made up of complicated or interrelated parts a ~ of welfare programs the military-industrial ~  2.  a. a group of culture traits relating to a single activity (as hunting), process (as use of flint), or culture unit  b.  (1) a group of repressed desires and memories that exerts a dominating influence upon the personality  (2) an exaggerated reaction to or preoccupation with a subject or situation  c. a group of obviously related units of which the degree and nature of the relationship is imperfectly known  d. the sum of factors (as symptoms) characterizing a disease or condition  3. a chemical association of two or more species (as ions or molecules) joined usually by weak electrostatic bonds rather than covalent bonds  4. a building or group of buildings housing related units an apartment ~ a sports ~  II. adjective  Etymology: Latin ~us, past participle of complecti to embrace, comprise (a multitude of objects), from com- + plectere to braid — more at ply  Date: 1645  1.  a. composed of two or more parts ; composite  b.  (1) of a word having a bound form as one or more of its immediate constituents unmanly is a ~ word  (2) of a sentence consisting of a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses  2. hard to separate, analyze, or solve  3. of, concerned with, being, or containing ~ numbers a ~ root ~ analysis  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, complicated, intricate, involved, knotty mean having confusingly interrelated parts. ~ suggests the unavoidable result of a necessary combining and does not imply a fault or failure a ~ recipe. complicated applies to what offers great difficulty in understanding, solving, or explaining complicated legal procedures. intricate suggests such interlacing of parts as to make it nearly impossible to follow or grasp them separately an intricate web of deceit. involved implies extreme complication and often disorder a rambling, involved...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (complexes) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Something that is complex has many different parts, and is therefore often difficult to understand. ...in-depth coverage of today’s complex issues. ...a complex system of voting. ...her complex personality. ...complex machines. = complicated ? simple ADJ 2. In grammar, a complex sentence contains one or more subordinate clauses as well as a main clause. Compare compound. ADJ: ADJ n 3. A complex is a group of buildings designed for a particular purpose, or one large building divided into several smaller areas. ...plans for constructing a new stadium and leisure complex. ...a complex of offices and flats. N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. If someone has a complex about something, they have a mental or emotional problem relating to it, often because of an unpleasant experience in the past. I have never had a complex about my height. ...a deranged attacker, driven by a persecution complex. N-COUNT see also guilt complex, inferiority complex ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 consisting of many different parts or processes that are closely connected  (There is a complex network of roads round the city. | Photosynthesis is a highly complex process.) 2 difficult to understand or deal with  (Mental illness is by its nature very complex. | a complex problem) 3 technical a complex word or sentence contains a main part and one or more other parts ~2 n 1 a group of buildings that are close together, or a large building containing smaller buildings that are used for the same purpose  (They are building a vast new shopping complex in the town. | leisure/sports/cinema complex)  (a 12-screen cinema complex) 2 an emotional problem in which someone is unnecessarily anxious about something or thinks too much about something  (have a complex about sth)  (She's has some kind of a complex about her nose. | give sb a complex)  (You'll give Graham a complex if you keep going on about how fat he is.) 3 a complex of roads/regulations etc a large number of things which are closely connected and difficult to understand  (- see also inferiority complex, Oedipus complex, persecution complex) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - mid-17c., from Fr. complexe, from L. complexus, pp. of complecti "to encircle, embrace," from com- "with" + plectere "to weave, braid, twine." Psychological sense of "connected group of repressed ideas" was established by C.G. Jung, 1907. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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