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Англо-русский биологический словарь - complement


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Перевод с английского языка complement на русский


1) комплемент, алексин

2) хромосомный набор

chromosomal complementlytic complementmembrane-bound complementtotal hemolytic complement

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См. в других словарях

  of an angle math. дополнение угла до 90? COMPLEMENT  1. noun  1) дополнение also gram. - complement of an angle  2) комплект  3) mil. (штатный) личный состав военной части/корабля Syn: see counterpart  2. v.  1) дополнять, служить дополнением до целого  2) укомплектовывать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. дополнение; дополняющее до нормы количество complement of an angle —- мат. дополнительный угол 2. полный комплект; штатное количество; норма the plane had received its full complement of passengers —- все места в самолете были заняты 3. грам. дополнение 4. воен. личный состав части или корабля the ship carried a complement of 930 men —- на корабле находился экипаж численностью в 930 человек 5. дополнять this wine complements the food perfectly —- это вино отлично дополняет обед 6. укомплектовывать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) комплемент, алексин 2) хромосомный набор – chromosomal complement – lytic complement – membrane-bound complement – total hemolytic complement ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) общ. дополнение (к чему-л.) A fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner. — Хорошее вино - прекрасное дополнение к столу. 2) общ. состав, комплект, норма The plane had received its full complement of passengers. — Все места в самолете были заняты. 3) эк. тр. штат, штатное количество, состав (сотрудников какой-л. организации) a full complement of workers — полный штат работников The staff complement is increased during the period October to December annually. — В период с октября по декабрь число штатных сотрудников ежегодно увеличивается. 4) эк. дополняющий товар, (товар-)комплемент (товар, потребление которого предполагает использование другого товара (напр. теннисная ракетка и мяч); увеличение цены на один товар вызывает сокращение спроса на другой товар) Many customers will reduce consumption of our product if price of the complement is raised. — Многие потребители сократят потребление нашего продукта, если цена комплемента повысится. Ant: "substitute See: "complementary goods COMPLEMENT 1) общ. штат, личный состав 2) общ. комплект; состав; набор The staff complement is increased during the period October to December annually. - Каждый год кадровый состав увеличивается в период с октября по декабрь. 3) эк. дополняющий товар (товар, потребление которого предполагает использование другого товара (напр., теннисная ракетка и...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) дополнение (до целостной структуры) служить дополнением до целого 2) совокупность, комплект комплектовать, укомплектовывать 3) полнота, завершённость 4) обратный код (числа); дополнительный код (числа) complement relative to element — дополнение относительно элемента operation of taking the complement — взятие дополнения - absolute complement - algebraical complement - analytic complement - bilinear complement - combinatorial complement - compact complement - complement of element - complement of event - complement of graph - complement of logarithm - complement of predicate - complement of set - connected complement - countable complement - derived complement - disjunctive complement - finite complement - full complement - invariant complement - knot complement - logical complement - naught's complement - nine's complement - normal complement - one's complement - orthogonal complement - radix complement - reductive complement - relative complement - strong complement - ten's complement - topological complement - true complement - two's complement - working complement ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) матем., вчт. дополнение дополнять; служить дополнением 2) угол, дополняющий до 90" 3) вчт. дополнительный код (числа) 4) дополнительный цвет 5) бтх комплемент - algebraic complement - Boolean complement - diminished radix complement - noughts complement - one's complement - radix complement - radix-minus-one complement - ten's complement - true complement - two's complement - zero complement ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a something that completes. b one of a pair, or one of two things that go together. 2 (often full complement) the full number needed to man a ship, fill a conveyance, etc. 3 Gram. a word or phrase added to a verb to complete the predicate of a sentence. 4 Biochem. a group of proteins in the blood capable of lysing bacteria etc. 5 Math. any element not belonging to a specified set or class. 6 Geom. the amount by which an angle is less than 90° (cf. SUPPLEMENT). --v.tr. 1 complete. 2 form a complement to (the scarf complements her dress). Derivatives complemental adj. Etymology: ME f. L complementum (as COMPLETE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~um, from complere to fill up, complete, from com- + plere to fill — more at full  Date: 14th century  1.  a. something that fills up, completes, or makes perfect  b. the quantity, number, or assortment required to make a thing complete the usual ~ of eyes and ears — Francis Parkman; especially the whole force or personnel of a ship  c. one of two mutually completing parts ; counterpart  2.  a. the angle or arc that when added to a given angle or arc equals a right angle in measure  b. the set of all elements that do not belong to a given set and are contained in a particular mathematical set containing the given set  c. a number that when added to another number of the same sign yields zero if the significant digit farthest to the left is discarded — used especially in assembly language programming  3. the musical interval required with a given interval to complete the octave  4. an added word or expression by which a predication is made complete (as president in “they elected him president” and beautiful in “he thought her beautiful”)  5. the thermolabile group of proteins in normal blood serum and plasma that in combination with antibodies causes the destruction especially of particulate antigens (as bacteria and foreign blood corpuscles)  II. verb  Date: 1602  intransitive verb obsolete to exchange formal courtesies  transitive verb  1. to be ~ary to the illustrations ~ the text  2. obsolete compliment ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (complemented) 1. If one thing complements another, it goes well with the other thing and makes its good qualities more noticeable. Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well. = set off VERB: V n 2. If people or things complement each other, they are different or do something different, which makes them a good combination. There will be a written examination to complement the practical test... We complement one another perfectly. VERB: V n, V n 3. Something that is a complement to something else complements it. The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser... N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N to n 4. The complement of things or people that something has is the number of things or people that it normally has, which enable it to function properly. (FORMAL) Each ship had a complement of around a dozen officers and 250 men... N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n 5. In grammar, the complement of a link verb is an adjective group or noun group which comes after the verb and describes or identifies the subject. For example, in the sentence ‘They felt very tired’, ‘very tired’ is the complement. In ‘They were students’, ‘students’ is the complement. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 someone or something that emphasizes the good qualities of another person or thing  (A fine wine is a complement to a good meal.) 2 the number or quantity needed to make a group complete  (a full complement (of) (=all the people or things that form a complete group))  (Each new cell will carry its full complement of chromosomes.) 3 technical a word or phrase in grammar that follows a verb and describes the subject of the v  (In `John is cold' and `John became chairman', `cold' and `chairman' are complements.) 4 technical an angle that together with another angle already mentioned makes 90 degrees  (- compare compliment1) ~2 v to show up the good qualities in someone or something, or make them seem more attractive  (The white silk of her blouse complements her olive skin perfectly. | Sally's tact and reserve complemented John's go-getting attitude.)  (- compare compliment2) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., from O.Fr. complement, from L. complementum "that which fills up or completes," from complere "fill up" (see complete). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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