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Англо-русский биологический словарь - column


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка column на русский


1) анат. столб, колонна

2) позвоночник; спинная струна, хорда

3) бот. колонка, гиностемий

4) нервный пучок

5) колонка (в электрофорезе)

column of fornixcolumn of Gowersaffinity columnanal columnsantibody affinity columnanti-impurity columnBertin's columnbubbled columnBurdach's columnchromatographic columnClarke's columncured columnenamel columnFlechsig's columnhydroxyapatite columnMorgagni's columnrectal columnrenal columnslender columnspinal columnvertebral column

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См. в других словарях

  штурвальная колонка ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  foot archit. база колонны COLUMN of mercury столбик ртути (в термометре) COLUMN noun  1) archit. колонна  2) mil. колонна; amer. naut. строй кильватера - close column - in column  3) столб(ик) column of smoke - столб дыма - column of mercury  4) столбец (напр., цифр); графа newspaper column - газетный столбец - in our columns  5) столп, поддержка, опора  6) attr. - column foot COLUMNAR adj.  1) колоннообразный  2) напечатанный столбцами  3) поддерживаемый на столбах  4) стебельчатый  5) geol. столбчатый ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. архит. колонна 2. столб(ик) column of water —- столб воды column of mercury —- ртутный столбик в термометре 3. столбец, колонка; графа newspaper column —- газетный столбец column of figures —- столбец цифр in our columns —- на страницах нашей газеты 4. отдел, раздел, рубрика financial column —- финансовый отдел; финансовая страница 5. обзор; колонка постоянного комментатора в газете 6. ам. столп, поддержка, опора 7. воен. колонна close column —- сомкнутая колонна column of files —- колонна по одному 8. тех. колонна absorbing column —- абсорбционная колонна 9. тех. стойка (станка) 10. тех. колонка (рулевая и т. п.) 11. ам. мор. строй кильватера in column —- в кильватерном строю 12. анат. позвоночник, позвоночный столб ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) анат. столб, колонна 2) позвоночник; спинная струна, хорда 3) бот. колонка, гиностемий 4) нервный пучок 5) колонка (в электрофорезе) – column of fornix – column of Gowers – affinity column – anal columns – antibody affinity column – anti-impurity column – Bertin's column – bubbled column – Burdach's column – chromatographic column – Clarke's column – cured column – enamel column – Flechsig's column – hydroxyapatite column – Morgagni's column – renal column – slender column – spinal column ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  колонна, стойка, сжатый стержневой элемент колонный технологический аппарат столб; уровень (напр. воды) колонна (буровых труб, штанг) столбец, графа column in equilibrium in the bent position column with both ends fixed columns with : centers column with helical reinforcement column with one end fixed and one end free column with one end fixed and one end hinged actual column annulated columns applied column attached column axially loaded column banded column beam column box column built-up column cased column compacted sand column composite column concrete lighting column corner column cross-shaped column distillation column drill column eccentrically loaded column edge column embedded column engaged column erection column fixed column fluid-filled column fluted column fuel column glulam column grouped columns half column hingeless column ideal column initial straight column integral column L column laced column lighting column with two brackets long column non-hinged column open column oxidation column pendulum column pin-base column pipe column pivoted end column rectification column ringed column rocking column rostral column short column side column slender column spandrel column spirally reinforced column steel column stub column tapering column tied column tubular column twin columns wall column water column water-filled column ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) архит. колонна 2) стойка; колонка 3) мех. сжатый стержень 4) колонка 5) колонна, аппарат колонного типа 6) уровень, столб (вещества) 7) машиностр. станина; стойка (станка) 8) колонка, столбец; графа 9) шахта (шахтной зерносушилки) - column of matrix - absorbing column - acoustical column - adiabatic column - adjustable steering column - alcohol column - aldehyde column - analytical column - anion column - annulated column - aspiration column - attached column - axially loaded column - balance column - barley-sugar column - batten-plate column - beer column - bifurcated column - blank column - bone-char filter column - box column - bubble column - bubble-cap column - built-up column - capillary column - card column - cascade-tray fractionating column - cased column - catalyst-packed column - charge column - check column - chromatographic column - clay column - clear air column - closed column - clustered column - coated capillary column - coke column - collapsible steering column - combination column - compensating jacket column - composite column - concentric tube column - contact column - continuous plasma column - control column - core support column - countercurrent column - coupled columns - curved plasma column - depropanizing column - diminished column - distillation column - drill column - drying column - eccentrically loaded column - electrophoresis column - encased column - engaged column - entasized column - epuration column - evaporating column - extraction column - extruded column - fixed column - fixed-bed column - flooded-bubble column - floor-fastened column - flotation column - fluted column - fractionating column - frame column - fuel element column - fuel column - fuel-filling column - fused silica column - fusel-oil concentrating column - geological column - grain column - grouped columns - H-column - half-column - ion-exchange column - laced column -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 Archit. an upright cylindrical pillar often slightly tapering and usu. supporting an entablature or arch, or standing alone as a monument. 2 a structure or part shaped like a column. 3 a vertical cylindrical mass of liquid or vapour. 4 a a vertical division of a page, chart, etc., containing a sequence of figures or words. b the figures or words themselves. 5 a part of a newspaper regularly devoted to a particular subject (gossip column). 6 a Mil. an arrangement of troops in successive lines, with a narrow front. b Naut. a similar arrangement of ships. Phrases and idioms column-inch a quantity of print (esp. newsprint) occupying a one-inch length of a column. dodge the column colloq. shirk one's duty; avoid work. Derivatives columnar adj. columned adj. Etymology: ME f. OF columpne & L columna pillar ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French columpne, from Latin ~a, from columen top; akin to Latin collis hill — more at hill  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a vertical arrangement of items printed or written on a page  b. one of two or more vertical sections of a printed page separated by a rule or blank space  c. an accumulation arranged vertically ; stack  d. one in a usually regular series of newspaper or magazine articles gossip ~  2. a supporting pillar; especially one consisting of a usually round shaft, a capital, and a base  3.  a. something resembling a ~ in form, position, or function a ~ of water  b. a tube or cylinder in which a chromatographic separation takes place  4. a long row (as of soldiers)  5. one of the vertical lines of elements of a determinant or matrix  6. a statistical category or grouping put another game in the win ~  • ~ed adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (columns) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A column is a tall, often decorated cylinder of stone which is built to honour someone or forms part of a building. ...a London landmark, Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square. = pillar N-COUNT 2. A column is something that has a tall narrow shape. The explosion sent a column of smoke thousands of feet into the air. N-COUNT: usu N of n 3. A column is a group of people or animals which moves in a long line. There were reports of columns of military vehicles appearing on the streets. N-COUNT: usu N of n 4. On a printed page such as a page of a dictionary, newspaper, or printed chart, a column is one of two or more vertical sections which are read downwards. We had stupidly been looking at the wrong column of figures... N-COUNT 5. In a newspaper or magazine, a column is a section that is always written by the same person or is always about the same topic. She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement. N-COUNT: usu supp N 6. see also agony column, gossip column, personal column, spinal column, steering column ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a tall, solid, upright, stone post used to support a building or as a decoration  (a graceful Ionic column) 2 a long moving line of people or things  (A long, winding column of soldiers marched through the streets.) 3 one of two or more lines of print that go down the page of a newspaper or book and that are separated from each other by a narrow space  (Turn to Page 5, column 2.) 4 a line of numbers or words written under each other that goes down a page  (Add up the numbers in each column separately.) 5 an article on a particular subject or by a particular writer that appears regularly in a newspaper or magazine  (a weekly column | She writes the gardening column in the Express.) 6 something that has a long, thin shape, like a column + of  (a column of smoke)  (- see also fifth column, personal column, spinal column) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1440, "vertical division of a page," from O.Fr. colombe, from L. columna "pillar," collateral form of columen "top, summit," from PIE base *kel- "to project." Sense of "matter written for a newspaper" dates from 1785. Columnist dates from 1920. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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