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Англо-русский биологический словарь - chart


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Перевод с английского языка chart на русский


1) таблица; диаграмма; схема

2) карта; карточка; картировать, наносить на карту

barr chartbiochrome chart

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) морская карта  2) карта; меркаторская карта  3) диаграмма, схема, чертеж, таблица - barometric chart  4) attr. chart room naut. - штурманская рубка  2. v. наносить на карту; составлять карту - chart out CHART out делать точный план чего-л. The committee is charting out the future of the organization. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. морская карта Admiralty chart —- морская карта Marine Survey chart —- (военно-)морская карта chart equipment —- комплект карт 2. карта aviation chart —- аэронавигационная (полетная) карта comprehensive chart —- подробная карта target chart —- воен. карта с целеуказаниями chart paper —- картографическая бумага chart reference —- ссылка на карту 3. диаграмма, схема; таблица; план, график; номограмма colour chart —- полигр. таблица цветов; цветной тест temperature chart —- мед. температурный листок chart of the patient —- история болезни, скорбный лист 4. кин. фот. тест-таблица, испытательная таблица 5. (the charts) "таблицы", списки наиболее популярных пластинок, книг; список шлягеров, бестселлеров to be on the charts —- пользоваться успехом у публики, быть популярным 6. уст. хартия, грамота; документ 7. наносить на карту; картировать 8. чертить, составлять карту 9. составлять таблицу, диаграмму, схему, график, план 10. намечать; планировать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) таблица; диаграмма; схема 2) карта; карточка; картировать, наносить на карту – barr chart – biochrome chart ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. таблица - assembly chart - organizational chart - vertical line charts Syn: diagram, matrix CHART 1) график; таблица; чертеж; схема 2) карта – band chart – bar chart – dot chart – layout chart – organization chart – pie chart – tree chart CHART 1. сущ. 1) общ. диаграмма; схема; таблица; график; карта; картограмма Syn: diagram, "card, graph, pattern, pictogram, plot, graphic presentation, outline, scheme, figure, graphical chart, delineation, schematic diagram 2) бирж. график движения рынка (включает график движения цены, график движения объема торговли или график открытого интереса) See: charting, bar chart 2. гл. 1) общ. наносить на карту 2) общ. составлять карту, строить план 3) общ. входить в приоритетный список ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) схема, диаграмма 2) таблица – alignment chart – brightness test chart – calibration chart – color chart – data chart – definition chart – facsimile chart – failure chart – flow chart – frequency-prediction chart – load chart – message frequency chart – plugging chart – resolution chart – structure chart ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  карта составлять карту диаграмма, схема, график, номограмма расчётная таблица bar chart calculation chart capacity chart comfort chart control chart design chart enthalpy chart entropy chart flexible-pavement design chart hydrographic chart ice chart Moody chart plasticity chart pressure volume chart progress chart psychrometric chart quality control chart textural classification chart triangular classification chart ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) карта наносить на карту 2) схема; диаграмма; график; таблица; номограмма; палетка чертить схему, диаграмму; составлять таблицу, график 3) технологическая карта - chart of flexure - accuracy chart - aerodrome obstruction chart - aeronautical chart - aeronautical route chart - air route chart - alignment chart - approach chart - ASTM grain-size chart - axonometric chart - balance chart - band chart - bar chart - basis surface chart - bathymetric chart - bioclimatic chart - blenaing chart - brightness test chart - bubble chart - calibration chart - capacity chart - chromaticity chart - CIE UCS chromaticity chart - circular chart - color chart - color test chart - comfort chart - communication chart - composite minimum brightness chart - composite brightness chart - constant-level chart - constant-pressure combustion chart - contour chart - control chart - control-flow chart - correction chart - cusum control chart - cutting chart - data chart - declination chart - design chart - discharge record chart - dot chart - enthalpy-entropy chart - exergy chart - exposure chart - facility chart - facsimile chart - failure chart - flow chart - freezing-level chart - functional chart - function chart - Gantt chart - geomagnetic chart - graphic chart - gray scale test chart - gray scale chart - grid chart - hierarchy chart - hydroeynoptic chart - ice chart - interpretation chart - isochron chart - isogonic chart - landing chart - layout chart - lens-diaphragm chart - lens-resolution chart - load chart - logic chart - lubrication chart - mean temperature difference chart - mode chart - model-generated chart - Mollier chart - navigation chart - nomographic chart - oiling chart - Pareto chart - percent worn chart - pie chart - pilot chart - plotting chart - plugboard chart - polar chart - polar impedance chart - precision approach terrain chart - prediction chart - preflight planning chart - pressure chart - process chart -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle French ~e, from Latin ~a piece of papyrus, document — more at card  Date: 1571  1. map: as  a. an outline map exhibiting something (as climatic or magnetic variations) in its geographical aspects  b. a map for the use of navigators  2.  a. a sheet giving information in tabular form  b. graph  c. diagram  d. a sheet of paper ruled and graduated for use in a recording instrument  e. a record of medical information about a patient  f. a listing by rank (as of sales) — usually used in plural number one on the ~s — Tim Cahill  3. a musical arrangement; also a part in such an arrangement  II. verb  Date: 1842  transitive verb  1. to lay out a plan for ~ a course  2. to make a map or ~ of ~ the coastline  3. chronicle the book ~s the last years of his life  intransitive verb to be ranked on a ~ the song ~ed for three months ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (charts, charting, charted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A chart is a diagram, picture, or graph which is intended to make information easier to understand. Male unemployment was 14.2%, compared with 5.8% for women (see chart on next page)... The chart below shows our top 10 choices. = diagram N-COUNT see also bar chart, flow chart, pie chart 2. A chart is a map of the sea or stars. ...charts of Greek waters. N-COUNT 3. If you chart an area of land, sea, or sky, or a feature in that area, you make a map of the area or show the feature in it. Ptolemy charted more than 1000 stars in 48 constellations... These seas have been well charted. = map VERB: V n, V n 4. The charts are the official lists that show which CDs have sold the most copies each week. This album confirmed The Orb’s status as national stars, going straight to Number One in the charts... They topped both the US singles and album charts at the same time. = hit parade N-COUNT: usu pl 5. If you chart the development or progress of something, you observe it and record or show it. You can also say that a report or graph charts the development or progress of something. Bulletin boards charted each executive’s progress. = record VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 information that is clearly arranged in the form of a simple picture, sets of figures, graph etc, or a piece of paper with this information on it  (a flow chart | a weather chart) 2 a detailed map, especially of an area of the sea 3 the charts a list, which comes out weekly, of the most popular records  (top the charts)  (Madonna's song topped the charts for over ten weeks.)  (- see also bar chart, pie chart, flow chart) ~2 v 1 to record information about a situation or set of events over a period of time in order to see how it changes or develops  (a study charting the steady progress of women in the 19th century) 2 to make a map of an area of land or sea, or draw lines on a map to show where you have travelled  (- see also uncharted) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1571, "map for the use of navigators," from M.Fr. charte "card, map," from L. charta (see card). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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