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Англо-русский биологический словарь - charge


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  against  а) записывать в долг Charge the goods against my account.  б) обвинять кого-л. в чем-л. Every mistake you make will be charged against you. CHARGE  1. noun  1) заряд  2) нагрузка, загрузка; бремя  3) забота, попечение; надзор; хранение children in charge of a nurse - дети, порученные няне a nurse in charge of children - няня, которой поручена забота о детях this is left in my charge and is not my own - это оставлено мне на хранение, это не мое - give in charge  4) лицо, состоящее на попечении her little charges - ее маленькие питомцы - young charges  5) обязанности; ответственность I am in charge of this department - этот отдел подчинен мне, я заведую этим отделом - be in charge  6) предписание; поручение; требование  7) цена; pl. расходы, издержки at his own charge - на его собственный счет - free of charge - charges forward  8) занесение на счет  9) налог  10) обвинение to lay to smb. s charge - обвинять кого-л.  11) leg. заключительная речь судьи к присяжным  12) mil. нападение, атака (тж. перен. в разговоре, споре); сигнал к атаке to return to the charge - возобновить атаку  13) eccl. послание епископа к пастве  14) eccl. паства  15) metal. шихта; колоша  2. v.  1) заряжать (оружие; аккумулятор) (with) The wire is charged with electricity. The terrorists charged the bomb with an explosive substance.  2) нагружать; загружать; обременять (память); насыщать; наполнять (стакан вином...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. нагрузка, загрузка charge of surety —- спец. допускаемая нагрузка additional charge —- спец. догрузка reactivity charge —- спец. запас реактивности 2. заряд the emotional charge of the drama —- эмоциональный заряд этой драмы 3. сигарета с марихуаной 4. приятное волнение, возбуждение; наслаждение, удовольствие to get a charge out of smth. —- получать удовольствие от чего-л 5. запись о выдаче книг 6. абонементная запись 7. геральд. фигура 8. тех. шихта 9. колоша 10. тех. горючая смесь 11. горн. заряд шпура 12. забота, попечение; надзор; хранение to be in charge of —- иметь на попечении или на хранении; отвечать за (кого-л, что-л) 13. преим. ам. быть на попечении, находиться на хранении I leave you in charge of him —- я оставляю его на ваше попечение children in charge of a nurse —- дети под присмотром няни I leave this in your charge —- оставляю это вам на хранение to be in charge —- находиться под арестом to give smb. in charge —- передать кого-л. в руки полиции to give smb. charge over smth. —- поручать кому-л. что-л.; отдать кому-л. всю власть над чем-л. 14. лицо, состоящее на попечении; подопечный, питомец her little charges —- ее маленькие питомцы he became a public charge —- заботу о нем взяло на себя общество 15. церк. паства 16. разг. заключенный, арестант 17. обязанности; ответственность;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  юр. обвинение Ср. тж. arraignment, indictment ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  заряд ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) забота 2) руководство 3) ответственность 4) предписание, приказ, требование 5) цена 6) сбор, начисление 7) обременение 8) дебет, долговое обязательство 9) налог 10) обвинение 11) расход 12) плата • - Charge Card - administrative charge - at his own charge - at no charge - base charge - be free from any charge or incumbrance - be in charge - be in charge of - bring a charge against - carrying charge - carrying charge - charge a fee - charge a jury - charge a price - charge account - charge buyer - charge collect - charge for a call - charge interest - charge of fraud - charge on assets - charge on pay-roll - charge tax - charge to account - charge to expenses - charge to jury - charge with costs - charge with crime - charge with expenses - connection charge - contingent deferred sales charge - customs clearance charge - delivery charge - deny the charge - detention charge - dismiss the charge - early redemption charge period - early redemption charge - exchange charge - finance charge - financing charge - free of charge - freight charge - further charge - in charge of - interest charge - no charge - person in charge - prior charge - take charge of - user charge Syn: expense, expenditure, outlay, disbursement, fee, payment, pay, responsibility, liability 2. гл. 1) назначать цену, просить, требовать (цену) 2) взыскивать 3) дебетовать 4) записывать на счет, поставить на счет 5) обременять; вменять в обязанность 6) обвинять 7) списывать со счета (off) 8) завышать цену (up) - charge a high price - charge commission - charge to account CHARGE 1. сущ. 1) общ. нагрузка, загрузка 2) общ. девиз, символ, фигура (на геральдическом щите) 3) общ. обязанности,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) заряд (взрывчатого вещества) 2) (электрический) заряд, количество электричества 3) электр. зарядка заряжать 4) загрузка; завалка загружать; заваливать 5) метал. садка 6) заправка заправлять 7) шихта; колоша 8) допустимая нагрузка нагружать 9) обязанности, ответственность возлагать ответственность 10) цена назначать цену 11) обвинение обвинять 12) плата 13) начисление начислять 14) мн. ч. затраты, расходы coefficient of charge — коэффициент наполнения, коэффициент заполнения drop of the charge — метал. опускание колоши line of charge — электр. цепь заряда loss of charge — потеря заряда state of charge — состояние заряда support of charge — носитель заряда to build up charge — метал. набирать садку to charge battery — заряжать аммумулятор to charge cylinder — заполнять баллон to charge furnace — заваливать шихту в печь to make up the charge — метал. готовить шихту to push back charge — досылать заряд to put on charge — ставить (аккумулятор) на зарядку to retain charge — сохранять заряд - Szigeti charge - bed charge - blast-hole charge - boost charge - bound charge - concentrated charge - continuous charge - covariant charge - decked charge - deep-hole charge - deep-seated charge - explosive charge - fictituous charge - finite charge - fixed charge - flashpowder charge - freight charge - generalized charge - high-scrap charge - hydrocarbon charge - image charge - induced charge - invariant charge - iron charge - misfired charge - net charge -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) заряд, количество электричества 2) загрузка 3) тариф – connection charge – electric charge – static charge – floating charge – maintenance charges – standing charge – user charge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  загрузка; заправка; зарядка количество вещества для заправки системы, количество вещества (напр. хладагента, теплоносителя) в системе заряд взрывчатого вещества плата, тариф; мн.ч.расходы, затраты rental charge sediment charge ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) заряд 2) (электрический) заряд, количество электричества 3) зарядка заряжать (систему, аккумулятор и т. п.) 4) загрузка; метал. завалка, засыпка загружать; метал. заваливать, засыпать 5) метал., сил. шихта; загрузка; метал. завалка, колоша 6) метал., сил. садка 7) заливка, заправка заливать, заправлять 8) нагнетать 9) наполнитель; навеска 10) пищ. партия (продукта) 11) хол. заряжать (систему) агентом 12) плата; сбор; тариф; (мн.) расходы; затраты to calculate charge — 1. рассчитывать мощность заряда 2. рассчитывать тариф; to explode (to fire) charge — взрывать заряд; to charge off — 1. списывать в расход 2. амортизировать; to push back (in) charge — досылать заряд; to steam (to tamp) charge — производить забойку заряда; to charge the matte — заливать штейн - additional charge - air-cushioned charge - anionic charge - anion charge - annual standby charge - atomic charge - axle-changing charges - background charge - banking charge - battery dry charge - bed charge - blast-hole charge - blasting charge - blended charge - boost charge - boost-pressure charge - borehole charge - bottom charge - bound charge - briquetted charge - broomstick charge - bulk charge - buried charge - capacitor charge - capacity charge - carrying charges - catalyst charge - cationic charge - cation charge - ceramic charge - chamber charge - coal charge - coke charge - column charge - combined charge - combustible charge - concentrated charge - connection charge - constant-current charge - constant-voltage charge - container charge - core charge - cushioned charge - Debye charge - decked charge -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a ask (an amount) as a price (charges {pound}5 a ticket). b ask (a person) for an amount as a price (you forgot to charge me). 2 tr. a (foll. by to, up to) debit the cost of to (a person or account) (charge it to my account; charge it up to me). b debit (a person or an account) (bought a new car and charged the company). 3 tr. a (often foll. by with) accuse (of an offence) (charged him with theft). b (foll. by that + clause) make an accusation that. 4 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) instruct or urge. 5 (foll. by with) a tr. entrust with. b refl. undertake. 6 a intr. make a rushing attack; rush headlong. b tr. make a rushing attack on; throw oneself against. 7 tr. (often foll. by up) a give an electric charge to (a body). b store energy in (a battery). 8 tr. (often foll. by with) load or fill (a vessel, gun, etc.) to the full or proper extent. 9 tr. (usu. as charged adj.) a (foll. by with) saturated with (air charged with vapour). b (usu. foll. by with) pervaded (with strong feelings etc.) (atmosphere charged with emotion; a charged atmosphere). --n. 1 a a price asked for goods or services. b a financial liability or commitment. 2 an accusation, esp. against a prisoner brought to trial. 3 a a task, duty, or commission. b care, custody, responsible possession. c a person or thing entrusted; a minister's congregation. 4 a an impetuous rush or attack, esp. in a battle. b the signal for this. 5 the appropriate amount of material to be put into a receptacle, mechanism, etc. at one time, esp. of explosive for a gun. 6 a a property of matter that is a consequence of the interaction between its constituent particles and exists in a positive or negative form, causing electrical phenomena. b the quantity of this carried by a body. c energy stored chemically for conversion into electricity. d the process of charging a battery. 7 an exhortation; directions, orders. 8 a burden or load. 9 Heraldry a device; a bearing. Phrases and idioms charge account US a credit account at a shop etc. charge card a credit card for which the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from ~r  Date: 13th century  1.  a. obsolete a material load or weight  b. a figure borne on a heraldic field  2.  a. the quantity that an apparatus is intended to receive and fitted to hold  b. the quantity of explosive used in a single dis~  c. a store or accumulation of impelling force the deeply emotional ~ of the drama  d. a definite quantity of electricity; especially an excess or deficiency of electrons in a body  e. thrill, kick got a ~ out of the game  3.  a. obligation, requirement  b. management, supervision has ~ of the home office  c. the ecclesiastical jurisdiction (as a parish) committed to a clergyman  d. a person or thing committed to the care of another  4.  a. instruction, command  b. instruction in points of law given by a court to a jury  5.  a. expense, cost gave the banquet at his own ~  b. the price demanded for something no admission ~  c. a debit to an account the purchase was a ~  d. the record of a loan (as of a book from a library)  e. British an interest in property granted as security for a loan  6.  a. a formal assertion of illegality a ~ of murder  b. a statement of complaint or hostile criticism denied the ~s of nepotism that were leveled against him  7.  a.  (1) a violent rush forward (as to attack) the ~ of the brigade  (2) the signal for attack sound the ~  b. a usually illegal rush into an opponent in various sports (as basketball)  II. verb  (~d; charging)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from Late Latin carricare, from Latin carrus wheeled vehicle — more at car  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. archaic to lay or put a load on or in ; load  b.  (1) to place a ~ (as of powder) in  (2) to load or fill to capacity  c.  (1) to restore the active materials in (a storage battery) by the passage of a direct current through in the opposite direction to that of dis~  (2) to give an electric ~ to ~ a capacitor  d.  (1) to assume...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (charges, charging, charged) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you charge someone an amount of money, you ask them to pay that amount for something that you have sold to them or done for them. Even local nurseries charge ?100 a week... The hospitals charge the patients for every aspirin... Some banks charge if you access your account to determine your balance. ...the architect who charged us a fee of seven hundred and fifty pounds. VERB: V n, V n for n, V, V n n 2. To charge something to a person or organization means to tell the people providing it to send the bill to that person or organization. To charge something to someone’s account means to add it to their account so they can pay for it later. Go out and buy a pair of glasses, and charge it to us... All transactions have been charged to your account. = bill VERB: V n to n, V n to n 3. A charge is an amount of money that you have to pay for a service. We can arrange this for a small charge... Customers who arrange overdrafts will face a monthly charge of ?5. N-COUNT 4. A charge is a formal accusation that someone has committed a crime. He may still face criminal charges... They appeared at court yesterday to deny charges of murder. N-COUNT 5. When the police charge someone, they formally accuse them of having done something illegal. They have the evidence to charge him... Police have charged Mr Bell with murder. VERB: V n, V n with n 6. If you charge someone with doing something wrong or unpleasant, you publicly say that they have done it. (WRITTEN) He charged the minister with lying about the economy. = accuse VERB: V n with -ing/n 7. If you take charge of someone or something, you make yourself responsible for them and take control over them. If someone or something is in your charge, you are responsible for them. A few years ago Bacryl took charge of the company... I have been given charge of this class... They would never forget their time in his charge. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PRICE« the amount of money you have to pay for goods or services  (Gas charges will rise in July.) + for  (When you buy a suit, there is no charge for any alterations.) free of charge (=at no cost)  (Your order will be delivered free of charge within a ten-mile limit. | at no extra charge (=without having to pay more money))  (- see cost1) 2 »CONTROL« a) be in charge (of) to be the person who controls or is responsible for a group of people or an activity  (Who's in charge around here? | the officer in charge of the investigation)  (- see control1) b) put sb in charge (of) to give someone complete responsibility over an activity, group of people, organization etc  (I've been put in charge of the team.) c) take charge (of) to take control of a situation, organization, or group of people  (Harry will take charge of the department while I'm away.) 3 »RESPONSIBILITY/CARE FOR« a) be in/under sb's charge if someone or something is in your charge, you are responsible for looking after them  (The child was in my charge when he ran away. | The files were left in your charge.) b) formal someone that you are responsible for looking after  (Sarah bought some chocolate for her three young charges.) 4 »THAT SB IS GUILTY« an official statement made by the police saying that someone is guilty of a crime + agains  (The charge against her was arson.) on a charge  (Young appeared in court on a murder charge. | charge of burglary/theft/fraud etc)  (Owen is facing a charge of armed robbery. | bring/press/prefer charges (=state officially that someone is guilty of a crime))  (As it was his first offence, the store agreed not to press charges. | drop the charges (=decide to stop making charges)) 5 »BLAME« a written or spoken statement blaming someone for doing something bad or illegal; allegation  (the charge of being an uncaring mother | a group which earlier rejected the charge that it had put undue pressure on the Prime Minister | counter a charge (=say that a charge is untrue) | lay/leave yourself open to a charge...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - early 13c., from O.Fr. chargier "load, burden," from L.L. carricare "to load a wagon, cart," from L. carrus "wagon" (see car). M.E. sense of "burden" progressed to "pecuniary burden, cost" (1460), to "price demanded for service or goods" (1848). Legal sense of "accusation" is 1477, earlier "injunction, order." Sense of "rush in to attack" is 1568, perhaps through earlier meaning of "load a weapon." Charger "horse ridden by officer in the field" is from 1762. Chargй d'affairs was borrowed from Fr. 1850. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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