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Англо-русский биологический словарь - character


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Перевод с английского языка character на русский


1) признак; особенность; свойство

2) характер; качество; природа

acquired characteradvanced charactercenogenetic characterconstellational characterdefensive characterdefinitive characterdevelopmental characterdiagnostic characterdiscontinuous characterdistinguishing characterdominant characterepigamic characterhereditary characterheritable characterhologynic characterincipient characterindependent characterinherited characterinnate characterkiller characterlatent characterMendelian charactermeristic characterminor charactermorphological characteroligogenic characterpolygenic characterproduction characterqualitative characterquantitative characterrecessive charactersecondary sexual charactersex-controlled charactersex-limited charactersex-linked charactersexual characterspecies characterspecific characterthreshold characterunit character

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) характер a man of no character - слабый, бесхарактерный человек - man of character  2) репутация  3) письменная рекомендация, характеристика  4) фигура, личность - public character - bad character  5) lit. образ, герой; тип; роль, действующее лицо (в драме)  6) coll. оригинал, чудак - quite a character  7) характерная особенность; отличительный признак - innate characters - acquired character  8) качество, свойство  9) буква; литера; иероглиф; цифра; алфавит; письмо - Chinese characters - Runic character  10) attr. характерный - character actor to be in character (with) - соответствовать to be out of character - не соответствовать Syn: see temperament  2. v.  1) запечатлевать  2) obs. характеризовать CHARACTER actor актер на характерных ролях CHARACTER assassination noun злобная клевета ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. характер; нрав 2. сильный характер a man of character —- человек с характером, волевой человек he has no character at all —- он человек безвольный, он тряпка 3. честность; моральная устойчивость character building —- воспитательная работа; воспитание характера, формирование морального облика 4. характер; качество; природа the character of the northern plains is different from that of the South —- по своему характеру северные равнины отличаются от равнин юга to see a thing in its true character —- видеть вещь в ее истинном свете people of this character —- люди такого рода advertising of a very primitive character —- реклама самого примитивного пошиба 5. официальное качество; положение; статус, достоинство, ранг, звание, сан under the character of —- в качестве; под именем he spoke in the character of lawyer —- он выступал в качестве адвоката 6. характерная особенность; отличительный признак; свойство the trunk is a character found only in elephants —- хобот - это характерная особенность, встречающаяся только у слонов 7. биол. признак innate characters —- наследственные признаки acquired character —- приобретенный признак dominant character —- доминантный признак 8. репутация character assassin —- злостный клеветник character assassination —- злостная клевета; подрыв репутации he has an excellent character for honesty —- он имеет репутацию...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) признак; особенность; свойство 2) характер; качество; природа – acquired character – advanced character – cenogenetic character – constellational character – defensive character – definitive character – developmental character – diagnostic character – discontinuous character – distinguishing character – dominant character – epigamic character – hereditary character – hologynic character – incipient character – independent character – inherited character – killer character – latent character – Mendelian character – meristic character – minor character – morphological character – oligogenic character – polygenic character – production character – qualitative character – quantitative character – recessive character – secondary sexual character – sex-controlled character – sex-limited character – sex-linked character – sexual character – species character – specific character – threshold character – unit character ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) знак; символ 2) литера 3) признак 4) персонаж (литературного произведения; является объектом авторского права) – character of the invention – command character – distinctive character of a mark – hand-printed character – hand-written character – instruction character – lower case character – operational character – upper case character – warning character CHARACTER сущ. 1) характер 2) репутация, характеристика 3) характерная особенность, качество, свойство • - businesslike character - defamation of character - distinctive character - economic character - operating character - social character - specific character Syn: feature, characteristic, peculiarity, nature, makeup, mode, kind CHARACTER 1. сущ. 1) а) общ. характер; нрав to form one's character — формировать личность firm strong character — сильная личность б) общ. сильный характер man of character — человек с (сильным) характером man of no character — слабый, бесхарактерный человек в) общ. честность; моральная устойчивость character building — воспитательная работа; воспитание характера, формирование морального облика (ребенка и т. п.) 2) общ. характер, качество, природа to see a thing in its true character — видеть вещь в ее истинном свете advertising of a very primitive character — реклама самого примитивного пошиба 3) а) общ. характерная особенность, отличительный признак The trunk is a character found only in elephants. — Хобот это характерная особенность, встречающаяся только у...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) (отличительный) признак 2) буква; знак; символ 3) литера 4) матем. характер 5) качество, свойство 6) характеристика характерный 7) характеризовать character modulo m — характер по модулю m - N-bit character - absolutely irreducible character - accuracy control character - admissible character - binary-coded character - case-shift character - central character - code character - complemented character - complex character - complex-orthogonal character - composite character - compound character - conductor of character - conjugate character - continuous unitary character - control character - dimension of character - dual character - elementary character - enumerative character - even character - exceptional character - faithful character - field character - finite character - fragmented character - function character - generalized character - generic character - graphic character - group character - hyperregular character - identity character - immersion character - imprimitive character - improper character - induced character - inessential character - infinitesimal character - irreducible character - linear character - local character - locally matrix character - lower character - mandatory character - measure character - modular character - multiplicative character - multiplicity of character - non-principal character - nonnumeric character - nonprimitive character - nonprincipal character - nontrivial character - normal character - normalized character - odd character - one-dimensional character - orbital character - ordinary character - oscillatory character - percent ionic character - projective character - pseudocomplemented character - quadratic character - random character - rational character - real character - relation character - representation character - residue character modulo p - separating character - set character - sign character - simple character - singular character - space character -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) знак, символ 2) (отличительный) признак – acknowledgement character – addressing character – affirmative character – binary-coded character – blank character – call-control character – cancel character – check character – code character – control character – data-link control character – data-link escape character – end-of-medium character – end-of-message character – end-of-selection character – end-of-text character – end-of-transmission character – end-of-transmission-block character – enquiry character – escape character – form-feed character – graphic character – idle character – illegal character – invalid character – least-significant character – non-numeric character – shift character – standby character – substitute character – synchronous-idle character – transmission-control character – who-are-you character – wildcard character ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) (отличительный) признак; (характерная) особенность 2) буква; знак; символ 3) литера 4) матем. характер - character of discontinuity - acknowledgement character - alphabetic character - alphanumeric character - alphameric character - available display characters - backspace character - bell character - binary-coded character - binary character - blank character - block cancel character - block check character - cancel character - carriage return character - check character - code character - coded character - command character - condensed character - control character - display character - double character - editing character - error character - escape character - expanded character - field character - filling character - fill character - first-order character - format-control character - format character - form-reed character - functional character - gap character - graphic character - hand-printed character - hand-written character - identification character - idle character - illegal character - innate character - inquiry character - layout character - line-feed character - lower-case character - master character - new-line character - nonnumeric character - nonprintable character - null character - numeric character - obsolete character - pad character - polling character - printable character - record separation character - reference character - return character - rub-out character - second-order character - separating character - shift character - shift-in character - shift-out character - slanted character - space character - special character - synchronous character - tabulation character - threshold character - unprintable character - upper-case character ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the collective qualities or characteristics, esp. mental and moral, that distinguish a person or thing. 2 a moral strength (has a weak character). b reputation, esp. good reputation. 3 a a person in a novel, play, etc. b a part played by an actor; a role. 4 colloq. a person, esp. an eccentric or outstanding individual (he's a real character). 5 a a printed or written letter, symbol, or distinctive mark (Chinese characters). b Computing any of a group of symbols representing a letter etc. 6 a written description of a person's qualities; a testimonial. 7 a characteristic (esp. of a biological species). --v.tr. archaic inscribe; describe. Phrases and idioms character actor an actor who specializes in playing eccentric or unusual persons. character assassination a malicious attempt to harm or destroy a person's good reputation. in (or out of) character consistent (or inconsistent) with a person's character. Derivatives characterful adj. characterfully adv. characterless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF caractere f. L character f. Gk kharakter stamp, impress ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English caracter, from Latin ~ mark, distinctive quality, from Greek charakter, from charassein to scratch, engrave; perhaps akin to Lithuanian zerti to scratch  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a conventionalized graphic device placed on an object as an indication of ownership, origin, or relationship  b. a graphic symbol (as a hieroglyph or alphabet letter) used in writing or printing  c. a magical or astrological emblem  d. alphabet  e.  (1) writing, printing  (2) style of writing or printing  (3) cipher  f. a symbol (as a letter or number) that represents information; also a representation of such a ~ that may be accepted by a computer  2.  a. one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual  b.  (1) a feature used to separate distinguishable things into categories; also a group or kind so separated advertising of a very primitive ~  (2) the detectable expression of the action of a gene or group of genes  (3) the aggregate of distinctive qualities ~istic of a breed, strain, or type a wine of great ~  c. the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation the ~ of the American people  d. main or essential nature especially as strongly marked and serving to distinguish excess sewage gradually changed the ~ of the lake  3. position, capacity his ~ as a town official  4. reference 4b  5. reputation the scandal has damaged his ~ and image  6. moral excellence and firmness a man of sound ~  7.  a. a person marked by notable or conspicuous traits quite a ~  b. one of the persons of a drama or novel  c. the personality or part which an actor recreates an actress who can create a ~ convincingly  d. ~ization especially in drama or fiction  e. person, individual a suspicious ~  8. a short literary sketch of the qualities of a social type  Synonyms: see disposition, quality, type  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: 1591  1. archaic engrave, inscribe  2.  a....
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (characters) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The character of a person or place consists of all the qualities they have that make them distinct from other people or places. Perhaps there is a negative side to his character that you haven’t seen yet... The character of this country has been formed by immigration. = nature N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. If something has a particular character, it has a particular quality. The financial concessions granted to British Aerospace were, he said, of a precarious character... The state farms were semi-military in character. = nature N-SING: usu supp N, also in N 3. You can use character to refer to the qualities that people from a particular place are believed to have. Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British character. N-SING: supp N 4. You use character to say what kind of person someone is. For example, if you say that someone is a strange character, you mean they are strange. It’s that kind of courage and determination that makes him such a remarkable character... What a sad character that Nigel is. N-COUNT: usu adj N 5. Your character is your personality, especially how reliable and honest you are. If someone is of good character, they are reliable and honest. If they are of bad character, they are unreliable and dishonest. He’s begun a series of personal attacks on my character... Mr Bartman was a man of good character. N-VAR: usu supp N 6. If you say that someone has character, you mean that they have the ability to deal effectively with difficult, unpleasant, or dangerous situations. She showed real character in her attempts to win over the crowd... I didn’t know Ron had that much strength of character. N-UNCOUNT c darkgreen]approval 7. If you say that a place has character, you mean that it has an interesting or unusual quality which makes you notice it and like it. An ugly shopping centre stands across from one of the few buildings with character. N-UNCOUNT c...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »ALL SB'S QUALITIES« C usually singular the particular combination of qualities that makes someone a particular kind of person  (There is a serious side to her character. | be in/out of character (=be typical or untypical of someone's character))  (I can't believe she lied to me - it seems so out of character. | the English/French etc character)  (Openness is at the heart of the American character.)  (- see characteristic1) 2 »QUALITIES OF STH« the particular combination of features and qualities that makes a thing or place different from all others  (the unspoilt character of the coast) + of  (In only ten years the whole character of the school has changed.) in character  (Liquids are different in character from both solids and gases.) 3 »INTERESTING QUALITY« a quality that makes someone or something special and interesting  (These new houses have very little character.) 4 »MORAL STRENGTH« a combination of qualities such as courage and loyalty that are admired and regarded as valuable  (a woman of great character | character building (=activity aimed at developing these qualities))  (outdoor programs that are meant to be character building) 5 »PERSON« a) a person in a book, play, film etc  (Hardy's main character is a young milkmaid whose life ends in tragedy.) b) a person of a particular kind, especially a strange or dishonest one  (a couple of suspicious-looking characters standing outside the house) c) be a character to be an interesting, and unusual person  (Kurt's quite a character - he has so many tales to tell.) 6 »REPUTATION« formal reputation  (a man of previous good character | a slur on your character (=something that harms your character in other people's opinion) | character assassination (=a cruel and unfair attack on someone's character)) 7 »LETTER/SIGN« a letter, mark, or sign used in writing, printing, or computing  (Chinese characters) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: IN CHARACTER. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. caractere, from L. character, from Gk. kharakter "engraved mark," from kharassein "to engrave," from kharax "pointed stake." Meaning extended by metaphor to "a defining quality." Sense of character in a play or novel is 17c. The Latin ch- spelling was restored 1500s. Characteristic is from 1664. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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