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Англо-русский биологический словарь - change


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Перевод с английского языка change на русский


изменение; замена; переход; перемена; изменять(ся); заменять

change in space — смена (напр. сообществ) в пространстве

change of coatchange of desired valuechange of dominancechange of variableaspect changeconformational changeenvironmental changefatty changehereditary changeintergenic changeintragenic changeintramolecular changemalignant changeman-made changesmode changepostmortem changepost-transcriptional changepostural changeseasonal changestep changesubmortem changevegetational change

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  of life med. климактерий CHANGE ones base amer.; coll. отступать, удирать CHANGE into превращать в кого-л. The prince was changed into a beggar. CHANGE over  а) менять(ся) местами Can we change over? Id like to sit in the sun, too. If you change the words over, the sentence sounds better.  б) переходить на что-л. (to) In 1971 Britain changed over to decimal money. The chairman decided to change the factory over to bicycle production. CHANGE round  а) менять(ся) местами Can we change round? Id like to sit in the sun, too. Tennis players change round every two games. If you change the words round, the sentence sounds better.  б) изменять направление The wind is changing round, so the storm wont last long. CHANGE up (в машине) поменять скорость на большую When you are going fast enough, youll be able to change up. CHANGE with  а) поменяться с кем-л. местами fig. I wouldnt change with him for anything. I wouldnt change my life with the life of a king, Im happy as I am.  б) to change places with поменяться с кем-л. местами also fig. Will you change places with me? I find it too hot here in the sun. I wouldnt change places with him for anything. Im happier the way I am. CHANGE down (в машине) поменять скорость на меньшую You have to change down when you drive uphill. CHANGE carriages делать пересадку CHANGE back превратить(ся) в первоначальное состояние If youre not careful, the evil magician will change you back into the ugly creature that you used to be. I hope youll never change back from the person you have recently become. CHANGE  1. noun  1) перемена; изменение; сдвиг - social change - change of air - change of life  2) замена  3) разнообразие - for a change  4) смена (белья, платья) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. перемена, изменение change of weather —- перемена погоды change of scene —- перемена обстановки change of the scenes —- театр. перемена декораций change of heart —- изменение намерений; переворот в убеждениях или чувствах change of pace —- смена ритма, скорости, хода; резкая смена образа жизни и деятельности; внесение разнообразия в жизнь change of front —- воен. перемена фронта; коренные изменения; поворот на 180 градусов change of air —- перемена обстановки; тех. обмен воздуха change of station —- воен. командировка, перевод в другую часть change of leads —- перемена ноги на галопе change of tide —- чередование приливно-отливных течений subject to change —- могущий измениться; подлежащий изменению many changes have taken place —- многое изменилось the change from winter to spring —- переход от зимы к весне change gear —- тех. механизм изменения хода и скоростей change part —- тех. сменная деталь change switch —- тех. переключатель 2. замена, смена; подмена; разнообразие for a change —- для разнообразия you need a change —- вам нужно переменить обстановку this journey will be a change for you —- поездка внесет в вашу жизнь некоторое разнообразие 3. смена (белья) change station —- воен. пункт обмена обмундирования a change of underwear —- смена белья 4. размен (денег) to give change for a pound note —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  изменение; замена; переход; перемена; изменять(ся); заменять change in space — смена (напр. сообществ) в пространстве – change of coat – change of desired value – change of dominance – change of variable – aspect change – conformational change – environmental change – fatty change – hereditary change – intergenic change – intragenic change – intramolecular change – malignant change – man-made changes – mode change – postmortem change – post-transcriptional change – postural change – seasonal change – step change – submortem change – vegetational change ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  изменение; замена; изменять – change in degree – change in degree introducing new mode of operation – change in form – change in title – to change over – change of grounds for opposition – change of order of claims – change of size – engineering change – structural change CHANGE 1. сущ. 1) перемена, изменение 2) мелкие деньги; разменная монета 3) Change биржа, Лондонская фондовая биржа • - accelerated change - administrative change - change hands - change in definition - change in demand - change in exchange rate - change in exchange rates - change in inventories - change in market - change in practice - change in price - change in process - change in scope - change in stock - change in the exchange rate - change in timing - change of address - change of attitude - change of basis - change of demand - change of government - change of level - change of managers - change of name - change of ownership - change of residence - change of trade - change order - contract change - date of change - design change - drastic changes - engineering change proposal - engineering change - marginal changes - meet changes - minor change - rate change 2. гл. менять, обменивать(ся), разменивать (деньги), обменивать (на другую валюту) - change a cheque Syn: vary CHANGE сущ. 1) общ. перемена, изменение; обмен 2) эк., разг. мелкие деньги; разменная монета, мелочь See: fractional currency 3) жарг. биржа, Лондонская фондовая биржа See: stock exchange ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) изменение менять(ся); изменять(ся) 2) смена; перемена 3) замена заменять 4) превращение превращать(ся) 5) переход, переключение переходить, переключать(ся) 6) сдача; мелкие деньги, мелочь 7) менять, обменивать; разменивать (о деньгах) 8) пересадка пересаживаться change in mean — изменение среднего (значения) change in variability — киберн. изменение разнообразия cyclic change of variables — матем. циклическая перестановка переменных to change by — изменяться на to change continuously — изменяться непрерывно to change gears — авто переключать передачи to change in a predetermined manner — матем. изменяться по заданному закону to change in size — изменяться в размере to change in steps — матем. изменяться дискретно to change lines — делать пересадку to change money — разменивать деньги to change over to — переключать(ся); переходить на to change to automatic flight — авиац. перейти на автопилот to keep the change — оставлять сдачу - adaptive change - air change - amount of change - annual change - apparent change - assignable change - causal change - change of base of logarithm - change of basis - change of bound variables - change of coordinates - change of datum - change of direction - change of gradient - change of orientation - change of origin - change of phase - change of response - change of scalars - change of scale - change of shape - change of sign - change of slope - change of state - change of variable in integration - change of variable - change of variables - change of voltage - dimensional...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) изменение; смена, замена 2) переход – base current change – phase change – quick-battery change ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  изменение менять change in appearance change in sign changes in the work air change air changes per hour autogenous volume change dimensional changes discontinuous change expected change in size minor change seasonal changes of temperature stress changes ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) изменение менять(ся); изменять(ся) 2) смена; замена заменять 3) переход 4) превращение 5) модификация 6) перегиб кривой 7) матем. приращение 8) машиностр. коррекция параметров change in a function — приращение функции; change in argument — приращение аргумента; to change over — переключать; переводить; переходить; to change over from... to ... — переходить с (одного режима работы) ... на (другой) ... change of a variable — замена переменной change of coordinates — преобразование (системы) координат change of gradient — ж.-д. перелом профиля change of sign — перемена знака change of state — фазовый переход, фазовое превращение change or tide — смена течений; смена вод - abrupt change - address change - adiabatic change - air change - air changes per hour - atmospheric changes - atmospheric plane change - autotool change - brittle-ductile change - chemical change - CO2 climate change - cold-to-hot reactivity change - constitutional change - course change - development change - dimension change - discontinuous change - electrochemical change - engineering change - en-route change of level - environmental change - gear change - habit change - hardwaring change - high-thrust plane change - incremental plane changes - intermachine changes - low-thrust plane change - man-made changes - minimum-fuel plane change - multidip plane change - nuclear change - orbital plane change - order-disorder change - parameter change - phase change - pitch change - radioactive change - real-time change - reversible change - roll change - scene change - scheduled speed change - shot change - single-dip plane change - spontaneous reactivity change - step change - step-function reactivity...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of making or becoming different. b an alteration or modification (the change in her expression). 2 a money given in exchange for money in larger units or a different currency. b money returned as the balance of that given in payment. c = small change. 3 a new experience; variety (fancied a change; for a change). 4 a the substitution of one thing for another; an exchange (change of scene). b a set of clothes etc. put on in place of another. 5 (in full change of life) colloq. the menopause. 6 (usu. in pl.) the different orders in which a peal of bells can be rung. 7 (Change) (also 'Change) hist. a place where merchants etc. met to do business. 8 (of the moon) arrival at a fresh phase, esp. at the new moon. --v. 1 tr. & intr. undergo, show, or subject to change; make or become different (the wig changed his appearance; changed from an introvert into an extrovert). 2 tr. a take or use another instead of; go from one to another (change one's socks; changed his doctor; changed trains). b (usu. foll. by for) give up or get rid of in exchange (changed the car for a van). 3 tr. a give or get change in smaller denominations for (can you change a ten-pound note?). b (foll. by for) exchange (a sum of money) for (changed his dollars for pounds). 4 tr. & intr. put fresh clothes or coverings on (changed the baby as he was wet; changed into something loose). 5 tr. (often foll. by with) give and receive, exchange (changed places with him; we changed places). 6 intr. change trains etc. (changed at Crewe). 7 intr. (of the moon) arrive at a fresh phase, esp. become new. Phrases and idioms change colour blanch or flush. change down engage a lower gear in a vehicle. change gear engage a different gear in a vehicle. change hands 1 pass to a different owner. 2 substitute one hand for another. change one's mind adopt a different opinion or plan. change of air a different climate; variety. change of heart a conversion to a different view. change over change from one system or situation to another. change-over n. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; changing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from Latin cambiare to ex~, probably of Celtic origin; akin to Old Irish camm crooked  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to make different in some particular ; alter never bothered to ~ the will  b. to make radically different ; transform can't ~ human nature  c. to give a different position, course, or direction to  2.  a. to replace with another let's ~ the subject  b. to make a shift from one to another ; switch always ~s sides in an argument  c. to ex~ for an equivalent sum of money (as in smaller denominations or in a foreign currency) ~ a 20-dollar bill  d. to undergo a modification of foliage changing color  e. to put fresh clothes or covering on ~ a bed  intransitive verb  1. to become different her mood ~s every hour  2. of the moon to pass from one phase to another  3. to shift one's means of conveyance ; transfer on the bus trip he had to ~ twice  4. of the voice to shift to lower register ; break  5. to undergo transformation, transition, or substitution winter ~d to spring  6. to put on different clothes need a few minutes to ~ for dinner  7. ex~, switch neither liked his seat so they ~d with each other  • ~r noun Synonyms:  ~, alter, vary, modify mean to make or become different. ~ implies making either an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another ~d the shirt for a larger size. alter implies a difference in some particular respect without suggesting loss of identity slightly altered the original design. vary stresses a breaking away from sameness, duplication, or exact repetition vary your daily routine. modify suggests a difference that limits, restricts, or adapts to a new purpose modified the building for use by the disabled.  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1. the act, process, or result of changing: as  a. alteration a ~ in the weather  b. transformation a time of vast social ~ going through ~s  c. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (changes, changing, changed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If there is a change in something, it becomes different. The ambassador appealed for a change in US policy... What is needed is a change of attitude on the part of architects... There are going to have to be some drastic changes... In Zaire political change is on its way... 1998 was an important year for everyone: a time of change. N-VAR: usu with supp see also sea change 2. If you say that something is a change or makes a change, you mean that it is enjoyable because it is different from what you are used to. It is a complex system, but it certainly makes a change... Do you feel like you could do with a change? N-SING c darkgreen]approval 3. If you change from one thing to another, you stop using or doing the first one and start using or doing the second. His doctor increased the dosage but did not change to a different medication... He changed from voting against to abstaining. VERB: V to n, V from -ing/n to 4. When something changes or when you change it, it becomes different. We are trying to detect and understand how the climates change... In the union office, the mood gradually changed from resignation to rage... She has now changed into a happy, self-confident woman... They should change the law to make it illegal to own replica weapons... Trees are changing colour earlier than last year... He is a changed man since you left... A changing world has put pressures on the corporation. = alter VERB: V, V from n to n, V into n, V n, V n, V-ed, V-ing 5. To change something means to replace it with something new or different. I paid ?80 to have my car radio fixed and I bet all they did was change a fuse... If you want to change your doctor there are two ways of doing it. VERB: V n, V n • Change is also a noun. A change of leadership alone will not be enough. N-COUNT: oft a N of n 6. When you change your clothes or change, you take some or all of your clothes...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »BECOME DIFFERENT« to become different  (Susan has changed a lot since I last saw her. | changing circumstances/attitudes etc)  (Animals must be able to adapt to changing conditions in order to survive. | change out of all recognition (=change completely))  (The town I grew up in has changed out of all recognition. | change colour)  (The leaves are slowly changing colour. | not change your spots (=never change your character or habits)) 2 »MAKE STH/SB DIFFERENT« to make something or someone different  (plans to change the voting system | Having a baby changes your life completely.) 3 »FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER« to stop having or doing one thing and start having or doing something else instead  (change (from sth) to sth)  (We've changed from traditional methods of production to an automated system. | change your name/address/job etc)  (Emma refused to change her name when she married. | change jobs/cars etc (=change from one to another) | change course/direction (=start to move in a different direction))  (Our ship changed course and headed south. | change the subject (=talk about something else))  (I'm sick of politics. Let's change the subject. | change tack (=try a different method of dealing with a situation))  (Paul decided to change sides halfway through the debate. | change sides (=leave one side and join the other one))  (Perhaps my cold reaction persuaded him to change tack in his dealings with the committee. | change ends (=to move to opposite ends of a tennis court or football field during a game))  (The two teams change ends at half-time.) 4 change your mind to change your decision, plan, or opinion about something + abou  (If you change your mind about the job, just give me a call.) 5 a) »CLOTHES« to take off your clothes and put on different ones  (I'm just going upstairs to change.) + into/out of  (Why don't you change into something more comfortable? | It's time you changed your socks. | get changed (=put on different clothes)) b) to put fresh clothes on a baby or fresh covers...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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