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Англо-русский биологический словарь - chain


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цепь; цепочка

chain of attackchain of food organismschain of transformersdouble chainelectron transport chainfood chainH chainheavy chaininvariable chainJ chainjoining chainjoint chainL chainlight chainreaction chainredox chainreflex chainrespiratory chainside chainsingle chaintransfer chain

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См. в других словарях

  down ограничивать, сковывать кого-л. I dont want to chain you down, feel free to use your own ideas. My mother always complained of being chained down to housework. CHAIN bridge цепной мост CHAIN mail кольчуга CHAIN of happenings цепь событий CHAIN of mountains горная цепь CHAIN reaction цепная реакция CHAIN to ограничивать, сковывать кого-л. чем-л. My mother always complained of being chained to the house. CHAIN armour кольчуга CHAIN and buckets tech. нория CHAIN  1. noun  1) цепь; цепочка - chain of mountains - chain of happenings - chain and buckets  2) usu. pl. оковы, узы  3) мерная цепь (тж. Gunters chain = 66 фут. = 20 м)  4) однотипные магазины, театры и т.п., принадлежащие одной фирме; система, сеть newspaper chains - газетные тресты, объединения  5) attr. цепной - chain reaction - chain armour - chain mail - chain belt - chain bridge - chain broadcasting - chain cable  2. v.  1) скреплять, приковывать цепью к кому-л., чему-л. (to) in former times, prisoners were chained to the wall or to one another. to chain up - привязывать (обычно животное) в помещении Of course the dog makes such a noise, the poor creature is chained up all day.  2) сковывать; держать в цепях to chain up a dog - посадить собаку на цепь  3) привязывать chained to the desk - прикованный к письменному столу - chain down - chain to Syn: see shackle CHAIN cable якорная цепь CHAIN letter noun письмо (обыкн. религиозно-мистического содержания), рассылаемое по нескольким адресам с тем, чтобы получатель разослал его другим...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. цепь; цепочка watch and chain —- часы с цепочкой chain cable —- мор. якорная цепь chain belt —- тех. цепной привод, цепная передача chain saw —- тех. цепная пила 2. горный хребет, гряда, горная цепь 3. pl. оковы, узы, цепи in chains —- в оковах chains of colonialism —- оковы колониализма 4. последовательность, связь, ход, цепь chain broadcasting —- рад. одновременная передача одной программы несколькими станциями chain of events —- цепь событий chain of proofs —- цепь доказательств chain of discourse —- ход рассуждения 5. система, сеть chain of radio stations —- сеть радиостанций 6. спец. цепь; цепочка transformation chain —- физ. цепочка радиоактивных превращений, радиоактивный ряд nuclear fission chain —- физ. ядерная цепная реакция decay chain —- физ. цепочка распадов; радиоактивный ряд chain reflex —- физиол. цепной рефлекс 7. тех. ряд звеньев (передачи) chain block —- тех. таль chain tread —- гусеничный ход chain track —- гусеничный трак 8. тех. нория; ковшовый элеватор 9. ком. сеть розничных магазинов (одной фирмы) full-line chain —- сеть магазинов с универсальным ассортиментом 10. сеть однородных предприятий theatre chain —- киносеть, принадлежащая одной компании newspaper chain —- газетный концерн bank chain —- банк с филиалами chain restaurant —- один из однотипных ресторанов 11. бакт....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  цепь; цепочка – chain of attack – chain of food organisms – chain of transformers – double chain – electron transport chain – food chain – H chain – invariable chain – J chain – L chain – reaction chain – redox chain – reflex chain – respiratory chain – side chain – single chain – transfer chain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. цепь - chain of command - chain of commands - chain of retail stores - daisy chain - production chain - value chain CHAIN сущ. 1) общ. цепь, цепочка (предмет, состоящий из соединенных между собой железных колец, также в переносном смысле: вереница, череда, связь последовательных событий) 2) сеть, система а)общ. (совокупность однородных взаимосвязанных учреждений, устройств или лиц, выполняющих одно задание, работу) See: chain discount marketing chain chain of production and distribution markup chain б) эк. (сеть однородных предприятий (одного владельца или под одним управлением)) See: chain warehouse в) торг. (сеть розничных магазинов (одной фирмы)) Syn: retail chain See: affiliated chain chain store 1) chain supermarket department store chain discount chain drug chain fast-food chain general merchandise chain off-price chain restaurant chain wholesale chain wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chain 3) общ. чейн (мера длины, равная 20 м) 4) т. граф. цепь а)(в неориентированном графе- маршрут, все ребра которого различны) б) (в ориентированном графе- последовательность вершин, в которой соседние вершины определяют дугу) CHAIN цепь; последовательность – binary chain – production chain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) цепь; цепочка 2) цепной механизм 3) мерная цепь измерять мерной цепью 4) чейн (единица длины, равная 20,12 м) 5) горный хребет 6) последовательность, цепочка, ряд 7) цепь, система (напр., событий) main valency chain — - Markov chain - absorbing chain - alternating chain - aperiodic chain - articulated-link chain - atomic chain - augmentation preserving chain - augmenting chain - band chain - binary chain - block chain - bounding projective chain - branched chain - bucket chain - buckle chain - cam chain - causal chain - cause-effect chain - cellular chain - chain of arcs - chain of complex - chain of effects - chain of events - chain of hummocks - chain of ideals - chain of inferences - chain of sets - chain of simplexes - chain of subgroups - chain of syzygy - chain of triangles - characteristic chain - closed chain - complete chain - composite chain - composition chain - conjugated chain - connected chain - continuous chain - coupling chain - crane chain - cutting chain - cyclic chain - decomposable chain - decomposed chain - deductive chain - degenerate chain - dense chain - dense-in-itself chain - derived chain - directed chain - discharge chain - discrete chain - dismountable chain - disordered chain - dissipative chain - double chain - double-hinged cutting chain - driving chain - dual chain - epsilon chain - ergodic chain - essential chain - essentially irreducible chain - extended chain - finite chain - flat chain - flight chain - four-link chain - geometrically ergodic chain - globally finite chain - gripping chain - guide chain - haul chain - haul roller chain - hauling chain - highly branched chain - hoisting chain - holomorphic chain - home chain - homogeneous chain - homologous chain - hook-link chain - imbedded chain - indecomposable chain - inessential chain - infinite chain - integer chain - inverse chain - irreducible chain - iterative chain - jump chain - kibble chain - leaf chain...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) цепь 2) канал 3) шлейф – camera chain – charging chain – code chain – command chain – digital chain – discharging chain – receive chain – recording chain – shorted chain – studio camera chain – transmit chain – vertical divider chain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  цепь; мерная цепь chain of holes chain of locks chain of power plants chain of triangulation band chain bucket chain door chain engineer's chain measuring chain pitch chain safety chain sling chains tyre-protection chains ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) цепь; цепочка образовывать (формировать) цепь или цепочку; сцепляться 2) геод. мерная цепь измерять мерной цепью (расстояние) 3) цепной механизм 4) последовательность 5) система; сеть (напр. станций) 6) тракт; канал 7) застёжка-молния; закрытая цепочка застёжки-молнии 8) чейн (единица длины) - chain of commands - anchor chain - antiskid chain - backbone chain - basic chain - bead chain - binary chain - bit chain - block chain - brake chain - branched chain - bridle chain - broadcasting television chain - bucket chain - bull chain - bushing chain - bush chain - call chain - camera chain - carbon backbone chain - carrier chain - closed kinematic chain - code chain - conveyor chain - crane chain - cross-linked chain - cutting chain - daisy chain - decay chain - decking chain - deck chain - deviner chain - distribution chain - double-stranded chain - drag chain - drive chain - dry chain - electroblasting chain - elevator chain - embedded Markov chain - endless chain - engineer's chain - feed chain - feeder chain - film chain - food chain - forked chain - green chain - Gunter's chain - handbrake chain - haulage chain - hierarchical chain - hoisting chain - hoist operation chain - hydrocarbon chain - hypothetical reference chain - insulator chain - inverted-tooth chain - killing chain - kinematic chain - land chain - lazy chain - lifting chain - linear chain - link chain - link belt chain - loading chain - log chain - logic chain - Loran chain - main chain - Markov chain - measurement chain - oil chain - open kinematic chain - ore pass chain - packaging chain - paddled conveyor chain - panning chain - pattern chain - pickup chain - planar conveyor chain - playback chain - pointer chain - poll chain - polymer chain - processing chain - proton-proton chain - pull chain - pulse chain - receive chain - recording chain - roller...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a connected flexible series of esp. metal links as decoration or for a practical purpose. b something resembling this (formed a human chain). 2 (in pl.) a fetters used to confine prisoners. b any restraining force. 3 a sequence, series, or set (chain of events; mountain chain). 4 a group of associated hotels, shops, newspapers, etc. 5 a badge of office in the form of a chain worn round the neck (mayoral chain). 6 a a jointed measuring-line consisting of linked metal rods. b its length (66 ft.). 7 Chem. a group of (esp. carbon) atoms bonded in sequence in a molecule. 8 a figure in a quadrille or similar dance. 9 (in pl.) Naut. channels (see CHANNEL(2)). 10 (also chain-shot) hist. two cannon-balls or half balls joined by a chain and used in sea battles for bringing down a mast etc. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by up) secure or confine with a chain. 2 confine or restrict (a person) (is chained to the office). Phrases and idioms chain-armour armour made of interlaced rings. chain bridge a suspension bridge on chains. chain drive a system of transmission by endless chains. chain-gang a team of convicts chained together and forced to work in the open air. chain-gear a gear transmitting motion by means of an endless chain. chain-letter one of a sequence of letters the recipient of which is requested to send copies to a specific number of other people. chain-link made of wire in a diamond-shaped mesh (chain-link fencing). chain-mail = chain-armour. chain reaction 1 Physics a self-sustaining nuclear reaction, esp. one in which a neutron from a fission reaction initiates a series of these reactions. 2 Chem. a self-sustaining molecular reaction in which intermediate products initiate further reactions. 3 a series of events, each caused by the previous one. chain-saw a motor-driven saw with teeth on an endless chain. chain-smoker a person who smokes continually, esp. one who lights a cigarette etc. from the stub of the last one smoked. chain-stitch an ornamental embroidery or crochet stitch resembling chains. chain store one of a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name Ernst Boris 1906-1979 British (German-born) biochemist CHAIN  I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English cheyne, from Anglo-French chaene, from Latin catena  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a series of usually metal links or rings connected to or fitted into one another and used for various purposes (as support, restraint, transmission of mechanical power, or measurement)  b. a series of links used or worn as an ornament or insignia  c.  (1) a measuring instrument of 100 links used in surveying  (2) a unit of length equal to 66 feet (about 20 meters)  2. something that confines, restrains, or secures  3.  a. a series of things linked, connected, or associated together a ~ of events a mountain ~  b. a group of enterprises or institutions of the same kind or function usually under a single ownership, management, or control fast-food ~s  c. a number of atoms or chemical groups united like links in a ~  II. transitive verb  Date: 14th century  1. to obstruct or protect by a ~  2. to fasten, bind, or connect with or as if with a ~; also fetter ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (chains, chaining, chained) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A chain consists of metal rings connected together in a line. His open shirt revealed a fat gold chain... The dogs were leaping and growling at the full stretch of their chains. N-COUNT 2. If prisoners are in chains, they have thick rings of metal round their wrists or ankles to prevent them from escaping. He’d spent four and a half years in windowless cells, much of the time in chains. N-PLURAL: in N 3. If a person or thing is chained to something, they are fastened to it with a chain. The dog was chained to the leg of the one solid garden seat... She chained her bike to the railings... We were sitting together in our cell, chained to the wall. VERB: be V-ed to n, V n to n, V-ed, also V n adv/prep • Chain up means the same as chain. I’ll lock the doors and chain you up... All the rowing boats were chained up. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V-ed P, also V P n (not pron) 4. A chain of things is a group of them existing or arranged in a line. ...a chain of islands known as the Windward Islands... Students tried to form a human chain around the parliament. N-COUNT: N of n 5. A chain of shops, hotels, or other businesses is a number of them owned by the same person or company. ...a large supermarket chain. ...Italy’s leading chain of cinemas. N-COUNT: with supp 6. A chain of events is a series of them happening one after another. ...the bizarre chain of events that led to his departure in January 1938. = series N-SING: N of n 7. see also food chain ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »JOINED RINGS« a series of rings, usually made of metal, which are joined together in a line and used for fastening things, supporting weights, decoration etc  (Look at the gold chain Tim bought me! | a length of chain | a bridge supported on heavy chains | We had to stop and put chains on the tires. | a bicycle chain (=that makes the wheels turn) | chain of office BrE (=a decoration worn by some officials at ceremonies)) 2 chain of events/circumstances etc a connected series of events etc  (the chain of events that led to World War I)  (- see also chain of command, food chain) 3 »SHOPS/HOTELS« a number of shops, hotels, cinemas etc owned or managed by the same company or person + of  (a chain of restaurants) hotel/restaurant/retail etc chain  (a major American hotel chain) 4 »CONNECTED LINE« people, mountains, islands etc forming a line  (the largest mountain chain in North America | Everybody link arms to make a chain.) 5 »PRISONER« chains chains fastened to a prisoner's legs and arms, to prevent them from escaping  (in chains)  (There were a number of men in chains, all sentenced to death.) 6 »BUYING A HOUSE« C usually singular BrE a number of people buying houses in a situation where each person must complete the sale of their own house before they can buy the next person's house 7 »MEASURE« a measurement of length, used in the past ~2 v 1 to fasten someone or something to something else, especially in order to prevent them from escaping or being stolen  (chain sb/sth up)  (She wouldn't chain her dog up, and it got killed on the main road. | chain sb/sth together)  (convicts working all chained together | chain sb/sth to sth)  (There's a bicycle chained to the railings out front.) 2 be chained to something to have your freedom restricted because of a responsibility you cannot escape  (With a sick husband she's chained to the house all day.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., from O.Fr. chaeine, from L. catena "chain," from PIE base *kat- "to twist, twine." A chain of stores is Amer.Eng., 1846. Chain letter first recorded 1906. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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