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Англо-русский биологический словарь - cell


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Перевод с английского языка cell на русский


1) клетка

2) ячейка

3) камера

cell of Bergmann's fibercell of Fananaabsorbing cellaccessory cellaccessory pigment cellacidophil cellacinar cellacoustic hair celladipose celladventitional cellair cellallergized cellallogenerated cellallogenerated killer cellallogenic cellalpha cellamoebocytic cellamoeboid cellanaphylactic target cellantheridial cellantibody-armed cellantibody-coated cellantibody-containing cellantibody-forming cellantibody-generating cellantibody-producing cellantigen-educated cellantigen-experienced cellantigen-exposed cellantigen-presenting cellantigen-responsive cellantigen-sensitive cellantigen-specific cellapical cellarchesporial cellargyrophil cellattacker cellatypical cardiac muscle cellautoaggressive cellautoimmune helper cellautologous responding cellauxiliary cellbacterial cellBaer's cellbasal cellbasal anal cellbasket cellbasophil cellbee's cellsbeta cellBetz cellbinucleate cellbipolar cellB-lineage cellblood cellbody cellbone cellboosted memory cellbottle cellbristle cellbroad cellbrown fat cellburst-forming cellbystander tumor cellcaliciform cellcameloid cellcanal cellcancer cellcancerous cellcarrier-primed cellcarrier-specific T helper cellcartilaginous cellcentroacinar cellchalice cellchlorophyll-containing cellchromaffin cellchromatophore cellciliated cellClaudius' cellcleavage cellclonogenic cellclosed cellclumped cellscluster-forming cellscold target NK cellcollagen-producing cellcollar cellcollared flagellate cellcolumnar cellcommitted cellcommon lymphoid stem cellcommon myeloid stem cellcompanion cellConA-induced suppressor cellcone cellcontrasuppressor T cellCoombs' positive red cellCorti's cellcounting cellcouple cellcovering cellCraig-type dialysis cellCSF-producing cellcuboidal cellculture-origin cellcycling cellcytocidal cellcytotoxic cellcytotoxic T celldaughter celldecidual cellDeiters' celldelayer-type T celldemilune cellsdentinal celldiscal celldistal retinula celldividing celldormant celldrone celldurative celldust cellsEAC-rosetting cellEA-rosetting celleducated celleffector cellegg cellelementary cellembryo cellembryonic cellenamel cellend cellenterochromaffin celleosinophil cellependymal cellepidermal cellepithelial cellepithelial glial cellE-rosetting cellethmoidal air cellsexcitatory cellexocrine cellFcellF+ cellfat cellfatty cellfeeder cellflame cellflask cellfloor cellflow cellflow-through cellfluorescence-bright cellfluorescence-dull cellfollicular cellfoot cellformative cellfounder cellfree cellFreund's cellsganglionic nerve cellgenerative cellgenetical storage cellsgerm cellgerminal cellGey's HeLa epithelial cellsgiant cellgland cellglandular cellglass-adherent cellglass-nonadherent cellglia cellglial Golgi cellglomerulosa cellsGNA cellgoblet cellGolgi cellGram-negative cellGram-positive cellgranule cellgranulobasal cellguard cellhair cellhapten-binding cellhapten-primed cellhaptenylated cellHeLa cellshelper cellhemic cellhemolysin-coated cellhemopoietic cellHensen's cellhepatic cellHersch's cellhigh-producer cellhistoincompatible cellshorizontal cellhorizontal spindle-shaped nerve cellhorn cellHortega cellhost cellhybrid cellhybridoma cellhydropot cellIg-secreting cellill-defined cellimmature cellimmobilized cellsimmune cellimmunocompetent cellimmunoglobulin-producing cellimmunologically committed lymphoid cellimmunoregulatory cellinclusion-bearing cellinitial cellinner hair cellinterstitial cellinterstitial glandular cell of testisintestinal acidophil celliris celliris pigment cellirritation cellislet cellisotype-uncommitted B celljuvenile celljuvenile B cellK-cellkiller cellKupffer cellLanghans celllarge-field celllasso cellLeydig's cellliber cellslight-producing celllip cellliving celllutein celllymph cellmajor mastoid air cellmale cellmalignant cellmantle cellMarchand's cellmarginal cellmarrow cellmast cellmastoid cellmastoid air cellmature cellmechanical cellmemory cellmeristematic cellmesenchyme cellmigratory cellmini cellmitral cellmixed-lineage cellsmobile cellmodified self cellmononuclear cellmossy cellmother cellmultinucleate cellmyeloid cellmyeloma cellnaked cellnatural cytotoxic cellnatural killer cellnatural suppressor cellNC cellnerve cellnerve multipolar cellnettling cellneurosecretory cellNK cellNK-sensitive cellnoncorrectly fused cellsnoncycling cellnonproliferating cellnonspiking cellNS cellnurse cellnutritive celloil cellolfactory cellopen cellosseous cellosteogenetic cellouter limiting cellouter phalangeal cellouter supporting cellpairing cellpalisade cellPaneth cellparenchymatous cellparent cellparietal cellpassage cellpassenger cellspavement cellpericapillary cellpheochrome cellphotogenic cellphotoreceptor cellpigment cellpillar cellpituitary cellplankton counting cellplant cellplaque-forming cellplasma cellpluripotential cellpole cellpostfusional cellpostmitotic mature cellpre-B cellprecommitted cellprekiller cellpremitotic cellpresenter cellprickle cellprimed lymphoid cellprimed responder cellprimitive blood cellprimitive sperm cellprimordial germ cellprogenitor cellpromotor cellprop cellprothallial cellPurkinje's cellpus cellpyramidal cellqueen cellquiescent cellradiate glial cellred blood cellrepopulating cellreserve cellresponder cellresting cellrestricted stem cellreticuloendothelial cellRieder cellrod cellrod nuclear cellrosette-forming cellsRouget cellroyal cellsatellite glial cellscavenger cellSchultze's cellSchwann's cellsecondary B cellsecretory cellsegmentated cellsegmentation cellself cellself-reactive cellself-restricted cellself-specific cellsense cellsensitized cellsensory cellSertoli's cellsessile phagocytic cellsex cellsexual cellshadow cellsheath cellsickle cellsieve cellsister cellsskein cellsmall cell of Ramon-y-Cajalsomatic cellsperm cellspermatogenous cellspider cellspiking cellspinal ganglion cellspindle cellspiny epithelial cellsporogenous cellspot-forming cellsquamous cellsquamous epithelial cellstab cellstaff cellstalk cellstar cellstarlike cellstellate cellstellate endothelial cellstellate nerve cellstem cellstimulator cellstinging cellstone cellstromal cellsubstituting cellsupporting cellsupporting glial cell of fibersuppressor cellsuppressor-enriched T cellsswarm cellswitch T cellsympathicotropic cellsympathochromaffin celltactile celltapetal celltarget celltarget binding celltaste cellterminal celltesticular follicular cellthymus-repopulating cellT-lineage celltotipotent celltouch cellT-proliferative celltracheidal celltriggered celltrophochrome cellT suppressor-cytotoxic celltumor cellTürk irritation celluncommitted cellundifferentiated cellunprimed cellvasoformative cellvegetative cellveiled cellveto cellvirgin B cellvisual cellwandering cellwandering resting cellwhip cellwhite cellwhite blood cellwhite branched epidermal cellyeast cellyolk cellzymogenic cell

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  • грозовой очаг• диффузор• растровая ячейка ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
   1. noun  1) ячейка; ячея; polit. ячейка  2) тюремная камера - condemned cell  3) келья  4) небольшой монастырь; обитель; скит  5) poet. могила  6) biol. клетка; клеточка  7) tech. отсек, камера  8) electr. элемент  9) aeron. секция крыла  2. v.  1) помещать в клетку  2) находиться в клетке  3) сидеть за решеткой ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. камера; отсек, секция storage cell —- спец. хранилище 2. биол. физиол. клетка; ячейка blood cell —- клетка крови, кровяное тельце body cell —- соматическая клетка sexual cell —- половая клетка cell biology —- биология клетки, цитобиология cell carrier —- фагоцит cell dissolution —- клеточный распад cell fusion —- слияние клеток cell culture —- клеточная культура; культивирование клеток, выращивание клеток вне организма 3. тюремная камера condemned cell —- камера смертников 4. мор. карцер 5. келья 6. скит; обитель, небоьшой монастырь 7. могила, последняя обитель 8. ячейка, ячея (в сотах) 9. полит. ячейка 10. спец. элемент electrolitic cell —- эл. гальванический элемент 11. фотоэлемент 12. тех. датчик 13. ам. воен. резервное подразделение; команда 14. ав. секция крыла 15. целла (внутреннее помещение античного храма) 16. кин. целлулоидная заготовка мультфильма 17. комп. ячейка (памяти) Id: little grey cells —- серое вещество мозга Id: use your little grey cells —- шевели мозгами! 18. редк. жить в келье, камере ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  полит. ячейка Ячейка экстремистской или террористической организации, радикальной политической партии. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) клетка 2) ячейка 3) камера – cell of Bergmann's fiber – cell of Fanana – absorbing cell – accessory cell – accessory pigment cell – acidophil cell – acinar cell – acoustic hair cell – adipose cell – adventitional cell – air cell – allergized cell – allogenerated cell – allogenerated killer cell – allogenic cell – alpha cell – amoebocytic cell – amoeboid cell – anaphylactic target cell – antheridial cell – antibody-armed cell – antibody-containing cell – antibody-forming cell – antigen-educated cell – antigen-presenting cell – antigen-responsive cell – antigen-sensitive cell – antigen-specific cell – apical cell – archesporial cell – argyrophil cell – attacker cell – atypical cardiac muscle cell – autoaggressive cell – autoimmune helper cell – autologous responding cell – auxilliary cell – bacterial cell – Baer's cell – basal cell – basal anal cell – basket cell – basophil cell – bee's cells – beta cell – Betz cell – binucleate cell – bipolar cell – B-lineage cell – blood cell – body cell – bone cell – boosted memory cell – bottle cell – bristle cell – broad cell – brown fat cell – burst-forming cell – bystander tumor cell – caliciform cell – cameloid cell – canal cell – cancer cell – carrier-primed cell – carrier-specific T helper cell – cartilaginous cell – centroacinar cell – chalice cell – chlorophyll-containing cell – chromaffin cell – chromatophore cell – ciliated cell – Claudius' cell – cleavage cell – clonogenic cell – closed cell – clumped cells – cluster-forming cells – cold target NK cell – collagen-producing cell – collar cell – columnar cell – committed cell – common lymphoid stem cell – common myeloid stem cell – companion cell – ConA-induced suppressor cell – cone cell – contrasuppressor T cell – Coombs' positive red cell – Corti's cell – counting cell – couple cell – covering cell – Craig-type dialysis cell –...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) батарея 2) датчик; сенсор ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) клетка 2) камера; ячейка, отсек; секция 3) келья 4) кювета 5) машиностр. производственная ячейка; гибкий производственный модуль, ГПМ 6) полигр. растровая ячейка (формы глубокой печати) 7) (гальванический) элемент; (питающая) батарейка 8) метал. (электролитическая) ванна, электролизёр 9) электр. банка аккумулятора standing loss of cell — саморазряд аккумулятора to attach a cell — топ. приклеивать клетку - Benard convection cell - Daniell cell - Grove cell - Hele-Shaw cell - Kerr cell - Leclanche cell - Meidinger cell - Weston normal cell - absolute cell - abstract cell - adherent cell - air cell - array cell - balloon cell - basic cell - binary cell - bipolar cell - cable line cell - caustic-soda cell - closed cell - combinatorial cell - continuous cell - convex cell - data cell - deformation cell - disjunctive cell - double bee cell - dry cell - drying cell - effector cell - elementary cell - empty cell - filter cell - force cell - formed-type cell - fuel cell - galvanic cell - gas cell - homology cell - homotopical cell - hot cell - icosahedral cell - inner cell - input cell - irreversible cell - lead-acid cell - local cell - memory cell - mirror cell - multielement cell - n-dimensional cell - nerve cell - nickel-cadmium cell - nickel-zinc cell - normal cell - nuclear cell - one-dimensional cell - open cell - oriented cell - parametric cell - pertaining to cell - phase space cell - photoconductive cell - photovoltaic cell - pilot cell - planar cell - pocket-plate cell - polyhedral cell - primary cell - receptor cell - regular cell - regulator cell - relative cell - root cell - saturated standard cell - screen cell - secondary cell - seed cell - selenium cell - silicon solar cell - silver-cadmium cell - silver-zinc cell - simplicial cell - singular cell -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) элемент 2) ячейка, сота 3) интервал – adjacent cells – assigned cell – ATM cell – back-wall photogalvanic cell – bias cell – bit cell – button-rechargeable cell – cadmium cell – cadmium-sulfide cell – central cell – color cell – common cell – conductivity cell – Crawford cell – crown cell – dry cell – electrical cell – emergency cell – fuel cell – galvanic cell – hexagonal cell – high-pressure fuel cell – idle cell – incoming cell – invalid cell – lead-sulfide cell – light-sensitive cell – lithium cell – local cell – optoelectronic cell – outgoing cell – photoconductive cell – photoelectric cell – photoemissive cell – photomultiplier cell – photoresistive cell – photovoltaic cell – photronic cell – physical layer cell – piezoelectric cell – Pockels cell – reserved cell – resolution cell – satellite cell – selenium cell – shadowed solar cell – solar cell – small cell – storage cell – thermal cell – token cell – transmit-receive cell – unassigned cell – valid cell – voltaic cell – Westen cadmium cell ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  ячейка; отсек; камера; секция (гальванический) элемент, батарея сегмент ребристого свода пустота air filter cell doorstopper cell filter cell flotation cell Glotzl pressure cell hydraulic load cell hydraulic overflow settlement cell hydraulic pressure cell load cell mini earth pressure cell pneumatic/hydraulic pressure cell pneumatic settlement cell pore-water pressure cell prison cell Rowe consolidation cell semicircular cell sheetpile cell solar cell triaxial cell ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) клетка 2) камера; секция; отсек; ячейка 3) элемент 4) (гальванический) элемент 5) (электролитическая) ванна, электролизёр 6) сосуд; кювета; баллон 7) эл. шайба (выпрямителя) 8) эл. изолировочная гильза 9) камера для работы с радиоактивными веществами 10) строит. сегмент ребристого свода 11) мн. ч. строит. пустоты в кирпиче или камне 12) машиностр. гибкий производственный модуль, ГП-модуль, ГПМ; гибкий автоматизированный участок, ГАУ; ставочный участок 13) ячейка памяти 14) грозовой очаг, грозовой район (в зоне полёта) 15) баллон (аэростата) 16) полигр. растровая ячейка (формы глубокой печати) 17) пищ. диффузор 18) ячейка (тарный вкладыш) cell with free diffusion boundaries — ячейка со свободной диффузией на границе жидкостей; cell with liquid junction — ячейка с жидкостным соединением; cell with open liquid junction — ячейка с открытым жидкостным соединением; cell without transference — элемент без переноса; cell with transference — элемент с переносом - cell of table - absorbing cell - accumulator cell - acid cell - Acker cell - AD cell - aeration cell - aftertreatment cell - agglomerate cell - air-depolarizing cell - air-hydrogen fuel cell - airlift flotation cell - airproof cell - alkali-chlorine cell - alkaline cell - Alien-Moore cell - aluminum cell - amalgam cell - ammonia-air fuel cell - amorphous solar cell - anisotropically etched solar cell - aqueous fuel cell - arc-heated cell - array cell - asymmetrical cell...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a small room, esp. in a prison or monastery. 2 a small compartment, e.g. in a honeycomb. 3 a small group as a nucleus of political activity, esp. of a subversive kind. 4 hist. a small monastery or nunnery dependent on a larger one. 5 Biol. a the structural and functional usu. microscopic unit of an organism, consisting of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane. b an enclosed cavity in an organism etc. 6 Electr. a vessel for containing electrodes within an electrolyte for current-generation or electrolysis. Derivatives celled adj. (also in comb.). Etymology: ME f. OF celle or f. L cella storeroom etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, religious house and Anglo-French ~e hermit's ~, from Latin ~a small room; akin to Latin celare to conceal — more at hell  Date: 12th century  1. a small religious house dependent on a monastery or convent  2.  a. a one-room dwelling occupied by a solitary person (as a hermit)  b. a single room (as in a convent or prison) usually for one person  3. a small compartment, cavity, or bounded space: as  a. one of the compartments of a honeycomb  b. a membranous area bounded by veins in the wing of an insect  4. a small usually microscopic mass of protoplasm bounded externally by a semipermeable membrane, usually including one or more nuclei and various other organelles with their products, capable alone or interacting with other ~s of performing all the fundamental functions of life, and forming the smallest structural unit of living matter capable of functioning independently  5.  a.  (1) a receptacle containing electrodes and an electrolyte either for generating electricity by chemical action or for use in electrolysis  (2) fuel ~  b. a single unit in a device for converting radiant energy into electrical energy or for varying the intensity of an electrical current in accordance with radiation  6. a unit in a statistical array (as a spreadsheet) formed by the intersection of a column and a row  7. a basic and usually small unit of an organization or movement terrorist ~s  8. a portion of the atmosphere that behaves as a unit a storm ~  9.  a. any of the small sections of a geographic area of a ~ular telephone system  b. ~ phone ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (cells) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A cell is the smallest part of an animal or plant that is able to function independently. Every animal or plant is made up of millions of cells. Those cells divide and give many other different types of cells. ...blood cells... Soap destroys the cell walls of bacteria. N-COUNT 2. A cell is a small room in which a prisoner is locked. A cell is also a small room in which a monk or nun lives. N-COUNT 3. You can refer to a small group of people within a larger organization as a cell. N-COUNT: usu n N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the smallest part of a living thing that can exist independently  (cancer cells | red blood cells) 2 a small room in a prison, monastery, or convent where someone sleeps 3 a piece of equipment for producing electricity from chemicals, heat, or light  (alkaline battery cells) 4 a small group of people who are working secretly as part of a larger political organization  (a terrorist cell) 5 a small space that an insect or other small creature has made to live in or use  (the cells of a honeycomb) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Continuous Education And Lasting Loss telec. abbr. Caller Enabled Leased Line educ. abbr. Collectively Explorative Learning Labs NASDAQ abbr. BrightPoint, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. cell, from L. cella "small room, hut," related to L. celare "to hide, conceal," from PIE base *kel- "conceal." Earliest sense (14c.) is for monastic rooms, then prison rooms (18c.). Used in biology 17c., but not in modern sense until 1845. Cellphone is from 1984. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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