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Англо-русский биологический словарь - camp


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  out  а) ночевать в палатках или на открытом воздухе The children love camping out when we go on holiday.  б) жить в течение короткого времени (с кем-л.) When they were first married, Jim and Mary had no home of their own, so they had to camp out with Marys parents. CAMP telephone полевой телефон CAMP of instruction mil. учебный лагерь CAMP  1. noun  1) лагерь; стан - camp of instruction  2) стоянка; бивак, место привала, ночевка на открытом воздухе (экскурсантов и т.п.)  3) лагерь, стан, сторона Peter and Jack belong to different camps - Питер и Джек принадлежат к разным лагерям - in the same camp  4) amer. загородный домик, дача (в лесу) to take into camp - убить  2. v.  1) располагаться лагерем  2) жить (где-л.) временно без всяких удобств - camp out - camp up CAMP up переигрывать; доводить игру до абсурда You might offend your hosts if you camp it up at the party in your usual way. CAMP Campaign Against Marijuana Planting noun движение против насаждения марихуаны ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. лагерь (спортивный, детский и т. п.); база отдыха base camp —- спорт. базовый лагерь open camp —- спорт. лагерь на открытом воздухе summer camp —- летний лагерь (для детей, молодежи) he is going to a summer camp —- он выезжает на лето за город camp equipment —- полевое снаряжение (для изыскательных работ и т. п.) 2. воен. лагерь, бивак camp commander —- начальник лагеря camp of instruction —- учебный лагерь 3. лагерь (место заключения) death (extermination) camp —- лагерь смерти (фашистский) prison camp —- лагерь для военнопленных или политических заключенных 4. стоянка, место привала; ночевка на открытом воздухе to pitch camp —- расположиться (стать) лагерем to make camp —- ам. располагаться лагерем to break (to strike) camp —- сниматься с лагеря, свертывать лагерь 5. стан, становище; стойбище 6. табор (цыган) 7. с-х. полевой стан 8. ам. дача; вилла; загородный дом; летняя резиденция 9. лагерь, стан; сторона socialist camp —- социалистический лагерь opposition camp —- лагерь оппозиции in the same camp —- одного образа мыслей to be in different camps —- принадлежать к разным лагерям 10. солдатская жизнь, солдатский быт 11. военная служба, солдатчина Id: to have a foot in both camps —- служить и нашим и вашим Id: to take into camp —- ам. забрать в свои руки; победить; нанести поражение;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) лагерь 2) место привала или стоянки 3) загородный дом; вилла 4) мед. ущемление, инкарцерация incarceration in camp — лишение свободы to serve time in a camp — отбывать срок в лагере ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  лагерь амер.дача, вилла, загородный дом base camp construction camp holiday camp ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) лагерь 2) вахтовый посёлок - construction camp - logging camp CAMP сокр. от computer-aided mask preparation автоматизированное проектирование фотошаблонов ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a place where troops are lodged or trained. b the military life (court and camp). 2 temporary overnight lodging in tents etc. in the open. 3 a temporary accommodation of various kinds, usu. consisting of huts or tents, for detainees, homeless persons, and other emergency use. b a complex of buildings for holiday accommodation, usu. with extensive recreational facilities. 4 an ancient fortified site or its remains. 5 the adherents of a particular party or doctrine regarded collectively (the Labour camp was jubilant). 6 S.Afr. a portion of veld fenced off for pasture on farms. 7 Austral. & NZ an assembly place of sheep or cattle. --v.intr. 1 set up or spend time in a camp (in senses 1 and 2 of n.). 2 (often foll. by out) lodge in temporary quarters or in the open. 3 Austral. & NZ (of sheep or cattle) flock together esp. for rest. Phrases and idioms camp-bed a folding portable bed of a kind used in camping. camp-fire an open-air fire in a camp etc. camp-follower 1 a civilian worker in a military camp. 2 a disciple or adherent. camp-site a place for camping. Derivatives camping n. Etymology: F f. It. campo f. L campus level ground 2. adj., n., & v. colloq. --adj. 1 affected, effeminate. 2 homosexual. 3 done in an exaggerated way for effect. --n. a camp manner or style. --v.intr. & tr. behave or do in a camp way. Phrases and idioms camp it up overact; behave affectedly. Derivatives campy adj. (campier, campiest). campily adv. campiness n. Etymology: 20th c.: orig. uncert. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name Walter Chauncey 1859-1925 American football coach CAMP  I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle French, probably from Middle French dialect (Picard) or Old Occitan, from Latin ~us plain, field  Date: 1528  1.  a. a place usually away from urban areas where tents or simple buildings (as cabins) are erected for shelter or for temporary residence (as for laborers, prisoners, or vacationers) migrant labor ~  b. a group of tents, cabins, or huts fishing ~s along the river  c. a settlement newly sprung up in a lumbering or mining region  d. a place usually in the country for recreation or instruction often during the summer goes to ~ every July; also a program offering access to recreational or educational facilities for a limited period of time computer ~ a resort offering boating and hiking ~s  e. a preseason training session for athletes the star pitcher injured in ~ this spring  2.  a. a body of persons en~ed  b.  (1) a group of persons; especially a group engaged in promoting or defending a theory, doctrine, position, or person  (2) an ideological position  3. military service or life  II. verb  Date: 1543  intransitive verb  1. to make ~ or occupy a ~  2. to live temporarily in a ~ or outdoors — often used with out  3. to take up one's quarters ; lodge  4. to take up one's position ; settle down — often used with out ~ out in the library for the afternoon  transitive verb to put into a ~; also accommodate  III. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: circa 1909  1. exaggerated effeminate mannerisms exhibited especially by homosexuals  2.  a. something so outrageously artificial, affected, inappropriate, or out-of-date as to be considered amusing  b. a style or mode of personal or creative expression that is absurdly exaggerated and often fuses elements of high and popular culture a movie that celebrates ~  • ~ily adverb  • ~iness noun  • ~y adjective  IV. adjective  Date: 1909 of, relating to, being, or displaying ~ ~ send-ups of the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (camps, camping, camped) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A camp is a collection of huts and other buildings that is provided for a particular group of people, such as refugees, prisoners, or soldiers, as a place to live or stay. ...a refugee camp... 2,500 foreign prisoners-of-war, including Americans, had been held in camps near Tambov. N-COUNT: oft n N 2. A camp is an outdoor area with buildings, tents, or caravans where people stay on holiday. N-VAR 3. A camp is a collection of tents or caravans where people are living or staying, usually temporarily while they are travelling. ...gypsy camps... We’ll make camp on that hill ahead. N-VAR 4. If you camp somewhere, you stay or live there for a short time in a tent or caravan, or in the open air. We camped near the beach. VERB: V • Camp out means the same as camp. For six months they camped out in a caravan in a meadow at the back of the house. PHRASAL VERB: V P • camping They went camping in the wilds. ...a camping trip. N-UNCOUNT 5. You can refer to a group of people who all support a particular person, policy, or idea as a particular camp. The press release provoked furious protests from the Gore camp and other top Democrats. N-COUNT: usu supp N 6. If you describe someone’s behaviour, performance, or style of dress as camp, you mean that it is exaggerated and amusing, often in a way that is thought to be typical of some male homosexuals. (INFORMAL) James Barron turns in a delightfully camp performance. ADJ • Camp is also a noun. The video was seven minutes of high camp and melodrama. N-UNCOUNT 7. see also camped, aide-de-camp, concentration camp, holiday camp, labour camp, prison camp, training camp 8. If a performer camps it up, they deliberately perform in an exaggerated and often amusing way. (INFORMAL) PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a place where people stay in temporary shelters, such as tents, usually for a short time  (Let's go back to the camp - it's getting dark. | break camp (=take down a tent or shelter you have been using)) 2 prison/labour etc camp a place where people are kept for a particular reason, when they do not want to be there  (a refugee camp)  (- see also concentration camp) 3 a place where young people go to relax and take part in activities, often as members of an organization  (scout camp | summer camp)  (- see also day camp, holiday camp) 4 a group of people or organizations who have the same ideas or principles, especially in politics  (the extreme right-wing camp of the party) ~2 v 1 to set up a tent or shelter and stay there for a short time  (We'll camp by the river for the night, and move on tomorrow. | camping equipment) 2 go camping to visit an area and stay in a tent  (We went camping in the mountains last weekend.) camp out phr v 1 to sleep outdoors, usually in a tent 2 to stay somewhere where you do not have all the usual things that a house has  (We'll just have to camp out until our furniture arrives.) camp sth up phr v informal to deliberately behave in a funny, unnatural way, with too much movement or expression ~3 adj informal 1 a man who is camp moves or speaks in the way that people used to think was typical of homosexuals 2 clothes, decorations etc that are camp are very strange, bright, or unusual  (Only you could get away with wearing that outfit - it's so camp!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Cardio And Muscular Performance physiol. abbr. Camphor U.S. gov. abbr. Continuous Air Monitoring Project U.S. gov. abbr. Campaign Against Marijuana Planting mil. abbr. Computer- Assisted Message Preparation univ. abbr. College Assistance Migrant Program perf. arts abbr. Cinema Arts Music And Play perf. arts abbr. Cinema Art Music And Politics media abbr. Computer Aided Music Production non-prof. org. abbr. Council on America's Military Past religion abbr. Committed Adult Ministry Partners gen. bus. abbr. Computer Aided Management And Planning NASDAQ abbr. California Amplifier, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: BREAK CAMP. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. camp "contest," early loan from L. campus "open field" (see campus), especially "open space for military exercise." The verb meaning "to encamp" is from 1543. Meaning "tasteless" is homosexual slang, perhaps from mid-17c. Fr. camper "to portray, pose" (as in se camper "put oneself in a bold, provocative pose"), first recorded 1909 but popularized 1964 by Susan Sontag's essay "Notes on Camp." Camp-meeting is from 1809, usually in reference to Methodists. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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