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Англо-русский биологический словарь - buck


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Перевод с английского языка buck на русский


1) самец (оленя, антилопы, зайца, кролика); козёл; баран; хряк

2) становиться на дыбы; брыкаться

antlered buckblack buckblazed buckblue buckBohor reed buckbush buckmountain reed buckreed buck

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См. в других словарях

  off сбрасывать (с седла) Some horses are specially trained to buck their riders off, to amuse the crowd at an outdoor performance. BUCK up  а) встряхнуться, оживиться, проявить энергию A good holiday will buck you up. Buck up, your troubles will soon be over.  б) спешить Buck up, were all waiting. BUCK along трястись в экипаже BUCK I  1. noun  1) самец (оленя, антилопы, зайца, кролика)  2) obs. денди, щеголь - old buck  3) pejor. южноамериканский индеец  4) amer.; coll. доллар  5) марка в покере, указывающая, чья сдача  6) брыкание to pass the buck to amer. - сваливать ответственность на другого  2. v.  1) становиться на дыбы; брыкаться  2) amer.; coll. выслуживаться - buck against - buck along - buck off - buck up - much bucked to buck ones ideas up - coll. быть настороже, держать ухо востро II  1. noun; amer.  1) козлы для пилки дров  2) козел (гимнастический снаряд)  2. v.  1) распиливать (деревья) на бревна  2) дробить (руду) III  1. noun щелок  2. v. бучить; стирать в щелоке BUCK against amer. противиться, выступать против ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. самец любого животного 2. самец оленя, антилопы и т. п. 3. самец зайца, кролика 4. уст. денди, щеголь old buck —- дружище, старина 5. отчаянный, смелый человек 6. презр. южноамериканский индеец 7. оленья кожа; лосиная кожа 8. pl. штаны из оленьей кожи; лосины 9. ам. воен. жарг. рядовой 10. покрывать (самку) 11. взбрыкивание (лошади в попытке сбросить седока) 12. ам. проход с мячом в зону противника (футбол) 13. хвастовство, бахвальство 14. взбрыкивать, стараясь сбросить седока (о лошади) to buck off —- сбрасывать с седла 15. рвануть, дернуть (об автомашине) to buck along —- трястись (в машине) 16. ам. разг. обыкн. в отрицательных предложениях противиться, выступать против you can't buck (against) the rule —- вы не можете выступать против правил 17. ам. разг. выслуживаться, подхалимничать to buck for a job —- выслуживаться, чтобы продвинуться по службе 18. разг. хвастаться, похваляться Id: much (greatly) bucked —- оживленный, довольный Id: we were bucked by the news —- разг. новость ободрила нас 19. ам. разг. доллар big bucks —- деньжищи, бешеные деньги to be in the bucks —- иметь денежки, быть при деньгах 20. ам. козлы (для пилки) 21. ам. козел (гимнастический снаряд) 22. ам. распиливать, кряжевать бревна 23. дробить (руду) 24. эл. понижать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. жарг. доллар ("бак") Возможно, происходит от слова, обозначающего оленью шкуру (buck сокр. от buckskin), которая использовалась индейцами в качестве денег в XVII в.; но, возможно также, от названия фишки в игре в покер (см. buch) 2. фишка (в покере); перен. ответственность Из игры в покер (с середины XIX в.): перед игроком, которому предстояло сдавать карты, клали фишку, часто используя вместо нее серебряный доллар buck - на нем заканчивался круг. Отсюда выражение "the buck stops here". Фишку можно было передать другому игроку - отсюда выражение pass the buck = "переложить ответственность на другого" 3. бак В футболе football, проход с мячом в зону противника 4. разг. "молодой" ("зеленый", "салага") Низший ранг в данной категории военнослужащих, например, buck private = "молодой" солдат. См. тж. buck general ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) самец (оленя, антилопы, зайца, кролика); козёл; баран; хряк 2) становиться на дыбы; брыкаться – antlered buck – black buck – blazed buck – blue buck – Bohor reed buck – bush buck – mountain reed buck – reed buck ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) амер., сленг доллар See: dollar 2) мн. деньги 3) сленг сумма в 100 долларов ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) раскряжёвка раскряжевывать to buck log — раскряжёвывать бревно 2) дробить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  обрамление дверного проёма (металлическое или деревянное) для крепления дверной коробки козлы для распиловки лесоматериалов door buck rough buck ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) пильные козлы 2) раскряжёвка; распиловка (брёвен на доски) раскряжёвывать; распиливать (брёв- на на доски) 3) дробить; измельчать 4) перемещать, транспортировать 5) грузить 6) машиностр. зажимать, фиксировать (штамп, пуансон) 7) противодействовать 8) компенсировать (о полярности) 9) кож. замша 10) мн. ч. шерстяная пестротканная ткань в клетку - door buck - press buck - rough buck ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 the male of various animals, esp. the deer, hare, or rabbit. 2 archaic a fashionable young man. 3 (attrib.) a sl. male (buck antelope). b US Mil. of the lowest rank (buck private). --v. 1 intr. (of a horse) jump upwards with back arched and feet drawn together. 2 tr. a (usu. foll. by off) throw (a rider or burden) in this way. b US oppose, resist. 3 tr. & intr. (usu. foll. by up) colloq. a make or become more cheerful. b hurry. 4 tr. (as bucked adj.) colloq. encouraged, elated. Phrases and idioms buck fever US nervousness when called on to act. buck-horn horn of buck as a material for knife-handles etc. buck-hound a small kind of staghound. buck rarebit Welsh rarebit with a poached egg on top. buck-tooth an upper tooth that projects. Derivatives bucker n. Etymology: OE buc male deer, bucca male goat, f. ON 2. n. US etc. sl. a dollar. Phrases and idioms a fast buck easy money. Etymology: 19th c.: orig. unkn. 3. n. sl. an article placed as a reminder before a player whose turn it is to deal at poker. Phrases and idioms pass the buck colloq. shift responsibility (to another). Etymology: 19th c.: orig. unkn. 4. n. 1 US a saw-horse. 2 a vaulting-horse. Etymology: Du. (zaag)boc 5. n. the body of a cart. Etymology: perh. f. obs. bouk belly, f. OE buc f. Gmc 6. n. conversation; boastful talk. Etymology: Hindi buk buk ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bucca stag, he-goat; akin to Old High German boc he-goat, Middle Irish bocc  Date: before 12th century  1. or plural ~ a male animal; especially a male deer or antelope  2.  a. a male human being ; man  b. a dashing fellow ; dandy  3. or plural ~ antelope  4.  a. ~skin; also an article (as a shoe) made of ~skin  b.  (1) dollar 3b  (2) a sum of money especially to be gained make a quick ~; also money — usually used in plural  5. short for saw~ sawhorse  a. a supporting rack or frame  b. a short thick leather-covered block for gymnastic vaulting  II. verb  Date: 1750  transitive verb  1.  a. archaic butt I  b. oppose, resist ~ing the system  2. to throw (as a rider) by ~ing  3. to charge into (as a headwind)  4.  a. to pass especially from one person to another  b. to move or load (as heavy objects) especially with mechanical equipment  intransitive verb  1. of a horse or mule to spring into the air with the back arched  2. to charge against something (as an obstruction)  3.  a. to move or react jerkily  b. to refuse assent ; balk  4. to strive for advancement sometimes without regard to ethical behavior ~ing for a promotion  • ~er noun  III. noun  Date: circa 1877 an act or instance of ~ing  IV. noun  Etymology: short for earlier ~horn knife  Date: 1865  1. an object formerly used in poker to mark the next player to deal; broadly a token used as a mark or reminder  2. responsibility — used especially in the phrases pass the ~ and the ~ stops here  V. adjective  Etymology: probably from 1~  Date: 1918 of the lowest grade within a military category a ~ private  VI. adverb  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1928 stark, completely ~ naked BUCK  biographical name Pearl 1892-1973 nee Sydenstricker American novelist ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bucks, bucking, bucked) 1. A buck is a US or Australian dollar. (INFORMAL) That would probably cost you about fifty bucks... Why can’t you spend a few bucks on a coat?... = dollar N-COUNT 2. A buck is the male of various animals, including the deer, antelope, rabbit and kangaroo. N-COUNT 3. If someone has buck teeth, their upper front teeth stick forward out of their mouth. ADJ: ADJ n 4. If a horse bucks, it kicks both of its back legs wildly into the air, or jumps into the air wildly with all four feet off the ground. The stallion bucked as he fought against the reins holding him tightly in. VERB: V 5. If you buck the trend, you obtain different results from others in the same area. If you buck the system, you get what you want by breaking or ignoring the rules. While other newspapers are losing circulation, we are bucking the trend... He wants to be the tough rebel who bucks the system... VERB: V n, V n 6. If you get more bang for the buck, you spend your money wisely and get more for your money than if you were to spend it in a different way. (mainly AM INFORMAL) I think it’s very important for those governments to do whatever they can to get a bigger bang for the buck. = value for money PHRASE: usu v compar PHR 7. When someone makes a fast buck or makes a quick buck, they earn a lot of money quickly and easily, often by doing something which is considered to be dishonest. (INFORMAL) His life isn’t ruled by looking for a fast buck... They were just in it to make a quick buck. PHRASE: usu v PHR 8. If you are trying to make a buck, you are trying to earn some money. (INFORMAL) The owners don’t want to overlook any opportunity to make a buck. PHRASE: V inflects 9. If you pass the buck, you refuse to accept responsibility for something, and say that someone else is responsible. (INFORMAL) David says the responsibility is Mr Smith’s and it’s no good trying to pass the buck. PHRASE: V inflects 10. If you say ‘The buck stops here’ or ‘The buck...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »MONEY« AmE, AustrE informal a dollar  (He owes me ten bucks. | big bucks (=a lot of money) | make a fast buck (=make some money quickly, often dishonestly)) 2 pass the buck to try to blame someone else or make them responsible for something that you should deal with  (You were the one who took on this job. Don't try to pass the buck.) 3 the buck stops here used to say that you are the person who is responsible when no-one else will accept the responsibility 4 »MALE ANIMAL« plural buck or bucks a male deer, rabbit etc  (- compare doe) 5 feel/look like a million bucks AmE informal to feel or look very healthy, happy, and beautiful 6 buck naked AmE informal wearing no clothes at all 7 »WELL-DRESSED MAN« a well-dressed young man in early 19th-century England  (a Regency buck) ~2 v 1 »HORSE« if a horse bucks, it kicks its back feet into the air, or jumps with all four feet off the ground 2 »THROW SB« to throw a rider off by jumping in this way 3 »CAR« AmE if a car bucks, it moves forward in a way which is not smooth, but stops and starts suddenly 4 »OPPOSE« informal to oppose something in a direct way; resist + against/a  (Initially he bucked against her restraints, but later came to accept them. | buck the system (=avoid the usual rules))  (natural rebls, with the guts it takes to buckt he system | buck atrend)  (The growth of the company has bucked the current recessionary trend in the industry.) buck for sth phr v to try very hard to get something, especially a good position at work  (He's bucking for promotion.) buck up phr v 1 T buck someone up) to become more cheerful or make someone more cheerful  (Come on, buck up, things aren't that bad!) 2 buck up! BrE spoken used to tell someone to hurry up  (Buck up, John! We'll be late.) 3 buck your ideas up BrE informal used to tell someone to try harder to improve their behaviour or attitude ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Buckhead America Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. bucca "male goat," from P.Gmc. *bukkon, probably from PIE base *bhugo. Verb is 1848, apparently with a sense of "jump like a buck." Meaning of "dollar" is 1856, Amer.Eng., abbreviation of buckskin, a unit of trade among Indians and Europeans in frontier days, attested in this sense from 1748. Buckshot is first recorded 1447; bucktooth is from 1753. Pass the buck is first recorded 1912, Amer.Eng., from buck "article put in the jackpot in a poker game and taken by the winner as a reminder to order another jackpot." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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